w. Ik r fclN: EDITORIAL By MARION ANGUS B.C. Conquer Cancer Campaign Puliclty Director An all-out Intensive campaign to "further trie ;onquest of enncer is now In full swing. In short, our donation is solicited to help achieve British Columbia's $300,000 objective. In British Columbia the B.C. 'Cancer Foundation and the B.C. Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society are uniting lorces to combat Canada's No. 2 Killer, which annually takes a terrible toll of the lives of more than 14,000 Canadians, over half of whom could have been saved had they been diag-nosefi properly early -enough and received prompt and adequate treatment. Cancer Is a subject which -vitally concerns 'every one of us because ONE OUT OF EVERY EIGHT CANADIANS WILL DIE OF CANCER, In fact, 37 minutes after you have read this a Canadian will die from this scourge. The average Canadian can do little to help, but the little he can do is important because self-awareness and constant vigilance may mean 'the saving or prolonging of his own life or the lives of his loved ones. The first step for the layman is to make an annual medical check-up a "must" on his health calendar. After reaching the age of 40 years, the medical check-up should be semi-annual. The second step is to be ever on the watch for the seven early unmistakable warning signals which may indicate the presence of enncer, and to seek immediate medical diagnosis If one or more appear. These signs are: 1. Sores which do not heal, particularly on tongue, lips, or mouth. 2. Painless lumps or thickening, especially on breast or thumb. 3. Discharge from any body aperture. 4. Progressive change in color or size of mole, wart, or birthmark. 5. Persistent Indigestion, especially over 40. 6. Persistent hoarseness, unexplained cough, or difficulty In swallowing. 7. Any radical change in normal bowel habits. Presence of one or more -of the above does not necessarily mean cancer has been ontradted, but it Is not safe to delay in seeking medical advice. The success of the second annual Conquer Cancer Campaign depends upon the whole-hearted support of every British Columbian. THIS AND THAT I a -co ! K 1 j "Forel" Braved Ice, Fire Girls Win Awards TORONTO Oi Two Ontario" girls have won Canadian Council, Girl Guides Association, awards for lifesavlng. They are Brownie Mary Jane Hatton of Napanee and Guide Barbara Garr of Aldershot. Mary Jane won the silver cross award for saving Donna Assektlne, 11-year-old Guide, from drowning Dec. 27, 1946, when she fell through the Ice on the cwlft-runnlng Napanee River. Realizing her companion's danger, Mary Jane crawled out on the Ice pushing a ski pole ahead of her until Donna grasped It. Then she crept back drawing her friend along to safety. The gilt cross was won by Barbara Garr for her part in averting death by fire of five neighbor's children Feib. 15, 1947. While passing the neighbor's house -she noticed a flickering light In a window. Curious, she called to another girl and en tered. The house was full of smoke and a mattress was in flames. Barbara carried two of III L A liu J .m J 111 -J T tVnl 7 .K7 nirnJ, 1 I - A If . " 3 : U the children out. Persons nearby rescued the other three chil dren after the alarm had been given. The five tots were alone at the time of the blaze. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local "news items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items 'of social and personal Interest are always welcome. GUARD THOSE YOU LOVE Give to Conquer Can GIVE TODAY Send your donation to Conquer Cancer Campaign P.O. -Box 897, Prince Rupert, or City Clerk's office, Phone 90 DR. A. MAXWELL 'EVANS, -Medical "Director of 'the' B.C. Cancer Clinic in Vancouver Is pictured here preparing a patient for treatment by the new 100 Kv. X-ray machine which was bought with part of the funds subscribed In the 1946 Conquer Cancer Campaign. The machlrie, often used in place of radium treatment for cancer of the skin and surface lesions, is only one o'f many costly 'Items of equipment needed to fight cancer in British Columbia. THIS ADVERTISEMENT CONTRIBUTED TTV"! P. R. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF LEGION H. G. HELGERSON ITD. LADIES' ORANGE BENEVOLENT ASS'N FRASER & PAYNE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NORA E. ARNOLD WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB pnncx Kupctt Dailp J3cuis Tuesday, April 22, 1947 PERT TAR SPARKS&atlon did tarial jork DEEP-SEA CRAFT Wireless Telegraphy Gives Toiftnto Girl Chance to See the World TORONTO Oi Elizabeth Pres- cott always wanted to go to sea. Wireless telfTapy gave her an opportunity anrf since the end of the war she has travelled on Norwegian ships to many parts of the world. An experienced wireless operator and secretary, the 24-year- old girj has visited Germany, Belgium, France and the 'British and Dutch West Indies. 'Early In her career at sea she was Injured and flown - to her Toronto home ;for an operation 'On her recovery she got a job on an oil tanker. Elizabeth found wartime work in a munitions factory tedious and took a wireless course. As a full-fledged graduate she obtained a Job on land at Air Observers School in Quebec. "Her ifirst sea job came iust before the end of the war when she signed on as one of the two women operators aboard the Norwegian vessel Honningsvaag, bound for Britain with a cargo of benzine. VE-Day "found the Toronto girl visiting an aunt in Scotland and she was in Bremen when Japan surrendered. On her fourth voyage Elizabeth was injured during a storm and following a plastic surgery BLACKHEADS Don't aqueete blackhead -dlwoWe them. Cot two ounce of peroxint powder from an) drni store, -and apply trntry 'with t, hot cloth over blackhead. They dlaiole and disappear by thla ! almpto method. A. MacKenzie Furniture Phone 775 LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIRTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT 327 Third Avenue turned to sea aboard the llarald Torsvik, an oil tanker. The only girl In the ahip. she combined secretarial duties with her work as chief operator. Her latest ship Is the Apoljo, a converted war cargo carrier. Miss Prescott. who wears a trim uniform with gold braid on the sleeves, admitted she was 'terribly seasick" 'on her first voyage. Her parents get letters only occasionally. But. they do not worry. They know she Is happy doing the Job she likes best. Your donation today ,to B.C.'s Conquer Cancer Campaign may pay you or a loved one a life saving dividend. L . BUSY LINE CITY Stockholm has more telephones In proportion to, its population than any other city In the world except San Francisco. Classified Aovertislng Paysl Husbands Complain: Tired, Run-down Wives Lose Beauty; Look Old Thousands of Women Regain Health Easy Way. Look Years Younger. Look In mirror! I(u rundown condition m to look niggard, old ? Want normal hnilth, yzor. nerve. plu toungrr Icoktt Thnuraml thritlrd at nich foa6f retulu. Thank Oitrex Tonle. hi blood-enriching Iron often needd for normal vim. vitror. AIo holpi restore appetite, noaruhmrnt to fill out hollow In fare or neck which 'matt many look old. Nerve improve rfore-loh Kne. Alan contain vitamin Hi. !. cium, fhoaphorua. Introductory ti.- arJf f..; 1 TrrUntrex Tonic Tablet for nornm ital"j, pep, nerve; prettier, youngrr look-.: f.ifj,.. For tale at all drug Horn everywhere. In the Spring Mood MANY STYLES, COLORS AND FAHRICS New As the Morn-Fresh As Paint BLOUSES To wear In your skirts . . . outside your skirts . . . under your suit. Use Our Convenient Budget Plan No Interest No Carrying Charge CAMPAIGN HEAD MERE IS MRS. J. D. ERASER I Mrs. J. D. Fraser, well known Prince Rupert social worker whose tireless efforts have sparked other local organiza- tions to success, is chairman j of the local Conquer Cancer : Campaign. j Mrs. Fraser Is being greatly; agisted by Mayor Nora Arnold, and Mrs. J. C. Gllker. secretary of the local branch of the 'Canadian Cancer Society, as well as by scores of voluntary canv-sers whoso names have appeared previously. In a statement today Mrs. Fraser expressed optimism that the drive would mtet with good measure of suscess. The money asked for," slv said, "is, a trifling sum In relation to the value' of the sc--viccs and prdtectlon it vil! return us." She pointed out the fact that no one escapes the threat of cancer, and that everyone will benefit from a concentrated attack on the disease. Cancer kills more than 1300 men, women, and chlltfrcn in British Columbia every year. I stB i jBH ' ifl! lHL. rlak: l-i ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME Ju?t Tell Us What You Want We ll Oet It For You Orders for anything from heme furnishings to brides' trousseaux handled with knowledge and taste from Vancouver by trained ex-perts. ALL COMMISSIONS EXECUTED IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE UNIVERSAL PERSONAL SERVICES Suite 3 535 Homer St. Vancouver PAclfic 2441 1 COTTAGE CHEESE 'New Creamed Fresh Madd j VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE PHOTOGRAPHIC Developing Printing Enlarging Coloring PORTRAITS and PASSPORTS Chandler & Cowg.ll 210 4th St. P.O. Box G15 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ANSCO PRODUCTS We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meals Roast Chicken Meat Pics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 DRIVING HOME the warning to thousands of British Columbians that unless action is taken more than 20C.000 men, women, and children now alive in B.C. will die of cancer, is this illustration appearing no'" In every newspaper. In the province. The government does not finance cancer clinics because cancer Is not a communicable disease, and the government Jim not set up any machinery ,t- handle non-ocommunicoblc diseases. It's up to us to deal with this dread disease ourselves. E. E. BUCKERFTELD, Vancouver Is provincial chairman of the Conquer Cancer Campaign. In a recent statement Mr. Buckerfield pointed out that in view of statistics which show that one person in every eight will die a victim of cancer it is the "personal responsibility of each one of us" to support the campaign. rrinr Etriicxs..! f . Aims ror $4000 2nd Major Campaig unless we act 9 will die of i Everyone Asked t pita Education, Be Mti- i . - tty c: a x.zsa A ar c: it ft ince Everv t: Wit:) F it tr.. c Mj campu:: a ciiy-w.r have tec: pant-? : and Juv mene li, vass tlv- ... worker f: Mtion- V,:. dentlal m, Campa. : "hcut the T I C. can ..-.r.r.i. ttej Ttspn ' : CI L. .... x i f r.: ri -:y cat tbt fccadquartm cupy he tenser in the ntv H.U Mrr H will a-.e'.:2 there ever i noon dur x the at?J which rur.3 O h? e J tl month Contrlbuf " t.l fcei a caplUl (."".a c!':b'.MI 1W6 for a rar.ctr Y.z- pital ex;-: ar.a r'l tl of the dread i':csa wcl to rblani p: "!cr trMtorl Part of tie fund nLil go trwar:! 'at " 'fx-l in B C Th; ' w -k ; ml In view of 'he f.r Vx: dreds rf nc i.n tv-ipi each pfir ? ' 'b' they ar'ua;'? kr. t t. j the (ILase CHARTS AND SUPPLIES CANADIAN C AMERICAN HYDKOGRArinC CM Complete coverase of all fins Vols. 1 and 11 Il.C. COAST PILOTS - AMERICAN COAST TII-OTS Capt. Lillie's B.C. Coast Guide Capt. Hansen's Handbook PARALLEL RULES 15-Inch S2.23 rlasij0i g" Inch "J Brass, 7" 24-Inch - $'15 SHIP'S PROTRACTORS True to Magnetic, 21" Aim Maem IWt be Satisfied with your Watch- UNLESS YOU CAN RELY ABSOU TRUTHFULNESS ON ITS Id1 If It varles-do one of two it ... or cct a new one. Often the latter plan Is better. i find r,lOIC' If you think It Is, you can manv dependable wau"". , i. vnil Ufm w An,i iv can prove WATCHMASTER regulate mad.."'. k,m ' $20 to $00 for the guaranty