Vo r 1 Cntfnt L I' I it a. ; r m v. IS DGET LANCERS Hood Flour $1.72 Juice 32c 45c Ai.iska service mmWis. t .irdena, ar-Sunday night i ..ud bark again had about x accommo-.irc at, much for Interior mi". the coas't. "i' "rt, the vol-i' ; a more activity. v.'a:; recently O' urge Han-in as pilot -earner North near Bella ' arcd of the wvor,K Grade "A" Eggs PER DOZEN Swansdown Flour 29c PER PKT Pasco Juice 2 TINS 29 II IIMII A rV 1 f B ttlJUiU UKANutj Zdoz. rpam Con Carni 7c 30c 25c 5c Writing Tablets EACH Robin Hood Flour 25c -LB. SACK Hedlund's Meat Balls TIN 37 Libby's Milk $4.99 PER CASE r if t r t r r n 1 1 i i v i i i p e -c t j 1 1 K I A II 1 1 H t F int i o A U MIVL.fl 1 V a iwwi.i-i.-i Rhubarb UN) i n i II VjUI a j ij Ml t 90 . "J I' r 10c 7c RAWBtKK-Y JAM'.2 northern ;c. ;on. C.P.R. Louise. -i docked .rrauy morning . jy and other nv- tiie carried 150 . a iia and the c:uu;r noplaces the N i: which now Is " u a ! overhaul. urn to the ui June, joln-i.ifh will also Pink Grapefruit 3 FOR 25 Sunkist Lemons 37c PER DOZEN Arizona Grapefruit 6 FOR 27'C Pectin Added -LB. JAR Shop Wlicre the Crowds Shop 45c 11 l.Tll ft "llTlT 111! III H 1 i l'lllf .1 1 VE SUV. as near AS YOUR PHONE" UL cuiDc a Kin sj III J l L WATERFRONT charge of Inattention to duty. The case was heard before Com mander F. II. Nelson, Coastguard examiner, who ruled that the rpecificatlon was not proved. When the liner Queen Elizabeth sails from New York May 9, Prince Rupert will not lack representation among the many hundreds of passengers on board. Fred Read of the Capitol Theatre left by last evening's train enroute to London, returning in September. Others from this city to be on the same sailing -if the Queen Elizabeth will be Mrs. W. M. Brown, already In the cast, and' Fred Scaddcn, who Is to revisit his old home land, after the lapse of a good many years. Mr. Scadden leaves on Friday of next week. The CM'. SS Princess Kathleen which spent five years in war service will be back on the B.C. coast run by June 22. There has been a complete refuting, which gives twice as many staterooms, larger lounges, roomy cortee bar. bait room, new reading and writing rooms ntul the replacing of all decks. The Kathleen is eventually to go on the Alaska run. "i AM, REQUIREMENTS IN VI l H . A. 1 vmce 4b Simmies nil JL M. your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. J"r '-cry occasion ' Fountain Pens B PRINTING COMPANY THIRD AVENUE Local News It Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:45, was reported this morning to be one hour late. General meeting Prince Rupert Baseball Association, Civic Centre, Tuesday, 8 p.m.' (93) Thomas Young, well-known canneryman of Arrandale, was a passenger aboard the Cardcna Sunday night going through to the Naas River for the summer. MOOSE MEETING April 22, 8 pjn. Installation of officers. Women of Moose Invited, (it) Miss Isobel McCrimmon returned home on the Princess Adelaide last night from Vancouver where she has been In the employ of the War Assets Corporation for the past few months. Mrs. Owen Snell, the former Audrey Parkin of this city, arrived .from Vancouver on the Cardena Sunday night, being or. the way to Sunnyside cannery to Join her husband and spend the summer. a rvj u tdmen . your annua General Meeting Is being held, in Civic Centre May 1. 8 p.m. Very important business to be dealt with. Your attendance urgently requested. R. W. Henderson, who has been with Rev. Peter Kelly on the United Church mission boat Thomas Crosby, sailed this afternoon, on the Cardcna for Vancouver. C.N.R. Crlbbagc Drive, Civic Centre Cafeteria, Wednesday, April 23, 8 p.m. Refreshments, prizes. Admission 50c. Everybody welcome. (94) Mr. and Mrs. J. Smclhurst sailed this afternoon on the Cardena for their home In Vancouver, having spent a few days here after motoring from Vancouver .to Terrace last week. Fraiik Warne, who' left Prince Rupertabout a year ago to become '.'assistant to the chief su-pcrvisor:.of fisheries at Vancouver, has now been named as chief supervisor, pending such Umo..as. a permanent appoint-. ment Is announced. Announcements All artvcrtmeimmin mis column will bo cliareetr lor full month at 2Se word. Sons of Norway Fishermen's Farewell Dance, refreshments, April 24, 1.O.D.E. Hall, tickets at Co-op store. U.F.A.W.U. Dance, Friday, April 25, Oddfellows' Hall, 10-1. Women of the Moose tea and sale, April 30. United Church Spring Sale, May 1. Card Party, Catholic Hall, May 1, 8 pjn. Band Concert, Civic Centre, May 2. Plays. United Church, April 30 and May 2. Guide Camp Tea. May 3, Mrs. 31ackaby. Novelties.. Bdptist Tea, May 0. Mrs. 011-ker's. St. Peter's Spriug jialc, May 8. Legion Auxiliary Sale. May 0. Mother's Day Tea Sale, S.O.N., Ladies, May 10, Lutheran Church 2:00 to 0:00. rrcsbytcrtan Missionary Tea, May 14, Mrs. Flatcn's. Cambral Chapter Spring Tea, May 15. Norwegian Independence Day Celebration, Oddfellows' Hall, May 16, 8 o'clock. Anglican Cathedral Chancel Guild Tea, May 22, Mrs. Nora Arnold. Job's Daughters' Tea, Mrs. Bcrncr's, May 29. Easter Star tea, Civic Centre, June 4. Presbyterian Tea, June 5, Mrs. C. G. Ham, United Church W. A. Tea on June 12. Hill GO Rose Tea, June 19. BLONDIE ems Cliff Johnson returned to the city at the end of the week from Vancouver where he spent two weeks In military hospital. He also paid a visit in Seattle with his brothers. Canadian Legion, B.EJ5.L., Special Meeting, Legion Hall, Wednesday, April 23, 8 p.m. Installation of officers, followed by moving pictures B.C. scenes and life. (95) Ladies' Bowling League Ban quet, Tues. Apr. 22, 7:15 pjn. Commodore. (94) George Bacon, who has been wintering In Victoria, Is one of the numerous mining men now returning north with the com ing or spring. A good many were in the city yesterday on the way to Skagway. Mr. Bacon plans on working his claims in the Taku River region for the summer. He Is also interested in developments In Mayo In the Yukon. THE WEATHER Synopsis Skies were mostly clear throughout southern British Columbia this morning with con tinued clear weather expected tcmorrow. Skies are overcast throughout northern B.C. with some light precipitation expect ed along the northern B.C. coast tonight and' tomorrow. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Char lottes and North Coast-South crit Section: Cloudy this morn ing, clearing this afternoon. In creasing cloudiness tonight, becoming overcast Wednesday Northern.. Section: Overcast to day and Wednesday. Intermit tent light rain or drizzle tonight and Wednesday Wind southern section northwest (15 m.p.h.), northern section light today and southerly 1 15 m.p.h.) Wcdnes day. Little change In tempera ture. Lows tonight: At Port Hardy, 40; Massett, 40; Prince Rupert, 38. Highs Wednesday Port Hardy, 53; Massett, "50; Prince Rupert, 52. EDMONTON O The first Al berta branch of the Canadian Legion, composed itircr.o wemen, has been opened" TnEd- monton. It has a membership of 3C0, and is known as Alberta branch No. 215. f 194 I ft CITY ISSUES 331 DOG LICENSES Prince Rupert may not be go ing to the dogs. Nevertheless, it has a substantial canine population. During lc48 there were 331 dog licenses Issued at the City Hall, a figure which observers of canine affairs believe to be well under the true population since there 'Is believed to be a considerable number of un licensed dogs about. Dog license fees collected by the city last year totalled $777. YOUNG KITSELAS WOMAN PASSES TERRACE Funeral of Adeline Beaven, 29-ycar-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Beaven of Kltselas, took place at Kltselas on Saturday afternoon with Rev. V. Graham, pas tor of the Full Gospel Tabernacle at Terrace, officiating. Mrs. Graham presided at the organ for the accompaniment of the hymns. Miss Beaven died at Kitselas Thursday morning after a long Illness. EXTRA TA5TY BREAD! 4. Just a Little Thing She Picked Up. ?s6V And then there, were none 1 Many people can tafely drini. tea and coffee. But others are upset by the calTein these beverages con lain. If you find yourself sleepless, nervous, irri table try changing to 1'ostum. You'll like its rich, heart-wanning flavor. Not like tea, not like cuffce, just a grand flavor all its own. s Easy to fix make Tostum right in the cup just by adding boiling water or hoi milk. Coats leu than lc a serving. POSTUM Hotel. . . ft . V arrivals Is Prince Rupert C. E. Salter, Carlisle Cannery; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Griffiths, Chicago; R. A. Forrest, Vancouver; Mrs. O. Flnnson, North Pacific Cannery; T. L. Glasener, Premier; Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Squires, Terrace; J. T Larry. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ledder, Vancouver; A. Muheln, Smlthers; H. P. Cahlfl, Vancouver; D. Brown, Sunnyside. H. A. McCavour, Sunnyside; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gurllng, Vancouver; E. R. Cassldy, city; N. E. Phln-ney, Vancouver; T. W. Rhlbb, Smlthers; O. R.-Edwards, Alaska Expecting Newsprint Mill Negotiations for establishing a newsprint mill in southeastern Alaska are continuing, according to a siatement by the U.S. secretary of the interior, Mr. Krug. ... -.t ir. BECAUSE IT'S FULL-STRENGTH this active fresh Yeast goes right to work. No waiting no extra steps! And Heischmann's fresh Yeast makes bread that tastes sweeter, is lighter, finer-textured every time. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME - get Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast I with the familiar yellow label. Dependable Canada's tested favor he for over 70 years. ... "And Then There Were None" Harold was just an old shccn-countcr. Every night, before ho got to sleep, he counted thousands of sheep . . . Then one day an Experienced Friend mggested maybe it was the caffcin in the Tea and Coffee he drank that kept the sheep jumping over the fence,. . So Harold STOPPED tea and coffee, and changed to POSTUM ... .a And right away he. only got a few hundred nhccp ovcr;tho fence before sleep overcame him . . . And iu a few nights only a dozenf. .1 A Produtt of Giwrol Foods By Chic Young i OAGWOOCl ON YOUR 1 1 I - t' CAN V3U BEAT THAT Mjjjiikiii!i I 'Hllf DON'T VOU )'H"" it f WAV HOME, WILL YOU ' . AFTER GOING 'WAV OVEPJ YOU'RE 7LOV6IT? 'I' (STOP AT THE MILLINERS Sa'" THERE TO GET IT rOCRUSHINS VZlll AND BRING HOME SHE FORGOT TO PUT VT N YOUR i r! HDtince Kupctt DnUu JcUis 3 Tuesday, April 22, 1947 Seasonal Shoes . . . by Scott and McHale The Astoria BOMBER Scotch Grain Blucher Moccasin in Antique Brown. Double Sole, All-weather welt. Widths C, D, E. $15.00 1 n mim I: tial OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday JMidnight For reservations call or write City or bepot Ticket Offices. . PRINCE RUPERT JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Bulkley Market Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1010 Phones CO and 08 The Richmond FL00DTIDE Plump Calf Blucher Moccasin In medium shade brown. Slip Sole Widths C and E ii w n an mi iiim"J-i-J $10.25 iL-j.iiriamninir.imi FOR YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK CONSULT THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Estimates given fur any type construction. Tlione 5C3 Night Red 603 a Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to 'Baby Talk' W'c'rc always ready to talk about yaur baby and serve his needs, too. For finest quality products visit our Tender Aire Centre WE FEATURE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR BABY McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED (E. C. WALLACE, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 71) Be Sure of the Best WE DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue Phone WAR ASSETS COAL Tcr Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Run Rulk... $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 IT'S SPRING Time to repair and recondition your home CALL GREER I BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 5C1 P O. Box Ml -'if ml