dtiuc Rupert Dally f-Jcuis- Wt-dnesday, February 19; 1 017 Doolan 2. 1. Angus. Total 34 Kincolith Is Beaten The Sons oi Klnco'Ith were handed a trouncing last n;j;hi at the hands of the high-Hying Savoy senior cagers by a 67-34 score. Led oil t R. Holkestad and Jos Davis who chalked up POUT EDWARD IS IX CELLAR Port Edv.ard dropped to the eilinr position o the Senior "B men's league as a l.sult of a 43- 37 loss they were handed by the 23 and 19 points respectively, league-leading Macey's squad. Savoy easily swept through the p0rt Edward got otf to a goosl visitors defences. Starting off start by ouUcoriag the locals slowly the Savoy squad had the J z-n at th end of the first P2C 14-10 at the first quarter j quarter. Macey's 'came roaiing jnatk, stretching this to 28-1G back in the second frame to take uy jne half-time breather. They i the iead 21-19 at the half. Four- maved still farther out In front In the third frame with the period ending up 38-24. In the last, quarter things really began to hum for the locals. As the K'ncolith defences fell apart. Savoy increafed the tempo and. before the game was over, they lurt lacked up nearly half of tlif lr points in this :ast frame. Ourney of rlu local Senior "R" Port Edward .squad was high man for the visitors with 12 IXtlnts and he was helped by II. Doolan who netted 10 but their rfforts alone could not stem'the 'tii'e of Svoy shots. -The Kincolith squad made a ' --Icotl impression with the fans and is one of the best squads at "bibendling and Is one of best cf Uie many fine out of town ball clubs, who have played recently at the Civic Centre. Last jiilght, hewever. they needed Sporo than sood ball handling. Jtliey needed shots and this is rt-here thev t?.l down. rf Kivo!ithM. Haldane C, II. liZc AC t. S. Dolon, II. Doolan 10. "-If. Haidine 2. Gurney 12, D. Vclr 1. R. Calder. J. Stewart, S. In? on still more pressure Macsy's increased their lead la the third quarter to 30-31 but not before Port Edward had thnwn a scare into th coffce-rtriukmg lads. Ffom the Jump after the se:or.d half b?gan Port Edv.ard mrm?.Hari1y be??n to sifrie and, befora their fir-- had burned out. they were leading 27-21. But this was still early In the frame .and Macey's called far a rest and then came back strong again. With Bob Mensies of Mac?y's leadii,' the way with 20 points the victors bad an ear' time f-"ni h?re on m. Still A. Gurney, the current scoring are. raan-nT?!l to net b!meM another 16 points to keep his grasp on the hrh scorer berth secure. Port Edward C. Clayton 5, T. Cf ?"pns. U. Nelson A. Stevens 4. 1. St-vm A. Gurney 16. S. Alexander 2, C. Alton 10, R. McNeil, R. Morgan, A. Ieson. Total 37 n Macey's Menzles 20, Gill 2, 7T-!!.Tin n rj. pierce 6, Arnstan . E. Plrrrc 3, James 2, Tens. Total 45. PEOPLE' SSTOKE i So70-R. U-ilkfstad 20. M. EASY WIXXERS "r-Btvsti 3. T. Arncy 8, D. Arney ; Once a?an the Sweet Sixteen Store! qiffhtet 33T13. People's Storas were reay-flyig high, last night with their new white and brovfh uniforms lending a nice flor.ftrait to blue and white j cf the Sweet Sixteen squad. For . pwo quarters Sixteens kept fairly ! onts but In the other two frames :c!l oemjHctely aoirt. On the s'wt side at the first quarter mark. 7-5. Sweet Sixteen were ! left behind at half time with the score standing 19-10. Tnen in the cleteiy played third period they ept up to their rivals but were still 9 points behind 21-12. In the la$t quarter Psople's Store really went to town while the ha;:leas "Sweets" cnukl not even get started. Edna Sandhals and Lecna Blain took top billing in the scoring standings with 11 and nine co'nts rpifce. People's Store Sandhs1- 11 Blcin 9. Grey 2, Berg 7", Bill 4, Vurkovitch, Balagho, Thornton. Total 33. Sweet Sixteen Jordan 1, Cur-rie 4. Younaman- 5. Dumas. Kll- dal. Winffle 3, MacKinnon, Hitch-ins. Slmonson. Total 13. LECIOX WINNER OVER KINCOLITH For the first time this season' the local juniors felt what it was like to play before a full house and Legion came through in the closing second to snatch a two-point win from the visiting Kiscollth Juniors 30-23. The visitors had a hard time getting started while Legion started out with a bang. At the end of the first quarter the score stood 1E-6 with the locals having the lead. The jecond period slowed down but Lejlon still managed to In tercast their lead closing the fl-st half 19-9. In the opening quarter of the second half Kincolith- faund themselves and came fighting "Iback into t'r. ? ame, rlosing the gap to 24-21. The last frame -was as e-xeiting as any Senior game witnessed ?lth iboth teams striving. for th" lead. j. StBwart.of-the Kincolith crO it ..SURE. I STARTED IT Yes, son, you're now meeting up with formulae and test tulws, hut r!iomitry lias Ixm with you all your life. In one form or another it lias guarded your health, luleil to fci-il ami riot lie you ami provided many of ihc things thaj have niaih; your young career m zetful. Now you arc learning how tin great ervire works. Your first giiiipli- eiM-ri- ments are the roots from which sprang Mieh Laic proihiels as chlorine, to purify water, fertilizers to Rtimtilale. foMl gi-owth, inseelieiilert lo kill jh-kI anil guard crojis, anil paint to proleel ami heautify. You know ahout nylon hosiery, for cxampli. The same plastic, i made a.4 a monofilament, so strong that it is used for falling line leaders ' 'and tennis racket strings. Chemistry never stands still, ll ! constantly searching for and finding new and hftler products. For tlii is a rheiuiea . world and the C-I-I. Oval is thesynihol of an organization devoted lo srrrinn CannJitins ihrungli rlnmhtry. C" I i i t I ' t I I t t IN-4M r."-'" i i . i RIO UfGiH? ( CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMI 1 1 M'm v. nam. i i WINS FIGURE SKATING CROWN Barbara Ann Scott, pert Ottawa figure-skating star. Is now world's figure skating champion, tailing the. honor at Stockholm Sunday. The 18-year-old Canadian .skater won the European title against the world's finest women iigure skaters. points. Cartoon or the Legion CO-OP, GROTTO was second hih with 11 but he ; . . . had more shooting support than 1 LkALJ Mfc.IN o Stuart j FIVE PINS Kincolith ' R. Doolan 2, B. ?tt.vart, II. Caldsr 1, H. Watte 2. ! C-P and Orctto emerged J. Stewart 15. T. Stevens 8, I. wln an unblemished record of Stewart, ,J. Watts, C. Watts . thiee victories ca:h to share Total 23. i tcp not: lion In Monday nlght'3 Leior.4-Olson 4. Lien 2. Won? session ci the Men's Five Pin 5. Boulter 4. Carlson 11, Hill 2. League. Co-op swamped Gyro Eidsvlck, Forman 2. Total 39. DURBAN : Oi James Robson, H-.sytn. ototam3, ts ' lepared t m'.t' one eye to get a imsaje t3jvStJual scoring, each with a n-Sonth Afsiea. He has wriUen f.jkle-me high of 320. Sparks a newfmaoer here offering the captured the three-game aggre squad led hfe team through tt cornea of'cneti'f his ayes to fe-bucKct but was unable to quite store yight to some South Afri- net the winning basket. Never- can.dn return he wants Dassaee : -. D"ls 10, Murray 9; Vudso-jr-iid tok a heavr def?at. this ' the!es he did man?.?; to ccne for his wife and himself and a BtcI 3 Haugan 2. Total 67. thne'at the hand? of the People's out on irn high sccrer with 15 guaranteed jcb. THIS YEAR SIR TED j and Grotto blanked the Post CSfice aggregation. , R. Sparks or Morgans .and T. 1 Rhodes of ones led the Indi- gate with a hlh score of 839. Game ?orc3: Co-op 3, Gyri 0. Orctto 3, Post Office 0. Stones 2, Morgans I. Fish Cock 2, North Star 1. Malkins 2. Burns 1. Moose 2. Peoples Store 1 SHORT SPORT Canada's KimberJey Dyn.unlt-,-n; advahced into t-'i- se. and. -cur.d of Iho world's am: trur 'itic'tey championh:' .n '. .m'oh !4 ycaVs ajo.when they defeated ""ised n 9-0.; A week later tfiey Aaeied Fndans horn"; of tak- inT' the titte by scoring a 3-0 Stn over the Englishmen. They itBMt r.n ta the nhn sfeeatlng Switzerland 2-1 in the I final. 1 Phil Scott, then BrIU?h heaw "'e:'.ht Inxlng champion, held'; i "toxin tea" for 4r d:bu-: 'intes and socially promlnents 'n a f jsh'pnet'e' Palm Bear.h Cub 17 years ago. "Phalntlns "h!l" met Jack Sharkey, gabby ".Hon sauor, ifive days later nd lot on a technical knock-mt after claiming a foul. J. V. MOLLEK !" phone in;un 155 124 4th Ave. East PAPRU HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Us branches. 200 4th Street : Phone 055 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 480 Red 894 i JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 ISCHEDULE OF 'FiVE-P!N BOWLS Time-table lor Final Section of Season Is Announced Schedule for Men Jive-Pin Bcr-Vis League for the third and final section of the season ils Tnnouiiced as follows: I Feb. 4 Stones vs. Burns; Mo: ? vs. Mnlklns; Post Office v North Star: Co-op vs. Fish Dock; Grotto vs. Peoples Store; Mor.ans vs. Grotto. March 3 Fish' Dock vs. Gyrd; Mnr,ans vi Burns; Stones vs. iMalkins; North Star vs. Co-op; ! Moose vs. Grotts; Post Offlc? I vs. Peoples Store. March 10 Moose vs. North North Star; Co-op vs. Post Office; Gyro v. Burns; Malklns vs. Morgans; Peoples Store vs. Stonei; Fish Dock vs. Grotto. March ' 17 Peoples Stofe vs. .T;ilkins; Gyro vs. Stones; Mor-Ptaas vs. Co-op; Post Office vs. Fl h Dock; Grotto vs. North Star; Burns vs. Moose. March 24 Post Office vs. Morgans; North Star vs. Peoples Store; Malkln vs. Grotto; Gyro v. Moos?; Fish Dock vs. Bum-.; Stones vs. Co-op. M;;rch 31 Stones vs. Fish DocV; Grotto vs. Gyro; Co-op vs. Mooce; Peoples Store Vo. Burns; North Star vs. Morgans; Malklns vs. Post Office. April 7 Morgans vs. Grotto; j Bums vs. Co-op; Peoples Store vs. Fish Dock: North Star vs. Malklns; ' Post Office vs. Gyro; Stones vs. Wjore. April 14-Co-op vs. Peoples More;' Malklns v.. Fish Dock; Burns vs. Post Office; Stones vs. Grotto; Morgans vs. Moose; Gyro vs. North Star. Apiil 2., Grotto vs. Burns: Stones vs. Noith Star; Fish Dock vs. Morgans; Moose vs. Post Office; Gyro vs. Peoples Store; Co-opc vs. Malkias. April 28 Malklns vs. Gyro: Fish Dock vs. Moose; Grotto vs. Co-op; Burns vs. North Star; Stones vs. Post Office; Peoples Store vs. Morgans. May 5 PosfOfflce vs. Grotto, Fish Dock vs. North Star; Morgans vs. Stimes; Ptoples Store vsc. Moo-'e. Coup v.v Gyru Burns v- M.Ukln With fAinoru Blades! Greater comfort, plus economy that's th'e lowdown on Minora. It's the quality blada In tho low-prico field. FITS YOUR DOUBU-CDCe RAZOR GEORGE L. ItOUII Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besncr Block - Phone 387 JERRY VREBOSCH - PAPERHANGING and PAINTING PHONE 372 K PaOUPTM4 EFFICIENT SWYK1 mII sour l(if( H COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. Lit Business and Professional ! SMITH & ELKINS LTD. i - Plumbing and Heating ' Engineers P. N. Kllborn W. Peterson HERTS TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express ' Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert 'PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prnmnt aLLentlnn tn mull nr.ln.. Box 516, Phone 777; 300 3rd Ave Serving the Fisheries industry wi:i,ls r.u.) ltd, (MRTAOK Certified WelRliers - Samplers rtrcinidltloners iJilx-lllntt Contractors HMJK !I80 1 m catu otw i KM n M Fort Carry Coffee it tealed in etnuiw P to protect iti rich, rosittr.freili (. i ou ii enjoy rori uarry I ea, too! EVEREADY BATTERI "B" BATTERIES No.36 15-volt Extra Heavy Df No. 770 15-volt Heavy Duty No. :W5 Ift-volt Medium Duty "A" BATTERIES No. 710 Dry l'-volt No. A 1 :'()() Air Cell 1" -volt No. A2G00 Air Cell 2-volf "A-B" BATTERY PACKS No. 71S Superlayerbuilt No. 750 Mini-Max Now available tit Si Steamer Service r i mrm OCEAN FALLS VVESTVIEW Powell Klver) VANCOUVER Thursday at 1 1 : IS p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT iii-WAY si:rvk r. Now Open for Servicing, Liulit Repairs and Vulcanizing lil l.l,.MY & TUFKO 401 McBrfde TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage ' WE MEET ALL -TRAINS- SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. Smith) P.O. Hox 107 Terrace MICKS FRASER HOUSE Dalmatian Male Tuppies ' For Sale W Phone Ulack 823 Out-of-Town Order.? Olven PHONE s;i 13 RY B A T T E fl Her'. "jjfj iim' IUTlU'1 Clirj Ucr cni(inVj lhrminmccu"i i. i;,,..nl inn ,, . ..,.r..,t,t lllt VI I i mi Sin !upH'''I .IrprllJiMf i, .iiiuiK W ii.i i . . 4Elume 171 P.O, Uox 274 mm Mxmm umsiiYuu. A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS OmiH" "CHRYCO" riiRVCcrM5l o.rinlrcfJ M Vrl im'pkiit: i ii""- Bob Parker Lw$ AN" ?f' FORD AND MONARCH SALES "The Homo-of Friendly Service AND V;W1U1 1JD ll'J Oiwvi - n FORI) PARTS AND ACCF$ 1 -NORTHERN 'IN ...omtlt A"" i PRINCE1