.... NORTHERN AND qmuikt UhfilGU COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER taxi ; fTAXI "tTYTYTYTI TAXI 3 E e 235 537 lAND NIGHT SERVICE .Slam!: T . SI . .1,1 'liilril Am. 7 1'iiblisiied at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific l'ort "1'rincc Kupert, the Key to Uic Great Northwest" Bill and Ken Nesbitt VOL. XXXVI, No. 42. PRINCE RUPERT J3.C. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS u lie tin A Tuour.1 ,i: NCA A French E,in n plane waslrug-rralcly toward III t III. itun imiuy nun ioul jf commission, f been jeltfcncd. , Ls luiind frnni lli-r- Kis-alilanca with land crew of 11. IN ATLANTIC A great .storm, miles southeast of iraging In the At- BO miles Jht Hour, passenger liners and tavc changed their 0 ('(1ST AIOKK VA 'railor-iiiailr red sfler February ! Milijnt to '." i-iriic IOVAI, FAMILY UN-Tlic Kins and j ,1'riiiccsse l.lizn-lirgarrt Kosc, mak- Ifirsl trip out of fcince arrival, vWlrd kin naval base lo-Enstovi ji is 22 miles Tin. rnvjl narlv H-cl 1 lie Kcnilworlh nr.vr ox III A - A widespread fcrriRii a;ciil is Mralia ;pricr In the 1; rocket lionili tsi limit is similar tlidi nrrrdrcl the rases in ,CanaiU. in pailstim: 1,1. M -Police report that inc '.nritili . . MiRiuiy nijiiirii Inick w.is blown up night by an flee iilrolled mine on a fciildicrs searched In Tel Aviv today. ties were reported. IA IS ICIOUS Iiivm.i of Keeping runes. Abroad Mo cow radio &r Anatoli Os dov. (i Soviet chargos !: CUilc.s was kcep-e (yrrci .slatlonat Miarlnx groat it I. in the Arctic. here are Amcrl-"ywlicrc and In Ciiurchill, Manl- pie imcnt with Jct- KU1C IIIG DETS 'More Intensive n Cver P.crorr, Iti lls House 'R' Dlyini; in the fommons Mwnclay to 'Htiti m, Defence u:Ue C iixt.on said i 11 -f us in noli would l'i year on cadet. V in Canada as had in nv cf t.ln urn.. ' ' enuth of the I Cl)"ns Wlllllrl Vin cir f'luleLs 15,000 l lO.IKlO Prcwnr ti numbered 7.000. M a: d the first air ""n formed in 1040. :cnt, Dlanncd to ii'lnn available only ween the ncs of 14 r):,i'C!!;,lvc-Conscrva-?J!? Major General M Nanalmo and Lt. crnti of Vanrauvpr- P critiCiZcd pians t0 c limit- for enriet pd Ularr it I,. u canister of Nation- r of National Dc- Ecr cvm,:izcd for as. authority than any iother "iinistcrs. even ft the War nnrl I 1)..; uiitliMi'ii. f; that of simila'; cuuntries, Oil. STRIKE POSTPONED SAN 1KANC1SC0 The United Slates Conciliation Service eoinmissiouer tu-noujitcd today that the strike or approximately 20,000 C.I.O. oil workers in five western slates, .scheduled In begin this morning-, had been poiipMied for 21 hours. A final effort to reach a .kcll lenient will be made today at a (meeting of union representatives and the Standard Oil Co. "SINISTER MONOPOLY" VANCOUVER Official of Veterans' Brewery (Holding) l.imilitl, organisation consisting of 70 veterans ol Uic Second World War formed to establish an independent brewery here, charged that a "sinister and all-powerful monopoly" was responsible fT their rremil failure to e-ruic a license, They ,-taid Pro vincial Secretary George Pearson had replied to their rc-ii;est for a license 'by saying that "the government is of the opinion that granting ,-sucli a request would not be In the public interest at this time." WHEAT ACiKIXM KNT OTTAWA A proposed in-lcriialiin.il wheal agreement diatvn up by the International Wheal Council anil tabled last night tin the House of Commons rreommrnded Canadian prices or $1.25 and JI.55 a bushel for N. 1 Manitoba norlhrni and $1.35 a bushel for 'No. 1 .Manitoba northern be set as the basis fit minimum and maximum .export prices. 11 ATA I. hotel 1 iki; AM ; I IORA 1 1 Iv-Tv. person Ifcwcie burned In death and Palc- itae eoaslM Hrr arc fci critical roMc1itii.ii with burns as U result of fire which destroyed the Palace llulrl here. RECRUITING FOR NAVAL RESERVES mTAWA--ltccruMn8 lor the i p: nnancnl Royal C'anuclfan I Navy having alwut rcaclittl Its j uuola, iiiiphasis Is now being I put on the development .of the active R.C.N. (Reserve). As an encouragement to brlnijlns Ihc 10 dlvNons from Prince Edward Island to Prince Ruix.-rt up to strength, educational recjuire-nicnts have been .set at Grade IS In Miiic-categories, while hi tlx case of seamen, stokers and ptiunibm It will also be necessary for the candidate to pass a voimul uibillty lost and to be ni V'aHy loTinincnclecl. Rccrult-iiv for the toVicksmilh and p;i.ntw branches for the time being hi s been suspended. Skilled trac!es, wlibh Include artlfl-vors. air mechanics aivd air ra- dlo mechanics will .still require hlghur eJluraUonal grading. . NATIVE GRAMMAR The aboriginals of Australia dcvelupcd a highly graduated languiige with considerable grammar. Ind la Is Suspicion Paralyzes Peace Dea I 1.0NDON (Pi An cast-w: -rt nilfunulcrstanding tannlcd the deputy foroisu ministers ot the Hig Four in disagreement Tucj-day and left the peace trcatlc nf Rrrmnnu nnrl Auctrln !nr(.'lvf unwritten. Ociiulies assigned tti draft tlv Austrian treaty concede th;i sii y will not be able to finish their Jc. partly because of inability to reconcile views of Russia wilh thewe of the west. Dqi- jutics working, on the German treaty arc afflicted with a similar almotplicrc of mutual distrust. Russia! Urilaln and France on Monday agreed in principal l a prt'pcsa 1 yt lia I a eoiiKiiiUen be established to consult with an'1 advise the smaller states on ;.: phases of German tl'caty (", -tiations. but the United ;t abstained, pending further study PROSPECT OF ' SETTLEMENT In Maritlinrs Coal Strike Persists Jiul No Detail GLAHB DAY. Nova Scotia United Mine, Workers (Cjcx.i of the Maritime provinces, fn the midst of their first cjiwal rikc In 22 ycar,.learjicdtudax ' tfifr poJbility . ciIMestepa toward settlement of I heir wage dispute with the Dominion fiteel and Coal Conoration but there are no particulars. The union executive decided To remain in Ottawa for a further wriod on the basis of these prospects. Labor MinUttr Humphrey Mitchell said that he had "nothing at the present tlino to report which would give hope that a .solution Ls in sight." Meanwhile, preparation for a long strike proced quietly in the Maritime colliery areas as only the InJcrcolnnlal Coal Co.'s 400 Wrslvlllc. US., employees continued to produce coal. The Wcslvicw men expressed complete "sympathy" with the Truck Hits Mine; Soldiers Injured JKRUSALKM Three Uriti.ti soldiers" were- injured when an Army truck' was blown up by a '.and mine on a road near here yesterday. Local Tides Thursday, February so, 1017 lllglV 1:31 10.0 feel 13:00 20.7 feel Low1 7.15 7.1 feet 10:40 2.3 feet LUXURY TRAIN XVllA avinq 19 Anoth CARRY ROYAL FAMILY IN SOUTH AFRICA j A vent. '.uic p:daee onwhe .Is" will carry the royal family and their party when they travel by rail during the tour ol South Africa, and will be their moving home during a good share of the tour just os the train which carried the King and Queen across Canada became, lop is picturc-d gleaming white coaches of the specially-built train which has every convenience ixjssibla in railway equipment, and includes air-condltonlng against Africa's heat. Below Is alMiwtgtefur ol the . rpaimnj done In silver and gold, and. fitted with radio and telephones. " " '"' ' " " " " .. ...--'nr-V- TWO SAVED IN PLANE CRASH United Slalev .1 rmy Aircraft Comes ( (irii'f in Labrador ' GOOSE BAY. Labrador Two men aboard a United State-Army aircraft have been found safe after their plane crashed 100 miles north of here while on a test flight to Harriaon Harbor. Royal Canadian; Air Force searchers from here located the wreck and brousht'.lii the- sur vivors. WAR ASSETS HAS 48 WAREHOUSES M ONTRKAL The widespread extenf of the operations of War Assets CifrporaliOn Is indicated by the fact that it Is now oper ating !!) waiflious and one storage yard at various locations ucross Canada, ncccvding to a statement Usual by the Cor poration today. One of the wan hoih". is at 1'rince Rupert.'i another ,"l Prince Oeorge. CANADA-TO-MEXICO GOLD SIUPMENT GET8..CHECKOVER This transport aircraft is virtually floored with gold, for the solid mass of .crates you see are jammed with gold ingots beine transferred from the Bank of Canada to the Bank of Mexico. The fortune in gold was N.J.. airport where Custom' Officer Richard nlctured when the plane stopped at Newark, Magerkurth, right, checks lt over with Elmer R. Jones, left, of the Well., Farto Company who are protecting the treasure during Its transfer TODAY'S STOCKS (Cuurtrty B. V. JoliiibWu Cu. Lid.) Vancouver Braiornc Vi.'J) U.K. Con OS 'a 1I.R.X 12 Cariboo Gold 2.85 Ucntonla - .27 Gnill Wihksnc ".11 llcclley Mascot 1.12 Minto 051-4 ,Pcnd Oreille 3.05 I'Joncer 4.00 Premier Border , .07 Premier Gold ..... .. ..... 1.18 rrlvatecr 50 Reeves McDonald 1.40 Reno -.08 V4 Salmon Gold .20 Sheep Creek ..I... 1.4'J Taylor Bridge .07 Whitewater 02 '3 Vanauda (ask) .42 Congress 00 Vi Pacific Easicrn CO llcdley Amalgamated .. .08 Spud Valley .20 Central Zcbifllos U2Vz Oils : A.P. Con. .10 . Calmont .33 C. Vte B. 2.18 I'Vothllls 2.40 Home .L ri 320. , Tui'vnlci Aumaque Athona Bcallio .... Bevcourt Bobjo Oonwe.st Donalda Eldona Elder ... ia Buffalo Canadian Giant Yeljowkidfc ... Hardrock Harricana ..." Heva Gold Hosco Jaeknlfe t Jollct rcebec Lake Rowan '- Lapaska Little Long Lac Lynx Madscn Red Lake . McKcnzIc Red Iikc MacLeod Cockshutt Moneta ; Negus .C4 .35 .80 1.18 .21 .30 Ccnsolidatfdiiicltcrs .. 87.00 1.20 U7 .70. 1.20 C.20 .55 .18 .82 Mi .53 .11 '-i .70 .27 .30 2.15 .25 3.00 .80 1.05 .65 2.10 Noranda 49.50 Pickle Crow 3.05 San Antonio 4.00 Senator Rouyn -55 Sherritt Gordon 4.C0 Steap Rock 2 46 Sturgeon River 24 Marine Moves Dept. kjvzt llcacliiuarlrrs f Agent Trans ferred f rum Dieby Ltlauct to Bes'iicr JJl'Jek As a means of increasing cffl ciency through more immediate contact with .olhcr govenuncnt offices and city facilities, the administrative and accounting office of the Department of Transport, which has' been lo cated on Digby Island at the marine depot ever since its establishment some 35 years ago, ls bt4ng. transferred into tie city. After tomorrow,. Lt. Col. Keith Dixon, agent for the marine department, will have his office in the Besner Block In the quarters rccejitly relinquished by the ration administration. Accompanying him to the new headquarters, in town will be N S. K. Brewer, accountant, and H. R. Hamilton. . Remaining at Digby Island will be the slows and buoy sections and machine shop with a total staff of 10 with J. W. Eastwood, station . engineer, and James lladdc-n, storekeeper. Rcvelsloke Asks More Road Work VICTORIA r- Increased high way development in the Interior and establishment' o a faculty of medicine at the University of British Columbia were urged by Wr, J,. . kJohnstong, coalition member forRevclstoke, in speaking lnj the Legislature! yesterday, lie was not satisfied with tnc snare or work mat was riding which comprise an Im portant section of the trans- provincial highway. INDUSTRIES OF-VANCOUVER ID. VICTORIA W-M. J. Welch, Coalition member for Comox, called upon the government yes tcrday to make an .Immediate industrial survey ot Vancouver Island, the northern part of the Island particularly. He elabor- I atcd upon the natural resources , and possibilities of their de i velopmeut w F er no intention of vacating their office. It is rumored in informed quarters that Admiral Viscount Mountbatten. cousin of then King, is to succeed Wavell as viceroy of India. ARMY CAME TO RESCUE 'Helped li' Dispatch Winic Pass Trains During Cold'Snap SKAGWAY When the telegraph lines between Whitehorsc anil Skagway. through White Pass, were knocked out olfaction Curing the recent cold 'pcll, Canadian Army Signal men stationed In Whitehor.se carried on the job of train dlsipatching toy means cf their cable' and wireless communications. After three days of stormy isolation, during which time broken wires and heavy snow made repairs im-tpossiblR. railway oCflcIals requested assistance from Royal Canadian Signals personnel, food and supplies ware getting short after the storm and, through contact with Juneau, men of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Radio System man aged o keep snowplows running at right times in the mountain pass to the -sea as well as the trains on regular runs. Means of contact with shipping centres on the west coast were routcdsto Juneau ny cable because the , wireless equipment in lntermecuate Skagway was not working The narrbw gauge railway from Skagway which runs through Wlilte I'ass on almost the same route taken by prospectors during the gold rush ol '03, ls the main link for Inland VsJclon and ports of Alaska. KITKATLA PATRIARCH SUCCUMBS Andrew Lewi;;. last of the patriarchs of the Kltkatla Indian band, died al Kltkatla at bring given to the roids in Ills - midnight. Tuesday at the age of . . ' . no w ". III- 1 1 I 1 4 1U 80. He Porcher will' be burled at the Island village on Fxi- day. A fisherman and a prominent member of the native community at Kltkatla, Mr. Lewis was widely known along the coast as an orator. He was born at Kltkatla. Ills wife pre-dcccascd hlra many years ago. His sole surviving near relative ls a nephew, Percy Temple .also of Kltkatla. Mr. Lewis' death severs the village's living connection with the generation that was at Its height when settlement came to the north coast. Oldest residents of the village now are middle aged. Crisis! ii n . n ii i aveii Deinq recalled n r . n rom rost or yicercov Factories to Open First f V I or w eeK Mountbatten May Be His Successor Evacuation and Freedom Within Stated Period Believed Out of Question LONDON (CP) Authoritative sources said to-da thai Lord Wavell will' be called liomesoon fv.. his post as Viceroy of India and that Prime Mini&u Attlce will make a statement on Indian freedom tomorrow in the House of Commons. One informant said that British evacuation in India "within the iitated period" was now out of I the question. British officials .said that the latest Indian crisis "threatens" a break-up of the Viceroy's interim government following Moslem League refusal to participate in the constituent as sembly. It is also said that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Congress leader, had told Wavell that continued presence of five Moslem League members was incompatible with Moslem refusal to join the constituent assem bly. Five ministers said they had Industrial Heart ol Lngland ICxpected to Be Gelling l'uel Afaln (Next Week LONDON a Prime Minister A 1 1 1 c c said today thai factory production in the Midlands, industrial heart of England, ould probably be rc-suined nel Monday after the two weeks of shutdown caused by the unprecedented coal shortage. Resumption uf in- L dustry will depend jn full maintenance of the present electricity .restrictions. Ten thousand troops are working vn snow clearance and coal movement in the irorthern command area alone. Sid . Mill- ij,rip Uie- mich1 tr pe as well Ms tJicv Itfltish Isles. The ban on use of domestic coal will be continued indefinitely. Old people, have resorted to burning bannisters and pic-(ere frames to keep warm. Warming centres have been opened. A.F.L.-C.I.0. MERGER PLAN I'ive-Maji Committee to Investigate 1'ossibility NEW YORK Philip Murray, president of the congress on In dustrial Organization, last night announced the appointment of a five-man committee to study the, possibilities of union with the American Federation of Labor. It might take considerable time, said Murray, to rtjach h basis of merger tout he expressed hope that this would be successfully accomplished. THE WEATHER Synopsis Skies were clear over the interior this morning. A thin blanket of clouds along the southern coast kept temperatures In the high thirties during the night. The northern coast Is overcast "with intermittent drizzle and fog patches. Little change In weather ls expected today and Thursday; due to a settled condition of high pressures and moderately dry air ovir the province. Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Cbast Over-can "with intermittent drizzle or rain. Light southerly wjnds increasing to- southeast, 20 m.ph, tomorrow. .Little change in temperature. Minimums tonight: Port Hardy -38, Massett 36. Prince Rupert 3t. Maximums Thursday: Port Hardy 40, Mas-sett 42, Prince Rupert 42. , WALK WITHOUT THOUGHT Sleep-walking Is one of the most common forms of automatic action, a non-reflex action which Is not the result of conscious endeavour. LONDON Or. Any baker who smokes on duty baking bread is a rotten baker and' a rotten citizen," said a magistrate who Tined St baker 3 ($12) after clg-arct ends were found in loaves I