prince Uupnt Dailp I3ctos Friday, April 25, 1947 (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunaay by Pflnre Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER, ASSOCIATION An Independent dally newspaper dev6ted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Cfty Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c: Per Year, $7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40e: Per Year, M.O0. M e oscow conference THE MOSCOW CONFERENCE is ovefr and the I best that can be said of the outcome is that there was agreement on disagreement for the time being at least. Possibly Moscow can be accepted as one of the unpleasant ordeals that had to be gone through to pave the way for better understandings that may be" yet to come. If nothing else was accomplished, points of view, no matter how deep the Ifulfs between them now may seem, were exchanged. While some of the parties may have been obdurate against making concessions, there can be no doubt that in the minds of all it was accepted that there must be compromises, and some very material 'ones, if there is to be ultimate peace. 2v Moscow made it clear that even today there is $x type of Warfare on, conflict between political philosophies if not between nations, efforts to obtain power and control. "But if Moscow -showed that there is that type of warfare, it gave no indication that the most obstinate, the most disagreeable of , the elements want or intend to start a -lighting war. Therein lies the nope that, w"hile Moscow' held out little encouragement on the surface, it was not barren ground for the sowing of seeds of ultimate settlement of vexed problems. At "?ieas't the foreign ministers and the nation got bet-t ter acquainted. i flp "P i HIGHWAY SITUATION i DAILY NEWS representatives during the "week have had the opportunity of thoroughly in-vestigating the road situation between here -and Terrace and are now in a position to pass some ; opinions. The road is "passable, and we would not ; 'wish to say more than that Tor it, between Prince Rupert and the big slide at TCwinitsa. The same might have been said from "Terrace to the slide by ""now after an enormous snow clearing job had it T not been for a breakdown of machinery ten days I ago. "However, that 'has now been rectified and, J' within the week, -ft should be possible to get down j from Terrace to the Kwinltsa slide. As for the Kwinitea slide, while some theories i' have been advanced as to the possibility of a more t speedy clearing ip, every public works official re- fuses to take the responsibility of -risking the lives ''. of men and the machinery of the department under I a mass of snow which they say is still in danger of tailing. These are the onicials who would have to accept the blame if anything untoward should happen. Even the most ardent of motorists would not wish that such risks should "be taken for the sake of adding a 'few extra days to the motoring season. TRUCKING FRANCHISE VANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS or its sub-V. sidiary organization has made application for 1 a motor trucking franchise over the hiehwav between here and Burns Lake. The "Chamber of Commerce has properly -enough decided that assurances" should be given, in the granting of any sucn licence, that regular and efficient service m ; conjunction with the railway or otherwise. It also ' is quite fittingly asking that a hearing on the ap- plication should be held locally instead of or in -ad-; dition to Vancouver since the proposed service is ; essentially one of concern to this district, j We are more interested here in making certain that a good -and 'permanent service is given rather ; than Avho should give such -service, providing al- ways, of course, that the franchise would not be ; granted to interests which would be uruible to : rcarry Jt t)ut which is something that, after all, i Svould 'be automatically taken care of under the Act ; GRANDSTANb NEEDED TH& PRINCE RUPERT Baseball Association does well to institute a campaign with a view to having Roosevelt Park, centre of Prince "Rupert's major outdoor sports activities, equipped with a proper .grandstand. The idea is one to which we have no hesitation in subscribing. The grandstand is necessary for the comfort and convenience of the thousands of local sports fans who watch baseball, football, .softball and other games. What is possibly as important, its lack does not make very favorable impressions for : an equal number of visitors who attend these games eacn year. Last year jPrince Rupert solemnly dedicated Roosevelt Park. At that time this newspaper pointed out that there was a responsibility implied in keeping the .park a credit to the city. At the outset, it was considerable of a publicity stunt. If it is not maintained properly now, it can be the source of as much unfavorable publicity as favorable. ? The providing of the park with a good -grandstand is one of the improvements that might be considered most worthy. Any campaign along these lines would be deserving of general support. CHAPLINS ATTEND WORLD PREMIERE New York bpenlng'of Charlie Chaplin's new -picture, 'Monsieur Verdoux," brings congratulations fb the movie star and his wife, Cona O'Neill. Mrs. Chaplin is the daughter of Eugene O'Neill, famous author and playwright. INVESTITURE AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE Little Derek Delamere, son .of Lt. Col, J. "M. Delamere, E.D., of Ottawa, Is shown above holding his lather's medal after the investiture at Government House when -over one hundred members. ard former members of -the services were decorated by Bis Excellency the Governor General Viscount Alexander of Tunis. COALVILLE, Lticestershire, P) Fit. Lt. K. Gamible flew home from Japan to spend 48 hours' leave. ' ' -ji -, it,, ft. ROTARY ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Lee GordenTSuereefls Dr. i AV. Kergin as President Annual -election -of officers tcck place yesterday at the weekly meeting of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. Chbsen as president to succeed Dr, L. W. Kergin was Lee M. Gordon while Alex MciRae was re-eleuted as treasurer. B R, Dodds as sec retary and Fred -sadden "as sergeant - at - '-arms. Ejected as directors were Stewart Donaldson, C A. Berner and R. O. Van 'der Sluys. The meeting named P H, Lln- Tey to be delegate lrom the J Prtrrce Rnpert emu at the dis trict conference "which 'Will be held in the south In June. "Retport by -oommittee ichttr-man Q. T. Durkln on the Rotary Club tea held on April 17, revealed that net proceeds from the function were $410. Mr. Durkln was thanked by President X. W. Kergin for his work. Guests at the metting were D. A. Lee. -J. A. Turner andtAMer-man T. B. Black. TAKU RIVER TO BE SNAG CLEARED Word has been received by F. T. Applewhaite that the sum of $1,200 has been authorized by ihe Dominion Public Work Department for the J clearing of snags out of Taku River. The work is to be carried out by day labor. ASSESSMENTS ON DISTRICT LAND LOWERED (Assessments on two 'pieces of property were reduced, while a third Vas sustained "by W. D. Vance In district Court of Revision Thursday afternoon. The -reductions "were granted by the court -on commendation of Provincial Assessor -3 G. 'Sehodltax'on 4.5 acres of land" on "Lewis Island owned by Fritz L. Pe'terfon 'Was "reduced on Te-commfcntlatlon 'by lOlr. Garreitt. Tle 4and, formerly classified as t&rm land, Vas changed to Improved land. A cabin formerly On the land was demolished 10 years ago. An trror 4n Cessment et the valire oT land owned by "Harold S. Hall, two mites south of Terrace, at 630. Tlrts was reduced by the 'court to "$315, a reduction ft 50 per cent. Ah assessment of $3300 ngatn.ft property owned by T. R. Roull-lard of Hageimborg 'vas confirmed by Uie court. Air Force Veteran From Ireland Coming R. G. Cimntmrham. retired pioneer businessman of Port EfSlngton, wiro has been a visitor In Prince Rupert for several days, is awaiting the arrival here of his nephew, Danald Mc Allister, who is coming out from County Cavan, near Dublin. Ireland, to make his home In Can ada. McAllister joined ito with the Royal Air Force before the outbreak tf World War II throughout which he served. It Is expected that he will rpend some itme at Port Essington. AlWrt 'Van PyTcstra, 43, 1122 Seventh Avenue, who sustained a "broken Teg and severe bruises Tuf Jay hlfetit when struck by a motorcycle at The "corner of "Third Avenue and Sixth Street, was sufficiently recovered at the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital ye-terday to make a statement lo the police. BESNER BLOCK What Does A Bank Mean To You? THE A Friend In Need 1 jpSflSsWMB GIVES KENNEY MUCH CREDIT Kuthusiasm Ovt-r llp W'H Project Js "fcxprr-wrn Uy Olor Hanson Renewed enthusiasm over the .future for -city and district as a result of the Celanese Corporation of America project for the establishment of a celanetse pulp plant at Port Edivard -is expressed "by Olof Hanson, prom? incnt district timber operator and many years M.P. "forSkeena, who to in the city. The decision of the Celanese Corporation to come here appears to have been no surprise to Mr. Hanson who remarked that much -of the eredtt Tor its location should n io Hon. E.'T. Kenney, provincial -rands minister. Mr. Hanson returned to the city on last nightte train after a brief visit to the Interior. In a financial Emergency a rtanlc can a: very helfirol 'triend. To meet an unex pected-doctor'vdentist's or hospital bill, to pay off your income tax, make a home improvement, defray educational expenses, liquidate pressing debts, or to borrow for any other .sound reason, tome in .and consultour local Manager. A friendly Manager at any branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will be glad to discuss a Personal Lban with you. And there are more than 500 branches serving the public. , . , " ' " BANK OF COMMERCE PRINCE ItUPERT BRANCH R. G. HOPKINS, Manager. THIRD AVENUE 4 4 Genuine aspirin ist , MABKID THIS WAY mfcyM NOUTIIintN' B.C. AGENTS FOK "THE NATIVE VOICE" JONES NEWS STAND PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. "The.Natlve Voice," a paper published monthly in the Interests of Indians W Canada and US.A . dealtnt; "wtth problems, news and ectlvitiej of the Iiwlians. See Jones "News Stand for .subscriptions and advertising space. NATIVE VOICE PUBLISHING 509 Tlolden BldK. 16 Hastings St, E., VAN., B.C. nooi I SEE US FOR ALL ttEQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies 'Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Caras tor every occasion Fountain Peru D1BB PRINTING COMPANY 7 tcci yowl INCOME TAX to i wmm tttn myrn -tern 1 If you arcin a position to m3U , Tbtcostis hw: 27c ,llfi thc a month for mot. LOAN fMTAIlf IN fj MOmriATAUWrj Larger loans at proportionate cost CM 1 l8 J luJ Bank of MoNTk Wlnr TTtittMd Drnnnln n t P i Rtpwnrt Rninrhif. J 5 Ivnrnc'nv n ..i Tenders for the -sale and demolition oi U Known as nooseveu -uymnasmm, located In Park, will be received by the uncerslgned one Saturday, May 10. Sale includes building as Is with complete y heating, electrical, and other fixtures. Successful tenders will be required to pos guaranteeing the cleaning up and restoration oi to the satisfaction W the City 'Engineer Inspection of the building and further detaE: arranged with the nndersigned, DONAU) FORWARD, BOX -340, PRINCE RUPERT Tt reopening or Announcing . . .. ROYAL CAF Third Avenue (Mrs. C. C Swanson) WORKINGMEN S MKALS GOOD HOME COOKING T- 111'. kUUIIIWV v ' I J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 15a 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY -SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all 1 1 8 branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE 'OENERAL CONTRACTORS Julldlng and Repairs of all kinds tbofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Ore en 486 Red 894 PAINTING and PAPERHAKOINO ; Phone Black 823 H. J.LUND ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER Grandvicw Hotel T-IIONE BLACK 412 iMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box Tl If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house -and yourself fuHy Insured while I do the -work. Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Certified Weighers BLUE 980 - 1 Til 'Tl TJ II A w- TWTPRTOP Am) un iv mi Tor "Good, 1 i L i t & r. TTrtVT i ' i f i iv i .r, ill 1 iUl'V -- ; IJf l'l' l l 1 ,11 11V - - i si i. vr We Buy ALL 1 mu vlamnnH TOT u irrpftter than t1 iu full nnM ru Litt IMU Keep ne w m Agent ior raui - GE0KGEI' Public Account11 income Tax EW Besner Block p n, KilDoni BERT'S VTT-4 11 Weddlnu B0jSl JONES tern gJf 1