m j! - i Sfdmc Utipcrt Daily jJclus Friday, April 25, 1947 SOME INSURANCE PROTECTION HELD I Partial Coverage M Xieast on Two Apartment Buildings and Contents With estimates of damage running from $40,00) to $75,000, it was learned today that there ?-as insurance coverage on both the Ciapp and Short ridge apartment buildings which were destroyed by fire early this morning. Seme, at least, of the tenants had insurance on Uieir furniture and effects while some, it is believed, had none. - Classified Advertising Pays! "Your Store For .Cash Prices" PEOPLES STORE POLICE HEAD HERE SHORTLY Commissioner T. W. S. Parsons of the provinaial police is expected to arrive in the city on the Catala tonight to consult with the city council on the renewal of the city police contract. The provincial police announced last fall that the 1943-46 contract under which they pol ice Prince Rupert for a cost of about $18,000 a year, will be terminated, and a higher rate set. Accompany:!?.? Commission er Parsons will be Inspector D. D. Moses, police paymaster. ; MANCHESTER, Eng., 0 ! Bishcp F. L. Connor of the Mor- ! avian Church died here. His on, Rt. Rev. II. Connor, is Mor avian Bishop of the British West Indies. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Coastal steamsh.p travellers and Norah. running to Alaska. will have to be on their toes next week after day':gbt saving comes into effect as some steamers go U daylight time and others remain on standard. Take the Union. Steamship Co. for example three cf its ships coming Yo Prince RupcrtCoquitlam on the "Prince Rupert-Stewart min. Catala on tb? Ekeena River-Prince Rupert route and Cassiar, plying to the Queen Charlotte Islands, will be on daylight time while Camosun, going to Alaska, keeps her chronometer at stand- ( ard. As for Canadian Pacific I will stay with standard. Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert, making train connections, will keep with standard time. Operating on a 12-day Instead of fortnightly schedule on the Queen Charlotte Islands run, Union steamer Casslar, Capt. Lome Godfrey, returned to pqrt this morning from Massett and will sail at midnight tonight for Vancouver via the south end of the Islands. The Casslar will be here on her next voyage a week Steamships, Princess Adelaide. from next Monday, arriving from on the lecaj run, will operate on iscuth Island points enroute to fast Ume tfhlle Princess Louise Massett Inlet. R Li PERT PEOPLES STORE Failure of Imports from England, Sweden and other countries and continued high prices for American products is giving stimulus to Canada's own pottery industry with a result that Canadians are enjoying a new manufacturing boom. The indtistry centres in the town of Medicine Hat, Alberta, where with virtually unlimited natural gas to keep operation costs down, one pottery . alone turns out 450 types of china antf pottery averaging $60,000 monthly in shipments to retail markets. Using 200 carloads of clay and kolln yearly, most from Georgia and Kentucky, Medicine Hat's potteries produce 22,000 Individual pieces dally with white din-nerware in greatest demand 65 per cent of the total'output. Shown here are some of the novelty china dinnenrare, vases and other pottery items being made at Medicine Hat, Alta. The clay is ;irsv pressed in rolls from which duplicate moulds are made after a home-designed pattern. The moulds are then decorated with hand-lathes befare firing. Pi ince Rupert Looming Large in Developments Statehood Hearings and Jones Act Have Important Bearings By RALPH BROWNE KETCHIKAN, Alaska Statehood hearintrs. the Jones Act, shipping and Prince Rupert have high- ngnieci me news throughout the territory during the past week, Reports from the capital indicate that the majority of Congress is sympathetic toward statehood V 1 Sizes 1 to 3 4 a a. Sizes 3 to 6 I Jf Pk ? Sizes 7 to 10 "'UV jP4 Sizes 11 to 17 J$ rVN licl STOCK ARRIVING DAILY 2$ .ffipll It' Rupert Peoples 1 Store m Building Supply News! DONNACONA WALLHOAKDS Per 1,000 square fect $65.00 A limited quantity of MOULDINGS now on hand, including' CASING LATTICK qiMKTLK KOUM) STOPS, Lie. Wc stock 'standard sizes in DOORS - WINDOWS - SASH Phones - fi52 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Scrvfnj; the North Since 1020 COAL - LUMBER - HUILDERS' SUPPLIES Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m Coquitlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 pjn Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY TOINTS Sundays, 10 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES Fortnightly. FRANK J. SKINNER Prln' Rupert Agent Third Ate Phone 568 I for Alaska and it appears that it will probably be cleared by the committee without a dissenting vote. The next step will be getting the bill to the floor of the House and its subsequent passage this year. Passage will ring the death knoll for the discriminatory Jones Act. The Jones Act Itself appeared briefly, but signifiantly, in the Washington limelight during the week. Dark-horse Presidential candidate Senator Bob Taft promised a Fairbanks' delegation that legislation to amend the Jones Act would be introduced within the next 60 days. Many of the Washington bigwigs, reported the delegation on Its return to the Golden Heart, were completely In the dark about how the Jones Act has been crippling Alaska's economy. Considerable interest is being shown in the capital in the Briggs steamship service to Af- aska. This Interest, it is report ed, may reach the point of makr ing other ships available oncp Briggs proves he feasibility pf the route with better financial arrangements than the one he bought the first time. Congressmen remarket!: "We may not have to subsidize those Seattle babies after the one year contract runs out." This means it may go tough on any Seattle interests, shippers, unions or commercial organi zations that try to make it tough for Phil Briggs. Speaking of unions, Associated Press reports that the Sailors' Union of the Pacific and the Marine Cooks and Stewards have signed agreements with Briggs steamships. The vessel is now loading northbound cargo in San Francisco, the report stated. KETCHIKAN MAY LOSE COASTGUARD The long arm of the thrift minded Republican congress is j reaching into Alaska and it ; looks as though the Coastguard headquarters here will be moved 10 scaiiic. nils win mean a reduction in staff, vessels and aircraft which have operated in conjunction with Canadian rescue units on several occasions during the past year. Paul O'Nell, an editor of Time, visited Ketchikan this week following a tour Of the territory for an Alaska feature artlcl-i which will appear next month. Governor Ernest Gruenlng will appear on tho cover, O'Nell said. He was particularly interested in Alaska shipping and was told of Briggs operation and use of Prince Rupert, natural geographic gateway to Alaska. He was told of the tremendous potent tlalitics for development of northern and central British Columbia and he was Intensely Interested. It may not be far off until this area is featured in the magazine, O'Nell felt.' William L. Baker, publisher o The Chronicle, who is now in Washington attending the state hood hearing, has reported Hint the Coastwise Steamship Company of Portland will flic, within a few days, a request with the U.S. Maritime commission for a certificate to operate two or three freighters to Alaska. This line, says Baker, will not bring inbound goods to Southeastern Alaska, but will serve Seward and other Westward points. Heine Bt-rgir, owner of the Merger transportation torn- pany, has announced that lie will operate six boats in Alaskan waters this summer as well as to Seattle. He plans on making; a round tiip every 18 or 19 days. The firm, lie says, will also open negotiations for operating out of Prince Rupert. High tribute by editors through-cut the continent is being paid the Statehood and Development edition. Additional requests arc pouring In from all parts of t.ie qountry. Copias of the edition are running low on capital hill and additional copies are now Washington-bound. Hazelton and Skeena Highway are featured in the May issue of the "Alaska" Sportsman" in a special article written by Howard Innls of Hazelton. The highway and Prince Rupert as a tourist Jumping-off point is also featured In the editorial written by Emory Tobln, editor. Tobln says he Is looking forward to attending the Associated Boards! convention In Prince Rupert this' August. VISIT OF PRESIDENT BEING CONFIRMED Governor omening, who is PICTURES FOR MAY Capitol Theatre bookings for the coming month are announced, the feature presentations being as follows; April 25 and 26 Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour In "My Favorite Brunette." April 27 Gilbert Roland and Martin Garralaga In "Riding the California Trail" and Hugh Beaumont.and Cheryl Walker In "Larceny in Her HearE" April 28 and 29 Olivia Dc Haviland and Ida LuDind in "Devotion." April 30 and Mav l-Freddlc Bartholomew and Spencer Tracy in Captains Courageous." May 2 and 3 James Craig and Butch Jenkins In "Boys' Ranch." May 4 and 5-Ken Curtis and Adele Roberts in "Throw a Saddle on a Star" and Richard Dlx in "Voice of the Whistler."' May 6 and 7 Ida Lupino and Robert Alda In 'The Man I Love." May 8, 9 and 10 Nan John son and Marie Wilson In "No Leave, No Love." May 11, 12, 13 and 14- Jack Buetel and Jane Russell In "The Outlaw." May 15, 16 and 17 Irene Dunne and Rax Harrison In "Xana and the King of Slam." May 18 Erich von Strohclm and Jean Bates in "Mask of Diijon" and Jean OiHIe and Ed. Norrls in "Decoy." May 19 and 20-Merle Oboron and Turhan Bey In "A Night in Paradise." May 21, 22. 23 and 21- Bins Crostoy and Fred Astalre In "Blue Skies," May 25 and 26 Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur In "The Plainsman." May 27 and 28-Sid nev Grren- strcct and PeterTJurre In "The Vcrdict."- also hoping to attend the convention, has confirmed the President's trip aboard the Williamsburg to Alaska. Also Alaska-bound this summer will be numerous sub-commlttccs or the House and senate and Prince Rupert can look forward to entertaining lawmakers who can do much to benefit the city. Incidentally, these senators and representatives will be travelling aboard Canadian vessels. They prefer, the extra services and comforts which are not to be had on Alaskan Vessels). PROBE CEYLON RUBBER COLOMBO, Ceylon Oi A proposal for a commission to Inquire Into problems facing the rubber industry was made to the governor of Ceylon. The commission would also inquire into the feasibility of establishing factories and rubber processing plants. I Grown nml pnrkrtl In the VCBjptf B a Wee 1 1 IMnor Frozen FimhU ""V "j M 1 fieri 111 ilrliYioua firlil- H L froth ilntor. Enjoy ihcin of lent .PjyiVf" S ci; i',rr r4 . Cut ijrmmtt flMM - . Cern Slirt Strmhrrtm fwrllM Ctttltf fut'j" C.hH titnmlfrri FROZEN FOODS Hollywood CafeJ ntlNCK RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE PISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP-SUEY CHOWMEIN FOR OCTSIDF ORDERS TIIONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WE8T TODAY - FRIDAY 7 P.M. - 9:o? UNTIL 2;C0 DOG Hope anata, Dorothy Lamour 52 'AY ""Jke ri m. nAtrand PETER Lnop, m ALL IN MyFavoriteBrunett IIU lea, n a Hit Picture . CAPITOl Wm. H. Fmck OPTOMETRIST OF VAN CO II V E K TO VISIT PUINCK RUPERT S AniiouiKcimnl Is ma.lr that William II rj ..,...,.,.1. ,,, VI1, ,,,,, ,.,,y J() j, Mr. Franpk Is Optical Co.. C05 Dunsmulr Street Vancouver iM w.jjo u ut unu sum-semi pracucc in vancuuvo He will brine with him to Prime Rupert a MJ iTi'muniinc wiuftiioMic unu ami will examine fjcj i B..... .v. a. mij aiv nvruru. Mr. I'ranrks will he at Motel Prime Kupcrt. AfJ iiiiiu viiii uc inauc ui iioiri, BAPTONE IRONOIL Wc Have a Complete Slock of BAPCO PAINTS and VARNISHM to Supply Your SPUING NEEDS SATIN-GLO SHINGOLEB THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. ITH 255 Third Avenue Phonti Available Nov I mi WE DELIVIK Alrllriilo Slrcct FW Ormes ltd PRESCRIPTION CIIKMISTS The REXALL STOm PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service KTTMir,' lirtimo nAir.V from 0 a.m. UU ' PJI1' . .......,. r. i Moon, till J P I ourvuAxa anu liutiiuaxo - 7 p.m. till 0 p.m. Having Fish for Dinnei "RUPERT BRANDS Will add taste and quality to your Vnr vnrlctV try 01T kjiiiuiit.ii jtiuviv v.;"ij i''llfiS Sle, Cod and Salmon H ls Frozen: Ilalilnit and Salmon n . ; Avh for 'RUPERT BRAN, CANADIAN FISH & COLD fl1 PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited