Classified Advertising -- unrrl ttct Insertion, minimum chares. BOc. Birth NattcM. C .r,i Kueaeemeot Announcements: 82. . Dr. Ml. ft, masonlte. (981 ALE- -8 l u2 iiih St. 4-5 pjn. 197) an ft hnnt. ruliv I h 1 .J A v, . IMS Muntpi Radio sa.uu . (HI Fnt .... nil lircp.n uibci ilvl) material. 48 (medium . un wnrn. Patent I 111.1' " m match. 2 tai tared shir 18, never worn. C Oeen Rooms. (90) IH .Nil 1 1 II 1 3L UhJ nil A 41 1 full diesel marine . ..,- r, nWt.rta skirt In f- condition Including c;i, and exhaust pipe fre: water cooling -sys-ph::::. Black 935 or -write . " I flMt AT.F .Worn a lti TTcort TTSir- Kit-hen Sets from $14. 120. Hassocks $2. Palls 50s. Floor Lamps $4. New Used Wood and Coal New Cabin Cook cl Seattpr RinTs lnvflv rt. Cl I ... - irom SI KS All Vlnlc rwf r useful articles. Come In look them over. B, C. ST V ir a .ii. Wllmette. Illinois. (104) dock, Phone Black 511. (tf)J SALE- -Scrap lumber for nA ,i . ne Orpn ATI itr? n iv- Triumph kitchen - new condition; complete, oil burner, tank. numn. Heaung coils. Phone Green (98) -miliary range, line rnone Black 445. (98) & ale Bedroom suite,' wneld suite, enamel kit- SLrwo ii, i , unities, am 7iii js. Mtween C and 8 p.m. (102) MACUINEHY AW better lumber more UmiArt .. .. j use tne modern up-to-date type National a"e Sawmills, manufnc hV Mni-I ... - "uuonai Machinery m Limited, Vancouver. (tf) navertismg Pays! HELP WANTED WANTED Man lor fresh fish and cold storage work May 1. "Apply now In person, Atlln "Fisheries ofce. (100) WANTED Seamstress. Apply "Pioneer-Canadian Laundries. (98) WANTED Maids tor "Prince Ru pert General Hospital, Apply Hospital. (tf) WANTED- Men for fish floor and cold storage operation, work starting first week in May. Apply now In person at Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. ltd. Seal Cove, Plant Superintendent's office. (97) "WANTED WILL Pay Cash for good late model car. Phone Black 4!M5 WANTED Hawlian guitar teacher for Smtthers District. Apply Box 225 Dally News (1001 WANTED Rocm and board for Co-op worker. Sober, quiet. Box 220 Daily News. (98) ALB R.O'.P. White Les-WANTED Furnished suite or Puiir 8 wetks old. Sell thereafter Free cocKerel brsiiers l2-2 lb. average, i or fin pflch Khinmpnf.s . FOB Kltwanga, B.C. M. Kitwanga, B.C. . (99) r f mH,l r.Ant nnn f .Ida UUltl- WKW. ''' ALE -Restaurant, stove, oven, Terrace Hotel, IT v 11 ft !rn nrr l-inn.T at New Floats. (97) II c Uahii t asir no. Can be seen at Dodge B, Bendickson, 098) $100 Call 1110 Cth East. (90) UP VIvp rnnm "hnnsp n i - . r k. - Dairy News, (tf) p nr Ann v hit i.unfn .n B.C (110) ALE- -Johnny's Snack Bar, ie Black 889. (tf) house, about 4 rooms. Immediately. Phone Gilda Campag- nola, 858 between 9 a.m. audi C p.m. (97) FOR RENT FOR RENT 4 room furnished apartment. 708 Fraser St. (99) FOR KENT Front 2 roomed apartment. 221 5lh Ave. East. "Phone Red fl07. FOR RENT 3 rocm suite with bathroom and basement. Phone Green 378 or call 354 Brggar Place. ttf) FOR RENT Two-room cabin. furnished, full bathroom plumbing. Green 838. (88) FOR RENT 2-room cabin. $14 permonth. Apply 221 5th East. (99) FOR RENT 3 furnished -rooms. All conveniences. No children 519 8th Ave. West. (96) FOR RENT Two 3-room suites; newly decorated, furnished or unfurnished. 1C28 2nd Ave. Blue 270. . (100) FOR RENT 3-room suite, 253 11th Street off 2nd Ave.; 10 minutes walk to town, rartsoNAL MIDDLE AGED "WOMAN will look after children afternoons or evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf) HAVE YOTJ TTLED YOTJR IN COME TAX RETURNS? All personal Teturns must be filed by April 30. Have your return filed Ijy a competent Income Tax Accountant. Consult S.G. Furk, Boom I, Stone Building, Phone-5B3. (101) XOST AND rOUND FOUND Sum of money bn 3rd Ave,, Wednesday afternoon. Owner may have same by Identifying at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) LOST Key case with keys between Post Office and 11th St. Finder please return to News Office. (98) FOUND Man's Bulova wrist watch. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News, identifying same, and paying for this advertisement. (tf) NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the office at time f presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Dally News are asksd to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING HOUSE WIRING impairs n Installations EXPERT RADIO SERVICE J UKE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY PU RUPERT DAnin Awn FipriRir. THIS AND THAT - Jul , v " Tin Cmn WmhMt AJ $!, Jm. . 1 Conquer Cancer Contributions "Yippee!" Contributions to the Conquer Cancer campaign include, the following: Mayor N. E. Arnold .$10 Rt. Rev. J. B. Gibson 5 Alfred Rivett 5 Mrs. V. M. Eve 5 Gordon & Anderson 5 Mrs. W. H.airbairn (Queen Charlotte City) 5 Thos. McKeown 3 Mrs. H. T. Lock 3 Brown and Harvey 3 C. Strand 2 Victory Cafe 8 Wrathall's ' 2 John Bulger Ltd. 5 Rupert People's Store Ltd 5 William Hanson Makes Recovery ' William Hanson, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson, who sus-lained serious head injuries in a fall on a curling rink at Smi- thcrs during jhe past whiter and has been in Vancouver for seme weeks receiving treatment at the hands of specialists, has ncwTe- tovered hfs eyesight and other wise is making excellent recov try. In a few months it is ex pected he will be fuby restored to normal. Cancer Campaign Is Going Strong At least one point In this area has not been slow In Its response to." the Conquer Cancer campaign. The village ol Bella Bella down the coast lias used up the first quota of subscription books sent from local "headquarters and,1 a few days ago sent np fqr more. FIGURES OUT FLORIDA TRIP Harry Black Lines "Up Itinerary -fcr Wansttn Medal Cimlest J. Harry Black, president of the Prince Rupert -Automobile Association, is not thinking seri ously of -going to Florida -so that, he may drive back to Prince Rupert and win the handsome Al Manson medal lor the first motorlrts to drive the 4G93 miles this year from the Keystone Btate to Princ Rupert, but he has been busy figuring out an Interesting Itinerary for the trip Here is how Mr. Black -would make the trip: Miami to Atlanta, C83 miles; to MtirriPh's, 421: to St. Louis, 322; to Kansas City, 554; Omaha, WIIADDON. Bucklnffhamshire. 93: Ppntirton. 51: Kiunloons. 145: (100)i W Whaddon's street lighting is Cache Ci-eek, 58; Prince George, being paid for hy a series of.292; Eimithers, 245; Prince Ru-vhijt drives. pert, 230. r MISS CROSS IS RE-ELECTED Again Heads Bustnefts and Professional Women's Club La? ! . m. m m-m f m Contains choice Latin-American Coffees (or EXTRA Flavor Blended by Experts for FINER Tlavot Radiant Roasted for FULLER Flavor Maxwell House MHM7 Coffee A Product of Garwral Foodt long FOR YOUR .... BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK 'CONSULT THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Estimates given for any type construction. I'hone 5G3 Nlfht Red 603 At the annual meeting of the Business and Prcifesrional Women's Club held in the Civic Centre, Miss Prances Cross wax re-elected prcslavent. Reports tor the year were rert by thi? various of ticrrs covering activities el th chiT during its second year of operation. Program 1or rhc annual provincial meeting ct the B'ue Ridge Mountain Resort near Chitll-wacfe to be hsld in May was read. Piince Rupert club Is allotted two delegates. Election of officers for the coming year resulted as follows: Honorary President! Mrs. Nora Arnold. President. Mls Frances Cross. Vice-President, Miss Clover Maiden. Secretary, Miss Joan Cross. Treasurer, Miss Audrey Wrath-all. Execu tive Miss Frances Part ridge (finance). "Mrs. P. M. Ray . legislative!. Miss "Eleanor Mox-ley (publicity), Miss llbnora Sil-versides (program and social) Miss Kay Reid (educational), Mii Eve Rivett (nirm!b!ership). Miss Elian Kinnalrd was ap pointed representative to the Women's Co-ord4nating At conclusion of the meeting refreshments were served. Hotel. . . 5! arrivals Prince Rupert Gray. Vancouver; James Wong, Terrace; A. MbfUUster' Vancouver, V. R. Bucknall, Vancouver; Mts. C. Morris, SmitheTs: Mr. and Mrs. Donald M:Geachy and , baby, city; Mr. and Mrs. F. Bieze, t lixstew; Mr. and Mrs. W. Os-; borne. Terrace; James Lever, Tprrace; G. L. Brooks, Terrace; H. Cote. Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. La Nauze, Lacormbe, Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, city; George Keongh, London, Eng.; .Mr. and Mrs. W. Chappie, city; Mrs. D. Heggic, Smithers; Olof Hanson. city. 213; Cheyenne, 483; YellowrtpneJI , A Park, 562; Helena, 223; epokaneTf LONTJC-N- 'CP1 A wine cooler 225: Grand Coulee '92: Orovills. I dating from Charles II's reign was used for the christening o. Charlotte Louisa, three-mcnths-old daughter of the Dukft and iDupchess of Rutland. it Od d Coirrdd ence After Mtmy Years A Vancouver visitor, Mr. Baer,, lirst aw Prince Rupert in 1CC8 and again in 1914.TJOW he is back lor the liTSt time g.mce then. He is a .salesman and is here on business. It Is a to-incidence to note that, When he was in the crty In April, 3914, his s!steT-ln-'hiw errt a telegram saying ne "had 1e-come the father of a on. On the present trip, the son ad-Vised him by wire that he also had become a father, and that the sistet-in-law wlw had tent the telegram Jn 1914 tiad passed away. New Moose Home Is Much Admired Of the 125 pCTSoiis who (gath ered TueyJay ffiight for Uhe ln-rtallatlen -of-oPHcWs dl the local Moose Ledge there were many Vho had not b?en previously in the new promises. They were .pleased with the lodge's new home and the beautiful harbar view was particularly admired MELKSttAM. Wiltshire. Eng. -.Po-fcpockets stole 17 t$68) durlnc th- inducticri 'of the Vicar of Metaham. lWISHLAm I WASASEASy J ; V TO DIGEST AS Ik Quaker Date Coin(i f Unit IWM COTTACE CHEESE !New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ( THESE AONT J JBMIMAS J '- A I 1 -Tf I PHOTOGRAPHIC Developing Printing Enlarging Coloring PORTRAITS and PASSPORTS Chandler & Cowgill 21G 4th St. P.O. Box $45 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ANSCO PRODUCTS HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail ntUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 A. MacKcniic Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY-FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT Phone 775 327 Third Avenue I timc Euiicti aflg 13cius Friday, April 25, 1947 The Quality Tea SALAM ORANGE PEKOE PARISH MISSION The :Seal of Quality fiRlTlSH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rrtes 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot tmd told water P3RINCE RUPERT, B.C. At Catholic Church (5th and Fulton) From April 27th till May 4th Conducted by KEV. A. B. McLEAN, O.M.I. Sunday Masses at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Evening Services at 7:30 p.m. Phone 281 P.O. Box IBS We Serve You Nothing But the Best SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats koast Chicken Meat Pies and -Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS fhont 21 Third Aye. West 4'. We're always ready to talk about yaur baby and serve his needs, too. For i finest quality products J, visit our -9 Tender Age Centre J WE FEATURE TIIE BESt OF EVEUYTIHNG FOR BAtfV McCUTCHEON & PHARMACY 1 LIMITED (E. C. WALLACE. Manager) Third Avenue at Sixtn street PHONE 71) on your Insurance Problems SEE For That , Parly . . PARAMOUNT CAFE t Port Edward, B.C. CDOP SUET CHOW M EI N 7:00 iaan."o U:00 pjn. Don't be Satisfied with your Watch - UNLESS YOU CAN RELY ABSOLUTELY ON ITS TRUTHFULNESS If it "varies do one of two things let us fix It ... or get a new one. Often the latter plan Is better. If you think it is, you can find a choice here of many $lependabre watches. And we can prove them to you on our WATCHMASTER regulating machine. Prices from $20 to SCO for the guaranteed kinds. ii4 For Sound Advice . . J H.G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street Thone 9G P.O. Box 59 ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE 5 3v Ik -' '