i WAYS FACE GRAVE PROBLEMS I k LVV (Continued lrnm Pn.se 1) LO'Gcll i N'SVV build a to 10 h it s not. as PW""" ,n. nertnle. bie. .,,. ho first citizens or . sInfS3.men be'our pram "'J, i:"t" i 1 1 nirnr in imbte ourwhwlrum 6f mankind. Our -,(iinr now makes .1 Lie and strttMiclh the I of globa) pow- BtVS VITAL Ice -instrument ihit new fOie." me L .toted Canada will OSSri ll.V.V ' icient and modern rail- Instrument oi na- ; an Bnai Burns Grace, deliver- ieorge C Mitchell, chalr-r the evening, the quests lelcomcd by Mrs. E. F. rs, president of the Aid There followed a mis meal In which the Inal Scottish dishes were 1; especially the Haggis, into the hall by Capt. laJderwood to the accom t of stirring strains 'by 'm. McKay The address lafKis was given by Miss 111 Hood, R.N., who.se aU accent was a sur- many king the Toast to the forge Mitchell opened ;ram in humorous vein Bled upon the piper for ttion of Scottish airs hfre enthusiastically re- laiier wnicn me enure joined In two well songs of the Scottish )et Alton" and Comln' be Rye led by J A, Teng pmpanied by Mrs. E. J. -.5 the life of the poet 1 aukl clay biggin" of to the salons of Edln- xiety and a place In e'$ hall of fame, Rev. LicSween drew attention features of the poet's r and work which had him to his own people world his abhorrence and hypocrisy In re- d life generally, his re ef pedigree, whether of man or the substitute for sense rth in estimating the f men, and his stress e "man 0' Independent vhich marked him as a mocrat. Mr, MacSween 1 the audience to rise mmortal memory of the was "the prince of all w from humble origins' n and striven and dared ht and loved and prov- selvcs; who have been nd have still gone on overcame and won the ring the address. Mrs. pllle, a Scottish war ng' two songs Of the Old pch were warmly re- IThey were "There Was vas Born In Kyle" and ar 0 Robbie Burns." address sparkUne with M Barker proposed the The Lassies" and Mrs frtln responded for the ji'h a moving account of lJean, the rifvniprt w f a t Burns, who 'had been 'ration of many of his nu had shared jthout complaint. rnoimcements Jl!;';tL",'.I,t ln ,M column lull monllj "Use a word. I,, b Dance, civic Centre, amiary 31. p! School p.T A nrwi. fcTmbage, Friday, Janu -' finresnmcnts. 35c, f Valentine Tea. Prince I'uwi February 12. Ij School 'Rmma.e SalCi Party, Catholic School 13, fi p.m. alValentlne'Dance.Fcb- centre. War t 1 i -i L wennesday, Feb dles' rrpo ,Ure. April 13. tlonal defence the railways are the fourth service arm of Can-ada." Mr. Vaughan 1: riicatd that the'Canf-d'an 'National la -planning to renew Its activities to bring In settlers, an activity suspended during the war. 'Persistent and continuing efforts will be made to attract new Industries and to promote and in-' crease tourist traffic. 'Elev.n C.US.S. boats are planited for the Canada-West Indies service Including the reconditioned Lady ships and three newUiesel vessels und air services will continue to put Canadian cities on the main air arteries of 'the world. URNS MEMORY HONORED HERE IBanquet at Presbyterian h Is Oi eat Success ervanee of the 188th an- of the birth or tne F, poet Robert Burns, the first Presbyterian crowded to capacity Iwas irday night for the an- held under the Imquet 01 the Ladles' 'Aid of rch . .... Ring 'O canaaa" ana uie Miss Frances Moore, A.T.C.M., delighted the gathering wlth her rendition of "Romance" by Tschalkowsky, and "The Old Scotch Songs." She .then ac-j companied Mrs. Barbara Brown in the songs, "My Love .Is Like a Red, Red Rose," and "John Anderson, My Jo," which were sung to the great enjoyment of all present. Fred Conrad, In a thoughtful address, proposed the toast to Bonnie Scotland, and the re sponse was made by Orme 'O, Stuart who, as a Canadian Navy officer, had spent several years In Scotland and paid tribute to the beauty of the land and the qualities of its people. Declaring the banquet to have been one of the most successful and enjoyable, James lladden moved a vote of thanks which was heartily applauded and the program closed with the singing of the familiar Burns song "Auld Lang Syne." The banquet was convened by Mrs. E. F. Saunders and Mrs. T. A. McMeckln, assisted by Mes-dames Bruce Wilson, II. C. Hal- llday, D. Krlstmanson, J. Mc-Leod, J. MacLeod, M. MacArthur, S. J. Hunter. Robt. Munro, T. W. Brown, Nell MacDonald, W. W. Bowes, W. P. Elkins, J. O. Garrett. The following girls-of the C.O.I.T. also assisted as servi-teurs: Misses Barbara Teng, Mary Anderson, Jean Calder-wood, Kathleen Smith, Donna MacArthur, Lorna House, Gael MacRae, Muriel Shier. 'FUNERAL NOTICE MOORE January 25, Cecilia, beloved wife of the late Harry Moore. Funeral services lwill be held by Rev. Basil S. Prock-' ter at Grenville Court Chapel, 2 p,m., Wednesday, January 29. Interment Falrvlew Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers In charge. 123) KEEP SLIM KEEP' REGULAR WEEP LOVELY !' Itvthwintf iHtts mm NEW ROYAL H 0 TEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198; BUILDERS We have the most complete stock SASH. WINDOWS AND 'FRAMES In Western Canada available for Immediate delivery. Write for complete catalogue to RURAL SASH & I FRAME CO. P.O. 'BOX 2373, North Vancouver. n.C. Basketball Centre. 'Tonight, Civic" A Whist 'Drive, 'Civic Centre Cafeteria, .Wednesday, Jan. 9, 8 p.m. Prires, 'refreshments. Admission 50c. t24) Instead of the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club this Thursday there will be a dinner and theatre party on'Sunday evenings Mrs.'Vic'Glraud 6f Terrace, after a 'brief visit to the Atty as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Earl' Gordon, returned to her home In'the driteTlor on last evening's train. A"ways and means "committee consisting' of Gordon DurkinJL. I M. iFelsenthal.'Dr.'L. W iKergln, a. x. flppiewnaue, Nevme'Oer-rard.fL.'M.'Gordon and William" Tirry has -been appointed for the Prlnce!UupertiROtaryClub. 'Program at the weekly lun-6heon tomorrow of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club will comprise the showirrg-of moving pictures oX city, and district by Set. La nee Potteflon, chief of city police. CARD OF THANKS nils Is to lhank all friends and pallbearers, 'H. ' Essan, 's. El- quiit, T. Avelson. E. Qulst, If, Lin'd, C. C. Rosang, for expres sions of sympathy and kindness shown me in the loss of my beloved wire. CLAUS PETERSON. Those sending flowers were: Mr. and Mrs." Oie Wick-and family, S. Ortquist, Mr. and Mrs. W. Flhlayson and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Htrmanson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rosang, John E. Klenri, Mr. and Mrs. John Saldan, Mr. and Airs. 'Paul Rosang, Dybhavn I 's Items . . . 'A'Wh'ts't every Wednesday, Bridge every Saturday, '8 'psn. 'Refreshments. Everybody wel come. Community 'Club House, OM'IMy.j'Cove'Ave. ' (10 'H, 'S. -LitUepToud '6f 'the real, estate' departmedt of Wartime,! Housing is a visitor In the city ' from Toronto 'on official 'busi ness. WILL REQUEST SA'LVATroNlSTS TAKiEOVERiHOM Prince Rupert's Pioneer 'Home mayJlbe operated 'by the 'Salvation Army. ,'At "least, the cliy plans .to 'sound out ' that organi sation on the possibility. 'Coun- ell last night approved -a health committee' report recommending' 1 that the Salvation 'Army'be ask- rd whether it would be' interested In operating the 'Pioneer 'Home I and, 'If so, under What condi tions. The (present superintendent of the 'Pioneer "Home, S. B. Caldr,!plarns!to leave that position lp May. POLICE HEAD TO V'ISITiHERE Police'Commissloner T. W.'S. Parsons arrangei ameetlntg' with PrlnceRupert'crty'cOUhcl io .dlscqss details tit the new, policing asreemerit offered the told council in- a letter read dt last night's council meeting. Hotel.,, arrivals Prince Rupert J. O'D. Morgan, Vancouver; 'J. O'Connor, Vancouver; Mr. and ::r.J,J ...I TV;: I iMrs. 'F. Taylor, North Pacific' j.i1 , Cannery; Mr. and Mrs. P. Ml- 'i Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Doiron and Mr.l... - . -I, - - - t halech. Nanalmo; W- TT. Thorn. wirpr Mr WnH a i VanccuTer- and the girls, Nana Crist and Norman, 'Mr. ana "Airs. Gust' RICH !lN 'FOOD -VALUE Quist and 'the boys, Thelma,. Milk providesijustabout every Fred and .Violet iRasmuss, Mr. thing in food value-calclum. and Mrs. Bart Hedstrom, Mr. protein, minerals and vitamins and Mrs. Malc61m Montgomery. and should be chosen in:pte- ana iamny, 'u. tssen. air. ana rerence to other beverages, ad- Mrs Dan Main, E. 'Qulst, Mr;viie3 the'de-pitHmeht df'natldna; and Mrs. Bergman and family, health. Get sweeter, 'tastier bread I CI CICrUMAUM'C I LLIJVIIIIinilll J FRESH FULL-STRENGTH ! Fleischmann's fresh active Yeast starts working right away! All the-strengtlrof the yeast brings out all the flavourful goodness of your bread. iBe sure of -sweet taste light texture ifragrant frcshness'rery timet IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, insist on 'Fleischmann's full-strength, fresh active least with the familiar. yellow label. Dependable Canada's favourite yeast '(ot over 70 years. COMMENCINfi JANUAUY 17 HOVIS BREAD ' a-rrM UyI ill mHvi Ihlil Ev7 Tuesday and Friday RUPERT 'BAKERY LTD. MAUK NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS LIBERATIONS GREER PHONE RED 5G1 REX BRIDDEN .Builders and Contractors CAFE r.O.BOX 721 SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. ' Open 0Jn. to 2 a.m. rUONK 179 CITY GROUPS ASK GRANTS 'Requests to the city council toy two local organizations for financial assistance during the coming .year were referred to finance committee for consideration "when the estimates are drawn up 'while a third request from an outside'organlzatlon for aid -Was ordered filed. Anticipating unusual expenditures due to the fact that' Prince Rupert will be the site of one, and possibly two conventions this year, the Prince tRupert Chamber of Commerce sought resumption of a civic igrant-such, as was. paid before the war. Chamber of Commerce Secret-i ary E. T. Applewhaite told council In a letter that this year'3. expenditures for that body might, be tUOO due to the fact that Prince Rupert would be the location of this year's convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of'Northern B.C., and might also be chosen for the convention ot the-Northwest Trade Association. Income of the organization Is, made up wholly from member ship fees which will total between $810 and $840 this, year, according- to Mr.Applewhaite. The Prince Rupert Public Relations Council sought resumption of -the $500 grant paid by the cLty two years .ago in order to pursue its plans for publicizing the -city. The request was. signed by Public Relations Coun- city by th,e provincial poUce, he .clj treMurer Arnold -Fluten. Both were referred to finance committee. Maybe you do not 'know wc have some LOVELY DRESSES 95 AT OUR- A request for a "generous dOrtdtidn" by the HealthlLeague of Canada", with headquarters In Toronto) was ordered -filed. OUr own provincial 'government is doing good work in the field of health. ! thlnk-we should support it "fully," Mayor Arnold said when the request "was con sidered. An application by the British Sailors Society for permission to hold xi tag day here was also filed. "We -wlll toe glad to help them out when deep sea ships start tailing here," Alderman Youngs commented. Whenyo 'Ir.i.ll W catches cold ur mothers do to- relieve mis-'eries of children's colds: Simply rub warming Vlcks VapoRub on throat, chest and back at bedtime. Results 'are so good because -VapoRub's special relief-bringing action starts'tight away-and keeps on working for hours during the night while the child ileeps.Ot ten by morning most misery of the. cold is relieved. Remember. Mother . . . when your children catch cold . . . 'be sure you get time-tested Vicks VapoRib. A TfHEY ARE REAL BUYS BUY AND SAVE ON OUR BUDGET PLAN V Be Sure of the Best j 1 M I WE DELIVER DAILY Bulk ev Market ,,m w I M,,wJ 3rd Avenue Thone 178 ' 'HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 ! COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made I VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE BELGIAN STEMWARE Royalty Assortment GOBIiETS SHERBERTS WINES COCKTAILS FOOTED TUMBLERS These are hand-cut best quality Bel-glum glass, Canberra shape at popular prices. See them on display at . . . TIE VARIETY STORE "WHERE .YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS'' 'Prince Rupert Botfle Collector ALSO MKSSI.NGF.R SEKVICK ThORC RlllC 737 We ... buy ALl sizes Perfex Heet Whiskey, 1G in and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICB Prfitfc Hiutctt DnHy 'JSetoj Tuesday, January 28, I94T "THE MEN'S SHOP INCOMETAX Returns Prepared See R.-'E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 Phone 775 Harvey Woods; 'HATCHWAY AND: iP. D. Q. Underwear Gomfort ... Fit . . . 'Durability . .. Medium weight, buttonless combinations, in fine rib cotton -and ' cotton and wool mixtures. Prices $2.75 - $3.25 - $3.75 mm m m rt r - IfV CLOTIII0 ,tD HIMXIIIMS 532 THIRO AVEHUE PHONE 345 hicks FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 744 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823- A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Floor Polishers, weight 15 lbs., felt protected, ea... sj.".."0 Corn Brooms ... T.H.I "Industrial Brooms, Special .. Heavy white cups and saucers, Special .-IO Curtain Rods, Extend, to 48" 15, and .tiT Window Blinds, green only, 36" !.-." See us for your Beds, Springs and Mattress, All sizes In stock; felt and spring filled Mall orders filled without delay. 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. DOOR MATS Keep the mud nut of your home with one of our good quality Cocoa Fibre or Rubber Door Mats. Wc also have a complete line of Rubber 'Mats for drainboards, stove tops and baths, ln assorted colors. McIIridc Street SI Phone 311 JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK January 15th to 22nd "Support Your Local Junior Chamber" Wo are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 547 P.O. Bx 174 AT LAST r T Community anl Rogers SILVER SETS We have received several large shipments ln several of the most popular patterns Including . . . LOVE, ADORATION, ETERNALLY tYOURS, . LADY HAMILTON," FORTUNE, etc. Some sets have 20-piece service 'or, six. Some have 34 pieces for eight people, and some have service for twelve with 54 pieces. These are mostly in chests but we have some bulk sets for those who do not need the chest. WE CAN SUIT ALMOST ANY POCKET FOR THE PRICES RUN FROM ... $15.95 to $84.00 plus tax These are all at the approved celling price, the same as all ovr Canada. Might be well to look early though. I 4' i Vt'Kjf 4f..tfi- to