j; orticern AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TTTTTTT1 a rTTTTVTTTTTfTTTTT I 1AA1 Blue 'hone 235 Phone X DAy AND ciinn: NIOHT SERVICE lr Cab,l 'old Ei"Pre" u.l.l "" . . TklrJ : - - A., - f A "ublishcd at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" fclAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlA? XXXVI, No. 134. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1947 vuivu rivauiio II S d lb J Cf (i IIILCU . cirimir Or Good A Says U.S. airaicgisi .ri-irl NY j U W V U t . tnrmn v ol inc siau ui i . iv.- - .... United States strategic air .i-ir,imnc. said today that tuch impu -"" . . - ii;Ampripfin ! trnns and not mat, goou .4j,.-, .at. liouart ana guuti"" , smith colleges. . curtls declared "it is in .-M tradlc tnat so mucn international thinking. . -i., has hnd to bC nussla. Our rela- . jth her has given ncr iinrr than snc ae' - A W inn 11111 n mm 1 1 i n CHlnillll III trill tlWniltl ........ htrt tnrtaV k stiike that has stopped ir-icr." train service Khcut France but the gov- in emergency tiawport sva- II OUiti ana II 1 l.V.n . , mine icr. still mo.vc jQod.s,. U CU1UUS 1 w In white and draped with culous veils, wrote Rev. R. R Godfrey vicar of Alde- eii. in ms parisn mauiiiiiiv. nn mini nirirf Kpriii au n In li.Hfl tn tKn olrle VlpInT i being far more concerned n inn p nrnccAt innn wu n i.iii: 'VltWIIVV diiu OVIV. ill 1 1 v lsinn. I A It a m m m mm 11111 1 w rii r 1 1 iv n 1 m LIIIIUI 1 II I I I S'AIM LtrtTTV" if AAA .... .Ili.n 'ft t cM Helen Bell is ft vtva--ut serious student ot world with a mature mission tlon cf a vouth movement 'rt for world government. Dall. who rt.:cinblcs Can-j'i Barbara Ann 8cott, is a rwr of th Unttpd wona Wkt! student division, rc-ly developed her theme In a 4 here graduate of Whcaton Col- ll ... i...Ut 'Uovrrnmnntu nri nr.t In ill 11 C h the atcmlc age and scc3 the a federal world govcrn- 'TIS Unlln.l t.A...ntt.il -who 't, and hhh schools 1" -'"nu oiaics, Dcjievc uvcr mei i wouiu suirn. tn. fpn- rinwn. uni- "ailons. tld. n-tl tlT. noil IT 4 . i ... I - ' raucating I'outn cy cu- twin w . . i lorunvj and timuiatiB '"cnts on United Nations af- Crml it- . 1 II W I m 'I II il III K. Ulibit Wic vouth f ii' wnrld COV- '"n(,nt exnnnc.i iin lived 111 "nited States since ehe was Dr' A' L. Pritchard of tho Na "u UIO ocltnl Rt.nt. nii. who WCn In fhlo nrpn fnr the w weeics nnmniiincr ine "l salmon rp.5pnrrh work In IJIlln. 1. cnlllnrr i lJe Princess Adelaide tonight "'Na return south. He ex- ' ' ! lo be back again In July HOSPITAL BOARD IN SPECIAL New Moslem ! rrrr iaii ta t a i 1 rurrrnf . Kiiiun. iu iali tntKutNu atjon Sought Conditions at Prince Rupert General Hospital . , have been causing some concern and a special meeting Tumultuous Meeting, of the Board together with members of the Prince in New Delhi Makes Rupert Medical Association was held at the week-end Momentous Decision ( to consider the emergency. Miss l'hylus Mooncy, NEW DELHI (CP) R.N., lady superintendent, termed the situation as The Moslem League voted 1 ARMY MUTINY ! AT COLOMBO .Military Police It tore Order Government Clerks Also Strike COLOMBO. Cylcn W -About fo0 of the Royal Army Service Corps of the Crylon Command nrc rcDorted todav tc have mut inied si the nravby Kirillap, one csrro complaining of bid treatment by certain British officers, and objcctlm to being ussd.to break up strike. Military police restored order, after arresting several demonstrators. Striking government clerks returned to their desks today but a strike of 20,000 gas. tea and rubber chancering workers and railway employe's is continuing. HALIBUT SALES American Lorelei, 55,000, 19c and 15c, Storage. Eureka, 12,000, 19.1c and 15c, Royal. Canadian Strafen, 24.C00. Co-op Morthforland. ajiOO. Co-op Kaare II. 51,000, Co-op. Intend, 11,000, lt.lOc and-Hc, Whiz. ' Oony, 25,000, 18c and 14c, Booth- -Korntn, 15.CO0, lClOc and 14;. Booth. Flnclla, 1800, 18c and 14c, At- lln Dovre B., 31,000, 18c and 14c, Four Forty. 20 ouu. ibc ana ic. Id 8toD Elggllng at conf lrma-1 .. .. . .. , AHIn - r . n ma' 1 't lilrt nfitt uapc epear, iu.uuu 1U..UV. "vt 14c. Atlin. Borgund, 13,000, 18 10c and 14c, 1 Atlln. . - . Seamaid, 35,000, 18c and 14c, Royal. MAGYAR FLAG The Hungarian flag is red, white and green with the national coat of arms in the centre. Dr. R. W. Lane, oirector of the local public health unit, and Ar- mand Boas, unit sanitarian, were visitors at Terrace over the week end, making arrangements for a stop of the mobile x-ray van which will proceed mere irom Prince Rupert after the middle of the month. critical ana am inai, unit-as, . . , - , i, TVTr-l.vi I demands upon existing staff and facilities were reduced, a further curtailment of public services might be necessary. She urged that the public be appealed to for greater co-opera tion and suggested that visitors especially be more considerate while facilities are taxed as at nrescnt. If telephone calls and enquiries were made only In essential cases more time would be given to patients. Efforts to obtain additional nurses this year had been un- fuccessful despite added induce ments and advantages. The acute shortage of trained personnel was general throughout Canada and studies to determine suit instituted. Dr. R. G. Large presented a brief suggesting the formation and operation of a short course in practical nursing to be give.i bv the hospital. This was iav- orably- considered by the Board and a committee will make iur- Ahcr Inquiries relative to the proposal with a view to commencement at an early date. Present at the meeting were Miss' P. M. Mooney, R.N., lady superintendent; Drs. R. O, Large. C. H. Hanklnson and W. S. Ker- gln, for the Medical Association; nnnrd chairman C. G. Ham., uir "cctors B. R. Dodds, J. RrMorlrr; McMeekln: managing secretary H. B. Birch and JJ. u Stevenson. Body Sighted But Is Not Recovered A body was reremly sighted in the Bulkley River und the im pression Is that It was one oi me two SDCjice boys who were drowned when the boat that was tnkinc them to scuool capsszea. ThP hndv was seen in' a slough at Hazc'jton by the Misses Alien and they tried to reach It, but the water at that time was too treacherous and the current too fast. W. B. Edmondson is sailing to-nlahfon the Princess Adelaide for a two wecK-s uimuuj to Vancouver. Mrs. Edmondson and family are already In the south and will be returning with , him. -- - wTtn AT T T.H FIELD Sr' 'malaWJor Viscount Alexander, wh. who a m a Wea ol the Oer role in the tulated by D, A. E. S Til preS'of Daisle University, after the Viscount. ui Kerr, left, presiaem, received the honorary degree noW B: Kerr Is Major David 5 AleXander" K C LaUfle' Srmanof the board of governors. turnout, iv numc iiiuoicnij India a new nation. The. vote came during a tumul-t tuous session in the course of which police turned tear gas on opponents ol the League who , broke Into the meeting. The Moslem League Council was meetine to decide on the British cabinet plans for split ting India into Hindustan and Pakistan. About one half of, the morning spreakcrs criticized the pro-1 nosals of the leaders but, how ever, predicted acceptance. Outside of the Imperial Hotel, members of a Moslem organization oDDOsed to the League demonstrated noisily aga nst ac had been able remedial measures rpntanrp. skirmished with police and saw sixty of fellows arrested. the their FIRE VISITS RESTAURANT Kitchen of Three Sisters Cafe Gutted" by Flames Sunday Fire, originating in the kltchem ?f the Three Sisters Cafe, Third Avenue, shortly before noon yes terday, did considerable damage "lut, through quick andthorpush services c" tn? -jircmtrir -uuw-Driver Bert Cameron, was ex- 'inanishcd before it spread far. The effect of the blaze was con fined mainly to tht kitchen but It is necessary to close down the. premises until rebuilding' can bo, carried out. firon after the oil valve in the kitchen range had been turned up by Mickey Moran, brother or the owner, and a waitress, Ceclle Lc-eur. had arrived to prepare to open for the dly, a small fire started at the back of the ran;e. At first it was not regarded as serious but scon it commenced to spread rapidly. By this time, the proprietor, James Moran, had arrived and the fire department was called. For a time the flames, f n-velcping the kitchen and spread ing Into the back of the restaur ant, and the private section ad- Joining, appeared menqcing but the fire .department did a good Job in bringing them under control. Damage to thp. restaurant's (kitchen and stock, which may amount to a couple of thousand dollars or so. wis reported to be covered by Insurance. Mr. Moran i stated that he would reopen as 1 soon as repairs can be made. The adjoining Ranee and Hardy grocery store stiffered some smoke damajc, it Is" believed. The building affected Is owned by Theo Collart. FIND BODY AT OONA RIVER The provincial police boat P MX 15 laft port this afternoon to Inve tl;ate a report of the cove y of a body floating in the. 5f a off Oona River, Porcher Isl-Jp.nd on Sunday. It Is believed , ;ba the body may be that of one of the seven native passengers Pf a Port E?sin3ton elllnct Jocat which foundered In the Ice ol the lower Skeena last January. INFANT NAVY Tho TJnual Tnrilnn N.1W POll- sir'.ed of only 10 or 12 ships at the outbreak of war. Mrs. Washington, who . has been paying a visit with her daughter. Mrs. S. A. Cheese- man, is sailing tonight. by the Princess Adelaide on her return home In Victoria. ) : I UjIl.W. BEGINS WAGE NEGOTIATION Reversing his previous firm demand for nothing less than industry-wide bargaining for his United Mine Workers, U.M.W. President John L. Lewis, begins negotiations for a new soft coal contract with 75 per cent of Ihe U.S. mine operators. He is shown,, left, in Washington with Ezra Van Horn, centre, vice-president of the Ohio Coal Association, and chairman of the joint wage conference, and tvL rvr nirv tt WW vlrp 1 -nresident. 1 Local "Earns" Fwave in Radio Link Willi .South racijw Kaji The world-wide fraternity of "hams" amateur radio.broadcastcrs linked New Zealand with Prince v tn nass on information about a strance, scientific expedition aboard a raft in the South Pacific, ana rrince nupert, in turn, lewycu the message to an equally unexpected place Okla- N6-:American r Posts Here Statement Made in Commons ny.Mr.' St. Laurent OTTAWA, The Minister of External Affairs, Hen. Louis St. Laurent,' said In, the House of Commons that no United States., service costs would be .estab- r rVinnHa nd5r ioint thing like that. But no one can say that the situation will not change and that there will not, unfortunately, be u time wnen all Canadians will be glad to see posts established here." A bjll authorizing the United States military courts to exercize Jurisdiction over American soldiers In Canada was given a econd reading. SIMILAR MOVE IN ITALY SEEN LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., United Nations sources were sps- culatln? today that iharp Amerl-canreactlon to Communist seiz ure of power in Hungary might be aimed at discouraging ine pofsibiUty of a similar ccup In Italy. Tills line wus advanced amid indications of a possible American, appeal to the United Nations In connection with a UUiUd. HffenPP noiir.ies. Aiiv American navian anthropologists set sail . . 1- - ... A n rnort's will r.c . .Tg-LfrnrYt i :fi i ian ppru. uii rvuiu 1 under Canadian command. 'Mr. St. Laurent said it was not the Intention to establish American bases In Canada b.ut warned: "I hoDe there will nrver be any series of moves by which communist officials are placed In key Josltlons In Budapest. Local Tides Tuesday. June 10, 1917 iiiuh 5:10 17.1. feet 18:35 16.6 feet 11:54 5.8 feet LOP-SIDED TOWER The Leaning Tcv.er cf Pisa is approximately Ui feet oft C.P.R. .steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. Fred McGraw, Is due in port' at, 5:45 . this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to van couver and waypolnts. The.. vagaries .of. international amateurf broadcasting brought Prince Rupert into the picture when Sgt. E. L. Hagg, of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals staff here, an ardent "ham," was seeking contact with other amateur stations at 3 o'clock one morning. He picked up the New Zealand broadcaster, who informed him that he had been in touch with the balso-wood raft on which a party of six Scandi- to test a theory of cultural links between Polynesia and South America. The New Zealand amateur asked Sgt. Hagg to Inform other "hams" and the American Radio Relay League that the scientists were transmitting on the 2fl-meter band in their daily weath ¬ er broadcasts to the U.S. Weath er Bureau. Passing the information along, Sgt. Hagg contacted another member of the radio cult In Oklahoma. "ReccDtlon and transmission at our station at Signal Hill, in Westvlew is very good, much better than down town," Sgt. Hagg said. "We are using army equipment provided for the local 'ham' club." The raft, with which the New Zealand amateur was.in contact carries a group of five Nor wegian' and one Swedish, anthropologists, headed by Thor Heycrdahl, who hopes to prove a theory that the Soutn Paclfl-; Islands- In early times had been visited, and perhaps partly nonnipfi hv civilized Indians from South America. He He believes hcueves that tnat.reruvian Peruvian In Is Tahiti in the Society group. He estimates that the rait 40 feet by 18-feet, and fitted only with a small sail will make the 5,000-mile Journey In COMMUNISTS 140 days. With the exception of the radio and a few modern con veniences such as army "iron" rations, the trip Is being, made under primitive conditions slml-im tA those under which Mr. upveiahi believes the ancient Feruvlans did their colonizing ARE MENACE Former AsskUnt Secretary of Stale Says They're Worse Than Nazis -WASHINGTON SprulMe ,Braden, former assistant Secretary of State, says the Com munists in Latin America are a greater peril to democracy "than even Nazi Columnists", "Their whole nrwrram" said Braden," is to create chaos at every turn". He made this statement to the House ol Ronresent- a.'lves Appropriations sub-com mittee. "They are in on every revolution and it does not matter who is behind It . BULLETINS MORE MINERS STRIKE UMONTOWN, ra Another 3.600 miners joined in work stoppage in the southwestern j Pennsylvania bituminous coal fields today raising the total number idle to almost 10,000, in what some desciibed as a protest against the union-curbing Bill adopted by Congress. Fourteen mines are idle. LABRADOR RELIEF ST. JOHN'S, Mid. The motorshlp Blackmore, carrying food and medical supplies, was expected to arrive Sunday at the Labrador hamlet of Three Rapids where 150 Inhabitants were left Isolated and Impoverished by a fire which destroyed" their radio station and food stores three weeks ago. HOUSEWIVES INDIGNANT LONDON Over 5,000 members of the British Housewives league staged tumultous demonstrations tn Royal Albert Hall protesting against the unnecessarily austere living standards now being experienced hi Great Britain. PARIS STRIKE LIMITED PARIS French railway cials admit the 'railway strike has spead from the 60-mile radius around Paris, and that trains have been rupted from runs elsewhere throughout the country in the face of the railroad strike which has isolated Paris lrom the remainder of France. BU'lTER PRICE PROBLEM OTTAWA Premier Mackenzie King said in the Commons that the government's butter and Hour price policy will be announced in due course. WATCH FOR BOMBS LONDON A Scotland Yard spokesman said that Inew precautions were being taken against "murder by mail" bombs as the wouid-be-assas- sins would probably have something else up their sleeves He declared it quite likely that the plotters would now change their tactics and suggested that attempts might be made to send bombs In packages rather than in tetters and possibly front some country other than Italy. Twenty bombs "are reported to have been detected. FATAL BANK HOLD-UI' A1LSA CRAIG. Out Sydney t waUh dians, using huge oalaa-wooa . man at ' Ailsa Craig . (branch (branch o of rafts, employed ocean currents and prevailing winds to sail to the Marquesas and Society Island?. Destination of the raft the Canadian Bank of Commerce was shot and killed In robbery attempt early Satur-,i., iiii v.i,i hr-m eneaeed I uaj, .... . I as night guard about six weeks aim because of numerous at- temps in the last few weeks to rob the bank in this village. 19 miles northwest of London. Ont. The vlllase reeve, Fred McLcod, sounded the alarm after he had heard five or six shots. He saw two jnen escaping. No money was taken. Norway and Sweden were, united under one government from 1814 to 1905. A 11 r Ml uairy . Prices Are Set Loose Important Announcement By Prices . and Trade Board ,, OTTAWA (CP) Re moval of butter rom the list of rationed croods Was announced today by the Prices and Trade tfoarci. All dairy products are re-. leased from price control. HoneV. iams. iellies and mar malades are also off the ration list but strawberry . and raspberry Jam remain under price control. All meals are also released from price control. ...j Floods Sweep: United States Mississippi On Rampage-Also Columbia River In West Another Tornado NEW YORK 0 A major flood threat .developed Sunday alongr the central reaches of the Mis sissippi River after the effects of freakish weather had clalntr ed at least 22 lives, left thous ands homeless and caused; mil lions of dollars property damage. - Army engineers said they.ex-nected additional levees to tall "under the' pfessure' of the Mis sissippi flood crest. Seven persons are reported dead at Ottumwa, la, and 16,000 were driven from their homes. Out west at the Dalles, In Oregon, one life was lost, two are missing and 5,000 acres of sugar beets crop were ruined. . A tornado zlg-zagged thrpugh eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania Saturday, killed at least five nersons. and partly wrecked a dozen towns. Hardest hit was Sharon, Pa., where all the homes in a flftcen-WocK residential was damaged. CONTRACT TO . MASSETT MEN f Holland and Phillips Awarded $21,851 Wharf Job at Queen Charlotte City a t Holland ant. H. B. rhil- lips of Massett have been awarded contract . by the federal department of public work tor wharf extension ana repair. Queen Charlotte Oity. The con tract Is for $24,9ol. THE WEATHER Synopsis Overcast skies und showery weather were general over Bri tish Columbia this morning, rre-Piniatinn !s not confined to the Pacific slopes, however, for .rain is falling over a wide strip aions the Interior today as far east as Manitoba. A strong westerly flow will continue to carry moist-air' well Into the Interior but grad ual clearing Is expected over. U19 next few days, " Forecast Prince Rupert. Queen Chait- lottes and North Coasts-Cloudy, ntvasionally overcast today, to night and Tuesday. Widely scat tered rain showers today and tonight and early Tuesday. Winds light. Little change In tempera ture. Minimum? tonight Port Hardy 52, Massett 52. Prince Ru pert 53. Maximums Tuesday pjrt Hardy 2t Massett 60, Frinee Rupert 63. Archdeacon and Mrs. Edward Hodson are sailing tonight on the Princess Adelaide far a va cation trin . souths The Arch deacon Is going to Pentlcton and Mrs. Hodson to CranbrooK. .15! 1 1 ill J ii .1! 4 n: f