ft IVfllfS nxsn and uromea poluvyAeAh in. Bcortomlc JXjnvniM, thnouoh insurance, It " CflUll)- mutual co opcaaurm unla. -. i m this n with the w 3 1 -yard ic ive this u "mall f machine cse so far. oo a boon i- 4nd new ) olecc of will-be ir-e Rupert it! 3t open w'alch It c lbl fal- sum- .de diver n w plow. a plow R - Cana- eltpiones ipphonc :j &( (retailed T Wilt Is ,;n .-eo weeks J r. r.ot- yet iTcrrarf Service Woe Repair Shop im,Ti:UKACE I'-Ut; pron. fMt SiriiiK Tune-Up fwlm services: flf Enjinc Tunc-Un urn Lubrication 'Oil-thansc V Tir Inspection F'Testcd and iSyMfni Muslieil 'fcn Belts KciiIaiT.l Connections N toner Kmmdilloned FE machine AI CARAGK 1 Motors Dealer P Inil 1 Lumber CO 0TI0 TOM McKEOWN .... ii'I' fliVtfIA Box 1280 RACE EXTENSION OF TERRACE POWER TERRACE - Terrace still Is awaiting completion of installa tion and putting into operation by the British Columbia Power Commission of its new power plant which will greatly step up the output of light and power and permit of the further exten sion of service within and beyond th corporate limlUs of the village. 1 One 210 h p. and one 80 h.p. diesel engine are already in place at the new power plant at the cast end of the railway yards and there is another 240 ih.p. en gine to come. With the opening up of the new plant, the old one, with its two Caterpillar diteel engines, will be closed down. come. Some 60 or 10 lc?al subscribers are anxiously Waiting for their connections so that local communication will be possible for the first time and a'.'o connection Into the Ions distance exchange. Terrace Theatre Showing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm. Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, .May 13' "CISCO Kill RETURNS" with Duncan Ronaldo and Martin Garralaga Wednesday, .May 14 "COME OUT FIGHTING" with Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Billy Benedict and Gabriel Dell. Friday and Saturday .May 16. and 1" "AM. AMERICAN CO-ED ' with Frances Langford, Johnny Downs, Marjorie Woodworth, Noah Beery. Jr.. Esther Dale Harry Langdon and Tanner Sisters. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace K- HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. I'Umlier Manufacturers r E R R A C E I senl For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. I'liilto Radios Willar.1 Millard IMIIprl.. Batteries I.tlRS, 1'olCS and Piling Ltd. James Hampton, who arrived at Prince Rupert long before Incorporation and, remained ac-trce In local affairs lor years, has been finding It necessary to spend much of his time at home because of falling health. In pio neer times, It was no trick at all to go out among the loftiest of hills and bcwl over mountain ?oat or deer. Announcements All Kdvcrtiar-iiiiflu m r.ne column will bo chRrertf for full montli tt 2bv a word. Legion Auxiliary Sale. May 9. ( Mother's Day Tea Sale, S.O.N., Ladies, May 10, Lutheran Church 2:00 to 0:00. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, May 14, Mrs. Flatcn's. Cambral Chapter Spring Tea, May 15, Mrs. J. Munthe, 437 4th West. Catholic card party at School Hall, May IS, 8 p.m. Norwegian Independence Day Celebration, Oddfellows' Hall, May 16, 8 o'clock. Anglican Cathedral Chancel Guild Tea, May 22, Mrs. Nora Arnold. Port Simpson Celebration Committee will be holding their anual day of sports .on May 23 and 24. Cash prizes and trophies for field, track and water sports. 'Tea and Food sule May 28, Salvation Army Home. Job's Daughters' Tea, Mrs. Berner's, May 29.. Eastern Star T6a, Civic Centre, June 4. Presbyterian Tea, June 5, Mrs C. G. Ham. United Church W. A. Tea on June 12. Hill CO Rose Tea, June 19. Anglican Tea, June 18, Mrs. Watts. Local News Items... WANTED Oirl3 wanted fori general laundry wofk. Pioneer laundry. (Ill) George J. Dawes, v.ho has been confined to bed at his home following a recent collapse, was removed to the Pj-lnce; Rupert General Hospital yesterday Mrs. E. G. Ho'jnes and small daughter Lorraine, of Topley, arrived in the city Thursday night by train to pay a brief visit with Mrs. Holmes parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Walter DalzeL. Seal Cove Circle. W. I. Weiss lias joined the staff of Ideal Cleaners and Laundry's beinp in charge of sales East of Alt Bride St. Phone 858. Daily pick-up and delivery, (110) Father Lulgl Amadlo, who ar rived in this country not long ago from Turin, Italy, returned to the city yesterday from a trip to Los Angeles and Vancouver He is to. remain in tills country and expects to receive a mis sionary assignment soon. Fred Reld of the Capitol staff, should be In London by this time, or perhaps earlier. having sailed from New York aboard the Queerr Elizabeth. He Is no stranger to England, having been born and raked there. He plans on being there next September. 800-POUNI) STURGEON VANCOUVER. Q) An sturgeon, largest caught in the Fraser river for some time, was caught by Harry Corder and sold to eastern fishing Interests for $200. ' ;lJj Announcing . . .reopening or ROYAL CAFE (Mrs. C. C. Swanson) SPECIALIZING IN FRIED CHICKEN AND WORKINGMEN'S MEALS GOOD HOME COOKING Third Avenue 1 sum. to 12 p.m. LOW AIR FARES from Prince George to EDMONTON $33.90 GRANDE I'llAIKIE 19.00 FORT ST. JOHN 12.00 QUESNEL 6.50 VANCOUVER 30.00 $68.00 return 31.20 return 21.60 return 11.70 return 51.00 return iu lax Lt. Prince George, Norlh, lilS p.m.l South, IOiOO a.m. Daily Eicrpt Monday. Further information from Holt Bnrhme, Prince George Hotel, Frinre Oroffe, K.C. B7-7 Good News! Highway from Prince Rupert to Terrace NOW OPEN When taking that long-planned trip, be sure to drop In at V an TerraceJ Machine Shop & Garage GENERAL MOTORS DEALER and let us check your BATTERIES, UATTlilUM, TIRES, n.v., w OIL u AND Hw Ill , '?DIE By Chic Young c.. i...K. Ymir Slin's Showiiur! H ;Tr- n v ,,, . u. MAO. 1 feaStSa' quick-iVE got a A JJAJa-V- a a nT ( keep going, -MV- fTu "rSSlSPN TME STRAPS WJl-L J yTn TAXI WE'LL. DRlVEOir- aaV&n J DOOPNWAV APE BROKEN "V l? A TAXI j ft 7 MAKE A RUN DAGVS.OOD. ) . i I C-vr CVi 1CAN7 rvvV-r:' X-7afr iT-rr' go back "R3' i p : p ' Cash for old gold. Bulgers. Special Mother's Day service. St. Paul's Luth. Church, 11 ajn. Dr. Jens Munthe and C. O. Ham leltt his morning by car for a brief week-end yislt to Terrace. Miss Randl Thorscn arrived In the city yesterday afternoon on the Camosun tfrom her studies at the University of British Colum bia to spend the summer vaca Hon here with her brother-ln law and sister. Dr. and Mrs, Jens Munthe. Moo?e Whist and Dance every Saturday night, 8:30 pm (110) Tom Barton Is ba:k'in north em B.C. according to a friend who met him recently in the Prince Oeorge country. Barton, who Is an older soldier, lived in Prince Rupert for quite a while. being a member of the Post Office staff, and will be remembered. He was in the Orient during the' last war. Classified Advertising Pays! PLAN TO VISIT TERRACE Aged Fisherman Passes Away Here Angel Larson, 77-year-old re tired fisherman, died in Prince Rupert General Hospital on Fri day after a brief Illness Hehad been a resident of the Prince Rupert district for a number of years, and, prior to his death, had lived aboard his boat, the Laura L.. at Cow Bay He was unmarried. He is survived by a brother, E. B. Larson, of Van couver, who is due to arrive In the city Sunday night. The fun eral will be held on Monday at Grenville Court Chapel, with Rev. A. O. Aasei officiating. Hotel... h arrivals Prince Rupert R. Hanson, New Westminster; Helen Malcolm, Carlisle; R. Slatford, Vancouver; Chris Jensen, city; Dr. J. Dawson, Van couver; O; L. Lister. Vancouver; G. W. Speers, Vancouver; George Walker, Arrandale; G. Tough, Vancouver: Mr. .nd Mrs. H Renwick, Vancouver. May 24 for the Grand Opening of Terrace and District Civic Centre SEE THE CROWNING OF TERRACE'S BEAUTIFUL MAY QUEEN SHERIFFS SALE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF" BRITISH COLUMBIA THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BOARD, etal, Plaintiffs TELKOAL COMPANY LIMITED, Defendant By virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias to me directed in the above action I have seized of the goods and chattels of the Defendant, the following which I shall offer for sale at auction, for Cash, at the place known as TELKOAL COMPANY LIMITED mine, or elsewhere where goods and chattel 6f the defendant may be located, at 2:00 o'clock In the afternoon of Tuesday. May 13th, 1947, unless the Writ is satisfied in the meantime. Sale to commence at the mine office .located about 7 miles southwest of the town of TELKWA, B.C. The highest or any bid not necessarily accepted: Mining equipment, including boilers, air compressors, drills and drilling machinery, coal cutting machines, hoists, cables, rails, piping, pumping and blacksmith's equipment, fans, tools, stores and general mine equipment. Stores of hardware, lumber, stulls, findings and miscellaneous. -Office furniture and equipment. Weighing equipment including 20-ton capacity scales. Cook House, Bunk House, and Dry Equipment including one No. 202 CF Gurney Camp Range, Dishes, Utensils, beds. Bedding, etc. 1 Canadian Rand steam air compressor plant 13x18, air receiver 12x18. 1 Jcnckes duplex steam hoist. 1 large air receiver. 1 Shaker Screen mounted on 20-lb. rails. 1 Wagner refrigerating unit No. 7593,110 volts, 60 cycle, 1725 R.P.M. These have not been removed from Telkwa Station Yard, and are kiibckcd down and ready for shipment. 1 Loading Ramp at Telkwa Station Yard, containing 90 pes. i"xl2'xl4'' planks, 65 pes, more or less peeled timbers 14' to 20' long, railings, bracing etc. Further particulars available from the Sheriff, Prince Rupert. M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff, County of Prince Rupert. Dated May 1st, 1947. FISHERMEN The Ideal Radio for Your Boat! R.C.A. VICTOR BATTERY RADIO MODEL BT-12 Long and Short Wave Small and Compact The New "Everreatly" No. 758 Power Pack' is housed inside the cabinet for cccnomy of space. Now Available PRICE $59.95 Other Models from $42.80 TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be interested to know that there Is a man In town who has had a wide experience In the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, Is at Hill's Shoe Stort, and will be pleased to take an Impression of your feet and, let you know what can be done "In your Individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also In charge of the Shoe Repairing ' Dept. where your repairs are, executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. Iprfntc Rupert DnUp X3cui Saturday, May 10, 1947 ITS SPRING... . . . and time for a new sport shirt New numbers by Green River and Fashion Plate are here Blue, Brown and Pin Checks- $7.50 Teal Green, Blue and Brown plain shades Wool and Rayon aaaaal I II- J - at aa wjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM aaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaal ll l l GIFTS FDR $4.75 Lai 1 'afcfrli H 11 1 vi i U Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 m DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist II, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargeis and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. You will surely find something to really please the "First Lady" at Perfumes, Colognes, Toilet Waters by HUDNUT, RUBINSTEIN, LUB1N, WORTH, etc. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C. WALLACE, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth Street rilONE LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street PRINCE RUPERT JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine quality Eastern Haddie Fillets Place jour order today with jour local butcher CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA il y.m V ; 1 'til IT'S a, " f.: 1 1