When .siting . W. Tb J term a ue atU j;are:.b4 pr 'Jmr WUS. ) j,irday r) $ie traj Mially ti for alat jmoking arryln Hut pinia tflepaTtn tonsciy ft out." Hose m Should Sea One jj'eature; "a" progran !'he ;inal suj fieason jrentrt f rram w teup-Rc " 1 .. . i;chooiT"'' lay mc ' W hlglv- (slnce. . pgymna.-'- -CRoss d .? l iar veh ' " f been a Be u Be pi c: ,1 Hi- If. J3rii.fi; witpfft Daflp Jcttis Saturday. May 31. 1947 r-- (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Olflce Department, Ottawa) PubllsMd every alternoon except Sunaay by Prlnea Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue,' Prince Rupert, British Columbia. G. A. HUNTER. Managing' Editor . II. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert rtuX all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES "" B7 City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year. 17.00; By Mall. Per Month. 40c. Per Year, 14.00. REAL FREE PRESS A TIME LIKE THIS when in most countries AT the press is an instrument of government, when r . it;?is being used not to inform but to confuse, not to cultivate discussion but to suppress truth, when it has lost its-moral responsibility and leadership and has become a slave to political power, the press of this country is amonument or human liberty, courageous in its freedom, broad in its response to the rights of "man. Its faults are details of human judgment; its virtue is its steadfast adherence to the principle that the publication of the news is an inalienable right that transcends private interest and national policy. No working newspaperman is a paragon pf perfection ; that classification is left for those critics af the press who never having tried to handle the truth-in print fail to realize how difficult it is not . to slip occasionally. The Valhalla of the Gods is un- ". dotibtedly not in newspaper offices where a good man. does the best he can and prays that when he s&3 it in type he will not be ashamed to face his MS.ker, much less his wife. But the intent to be accurate, precise, fair and : d went is in the heart of -every working newspaperman. More and more, he is realizing that he works not only for his day's bread but also for' the preservation of a way of life. For as long as the press is free, men all over the world will realize that in this country, at least, the record of events is being written with malice toward none, with a sense of truth, with responsibility for the freedom of all mankind, whose liberties are inalienable, descending upon man not by lawj not from a constitution, not by an accident of history, but by the grace of God who created man in his image, different from all else in nature in that he knows good from evil, charity from hate, love from lust. In this spirit, the journalist pf this country tries to serve mankind in this era of totalitarian darkness, the harbinger of liberty. HAIDA, THE BOOK OF DOUBLE INTEREST locally because the famous war vessel is named for a noted native tribe of thii district and as local men saw service aboard her is William Sclater's book Haida published simultaneously in Britain and America. , It is the authentic and stirring story of this great . Canadian Tribal Class destroyer from the day of! . her, commissioning in England until her eventful return home to Canada late in World War II. It is not the story of Haida's personnel but rather that of the ship herself. Thus, as was the author's intention, the book symbolizes the parts played during the war by every one of those thousands of Canadians who wore the uniform of Canada's senior service. Haida's story, told by one of her wartime officers who served aboard her during the entire period about which he writes-is a page of Canada's history which will live forever. With an introduction by Rt. Hon. A. V. Alex- " ander, then First Lord of the (British) Admiralty, and 24 drawings in color by the noted Canadian ' artist, Grant Macdonald, Haida is a volume that will stir the pride of Canadians from coast to coast. Haida, the warship, is Canada. Haida, a dra- . matic history and a beautiful book, Is a tribute to Canadians. "NOBLE AND PUISSANT" It's hard for Britain to "'turn over a new leaf" when 20,000,000 books and 5,000 printing pressed were destroyed through the blitzes, and both paper1 and labor are critically short. In London alone' there is a shortage of 1,000,000 textbooks. Most of the classics are not to be had. The prewar foreign trade, is being captured by American publishers. British culture, it is feared, is being stifled at home and abroad. lit was John Milton who wrote at another crisis . of his country's history: ;;. , , .Many a man lives a burden to the earth; ''but a good book is the precious life-blood ; of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up. on purpose to a life beyond life. The dictator? know that books are their enemies. The free flow of information and ideas is the first requisite of democracy. And because democracy ' flourishes: in Britain, it will find a way to leave its vmd signature on these times, dwfpite all shortages. Envisaging an England dedicated to a free prers, Milton wrote in 1044: Methinks I see in my mind a noble and puissant nation rousing herself like a strong man after sleep; and 'shaking' her invincible locks. His vision still survives today. SAILS HATCn COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 126 160 Eat Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) LETTERBOX Q.C. SOUND INCIDENT Editor. Daily News In your column entitled "Ships and the Waterfront" of Thursday's paper youfeatured'an account of the exploits af C.QS. Nitinat. I am submitting this to you in case you may wish to rectify the very incorrect story given. The vessel V No. 10 reported her rudder carried awiy about 35 miles off shore in the vicinity of the Goose Island grounds C.OJS. Kitimat started to the W. No. HrV aid trot, as It was dark and starting to breeze up by the time she reached her; it was decided to wait until daylight to put a line aboard. At approximately 6:30 AM. in heavy seas and rising winds a line was put aboard the V No. 10 and the Kitimat started towing. However the line proved to be too short to provide an even strain and had to be lengthened. It was after the line was lengthened and the next attempt to get under way was made that the tow line fouled in the pro-pellor of the C.G.S. Kitimat. rendering her inoperative. From this tlme.on th; wind increased to well into a gaie force and both vesels took a beating by neavy seas. The COS. Kitimat found it neces&ary to rig a sea anchor and also to launch two oil bags to lessen the effect of the breaking waves. During this time COS. Nltlri- at was standing by in Cultos Sound waiting fcr Iht wtather to moderate before proceeding to aid the two ships in case an emergency arose making it necesary to proceed to aid the vessels with the gale still at full force. By this same time the tug S. D, Brooks and the seiner Pender Isle were available if necessary. Through Bull Harbor Radio a Coast Guard Cutter was contacted at iCetchican and very prcmptly got underway to the jtrieken vessel. This was indeed a very much appreciated gesture although as things turned out It was safe to turn the coast guard cutter back when the'CCS. Nitinat and vthe Pender'Isle reached the W: No.10 was turned back, and the CX3.S. Nitinat and the Pender Isle proceeded Into sheltered waters earih with a ship in tow about four o'clock in the morning. I hepe this Is of seme use to you and that you will have sufficient space' available to print at least some of this correction. R J R. William' Priest, formerly of the Dally News mechanical staff and I now identified with the Omin-' ' cca' Herald at New Hazeiton, was In the city during the week for a fewdays. He went back to the 1 Interior by car vrith his son, Ger-aW Priest, who is located at! Burns Lake. ' Prince Rupert 7:00 am. 12:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 11J30 pjn. Inbound Only I.v. Pt: Edward 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 12:10 am, VB BBKBB B BB V MTf'B B SStl Wl iB m, ail mi imf-h Mil m BtMMlll im-mm imm m m mm ms mkt jrnam m;m m mm wwi -mm mwit hi m man-bmi ii WMUBJ.WB mm m.iw xlv z-.m-m v.. $.w -.vz vs. ipvimivii DIRECTORY Services in all churches at 11 a.m. and 7:30 ptn. and Sunday School at 12:15 except as shoTO. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W at Dunsmulr St. Holy Communion 8:30 am. Sunday School 2:00 pm . Rector: Basil S. Prockter. B.A.. BD. (Blue 733) FIIIST BAPTIST 5th Ate. E. at Youn? St. Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobus (Oreen 812) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue East Minister: A. P. MacSween. B-A. (Oreen 82 FIRST UNITED 636 6th Ave. West Senior Sunday School 10 a m. Minister: R. A. Wilson. M. . (Oreen tXS) FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Rev. J. Llnney (Oreen 620) SALVATION ARMY Fraser Street CO.: Adjt. P. U Ocrrle' (Black 2691 ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 6th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: A. o. Aasen (Black 921) ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove Sunday School. II a.m. Archdeacon E. Hodson (Blue 827) Job's Daughters Close For Summer Four new members were Initi ated in the Iocs . bethel of Job's Daughters which had its final reguhir monthly meetfrrg last night prior to the sniymer recess. In a change of officers Miss Lor-, na Donuldson became marshal of the bethel in place of Glenys Laihmar who coes to the office cf guide replacing Audrey Hunter who will be leaving the city later in the summtr In the social period which 1 olio-wed the bethel meeting. Oord Leln wa the winner of ah attendance prize. Yvonne' Morin was'wirmer The cutter was ottly bnut 2 1 ot first prize In cornect'on with hours Ircm the scene when she sale cf tickets in a recent raffle. Mary Strachan being second with Audrey Hunter and Noon Webster tied for third. Miss Olive Gordon was the winner of a chicken. Joanne Langrldge' gave n recitation. Arthur Murray PROPOSED PASSENGER TIME SCHEDULE NUMBER SEVEN naming PUBLIC PASSENGER SERVICE (1) Sight-Seeing, Prince Rupert, B.C. (2) Port Edward .Miller Bay Port Edward-' l; SIGHT-SEEING TRIP PRINCE RUPERT Lv. CANADIAN. NATIONAL DOCK ON 'TOUR ,VIon. pm. On arrival Union Steamship from Vancouver' Wed. ajn. On arrival Can. Nat. Steamship from Vancouver' Fri. p.nwOn arrival Union Steamship from Vancouver Sun. pjn-'On arrival Union Steamship from Vancouver On arrival SS. Princess Louise due at ten-day intervals beginning May 31st, 1947 Outbound Only PORT EDWARD-PRINCF RUPERT Lv. Miller Bay 7:20 ajn. 12:50 p.m. 4:50 pjn. 11:50 pjn. Lv. Miller Bay 8:45 a.m. l!45 pjn. 5:30 pjn. 12:25 am. SATURDAY and MONDAY ONLY Lv; Prince' Rupert ,9:30 pjn. Arr. Pt. Edward 7:35 ajn. 1:05 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 12:05 p.m. Arr. Prince Rupert 9:05 a.rrf. 2:05 pjn'. , 5:05 p.m, 12:05 pjn. '.' Lv. Port Edward 10:15 p.m'. Subject to consent of Public Utilities Commission any Dejection to this time schedule may be filed with the Supkof Motor Carriers, PiU.C., Vancouver, B'.O, within Fourteen (14) days from its date of issue. Issued by ARTHUR MURRAY, Prince Rupert, B C, SATURDAY SERMON THE HOLiV SPIRIT (By REV. W. F. RUSHBROOK) "They were all filled with the Holy Ghost." er' of the Holy Spirit in con sciously redeemed souls. The Old Covenant Church guarded its revealed truths carefully as a national heritage: The New Birth Church is a church of revelation to the whole world. The Holy Spirit is the motive power1 of this revelation. "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you and ye shall be' witnesses ' untp Me . . . unto the uttcr-fmost parts of the earth." The world's motive power for right action Is a sense of oughtness, "I ought, therefore I can." In the Christian ethic, mark the word Holy. There are all kinds of spirits In the world to day. Holiness is the B tistness ah .7 I. MOLTiKU PHONE BLUE l'55 124 4th Ave; East IAPER'HANGINO; AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all it's branches; 208 4th Street : Phone" 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL .CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Woofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners 488 Red' 894 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNINO-IREPAIRS .Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 PAINTING and PAPER HANGING Phone 174 Phone1 Black-823 Hi J LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers' BLUE992 P.O Box 214 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 Ml SAUNDERS CONCRETE 8IDEWALKJB BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while' I d6 the work. Serving' the'FlJherles Industry Wells (P.R0 Ltd. CarUre Labelling; Welh!nr -Acts 2:4. Sunday, May 25, is, in the Church Year calendar, called Whitsunday or the Pentecost It commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit of God, sent jn the name of His Son upon the followers of Jesus. It marks the New Birth of the church, the Born Again Church of Gwl from the external formalism of Judaism to the indwelling Paw-! .mntpH7n P Pvrv fallen nnV every laboring one. "It is Christ watching, guarding, pardoning, healing, teaching, guiding, comforting, strengthening." It Is Jesus within us here on earth preparing our souls for that dwelling place he has gone to crepare for us in the hereafter. badge of the Christian. Without'10 em from without and not It he hai nothing and can do i iTom within their minds, nothing. His holiness is his pow-! The i Holy Spirit Is Ood in er to become arr attractive agent I Christ, in action, in the whole in winning others to Christ, it world of human souls. There is is an instrument of evangelizaJho near nor far with the Spirit, tion. Holiness U not asking ! I am with you always. someone' "Are you saved?" but! "ev- r-nj.eaour ivuorn iaw -Are you saving?" Christ's re- i sums "P the whole matter thus: ligion needs examples rather than arguments." If a man is: baptised with the Il61yi Spirit he is holy all the' time; ENery day, under every environment, his life' will lift np Christ and, through him, men will be drawn to Christ and His way of life. But the' lioly Spirit-gives personal holiness not for missionary zeal only but for our'' com fort, help and blessing. It Is the assurance that Jesus is with every soul in distress, every FILMS Superpan Pre Filrrw Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompl Mail Order Service Chandler and Cmvgil! 216 4th St. Box 045 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. d Prof esswna i PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOH and MESSENGER We Buy ALL Types of Bottles The demand for empty bottles is greater than ever. To keep the full ones rolling in, let us keep the empties rolling out PHONE RED 416 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd GEORGE L RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiler1 Besner Block' - Phone 387 P. N. Kllborn W. Petersor BERTS TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggagf Freight - Express Phone .Blue 810 Night Calls Oreen 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIS1 A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants i Bulbs Seeds r MODERATE PRICES -Promnt attention to mail orders. Box516; Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 803 .-NORTHERN LIGHT B O OK R O O M (Over Wallace's Store) Father's Day dards, Plaques Sacred Recordings to nmtimA imaiKT iwvia ull nom fUta to 00UJMBU OPTICAL CO. LU "Brethern whatever perplexities you may have about religion, truth, or about your own duty or about the way In which God Is leading you.'lf you really want the truth, want to know it that you may do it, rely upon the unseen Christ, the Spirit of Truth within you. He will guidi you. unto the fruitful and practical possession as a lamp foi the feet and a light for'the path, of all you need to know for doing God's will on earth. Closes Her Mission Until Autumn Mrs. O. R. S. Biaekatoy yetter-dby afternoon ched for the summer the weekly Minion Band eilen wWeh the ha been conducting along non-dfndmina-tional lines in connection with "We may be inclined to envy the Regular Baptitt Church Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus and looking up into HU face or John lying on His bosom or the woman of Samaria listening to His gracious words but there is a far richer privilege granted to us did we know it to' have Christ dwelling in our hearts by faith. In the days of His flesh it was not an inrdwelllng but an out-dwelling Christ His voice too There was an average attendance of upwards of 25 darin-; the year. You saw Jt in Tiie NeW' LUMBAGO (Lame Back) IVben your back 1$ stiff and acre to touch ind It an eltcrt lor you to stoop or bend, ' take the remedy- that hat broufht iwilt. : taft relief ta thouwuia TrmtJetaa'l uniaue ! was ar external voice speaking ; r-R-C". Don"t aoffer from the muini ... t xiurs of J 1 Lumba ml.i on m dill diy lrvno laager I than K-i n (mil niaeiy go a hare to. Uet l-K-L i luOiy, drugsUti ever)"hcic you iOc Ji at T-ti Prom BLUE SKIES' Third Avenue Si Regular Smite, ,,0 5Ll Ab ... 117-. --.V tujQ C! Alii. 'II. 4', . .. u. .CTt "ATI1 cvc... i 12 1: nm ... 7 30 n m r.. Subjc -w'Ji COME tYHiu S00X Yoi G. R 1 -;p rr.r,... nr a li.'l n n d.. T nn fit Pck (Phone 369 TUP . I . . . . IV. L,. JlUt 324 2nd Are. . -tU.Ii 111 .ilintl.r oanunj ria; -c "BLUE SKIES Dinah El'.orr Johnny Long Record 23622. Perry c -1 "YOU KEEP COMING HACK LIKE A SONG Ms "Jim Pioneer DruqffM PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS MB I M 1 . S Iff I Vfll I tin h f A Mi l. . 1 U PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE' HOURS DAILY from 9 ajn. tllll . m . . xlnnit SUNDAYS and HUUJJAYH irom u - 7 pjn. till 9 pm Announcine . . . iibopekino- ROYAL C AF t-r f n Rtt'nnscn SPECIALIZING IN FRIED CIUCKR WORKINGMEN'S MEAW GOOD HOME COOKING NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 WAR sacked Mine Hun Bt HYDETfl IT'S SPRING Time to repa" recondition your home r"ATT. GREER & BRIDJ BUILDERS AND CONTRA uepairs wibiiuu- Phone RED 561