NORTHERN AND CENTR, '3 NEWSPAPER taxi ! 235 PhoncJ Qtte iA Blue! , UIOHT SERVICE iJTRSTflRj n.i.l Third A TP (Jl Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" fT Cabs: VOL. XXXVI, No. 127, PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., SATURDAY. MAY 31, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiJ ORST AIRCRAFT DISASTER YET iher Plane Accident C:Il.. TI I 5 1 iriy- i nrce Lives L So Badly Mutilated That funeral May Be Necessary IePOSIT, Maryland (CP) The mutilated amine ison mfolk Utif Bells No j, i Dawson I sod due to atr transporta- ijhtencd their d U?cd 'or tnc beat from ii u scheduled ll It iJ feared Labarge Ice it'ij tlie vessel. lit .-oi been avail - lU No potatoes , m Cm Fair ;J0 per gallon, -i bri-liips but L are finding adequats ETINS IvGCR REMOTE Ifict of the C.N.H. thtt this after- Ik Skttna Klvcr (our inches t'tatj-four hours 'j of a washout I rtaotc. W VOTE I- The House of committee, Pe to strike out e Elections Act wits persons of h l British Col- I'M in a Horn- RHEUM) ' IcelanU The ttkte of an Ice- Pl, missing i s spotted I uletp mountain leipresed that all iNshed. Mfdi. fcplched to the ill be difficult hlxcaux of lh mountain I5" CROWN Scotland l of i'i,u. defeated his iwmmate, nck fWBrit. North y in thirty. ( B"Uh Ami. "Pioiwhlp, Ibinpl f Italy ledshap. 'or i. , ts y will Lin. i ;.. it. 'i. l rn i i . . lation (iisasier in uniieu aiaies History led today to trie Kainbridge naval training Ky-nine pab&enycis, unu oi inem a Daoe ifour crew members died last night when any tow "'fm'Dcrs, 1 - winposec 1 .... 1' 18.0 feet lX 00 3.8 feet 6.9 feet . an EAuiein ninnies SOUtn-j bound from Newark to Miami, ; crashed three miles from Port j Deposit. ; The big ship of the air plum meted nose-first Into a forest and burst Into flames. The explosion shook buildings miles away. The fire burned for three hours and prevented rescuers from approaching. There was one Canadian passenger among the victims, Miss Nora Gllberry of Toronto. The . and confused that it was thought a mass funeral might be neces-trt sary. PRODIGAL SON- Behind bars in Detroit, Joseph Lukas, alias Lukasiewicz, strikes a remorseful pose after his arrest on a charge of having stolen $15,-000 from his mother In Pontlac, Mich. an act which drove the woman to attempt suicide. When arrested with two companions, Lukas had spent all but $3,500 of the money in 29 days of high living In Milwaukee and Chicago. They were headed for Florida when picked up. The companions were Identified as Rudy Forslund, of Alpha, Mich., and Nick Poulos, of Milwaukee. MORE U.B.C. RESULTS OUT Further local Sludents Sucml In Examinations VANCOUVER Fallowing is a further partial list of University nf nrtttsh Columoia examina tion results for 10W-47 semester Applied Science First. Year. C!ai3 Tw-Peter II. North, Robert L. Peachey. Passed with Supplcmeniais Helge P. Holkcstad, StKond Year, Passed wun oup-plementals-L. Gwynn O. Holt- 4jy. Civil I'nRintcrins Third Year, Class One-Ray mond A. Pillman (fiolntuiat. AgriinUure Third Year. Claws One C. Daniel Taper. Faculty of I-aw vir.t vrnrP.issed with sup- plcmentols-James D. Flslier. Second Year, oiass Frank S. Perry (Prince George). NurMiiff pif vpnr-Passtd with Sup- P. Pullen. plcmentals-Detty NO SCHOOL FOR THEM ,Nlne hundred D,.utnh.u,9n Indian children cenj,iy. BI6 NARCOTIC HAUL IS MADE NEW WESTMINSTER, P; One cl the largest recoveries of narcotics -in recent years here took place Friday night hen two bottles, containing cne hundred tablets each of cocnlrie, codeine, morphine and nembutel were seized Iby police in i. down town hotel. Two men heve fceen arrested, charged -with poysession -A narcotics. Skeena River Is Still Rising Watchful Being Kept on Railway and Motorists Chary About Setting Out NO KOAI) WASHOUTS Provincial Public Works department office here has "no information" on reported washouts along the Skeena Kiver Highway between Tyec and Terrace, the Dally News learned this afternoon tracking down rumors that high flood waters had made the artery impassable. "We know that there is water' on the highway In certain places, but wc have no information on the road being warned out," a Public Works spokesman said. "As far as we know, cars are still running between here and Terrace, although in some places the water is almost up to the running boards." Little or no apprehension is felt by C.X.U. authorities that the river will damage their trackage in the Kwinitsa area where the worst flood condition is being felt. So far train service has not been affected by the high water which has covered the rails. The water covers the railway, which is adjacent to the highway, only when the tide is high, backing up the cur rent. Tonight's train, scheduled to arrive from the cast at 10:45, was reported to be running three hours late after it had been held up by a rock slide near Mount Ilobson. With the Skeena River continuing to rise rapldiy, a watchful eye is being kepi on Its level in relation to the line of the Canadian National Railways. At ithe same time, with reports' of seme bridges being shaky and -nme parts of the read beiiig un- der water, some motorists pause until the situation becomes somewhat, stabilized before starting to drive over the nn- 'way. ,. ...... Yesterday afternoon me wvei f ihP river at Kwinitsa wife a mere one foot six inches below tcp of the rail, having risen from .2 feet 8 Irenes in i nouis. lAmsbury the river was 7 feet 11 inches below rail from 8 feet 3 Inches the day previous, ai Shames the rise had been from p feet 6 inches to 6 feet 5 inches. Pacific reported 8 feet 2 inches, compared with 8 lcet 6 inches. At one time yesterday water was two feet over the tracks at Kwinitsa but this was at high tide. Railway pecple have been keep'ng their fingers crossed the cooler welcomin.2 and are weather which there has been .... - pnnnift o: aavs. xue llve in regions n ; ; theSkeena River Is high-no a schools J P - f0J; mn lt has been for inspector of There had four year;. gen-1 three or f Z:ATr,To washouts on the railway mnrn'w I PEOPLE OF GERMANY MIXING BEER AND POLITICS TOGETHER AGAIN N UN DIE H Al In the per-war days the Germans used to concentrate in their beer gardens to discuss the affairs of the nation over their sudsy steins. The custom apparently has returned. Recently about 5,000 persons gathered In the Frankfurt zoo beer garden to hear speakers from the Russian zone. At top is a section of the crowd. At bottom is one of the speakers, August Froelick, president of the Thurlpgian parliament. The poster in background reads: "Brothers, join hands now," the-slogan of the Communist party. HALIBUT SALES' Canadian OlcWIcM, 20,000, 17.40 and 14, Booth. Covenant, 36,000, Co-op. Arctic I, 17,000, Co-op. Neptune II, 17.000, Co-op. Toodle, 14,000, Co-op. Northern Breeze, 33,000, Co-cp. Prosperity A., 32,000, 17.30 and 14, Pacific. Osbjorg, C.000, 17.20 and 14, Atlln. Sonja I, 42,000, 11.40 and 14, Royal. UEMovi: mi:al ceilings OTTAWA Ceiling prices on meals on restaurants, hotels and public eating places will likely be removed shortly, it was learned today. It is understood that the Prices Board first considered raising the ceiling but, after further investigation, decided it was best to remove controls "SOAKING RICH" IS NOT ENOUGH To Obtain Revenues Needed to Meet Expenditures, Says Minister of Finance. OTTAWA P) The Minister of Finance, Hon. Douglas Abbott, said In the House of Commons on Friday that, no matter how hard he "soaked the rich," he could not obtain tne retenues from them needed to meet cur rent expenditures. Mr. Abbott made this statement after A. M. Nicholson (C.C.F. -Mackenzie) had suggest cd that no one be left more than $25,000 annually after haying paid Income taxes. Mr. Abbott stated there were not sufficient wealthy people from whom to obtain the money. President Truman Coming To Canada on Visit of Goodwill WASHINGTON, D.C (CP) President Truman will make an address In Kansas City next Saturday and leave for a goodwill trip to Canada the following Monday, the White House announces. He will go to Ottawa and it Is expected he will address Parliament. He will remain until the evening of June 12 but details of the schedule are tentative. In Ottawa it is announced that Prime Minister Mackenzie Kingwill make a statement in Commons Monday on the matter of Mr. Truman's visit to Canada. CANADIANS ARE LUCKY Forty-Five Draw Honrs in Irish Hospitals Sweepstake DUBLIN, 0)A ucky Canadian holder df an Irish sweepstake ticket drew Tudor Minstrel, odds-on-favorite in the Derby to fee run at b;'.rcm Downs June 7, C3 the iwecpstakes drawings went on today Four Canadians held tickets on Mighty Maaharatta, Pseudonymo and fcket numbers have not 'been diE'Josed. A ticket-holder hiay get $100,- 1 000 if his horse vihs; I Forty-five Canadians drew (Winning tickets. MONTREAL BOY SCOUTS COMING Preliminary Claris are being made toy the. Prince Rupert 1 District Boy&Bcouts Association -for theentertalnment of ! a group of itwenty Montreal i Bey Scouts and leaders who will visit Prince P.upert August 2D. Arriving by steamer frcm Vancouver, UTe party will proceed east toy train In the evening. While here members of the party -will be taken to ithe Skeena iRiver to ses the sahnon fishln?, to local fishery plants and to the celanese mill site at Port Edward. ELECTION FOR HUNGARY. SOOM A Resignation of Present Prime Minister Has Been Forced BUDAPEST ffii-Lajos Dinnycs, 46-year-old former Minister of War, was asked today to form a new Hungarian government after the previous government had resigned following an all-night cabinet meeting. A statement came from the cabinet to the effect that the new national elections will be held In September. Meanwhile reports are circu lating that the Communists, having forced Premier Nagy from office are continuing a determined move to force Hungary Into a police state. THEWEATHER Synopsis A southerly 'flow of cool moist air over the British Columbia coast will cause.extcnslve 'cloudi ness and widely scattered rain showers across the province for the week end. Cold air from northern Canada Is moving Into central and southern British Columbia and temperatures In these areas are expected to be 10 to 15 degrees "below normal for the next two days. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and north coast Overcast with rain showers today and Sunday. Light winds, little change In temperature. Minimum tonight Pprt Hardy, 45. Maximum tomorrow 58. Minimum tonight, Massett, 58. Mini mum tonight Prince ftupert 35. TO PROBE SALE OF JAP LANDS Public Accounts Committee Accepts Proposal of Conservative Member OTTAWA (CP) The House of Commons public accounts committee Friday accepted a proposal by Karl Homouth (Pro gressive - Conservative, Waterloo South), that the committee recommend to Parliament the appointment of a commission to Investigate the" disposal of evacu; ated Japanese lands in British Columbia, The committee would study the sale of Japenese property by the custodian of enemy property. Coroner's Jury Urges Outside Vents on Boat Fuel Tanks Deaths of Robert Houston and Stan Orvik In Explosion of Lorna H. Is Investigated A recommendation that, the fuel tanks of boats have their air vents placed above decks resulted from an inquest last night into the deaths of Robert Houston and Stanley Orvik, victims of the explosion of the halibut boat Lorna H. while she was moored at the Home Oil Co. dock here on May 23. The Jury, convened by Coron l ; ' er M. M. Stephens, added the recommendation to their verdict after Hans Knutsen, owner of the boat who survived the blast, Informed the court that the two spare tanks at the stern of his vessel had their vents below the after deck. The maki tanks near the engine, he said, were vented above decks, thereby allowing the fumes from within the tanks to escape into the open air. The jury found that Houston and Orvik came to their deaths as a result of injuries received during the explosion at the Home Oil Co. dock. FUMES BELIEVED TO HAVE CAUSED BLAST The rider to the verdict was suggested by Coroner Stepheas after the conclusion of testi mony when he said that a pos sible cause of the explosion might have been that fumes from the after tanks dissipated Into the hold of the boat when oil dock attendants filled .them. about an hour and a half be fore the blast occurred. -Lihipincp badlybiccause of air injury to nis ngnwieg received when he was blown but of the pilot house of the Lorna II., Capt. Knutsen took his seat before the Jury and recounted the precau tions he had taken to clear, his boat of gasoline fumes before starting the engine to return to the halibut grounds on the afternoon of May 23. He left the boat at noon, he Said, leaving orders to have the fuel tanks filled during his ab sence. He returned at 1 pjn. and went below to Inspect the engine. While below, he opened the sky light and doors and, smelling the presence of galo-line, Inspected the engine and tank connections for leakage. Capt. Kutsen said that he used a water hose line to flush out the engine room and under the tanks and then pumped the water out of the boat. The boat, he said, carried 480 gallons of gasoline, 120 in the two spare tanks aft. Vent outlets to the main tanks were on the side of the pilot house, but the vent outlets to the spare tanks were below decks. "I had Bobby Houston In the fo'c'slc a few finutes before and asked him if he could smell fumes and he said that he could not," Mr. Knutsen said. He declared that he felt reasonably sure that there was no danger from fumes after he had washed out the engine room and ventilated the fo-c-sle. When he went to the pilot house and pressed the starter button, the engine ran for about a minute, then stopped. He Dressed the button again and then the explosion came. "There could have been some thing wrong with the muffler, because it didn't sound right. A faulty muffler could have ( caused flames." The engine, he said was In "first class" shape previously, having been recently overhauled. He declared that he thought It was the spare tanks In the after hold that "blew." All the men were sitting on a ratling on the after deck when the explosion came, except Orvik, who was sitting on the baiting table. Dr. R. E. Coleman, hospital pathologist, explained the in MEDOS TO BE HANGED Death Sentence Passed by Mr. Justice Manson on Killer of Vancouver Police Officer VANCOUVER- the comple tion of a five-day trial, Harry Medos, 22, was convicted by a ury at the Supreme Court As sizes here late yesterday afternoon of the imurder of Police Officer Charles Boyes during a ,gun battle on False Creek flats February 26 last. He was sentenced to be hanged Wednesday Jury 30. The Jury was out only 37 minutes. Immediately after Its return with the verdict of guilty, Medos was asked If there was any reason why sentence should not be Imposed upon hhn. He re plied "No." Thereupon Mr. Jus tice A. M. Manson passed vthe death sentence.' m Trial of William Henderson, 17, similarly charged, will start Monday. :Heerteaw'ayegdly-' the third member of a bank hold-up gang 'following th exploits of which Constables O. O. Ledlng-ham and BoyeS, wjth Gunman Douglas Carter, were killed. The encounter 'followed an alleged frustrated bank hold-up. Detective Hoare, credited with klllinig Carter, was wounded three times In the battle and Medos was also wounded. CHINESE TRAIN MINE-BLASTED TIENTSIN, P) A land mine exploded today beneath a fourteen car passenger train at Lutal on the Peiping-Mukden Railway. Later reports said that hundreds of persons were believed killed in the -wreck with many others injured. Cars werv telescoped. The line is subject To frequent attacks by Communists. A series of explosions occurred ancj the locomotive was destroyed. juries which had caused the two men's deaths. DOCK ATTENDANTS GIVE EVIDENCE James Irvine, oil dock attendant, said that he heard the engine of the Lorna H. start as he was standing on the dock. "It sounded as though the muffler was blown, then it all went up In front of us," Irvine ran to the oil company office to take cover from falling debris. He ran down to the floats and onto the troller Beau which was moored In front of tho Lorna H. Knutsen, he said, was climbing aboard the Beau at that time! Irvine said that he did not believe that the faulty muffler above the pilot house of tha Lorna H. could have had anything to do with the explosion. Witness Ole Slatta said that he had fuelled the Lorna II.. putting 133 gallons Into her tanks. The Job, he said, had been completed before 12;20, an hour and 20 minutes before tha explosion. He assisted In carrying the' body of- Bobby Houston from the wharf after the blast. Nell Stromdal, John Finley and Swlnt White, oil dock attendants, recounted their stories of events immediately preceding and after the explosion.