: J. ft f iw Iff Iff . I i ! i! I 1. 1 t .111 1 i si" A 12 9 in ,i i i' it" i 'ii" i i - I II" Ml II" II" II B Prince Rupert Dai'Ip J-Jctos Saturday. May 31, 1W7 Waterfront Whiffs Mot Intensive Fishing Season In Area Two Closing June S How Seasons Have Shrunk BOY'S Wc carry a complete line of clothes for boys of all ages. Boy wear that wears and wears and wears. II RUPERT ii&Bors MENS STORE ! m "THE STORE FOR DAD AND LAD" r j It With Area Two fishing ending June 8, according' official announcement of the International Fish- W th n..mh.r , swims. uksum Irca ,ne unTTCT?Il to being a record. By the w..1ZT.ZJ;-L: J; Bengal. India. Ht made tbe .loses June 8 it is estimated that Ul of the 2400 JM-poand catca 3 jnoU will have been taken. The 4 jpening date was May 1 which f -will mean the season lasted 39 fidays. In 1945. it was 42 days. Making a snecial pre-aesson I .voy-ase with 1G3 tonrict on board. ; .iti 12:30 r.ocn yesterday morn- ! A M 1 f?J1lf k . ronnds tboronghiy, stodying t'tesely the methods of racking r.i and procersing by-prodacta. Re is on a rewr at the food pro-reiins ntents of tbe ewr'ry to rain first-baod mxOcai know-'rdce for his work in India io" whfcrti h win 4m retaining shortly. He merit yesterday at the Port Edwanf aancn eannerr teJB steamer Priaera Norah. I and reduction nfeuw. Mr. Khan. fr-Ah C?ot. W. C. Hftjenet in who wa at Kefcl.ttrn before rcminc here. wa u'oed br Otto C. Ycun prinernai resear en- t j ftng. Most cf the round -trtfm ; ?ineer of the Pacific Experi-r'tr? frci San Fraocfcco and ; men ta! Station at V.-!ncmrer nnd FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES C24 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 FOR YOUR .... BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK CONSULT THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Estimates given for any type construction. Phone SG3 Night Red 603 ' Crossed Atlantic i In Limping Plane 1 Mrs. Waiter McCieao M bits jr. the former M is Bttty TeDaa R.N. of Cornwall. Eagiand. c Tas recentry marrkl at Falhara. England, to the younger son of Mr and Mrs. O. I Mimjr of this r.ty. has arrivsd in Montreal o take up rejadoce for the. time re:r.? She crossed the Atlantic :r. an air-raft which had engine -rcutle cn the trip anl had to : ,t.d ..- to Gander. Newfou: d-'. nc i:'h -ne moicr out. tr.er" :--;:7 :2 hours delay there u t: .-r.cr.er i!ane nicked up fhe -a.nr to take thent Mcrtrea: Walter Mirny a irer accara a ateo j vesse va ries LommisgMMi this week, the season is already between Mntrea wjeing termed the "largest and the shortest" known England jj'iiiatfc. I he amount handled m Vancouver jljijoast ports was relatively small, Prince Ri far the maior landine nort aiiu .-vu-ii ifna- rw Xeal Carter dirwtr - ! Rupert being Uhe PaoHc aroenmenta: Sa- !; a the coast although the land- ,re heavily inmH w.k - booked for the entire season. Inner points in the area as Bote-! Pnrtmw.ni Th c..l An intercom TiSJtor annua wn, in the halibat fleet bekmg- ,be P5 weA to an the Ssh of is British Columbia, there; anaun ana processing pana far more boats of imaBer .f1 J ""TT operating than wwL All -n jammed Xajibua Rah- Uon. which was lormerly jcated at Prinea Raceri a: which was mored to VanrouTer daring the war. II will be a couple of years since Dr Car'er was last here and i nee then he made an extended vsit to Japar. to study the fihJng industry rhere in an adrisorr cacacitv fcr the AlMed re-esetablifhment antiiorities. Dr. Carter, while in . Japan, took many interesting j moTinc pictures ami it is under- ! stood he win be b.inging some of the reels here when he comes. 1 brose. Aveaoe. and was bom ar3 raT! in Pf -ce Sopert Mr Wick r.. a nicneer of this cir and a we' known fisbernan and boatho'ler. anived thi norc-ing on the Arctic I Irom the fiA-irr Many friends are flret rfre in CaLfomia. Tbe " fo?ner:v rf Prince Rnoert. Ther wihim for tin Prmcv Xcrah wiD be bak here rrir Wednesday afternoon southbound. This vcaseK and the p the rzTr.Trmr Murist service tc rrccecdfd bark to Vancouver on tbe Cataht todar A Tirt to Prir-e Rnoert is expected OTif time this summer John Wick, one of She victims who wa serioiMhr injured ir. last week's expknwn and fire on the lecal waterfront, is ?fce csn of Mr. and Mrs. 04c Wick. Am epbonkr Johrnv ?. edv rerovpn'. TM. cf coTre. s'e? to all other sritr-1 T?-t:n cf thr faeev i hte hn'ts wrere ler- severe than Johnny's. inSOXDBEQBRBRBBIIIlI. RUPERT MENS' & BOYS' STORE CLOTHES... at prices you expect to pay for Boys I J Boys' Long Pant Suits ii" ii" rrom d tU to ?14.ya ; i ii" Boys' Long Pants from .... $2.25 to $6.25 ! . jjj ijjj Boys' Short Pants from .. $1.50 to $1.95 i i i i i i i i II" II! I I ii ii I I i i Boys' Shirts from 95c to $2.25 Boys' Socks from 35c to 70c Boys' Sweaters from 75c to $4.25 Boys' Loafer Jackets $13.95 Boys' Summer Underwear ...... 55c HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASEIt STREET Phone Black 823 B e We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West KasssaKKM j&gs3 Clocking 23 fcati on her fu speed t-s off Virt'jrU B.C rccer.Uy. the Phneess Kathleen, flagship of the Car.adian Pacific EUwa;. 3 Bri C.aroba Coast fleet, L preparing to reenter serTice. Her reconversion, ir. a coast ship .ard follows nearly five years of war service for the British Admiralty, mostly in the Mediterranean, where her sister ship, Princess Mar-gnerite. -was sank by earay Action in 1942. In the lower picture. Chief Engineer W. "BUT Neilson. who took her to war in mi. stands at his engine-room telegraph for the speed trials. The Kathen. a 6.000-ton vessel, has had her passenger accommodation and public rooms completely renovated and modernized. In Jun she will return to the Vancouver-Victoria -Seattle -'triangle" run and next year, according to report, will gon the Alaska run. Her battle honors include Tobruk and Malta. dSSy.?' Reminiscences By 'W.J. and Reflections ; Port Edward -was originalij j :d man c.tnite doxn tl.e j known as "Prince Rupert's in-: gangway of the Prince Rupert J dustrial annex." Events today ! vears azo lie had tven i;i Aia-ska : indicate that those who thought i up the designaUpn were better prophets than thty suspected. Once, on a sunlit Sunday after-rron when It was highly desirable to sell lots, there was an excursion by the railway to the arnex. Plank walk: had been bi ilt over the miles of newly A Pleasure to Serve You" a country he ht-lpc! put on th map. For Rex Beach knew his tuff "The Sockrv" "The SU-vr Horde" and many another 'fweking. good yarn cf the north tttl enjoy wide popularity. He cbfatted amiavsr in a quiet cor-"Sr cf the warehouse. Any mere rrfw stories cccnint up? Any- cleared and rather lonesome : ning frerh about sourdough okin? tewnsite. Buiimncs were Us indeed and of little consequence. Not mcny appeared interested in realty. They seemed chiefly concerned after a few nau're the name of tbe feilow who used to say the first 50 years Way back when Prince Rupert lived on fi&to and strangers, the folks never took the troub!e to worry over what others. dweRin Nowhere, aid about them and thefr morals. There was a time when that sunless town up in he dangerous north was regarded as being next dosr to what is known as "wide oppn." Thtnif of that now, and paue! But the stout pioneer? 1 grinned wiped the rain from their baleful eyea, tucked away some fresh "inooic," and felt amused. Authors of note have rambled into Prince .Rupert and Jus' a ; quietly roamed away again. On can recall a -turdy, carelessly I- Johnny's Snack Rar (Under New Management) NOW OPEN EVENINGS Coffee Waffles Lunche? lite? Beach was quick cn the fowbaek. "No, he didn't think" 9sT And he aaid '.t with em-niasis along with a headshtke, Op a later coca.on anothcr hours of atrollius and staring, in j writer RHer Hagtnrd no less I -rtiKnir.s to Prince Sunert. They -arae to town. He sauntered j -v net have known that, after ! ateg Sxth St'ert to Third trtile, tfhe very grtfund they itaoe. bought tobacco, saw more walked on world be a point of t- Prince Rupert and en'oyed j "ontinental inwortence in war. ! hi pipe whM? awaiting train j And no one could foresee the ap- , time. There was nothing to su?- B prnach rf a day when in that heat those hair-raising, mystify-! immediate neighborhood pesre- ; time enterprise would see 15 on dollars jspent cn an indus- l trial undertaking. WcM. thiy 'ere all a couole of wnrratlorw tro early. And here is where we iBiERBEnDBBBisiBBBSSilQBiBkiE fare tne hardest. inc taJes of Sou' h Africa "King 8pcxnoiM' Mines." "Allan Quar-tetmain." "She" novels one Just had to see through to til? finish. Pyaeant-spoken and - bit reserved at first, be had a few mjettiop? but no tomvni or opinion of hit own Few seemed to know bis Identity. Steamship Sailings For Vanerei. Tuesday ss Coqultlam, 1:30 pin. "Thursday ss rrince Rupert; 11:15 p.m. MM KKISTItV ACT Pal" Certificate of Title No. 8158-1 to x Lots Twenty - three (23) and Twenty-lour (24 . 3Jock Fortjr-threc (43). Section Seven; toU Twenty-one (21) and Twenty-two (22), Block Eighteen 118) and lots Twelve (12) and Thlr-teen (13). Block Nineteen (19). : Section Eight (8). City of Prince Rupert. In the Province bt British Columbia (Map 923). WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued In the name of The B. 7. Sturtevant Company of Canada Limited has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C. this 8th day of MayT 1947. A.D. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Rdstrar of Titles 14J Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESJVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) Tor reservaUons call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT GEORGE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating, Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 117 4th Ave. E. (To rear of Pioneer Laundry) Phone Black 189 P.O. Box 1 420 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Bras Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY SUNDAY MIDNITE UNTIL ITsirtooS i On 1 1 TUESDAY V I tTO STATES PTV,t ro wuMn Mo. ROBERT .ALDA FRTZlAfiG TOMORROW Jggjj ' 1 HMsssK General Contractor We do basements, reshinglinjr, build f ;nces, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 Sanitary QALL ULUE 610 PRINCE RUPEn Efficient COMMODOIIii1 CAB Vc Arc Most Anxious to Serve Y0u BREAKFAST MORNING COFFEE LUNCH AFTERNOON TEA DINNER LATE LUNCH In a well ordered Banquet Hall we serve Luncheons, Dinners, Banquets and cater to parties of all kinds. (Call 17 for full particulars). A Constant Supply of Ice Cream Is Assured at the Commodore GEO. DYBHAVN, Proprietor. W. T. COOPER, Manner. Hollywood Cafe TRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A-M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.n- I sf 'CIIINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CnOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS FUONE 133 716 THIRD A VENUB WEST Sieclaliring in Marine and General Sheet MtM ''y s Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks - Furnaces Gutter Work THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager ., 253 East First' (Cow Bay) Phone Mul. P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE vv- .