I bcai -u inr uiw r in Mons vv News Items... Ji - of Bandsplt mil- II - lk nniMta jnfa triP '" v- rvice. at the Luth- Sunday. . mil returned to the Friday alter"00" uu mr from a business trip rAtnrnprf oa'the fk..iinrrj trip to vancou- l yu- - .. .,'hn imslven here M1IUI " " and I C Wedd, who is -with iTniifiintr. leaves by the rnr vancou- iiiAU'omru'i v uiiii 1111. vim hlh;vi"b - nt Washington D.C, were nwr staying over on Wed-1 ana Thursday while the r made ihf round trip to I lltan on ihe Prince Rupert. returned souin on iimi (: Thursday night. Announcements wltfrilirinMiM m tfo column be cwuya lot " " I At 25c word. B:d Party Catholic Bchool January 23, 8 p.m. 5 rn Banquet Saturday Jan. lit 6:30 p.m. Presbyterian ch haD I club Dance. Civic Centre, fcy, January 31 Inrad School PT.A., Drldge, Crlbbage Friday, Jarro- Pofrphmpntjt m, 60 Valentine Tea, Prince i noiei r aoruary it. ten School Rummage Sale, :2. (3 Arai Valentine Dance, Feb-14, Civic Centre. l.-moneer's Dance, every Sat- Iv night, 9 to 12, Oddfellows' ft Everybody welcome. Basketball Tonight, Centre. Civic Mrs. R. E. Morgan and Mrs. C. Oreen and child sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert (for Vancouver. Moose Whist Drive and Dance, Saturday, Jan. 18, 8:30 p.m. Members and friends, (15) Mrs. D. M. Gerrle of Victoria arrived In the city this week from the south to visit with her daughter, Mrs, Keith Dixon. A Just In' New upholstered fabrics from England. Lovln's Cab-lnent Shop. (it) Capt. John Orvlk, who has been spending the past week in it he city, is sailing tonight on the Camosun for Vancouver. W. J. O'Neill, well known 6ml-thers garage and service station operator, has been spending a few daya In the city this week on business. e R, O. Van der Sluys sails tonight on the Camosun for Vancouver whence he will take plane for a visit to Australia where he formerly resided. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert William Swanky, Vancouver; L. W Mortiruen, Vancouver; E. C. Milburne. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. G. Cuthill, Port Simp son; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gor don, Bilmor; Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Macdonald and son, Port Simpson; R. M. Webster, Victoria; R. W. Foreman, Vancouver; Mrs. E. Mercer, Vancouver; Mrs. M. Mercer, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. L. Mersldge, Massett. Advertise In The Dally News. BURIED IN VANCOUVER Funeral Yesterday of Pioneer Local Railwayman and Brother of Mrs. Mary MacLeod Funeral toop place In Vancou ver yesterday afternoon of George MacLeod, brother of Mrs. Donald (Mary) MacLeod, 410 Sixth Avenue West, Prince Ru pert. Mrs. MacLeod and her son, John MacLeod, were in Vancou ver to tttend, havlne left for the southern city this Tuesday. The latter will be returning to the city shortly. Mrs. MacLeod will remain In Vancouver for a time to visit with her daughter, Mrs. M. E. Prendegast. The late Mr. MacLeod for many years was assistant district engineer for the provin cial department of public works at New Westminster and In the early days was Identified with the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail-1 way engineering department here. He succumbed to a sudden seizure while putting chains oh his car during a snowstorm at the first of the week. Before i going to New Westminster he' had been with the public works 1 department at various other i points In the province. Bprn In Scotland sixty years ago, he was the youngest member of his family, Mrs. MacLeod of this city being the oldest. TWO FIRE CALLS HERE ON FRIDAY City fire department answered two calls Fjlda,y, both chimney fires which caused no damage. At 2:30 yesterday afternoon they received a call from the residence of H. Lincoln, 1020 Second Avenue West. During the morning a call was received from 217 Third Avenue East on account of an overheated THIS AND THAT 3 0 Tli Cforge Mitllwtr AJami $nrr, Inr, "Don't mind Harvey; he was giving the dog a bath with flea powder today!"" monriRCU BOB PARKER LIMITED Wish to Announce that they have Recently been appointed FORD and MONARCH Dealers for Prince Rupert and District PASSENGER CARS AND TRUCKS- Our firm will provide complete sales and service facilities on Ford well the Monarch "Canada's newest passenger cars and trucks as as car." : ' ; 1 FORD PARTS AND ACCESSORIES- of Ford parts and accessories. We carry a large stock genuine REPAIR DEPARTMENT Our repair, department is well equipped and is staffed by competent mechanics wh have had many years of automotive experience. Your repair work will receive the best of attention. SERVICE POLICY Every effort will be made to offer the motorists of this district the most efficient service in our sales, parts, lubrication and repair departments. Our aim is to SERVE the motoring public, whether you truck tractor, a tankful of gasoline or have wish to buy a new car, or a repair job done. AN INVITATION - - - Wc invite you to come in and get acquainted with "tn repair shop; "PERCY," our body and paint man am .sta gj A flats; the median c s HA RR, i01J; f "ALP,- the man who fixes your h assistant, I A V "ALKX, a in "JOE- J and "OTTO." Our partsman. also on the job to give you service. iiais "HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" Mp P in this Prince Rupert by BIDDEE JINKS My husband has left me. Just a temporary arrangement, of course, since he Vs only on holiday, tout even so It was all very sad. Momentous, .too. Being one oi these people that not only sing but believe deeply that "toe It ever so humble, thereVs nae place like ha'em." the whole thing took some doing. The decision alone was a wobbly affair that rocked backwards and forwards for several days in keeping with the right of veto. "Oh alright. I guesj 111 go!" h would finish jxp after a fairly lengthy discussion of the subjett. It reeked of being a half-hearted resolution but, wife-like, I closed my eyes to Its discrepancies and answered In Just the proper tone: "You are being very sensible, dear. Anybody that works as hard as you do needs a holiday." Everybody likes to be told they work hard. They like not only to "be respected for It but to receive Just a suspicion of sympathy with that recognition. And it worked like a charm. So everyT thing was settled and lovely I thought. But suddenly the eve- i nlng paper rattled to the floor and ihe resolution of an hour before lay with rt. "I've changed my mind. I'm not going! It went on for days. One 'toy one the things tfor which men are indlsnensible were held up before my eyes and Investigated thoroughly. The fires who would light them? And if it dropped again to 28 degrees below zero in Prince Rupert (as has been reported) how could a mere woman keep the house warm? As for the garbage and getting it to the street, well- Finally he got around to the biggest one. Won't you MISS me, If I go?" he asked sort of path etically, I thought. Now, there ! was a stickler. What was I to ! say and how? If I said 'No' he would leave absolutely crushed. But If I said 'Yes' as If I really meant it he was likely to rush to the phone and cancel his res ervation. I tried to steer for the middle. "Oh, yes I'll miss 'you a ibit, I suppose." Then changing the subject quickly, "Do you know, I .finally threw out those bid slippers of mine!" All the same, I -wasn't quite sure about anything until the subject of packing came up. It was early three days early which left plenty of time Jor another relapse but somehow I felt that the struggle was over. It was the sad finality of tone that was most convincing, I think. That, and the fact that seme gentlemen are never In a hurry. The same te supposed to be true of a lady but I know of one at least whose packing can be made a speedy matter of minutes. The difference may lie In the things that are packed or it may Ibe due to the popular trend that places comfort above style or at any rate attempts to combine the two. Anyway, three days early, the brown cowhide bag came out of long hiding. With diligence worthy , of the occasion, I folded up the long woollen legs, tucked in the arms and laid the garment In one corner. The socks went in another, pyjamas and The Markets , Tea and Coffee DeLux Quality, lb 89 Coffee, Jb 43 Canned Fruits Plums H I Apricots 27 unernes - Raspberries .33 Pears 23 Canned Vegetables Cut Oreen Beans. 2 for 29 No. 3 Peas 19 Mixed Vegetables 19 Diced Beets 14 Fruit Tomatoes (field) lb 27 Grapes, Malaga, lb .28 - .31 Pears, 2 lbs .25 Fancy Apples, 3 lbs 26 Grapefruit. Calil - .09 and .14 Lemons, doz 60 Oranges, doz. 33 - .97 Bananas, lb . .17 Vegetables Mushrooms, lb 75 Spinach, lb ... 16 Beets, lb 05 Cauliflower, each 25 - .45 Lettuce, each 18 Celery, lb .. 13 - .15 Garlic, lb 75 Cabbage, lb 05 Calif. Carrots, 2 lbs 17 Sugar White, lb .09 Golden Yellow, lb 09 Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 39 Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat $1.75 Second Patent - 1 CO Flour, 24's 93 Fresh Milk Oitnrt - .19 Pint 10 Cream. A-Pint 15 Eggs flrnde A: Larse. cartoned, doz. ...... 53 uhlrts Into another, and lot It was done. Evening Sound me tired, however. Packing Is an- ways strenuous, I explained. The day finally came. And the boat pulled away from the pier, Into the harbor and the night beyond. There is something about watching a boat pull out. Especially If it carries someone you like having around. Since then, time has gone on Just the same as usual. There is only one thing. All them things he feared has come upon me Even to the cold weatherl HOW CAN I ? ? . By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I preserve' a new clothesline? A. A new clothesline should be boiled for about 30 minutes before using it. This prevents stretching. It will not tangle as readily and will last much longer. Q. How can I mend kid gloves? A, Buttonhole around the edge of the tear before drawing together. Then over-sew the buttonhole together and the re pair is substantial. Q. How can I make a cockroach trap? A. Fill a pie pan, or similar container, half full of sugar water. Place It on the floor and slant several sticks, each about three inches long, from the floor to the edge of the vessel. The roaches will crawl over and drown. m -.Mm IS IT JOHN EDWARD? JEAN EMILY? or JAMES EBENEZER? Wo send EATON'S eeneral Catalogues and mliiseason Cata-lngruea to customers who buy regularly by mail or through on of our order offices. The total number of catalogues prlnt-t& Is limited by available materials and we try to apportion what we print, one to a household. You can help, by giving1 the full name of the head of the household and the correct ad-dress every time you order. This will ensure that your family automatically gets its EATON'S Catalogues regularly. T. eaton r HAPPY WONG Co. x Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Phone 289 HICKS FRASER HOUSE' Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 HI-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 McBrlde WAR ASSETS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Run Bulk . . . $10 HYDE TRANSFER rilONE 580 Ptfnce Rupert Daflp j3cUjs Saturday, January 18, 1947 Astoria Shoes for MEN By Craftsmen SCOTT & McHALE LTD. Comfort Style Quality Prices $11.00 to $15.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP fVZ 532 THIRD AVENUE CLOTHING AD FURNISHINGS PHONE 345 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Lloyd's Baby Carriages The latest design, fully upholstered, waterproof lining, 5-bow hood; specially adapted for this climate. Colors blue, maroon and grey. Priced at .$38,.0 Four-wheel Pavement Carts Ideal for child who is out of Infant stage; can be used as walker; equipped with rubber protection $10.75 Mall Orders can be given immediate delivery Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. DOOR MATS Keep the mud out of your home with one of pur good quality Cocoa Fibre or Rubber Door Mats. We also have a complete line of Rubber Mats for drainboards, stove tops and baths, in assorted colors. Ml McKride Strert Be Sure of the Best Bulkley Market Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:30 pm. Coqultlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Saturdays,9:15 pjn. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays, 12:00 Midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Fortnightly Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince RuDert Aeent Third Ave Phone 568 Ijr Phone 311 JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK January 15th to 22nd "Support Your Local Junior Chamber" CONV-ENItSfQE Is a by-word at THE VARIETY STORE For our large stocks, our Central location, pur money-saving prices have made us hundreds of friends . . . people who appreciate ou r friendly services and our constant striving to give you the articles you want at prices you want to pay. Wc invite you to shop our easy way ... to make THE VARIETY STORE your "buy-word." THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS' WE DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue Phone 178 FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre if . . 5 it; f u