Idrihrc Rtincrt'iDnffy Betas Wednesday. January 15, 1947 TAXI MEN ARE EASY VICTIMS Their Defeat by Rainmakers Almost Tragie Macey's Ilest Co-op Overtime Women's Game Squashing the 99 Taxi quintet in last night's basketball Senior "A" mix-up, the Bo-Me-Hl Rainmakers took an easy victory 43-20.) Displaying a fine offensive as well as a strong defensive game the Rainmakers team far outshone the valiant 99 attempts. After seeing the taxi-men ?.t the height of the first half of the season, beating all comers, it was tragic to watch the pounding they took last night from the students. But there is no getting away from It. if the students had met the cab'oers in the first half and displayed the same teamwork they showed last nlght,.it would indeed have been a game worth watching: Throughout the first half the taximen only managed to make c-! Held basket while the students went on and chalked up a good lead. At the first quarter mark the lads from the campus were well out in .front 10-1. They increased this to 18-6 by the time the first half breather rolled around. Nine-Nine just couldn't seem to find the range for their shots while the Hfgn School went romping on dropping them in from all over the floor. The score jumped up to 30-12 by the end of the third "quarter,, and the- students were still going strong. In the last pcrlcd 99 Taxi tried to stop the flooi as the green and gold steamroller moved on but it was an uphill fight which just covHn't be won. Referee Johnny Comadina had - an "easy" time as both teams were playing hard basketball and he only had to dish out 29 fouls to the two teams. They were mostly minor offenses which goes to show that good refereeing is beginning to show llself. The game was over by 10:30 which was very much appreciated by the spectators who usually have to sit through until well after 11. 99 Taxl-Beynon, Dominato 7, Viercck 4, Clausen, Houston, Menzies, Haugan 9. Total 20. Do-Me-IIi Rainmakers Hart-vdS 9, Lavigne 9, Thompson 14, Ciccone 5, Forman 6, Skog, Tn-termela, Davidson. Total 43. MACEY'S WIN OVER CO-OJ Macey's came through with a last half drive to take the Senior 'B" hoop match from the Coop, quintet 29-20. It was a close game until the end. of the. third quarter. Then, in the last period, '.he Maccy lads got loose to take the win. At the end of the first half of-the game the. score stood at 12-12 with the two rivals shewing very little aggressiveness. Then in the third period the uptown boys .started to clock and nosed out the Co op 9-5 in this part of the game to come into the last quarter leading 21-17. They moved still farther into the lead when Haugan broke through the Coop defenses for some beautiful lay-up shots to clinch the game for the ceffee guzzlers. The two officials, "Doc" Montgomery and Mel Holkestad kept the game well under control and checked both teams up on many of their persistent infractions of the rules. Only one nian was banished from the game although there were a fair number of fouls handed out. Co-op J. We,?ch 2, Slatta 3, Shcppard 5, Menzies 3, John- frfff . . ILLUMINATION so all may see . . . As long as you can read the printed word, you can have the world before your eyes! Foreign diplomacy; fashions in Paris; the rebuilding of war's devastated lands. Politics in Canada; the. latest society romance; Hollywood gossip. Housing, right here; Mrs. Jones' new baby; what the stores have for you to buy. Read all, know all through the illuminating columns of your Lookng for a job or offering one? Got a house to sell or want to buy? Interested in the stock market. Read all about it! Want to have the best of everything you. can afford? Find it first in the ad columns of your favorite paper; then enjoy it in your own home. void ci mttooK I Will S s II? Hi S Your newspaper serves the community by enlightening its people. Read . . . and you know! The DAILY NEWS FOR THK NEWS . . . FOR THE ADS STONE'S LEADING Had Clean Sweep Victory, Over Fish Dock Last Ni?ht Results of the Men's Five Pin Bowling League Monday night' were as follows: Grotto 3, ayro O. Stones 3; Fish Dock; 0; Burns 3; Peoples Store 0: Post Office 2; Malkins 1. Morgans 2; North, Star 1 Co-cp 2, Moose 1. High single Klnslon (Burns) t 351. High three Kiaslor- (Burns) 767. Morgans , Team Standings Co-'op Butchers1 Peoples Store Gyro W. L. Pts, . 17 1 17. . 14 4. 14- . 14 . 4 14 . 12- 0 12 ..11' 7 11 . Q- 7 9' . 7- 11' 7 . G 12 0 . 5 13 5 ; 5 13i 5 1 . 5' 13; 51 . 3 15 3 son 4, Peterson, Leland. 1, Lewis 2. Total 20 Macey's- Menzies.5r Haugan 9, Arnxen.2, Pierce-2,. James, Teng 4, Gill 2, B,. Pierce 5. Total 29: OVERTIME IN. GIRLS' GAMF. The. girls' game, had :to go into overtime ibjfore . .Hlgln School was able to walk, away with the win 25-18. At the. end' of the egulation game time the score stood at 17-17 but in the overtime the co-eds went wild and dropped in four quick, baskets while the Peoples Store only managed to get three points. The People's Store was ahead' at the-end of the first quarter 8-7. Then in the second quarter they ended up' the- half still ahead 10-8, Going Into the third: period the Ralnbirds went Into the lead 141-12 only- to have the People's Store tie it up in. the final seconds of 'play. Blaln, with two free shots; had' a chance either to win ihc game or to tie It. When she made one of the shots count the teams were forced into overtime. In the extra three minutes High School broke loose and made the necessary points on some very fancy shots. People's Store Sandhals 2, Blaine 11, Gray. 2, Bill. 3,. Berg, Thornton, Balagno, Vuckovich. Total 18. Bo-Me-Hi Ralnbirds Budin-ich 13, Thain 4, Hamilton 4, Bill 2, McKenzie 2, At Hamilton, Youngman, Thompson, Kennedy, Howe. Total 25. GROTTO WINS OVER GYRO A very mediocre Gyro squad were downed, by the high flying Grotto quintet last night in thcV Junior hoop loop 33-28, 'All through the first .three quarters the Grotto team had things pretty much their own way. Leading at the end of the first! quarter. 6-4, the tobacconists in creased their lead to come to the first half mark leading 16-11. Again in the third quarter. Gyro were so loose, in playing that Grotto had. very- little trouble in making the gap even bigger. By the end of the third quarter the score stood at 26-15 for the Grotto five. But when the Gyro squad opened up in the fourth period they threw a big scare into their opponents but it was too late and Grotto coasted into the win Grotto Hebb 8, Graham 4; Youngman 2, Owens 6, Anderson 2, Currie lit Total 33. Gyro S. Scherk, Schier 10; D.-Ssherk 8,-Haugan 3,.Suntoerg 4, Mercer, Moore 2. Total 28. Variety Store took three games from Orange In last night's Ladle's "A'-' League bowling; the pnly winner of three straight games In the league session; Variety's three-game total of; 2,362,' however, was. toelow that' Moose, which somehow lost, two games to Ideal Cleaners and yef rolled'Up a i total score of. 2,129; Highest individual scorer for jn- single game' was Mrs. Montgomery, who bowledi256!ln her third', game with Annettes Last' night's game , scores: : Variety, 3; OrangeO.' I Ideal Cleaners -zTMoose 1. ; Lucky.Strike 2; Big Sisters 1; . Annettes 2,, Miller Bay, 1, Savoy Swingers 2, Toilers 1. Variety E. - Fcajlby 118, 96 97 I, Lykegaard 107 124 137 F. McKlnnon 144 115 161 f Cambella 103 110 150 A. McLean 139, 147 174 Handicap 109 109 109 Totals '. 774 76T 828 ORANGE-. . . I Q. Newston 112. 82. 165 M. Wide. 139. 109 110 E. Anderson 113 145 112 P. Andrew ..... 85.-130. 107 D. Getteds". 95 125 81 Handicap 145.' .145 145 , Totals 689. c736 720 MOOSE Taylor 137." 122, 166 Hilton 153 130 141 Irvine' 136 203 165 ' Ereckson ................ 154, 367 225 Morrison 145 126 ';5 Handicap 93 93 93 Totals 818 1046 865 IEEAL CLEANERS' H. Schmidt 116 162 193 R. Suden 172 152 212 V Suden 137. 122 133 D.- Ballinger 309 208 201 G. Campagnolo .... 164 99 170 Handicap 54. 54 54 Totals 952. 797' 963 LUCKY STRIKES J. Boulter 135 198' 121 M; Scharfe 174 78: 137 C. Barrie 265. 160 176 A. Postak 154' 120; 150 J.Warren 135 138' 121 handicap- 22 - 22' 22 j Totals 885 716 727 i BASKETBALL SCHEDULE ; January 18 - Savoy vs. B. C. Packers, Port Edward ;xs. Cooperative; Canadian Legion vs. Watts & Nickerson. HI-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 1 McBride KWONG SANG HIND HOP KEE 612 Seventh Avenue West; (next' to King Tal) will be closed' until further notice For outside .orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFEm. HICKS" ERASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and. Quiet' 7 14 FRASER STREET. Phone Black, 823. THIS AND THAT fe0 iPv i Mi l diet Adin SrnrkfV Inc. "My wife thinks our apartment Is ha, ha, ha a little chilly, Mr. Jensen. But, then, you, know how ho, ho, ho women axe!" ARMLESS BOWLER Despite the handicap of no arms, Harold A, Carlson, of Washington, D.C, has become the most amazing- bowler in the country, Carlson devised a suction cup to his artificial hand. In duckplns, top, Carlson has rolled a 96, not a bad score. EIG SISTERS E. Alexander 9- 177 107 E. Bond 141 116 132 J. Dickens 129 180 140 E, Rothwell 100 84 104 R. Alexander 86 152 104 Handicap 73 73 73 Totals 620- 782 660 MILLER. BAY Peterson 209 138 201 Kelly 144. 106 97 Roberts 120. 169 123 Vincent. 141 166 171 Low Score 114 117 150 Handicap 78 78 78 .Totals 80,0 774 823 ANNETTES Montgomery 193 117 258 Smith 177 167 215 McMillan 158 129 179 Ostashower 142 159 188 Dickens 114. 179 150 Handicap 31 31 31 Totals 815 782-1019 TOILERS M, Smith.......'..:...'.... 140 171 113 J. Richards...-. 170 122 176 O. Mclieod 154 lib Jl Hill 124 145 B. Ellison 130 121 102 J. Menzies 145 121 Handicap"...'...'.....'.;.;. 124 113 113 Totals 842 782 770 SAVOY' SWINGERS McPhee- 150 234 184 MfrLeod 109 115 179 Basso-Bert- 160 117 249 Menzies 119 221 228 McCallum 151 114 149 Handicap 29 29 23 Totals 718 830 1018 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern, and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 PLAIN SEWING CHILDREN'S CLOTHES Phone; Red 495, or call at 1805 Eighth Avenue East SMITH; & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing, and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 mmmmmmm. i ift'wiMiiimMii tii iiiiMiniirr Us thli cUMti ff your- SPECIAL Vniniw. tory tubscrlptlra ihfi wteki 30 iuutt nir tU.S.funds Business and Professional HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all its- branches. 206 4th: Street: : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486: Red 894 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 If its a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man 'can M: SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. JERRY VREBOSCH PAPERHANGING and PAINTING PHONE 372 P. N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber Coal Wood - - - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night. Calls Green 977 - iPrince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST a. r. Lock. Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders. Box 516,' Phone, 777,- 300 3rd Ave FOR PROMPT nd EFFICIENT SERMOi till 4 our qlaiMt to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. IP tea tcnora car. wuuquvulkc A COMPLETE CANVAS GOODS SERVICE WE CAN MAKE RE .2 AIR PLACE ALL CANVAS PRODUCTS PHONE BLUE 12G EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 1G0 East Third Avenue (Next to McMeekiri's) for YOUR home How to take the ruts out of your breakfast routine . . . woys to make your kitchen "homey" . , . what tolor to choose for your living room . . . These are just a few of the intriguing new ideas furnished daily on the Woman'! Page of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR These helpful Ideas are "plus value" in this daily newspaper for the home- t hot. gives you world news interpreted to show its impact on you and your family. I I I The Christian Science Publishing Society ,One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts Pleose enter a special introductory subscription to Tho Christian Science Monitor 5 weeks (30 issues), for SI Name. Street. I' City J PfJ-4 .State. SCHEDULE FOR MIXED BOWLS January 15 Pirates vs. Pushovers; Co-op vs. Headpinners; McMeekins vs. Midgets; Rockets vs. Thistles; King Pinners vs. Lipsetts; Reddy Kilowatts vs. Atomics. January 22 Lipsetts vs. Headpinners; King-Pinners vs. Rockets; Thistles vs'. Pirates; Reddy Kilowatts vs. McMeekins; Mid gels vs. Atomics; Pushover's, vs. Co-op. January 29 Midgets vs.- Co op; McMeekins vs. Pirates; Pushovers vs. Klngplnners; Headpinners vs. Rockets;; Lipsetts vs. Reddy Kilowatts; Atomics vs. Thistles. February 5 Atomics vs. McMeekins; Headpinners vs. King-pinners; Reddy Kilowatts vs. Thistles; Pushovers, vs- Midgets; Rockets vs. Co-op;. Pirates vs. Lipsetts. BRISTOL, Eng.. (P. thirds of Bristol CwJ has been rejected by the A try 01 town ana country ning- Minom Blades 5 LOW fr BIADES tLIJv m SMVM minora ouuasis ana oulskJ ordinary aoume-edge bladej honest-to-goodness economy I me ljuuiiijr uiugo in me loj field, fits your doubl-edge tI Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH! SALES AND SERVICE "The. Home of . Friendly Service" WE GARRY' THE LARGEST AND. MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF-GENUINE FORD HARTS-AND ACCESSORIES IN.' NORTHERN; B.C. Out-of"-Town Orders Given Prompt; Attention PHONE 8.1 PRINCE RUPERT, El Until You Get a New Car... take good care or your present, car: Remember, cil today, means a higher resale price, tomorrow. SEE US.' FOR REGULAR SERVICE We are staffed and equipped to handle all maintcnatl andi repair1 work; on all makes. of vehicles. Drive in toil:! TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGI GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Why a ... Self-Winding Watch? Many people wonder If a self-winding watch could be reliable. These watches are not really new but it was not till about 1930 that they came into quantity production. The timekeeping parts are similar to the regular watch with the addition of the self-winding attachment which is a swinging weight which operates by a ratchet when the wearer's arm is moved. Some advantages are that, the watch is always fully wound making a constant tension on the stem mainspring, preventing breakage of springs and stem. There is a special device to keep the wateh from overwinding. We have a very satisfactory model. at $37.50. Also the famous Mido at $60.00. Omega has recently produced their master at $82.50. All plus tax. I Complete Automobile Repair Servi Fast Battery Charging Specialized Lubrication Collision Repairs and Ref hushing RUPERT MOTORS LTD Phone 5G6 Corner Second' and FarkAl General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fence sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! CALL BLUE 610 and we will1 give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654; JL, Ss PRINCE RW