cal News Items... Banquet ilalc changed Lay, January 25. (12) I ttqtrn LEARN, at u" ' . lectins. st' Paul's Luth- L the congregation is I Fogg, assistant superin- Canadian National .? ....! : bipS, Vaueuuvui, U111VUU htv on the ranee wupert lom the south. He Is the round trip on the Ind back to Vancouver Iff night. iCK HEADS simple method that dis- f by a fm your diwW eenliy over mov.ii- Blnth iU ysnder whtr ttw bTt go, iw(f Mi1m Ail.mi Service, Inc. jour wall and ceiling lriliou use . . . MURESCO sailings Per Week for iiiui... SEATTLE I Vk 1 in " 1 "U Mil. 1- .12:00 MldnlirM Ln - .0:15 p.m.- mosun. KETCHIKAN l2:oo Midnight. v ., u ,VA1( i win in -.uu ivuuiugm,. Shll?LAN,,s x in ormation, Tickets in" Reservations w Rupert Agent "e T3hnnn ten A SPECIAL NOTICE There will be a special Prince Rupert Bas ketball Executive Meeting tonight at 8 o clock in the Civic Centre. Important business to be dis cussed. All members are requested to please attend. (It) Mr. and Mr W. G. Sargent returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Van. couver. A. P. Linncll, general super intendent, Canadian National Telegraphs, Vancouver, and G Gottfred, regional superinten dent, Edmonton, arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver to visit the local company office. They will leave on tonight's train for the east. Mr. Linnell Is accom panied by Mrs. Linnell. THIS AND THAT must be actors. I heard one say he was in the European litre, and the other'said.he was in the Pacific theatre." $10.95 FW combined with guaranteed comfort Inartncss akc the Murray Hccl-IIuggcrs definitely a shoe distinction! SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT Brownwbod, Formerly (CUT RATE SHOE STORE) Third Avenue Fonc Green 595 f I -- r s i mk bo applied over almost any surface tm 'ding most wallpapers, It's easy to ll'. and the colors and rich flat finish Imost pleasing. economical too; for $1.50 you can Iosco the average room! MURESCO ll Phone 311 TF"T1l1inilllilBTITni (IIIIW Geo. The Auctioneer Sales Lvery Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Biw Blue Uf Res. Red 127 Ask for George .. l !u).i,,iji),UOTy NEW DIRECTOR OF HEALTH HERE Dr. R. M. Lane, newly appointed director of the Prince Rupert Health Unit, and medical health officer, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning Trom Victoria to assume his duties here. Dr. Lane was accompanied by Mrs. Lane and their small son, Kenneth. Driver Unhurt. As Gar Rolls Over Sliding off the Ice -coated street, a car operated by Sydney Hamblin was badly damaged when it rolled down an, embankment on Tuesday, 'according to a police report. Mr. Hamb ¬ lin received only minor injuries. The vehicle rolled over three times. Colin McCarthy returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver where he and Mrs. McCarthy attended the funeral of Mrs. McCarthy's mother. Mrs. McCarthy remained in the south. Announcements All advertisements m tills column .will be charged for a full month p.t 25c a word. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, January .23, 8 p.m. Burns Banquet, Saturday Jan. 25; at 6:30 p.m., Presbyterian Church hall. Ski Club Dance, Civic Centre, Friday, January 31. Conrad School P.T.A.,, Bridge, Whist, Cribbage, Friday, January 31. Refreshments. 35c. Hlll60 Valentine Tea, Prince Rupert Hotel February 12. Valentine dance, February 14, Civic Centre. Harmoneer's Dance, every Saturday night, 9 to 12, Oddfellows' Hall. Everybody welcome. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE One Empire heater. Green 29.0. (15) LOST Set of filters Detrola camera, Jan., 10. Reward. Phone Red 719. (15) FOR SALE Trailer Carlisle 59, cheap. Owner leaving. Length 29 ft., complete with gear and poles;, electric lights. Newly corked and copper painted. On ways outside bridge, Cow Bay. Phone Red 409, call 622 6th West. (13) A REPEAT PERFORMANCE of the Christmas cantata "The Light Celestial" will be given by the VARDEN SINGERS First Prcbyterian Church Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 8 p.m. Assisting Artists Benefit yourself by listening to a good program Benefit the Pioneers' Home to which the proceeds are going by generously giving your share in the collection. Let us all attend this concert. CITY BASTILLE REDECORATED IN SHINING WHITE For those unfortunate enough to get caught breaking the law, Police Sergeant L. A. N. Potter- ton offers a word of good cheer which, he hopes, might have the effect of alleviating that claus-trophic condition known as "cell block blues." The Interior of the city bastille has been re-decorated. His next statement was a guarantee that anyone who fails, to treat its newly painted walls with proper respect will not have to suffer from the boredom of idleness. "We have the jail cleaned up now and we Intend to keep it that way. Any prisoner who marks the walls or creates a mess will have the opportunity to clean It up again," he forecast. "We keep a can of paint handy for the purpose." The city jail, noted among provincial police constables as among the poorest in the province, will not revert to the dungeon-like gloom it so quickly takes on if it is not continually scrubbed and painted. Not if Sgt. Potterton can help it. Recently he asked for, and received, painting materials worth more than $50 from the civic authorities to re-decorate the jaii. The job, now nearly complete, was done by prisoner labor, and some of these gratuitous workmen have taken a professional pride in .heir work. The cell blpck is, and will remain, a shining, if not a cheerful, white. Another innovation in the police department is a gas chamber for destroying vagrant dogs, a chore which the constables consider highly distasteful. Trie chamber, a steel tank which will receive its lethal gas from the exhaust pipe of, the police wagon, will replace shooting as the method of destroying the canines. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I shall not be responsible for debts or money contracted in my 'name or by my wile, Mrs. J. W. Douglas. 13 J.W.DOUGLAS. Plan to transform Your Kitchen! MONTREALLERS TURN OUT EN MASSE PROTEST QUEBEC ACTION Over 1,000 Montreal citizens attended the Montreal Civil Liberties association rally in protest against freedom of citizens by Hon. Maurice Duplessis, Premier of Quebec. The meeting, called to denounce Duplessis' actions in the now-famous Jehovah's Witnesses case, was addressed by Hon. C. G. Power, former air minister, left, who upheld civil rights for Canadians, At right can be seen a group of citizens who attended .the rally. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S.. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) Vancouver Bralorne 12.75 ' B. R. Con 08 B. R..X ;.......... 12 Cariboo Quartz 2.'i5 Dentonia .27- g run wihksne .10 Hedley Mascot 1.12 Mirito I.....:.:;.:...:.. .05 Pend Oreille ...... (ask) 3.25 Pioneer ...:,.:::...;.:.... 3.50 Premier Border 07 Premier ...:.....:... 1.25 Privateer .56 Reeves McDonald ........ 1.25 Reno .ll2 Salmon Gold .26 Sheep Creek 1.30 Taylor Bridge .73 Whitewater. .02ia Vananda 22 Congress 09 V2 Pacific Eastern .55 Hedley Amalgamated.. .09 Spud Valley 18 Central Zeballbs .06 Oils A. P. Con '.. .11 Calmont ; 26 C. & E. 1.85 Foothills 2.20 Home" ....;.......;.;....!,.. 3.10 Toronto Aumaque 67 Bcattie ..1........1.J. .70 Bobjo : 14'2 Buffalo Canadian 20 Cons. Smelters 84.50 Eldona '...V. .................. .71 Elder . 1.08 Giant Yellowknife 6.00 Hardrock ., 53 '2 Jackknlfe 10 Jolict Quebec. .82 Little Long Lac - 1.93 Madsen Red Lake 3.50' Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Are your joints and muscles miff and foie from Rheumatic I'ainf Get quick, safe relief with Tcmplcton's 'T-K-C's; Used end recommended by thousands, T-K-C' are specially made to relieve Rheumatic, Arthritic and Neuritic pain and stiffness, Lumbago. Sciatica, Neuralgia. Get a box today. 50c, SI at druggists. T-38 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.90 Moneta 52 Omega 18 Pickle Crow 2.95 San Antonio 4.20 Senator Rouyn 53 Sherritt Gordon 2.25 Steep Rock 2.14 Sturgeon River 23 Lynx 23 Lapaska 35 God's Lake CO Negus 2.00 Aubelle .29 Heva Gold 78 Harricana 17 '.4 CANADIANS GET CANNED SALMON OTTAWA ((Pi More canned salmon is going to Canadians now than at any time in the last six years. Twenty-four mil lion pounds of British Columbia's specialty flowed eastward in the last few months. Government officials say that the supply now Is almost equal to that of be fore the war. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue 1 WAlt ASSETS COAL Double Screened Lump Sacked, per ton..!$12.00 10 sacks 6.25 5 sacks 3.50 5-ton lots, sacked 11.00 Hulk Lump, mine run. ...$10.50 5-ton lots 10.00 Pea, per ton 9.00 Nut Slack, per ton 7.50 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 . Jj l 1 tmOi K.L0AT1- : : I Perhaps you dreamed about just such a kitchen as this during the lean years of scarce electric appliances, but it won't be long before those dreams will be realized. Some electric appliances are available now, so why not start today and Build up an all-electric kitchen as each item becomes available? liDrfncc Uiipcti Daily JSclutf Wednesday. January 15, 1917 LOCAL MOOSE WIN AWARD Prince Rupert lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, has been awarded the Pacific Northwest Moose Association plaque for enrolling the greatest number of new members of any lodge in the association during 1946. The award was displayed at last night's Mocse meeting. Members of the Prince Rupert lodge are proud of the fact that this is the first time the award has been won by a Canadian lodge of the association. It will hang proudly in the Moose Temple this year and, if won by the local lodge next year, will become its permanent property. The Prince Rup'ert lodge won the award for enlisting more than 90 now members during the year, in competition with lodges in cities many times larger. The award was held last year by the Eugene (Oregon) lodge. General business was transacted during the meeting and plans were laid for the initiation of 25 new members on January 28. The meeting concluded with a social period arranged by the entertainment committee under chairmanship of William Terry. Advertise in The Daily News. GrandRelkf FROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF Head Colds! f DOUBLE-DUTY "Vi. I NOSE DROPS WORKS Jk jXv'l V FAST RIGHT WHERB y-K VTROUBIE 151 JjT( Instantly relief from head cold distress starts to come when you put a little Va-tro-nol ln each nostril. Also it helps prevent colds from developing If used ln time 1 Tryitl Works fuiel You'll like ltl VICKS VA-TRO-NOL CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience ... NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Phone 775 327 Third Avenue 1 Fashion-Craft Suit For QUALITY For STYLE For VALUE The skill of craftsmen has gone into the (I e s i u; n and - manufacture of i Fashion-Craft suit Our stock now of fers you a goo d selection l n pat tern and styling at prices W 53-r, w 1 xiiiefciCTTjTPrriTT!TTTnrl A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD LIMITED PLACE TO BUY" Lloyd's Baby Carriaffcs The latest design, fully upholstered, waterproof lining, 5-bow hood; specially adapted for this climate. Colors blue, maroon and grey. Priced at $:.."() Four-wheel Pavement Carls Ideal for child who is out of infant stage; can be used as walker; equipped with rubber protection $ jj.75 Mail Orders can be given immediate delivery Prince Kuperl, B.C. Be Sure of the Best Bulkley Market WE DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue Phone 178 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 NEW CONSTRUCTION RE PAIRS A LTE RATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 3