I&rintr Uttpcrt! Dniiy Jftctos Thursday Marcli ,6. lS-7 An Aaependf nt daily lietrspiasT devetti to the Upbuilding cr Prince Rupert : ana ill rcmmunltle rt.m prising northern arid, central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office' Department, "Ottawa) I , Published every alternoon except. Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd, 3rd Avenue! Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN, PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION " , SUBSCRIPTION'-RATES By City Carrier, per' week, 15cr Per. Month. 65c; Per Year, 17.00; iw aj mini, rrr nionm, uc; rer Year, It.uo. : . Sustained Yield . . . THE new bill providing for 'if voluntary system of sustained forest yield, i'n$ as drastic as some janticlpated and on the Whole seems to have taken into consideration factors afecting the small iiyl-s of the interior. The logger will be required to U&m his annual, cut to his 'annual gr6yth. The larger operators, will be rpquinjdHo ' " maintain their bwn forester. , .', Fire protection will be on a bigger scale, which js just as important as a sustained yield policy. :." The Minister 6f Fqi'estf jso' 1$ congratulated upon what appears front a cursory examination of the bill as a great forwanhstep ih maintaining the forest industry in perpetuity." Citizens' Forum . HAT,, is the Social Responsibility of 'Business?" was the subject of the weekly citi zens .foj-um at tho. Civic Centre here Tuesday night, being one 'of the syllabus of the Canadian Association- for Adult Education which spon-Sgjfs the?e forums for the purpose, apparently, of getting, the people of the country together in discussion of timely subjects of national' importance hnd significance, . The results of the discussiops, arising from a; GI3C broadcast and a s?et of questions, are duly recorded and-fOfwarded to a cen tral quarter where they arq tabuyited and, un doubtedly, compiled as an expression ot public bpinion. .Conceivably, under :'somecircumstances, fcuch a poll, and that is ,y$dtv&tich a meeting amounts to, might be takeli a,a jfiiide. Anxious Abouljf Highway Link'. ? Speculating that;uBe antld- tti pjitcd appolntmenloii'Premlef" John Hart to the Sdr4te might . IhfrFIeie with the iipmenja- ' ttdn of a plsdgc pVlf - Haft'4 tfiat an early sur'ye. jvpuld' be rrjadc of the Hazefen "route for a- highway connecf cehtral Bj-lttsh Columbia wlth'ithe Alas-. Vpii jsaw j K Highway, the iBurn,? LaKe 'sivoni-nriA. Hi -t nr Trarfo hnif rf inmmiinl. I timraflltsim .. .vii.iK.ci v;i vumii'iL; uf. us, hi. .iig this u'eeK urging that tji. fwvlndal Prwiij(cr be again -'sided ct his promhe. Alter ili - dlficusslon, It Va decided tij. surest "to. the. Burns Lake Bivd tlRt, as thlinaiter had ofc v. u-y:t)y bcenirpught t ttif :;1Umi(miu of Mj.'.Hart'affaln'. Itjy.iVlit bi lnapprftijrlatc arid utidu'i.v !-4-:jetltlou.v$ibrjii2 iWuji t Local Exhibit' at Vancouver's Fair A pedal comnildeeT. of the Prince Rupert .Chainbe'r bt Com-rhVrce Is now in coir'r'e5ondenc with the Canadlan. Natjbnal Pacific Exhibition authorities at Vancouver with a vlew.i'toorgan-izng an exhfoit faf ;tjls dLstrlct at the big expcsltiori: I the southern city late tt)l$; .'summer. Progress by the committee wltfi tyis end in view was reported to the Chamber ?.t Itt riitfetlng this wfek by A. D. Rltchieri the absence of the chairman, W: 1, Armstrong; ",J" . ' JClasslfled Advertising Pays! LUMBAGO (LaflieBKk) IVbeu you i back It Riff end tort to touch M it'a an effort lor you Uitoop or bend, late the rrmedy tht hit Uroug'ht swift, at relief to thouaancfaw-TempletotTi TjR-C'f. Don't $udtr Utotiht nagging misery of Lumbago day longer than you have to. Get T-R-C'f Io38y,"j0c. 11 at dnigglsticveoliere. T-39 In this fofiiniy iis Weltj.alii -other matters of public coiicernitVert'ain Section of' the community appears to betbsollitely dirnterested,. even When 'such a vitally . interesting ;si5bjedt as that of Tuesday night cbmes up for discussion. Left Wing-Sers who, in Princo Rupert at least, comprise the jnajority of the. attendance at- these forums are not to be criticized .but rather applauded for the interest they display and the time they are willing ;to give in. attending the meetings and taking part .in the di?cilsjon&. Unless a newspapermen, who happened to be. a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and a dei-gymiin might be considered to, "have been sucn,- there were no defenders of the so-called capitalistic or free enterprise faith. The point 'is that the free 'enterprisers, through apathy and 'pure indifference,; do nothing to present their side iof the case and; permit one-sided opinions to get lairoad on important public; questions, exnressed .opinions that may not be so uhariimouslv the feel 3ng as the results'' of the polls might indicate. ; The citizens forum is a roeeiing ground which jnight lead to a rjetter unde'rndjng betvveen sections of the citizenship. . ' ....', ' t. in The News! W 0 m M M Jk BfWffie 52 LiJJf"1'81" Krant from JrIJ dlst"M Of head colds. P0116W tttrectloM in the rxxkiLee VICKSVATRONOL PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN FALLS .' ."JMriceas Adelaide" Every!1 Aloiiday. 10 p.m. ALASKA PORTS ', "Princess Norah" "Princess Louise" ' Full information on tailing frArnflffcnt ticket agent, or i. xfritriG Bruce Iturpee, VJ','A.v (:.P,n. Station, " X'oncouter. J c RADIOPHONE RESTORATION I Nurtfiwest Telephone Co. of V; luxjuver is continuing to make representations to the Radio DlVfsipn of the Department of Tran.pof t with a view to having restored' authority to' handles corrunertial telephone traffir over radio facilities between Prince Rtfperi and Vancouver1. Thfs authority was withdrawn last ye'at,fblkwln$ institution otf Img distance telephone service by land ibver thp former PnlfM Ctmmunlcatiom 'Syrlem which came Into beitiR, as ft var insa- re. Since then, representations have bccn.shiftctfi both by lo?a1 c!tv coU!tci)f'ltVl Ph-TPer of Ccmracrcci t) permit the use of the rad'q faeitlfes. whlui werd the basis cf thi farmer Ion? di'tahte'servlce between PrlncC Rupert nr.d Vancoutp- at 'ca-l In such an -emergency as the land' lines being down when this dtv Is practically cut off altogether" Jrcm the outside AvorkI by any means of tranmilsslonr The city council and cham ber ot commerce have been ad- vised by the Northwest Tele-" phone Co. that the matter l belnj followed up with the federal departrr.cnt in the hope of the radio facilities being made again available. MONTY MINUS BERET "Unele Joe" Rtalln did all nfelit by that M.-iutjcmery mat. vsivn UtP P.riviih fffld ftiar-fial and tliii'f of the Imperial General Staff made hls'recent visit to Moscow. This black caracul cap and sable and caracul coat make Monty look considerably different than the hard-bitten soldier In sweater and beret as known to thoiii sands of fighting men but he's wearing It to show his appreciation. It was a gift from the Russian leader. ;!.! niiun's i'KUASimi: LOiVDON 0; The Pufliess of Kcr.t has sent her art, treasures to Christie's, the Londonffluc- MISS MOONEY IS REMAINING I'al lowing a mpetltrr of a spe-cir-.l committee of the hospital board with her yes-terday aftor-nocn, it was announced that j Ki s i: Mf: Mwney. TIN., had ro-considel'fd ' her resignation r.s ! ady supcrinlerictciv cr the Prince Ruucrt Gruiral Hospital and had decidctl to remain. Committed on Theft Charge Charged with theft, Ronald W.iKsn'.s was committed fcr trial by a hlaher court when he ap-neired for nreliininarv hearinc ti. ne-rs. for sal? beiweruMarrh j b?f6tc -stlHsttatc W. V. Vance The, Duke, killed fn an i i:, c?tV rKiilce iurt Tu'sJay nf- a:rcv:''t cr:"t aunns me war. ;-rn-on. vviinam. is cnancu w:i.'; r n flJc'mt collc?tor of n!r- v'th theft of a chi't of silvrr-tprc-. i!vfr. poirelaVi and Eiw ware from, Ujh 's Jewellery ki and French furniture. Store. CINNAMON BUNS !U;i' ff1 5SSSP7 if : Light, luscious hot buns if you bake with Fleischmann's. Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast gives you full value, because it's full-strength, fast-acting. Bakes better breair, tastier buns. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, order Fleischmann's Fresh . Yeast from your grocer today. This dependable yeast wi tit the familiar' yellow label has been Canada's favorite for over 70 years. Always fresh . at your grower's " An Outstanding Opportunity for a Sound Investment FOR SALE u The Brodksbank irooKsoanK Buildii Duiiaing Ideally situated in the new Impiness trend area of Prince liupcrtl Feet FiontaKaon Third Avenue ; i ; GONTAINSKxccllenl business quarters on main fltirtr with . ' living accommodation. , ' Two handsome upstairs suites, expensively .panel- ' ' : . led, electric ransres; , IJasement suite with electric ranc and bathroom. OIL HEATED AMATEUR MODKKN TIIHOUGIIOUT TERMS IF REQUIHED ( Apply II, .0. PERRY, Or A. HROOKSIiANK, c.o. Daily News c.o. Dybhavh & Hansor (Usual courtesy to licensed agents) NIGHT Civic Centre Friday, -March 7 ADMISSION 50c PROCEEDS KINSMEN' YOUTlI PROJECTS C.lfMW MY vxi n V . 1,1 jV MVVII III I BOSS 1 WONDERFUL SI But ... it took a little tip to bring out that extra sparkle. Yester-day he was gloomy, depressed, ha J done a little over-indulging perhaps. Sd, I suggested that ANHEY'S- EFFERVESCENT SALT, was what he needed to help counteract that "morning, after" feeling. And, judging, from his smile this morning, he took my tip! Now, ooc thing Abbey's claims is a pleasant, easy-to-take flavour that leaves your mouth refreshed. Abbey's acts gently, effectively . ... and because it is finely granulated, always pours freely, effervesces quickly, completely! Thtre is no waste! SWITCH TO ABBEY'S EFFERVESCENT SALT It Won't Be Long tni111 11,0 wason , and commercial tjar aivl truck operators will have to liaVe dependable and troiibU--free .service from their equipment. We Sucpest 'That you come fn "and let i make , 1 the necessary repairs NOW! Tills wl'd prevent costly tie-ups later on. ( OUR .MECHANICAL AND ItODV REPAIR DEI'ART.MINT.S are well equipped and fully staffed to carry 'out thin Work promptly and efficiently. All Work Ciiaranterd Bulq Estimates Clarily (ilvrn Bob Parkur Liinllvd FORD AND MONAItCII DEALERS Phone N:lr ivlnce Rupert, Il.C. r SEBEEB Hut the IV ' SPECIAL Kill KMil IHtlt 1ST VL(,J AMMIiiml 'iMi'mf.tiHl iU0(fRIM II KMCATESsI Choirrsl (nHJ Roast (htrlnl Mrat I'in anil hht R U PERI BUTCHE Phnnr t) TtJrill ef's Sa REALLY IS A SALE . ; MANY OF OUR CUIiTOMERS HAVE commented on the wonderful values they have had. ve ar;; continually bringing out new items for o' jr special ' , TABLES. see our Don. rm Be a Are a Few Mora Tii n t7y,ne Looking' Strap Vtch 15 JEWELS .(OLD PILLED LUMINOUS DIAL Fvsjjular $15.50 Sale Price 11.60 PLUS TAX LEATHER TRAVELLING KIT CASE IVilli Zlpprr.. )VMterifruof l.lninir, Regular 3G.00 Sale Price 2.95 5t rlinff3i-J n IhacS Regular $1.50 aM Sa'e PfKC SPACE WILL NOT ALLOW A FULL LIST BUT THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF ATTRACTIVE ITEMS Sale Lasts All Week SAVOY HOTEL 'Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box Ml FUASKIl STUEKT . Prince Rupert Prince Rupert F 12" to 14" DRY WOOD (J Per Assorted Kj JJtCord length V r. I'HONK HixTn w Dclttcen 7i00 to 9:00 Any i:v'"n" OFFICE 812 2nd WEST PHONE 632 FOR PROM1T SERVICE ON JANiTORS' SUPPLIES ' DUSTUANK PAPfcR TOWKLS - WAX SOAP - BRUSHES - MOPS - ETC Prince Rupert Supply House , TERRA' I Transfer IN the' P.O. Oox (II. Si"1 167 I"1.