K WWHB 8 UUU If IJ IE JUICE I'.I'.UTY l III NTH NACH 2 35c $ WORK IN SECONDS INK Atninlii i (ItOSS 1NUKAM) )D V A) I KS FOR THE WHKK-KNI) .rwn.s 2 33c 3E SPREAD iNSER : Plain 17c ... :l. -r. 25c 25c rl " in . r column 1 .i: '"r r,"l wuiith m lm n word. I'feO Ntti it' tc i''ll A' i 1TY oh birth called i until ..ff. MO THIS WAY Itifsli mouncements Thursday, 'thi'is' eve-please at- A: -.oclallon, :ti:iplirr. Tea, 1 oni.. Nurses' it Mrs. T. W. iOIJ.E.,Tea ' U;-.ll. ' M irch 17 at 11 el Ilidl. " Ti n and " U..H, Mou- ' Mi;; U. G. T 1 MiulcBle l Choir ' ' ,itop$f' 'ii 28. U;i!. March nd Sale Sale, Laulf T .. .. , . ' i a p AWl, - ws. Oll- NABOB COFFEE 1 Lb. IjilfJS CHICKEN HADDIE Lilly Drand. 10-oz. tin TANG SALAD 8oz." ll JUICY SUNK 1ST lor I AKC.i: III..M) LETTUCE firm and urcfii. Each MUCK SPANISH ONIONS Lb.-. BLONDIE 45c 35c DKKSSIMS 10 oz. 19c 35c GLOCOAT UICY TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT 6 for ii5C I) MIA DKLIVKHY - 1M10NK 434 Jilrr Taken Kefinc 3 p.m. Jlrliverril the Same Day 1 ran tiflwl flmir I, ..ii4:.ir litciuit-'oniinlt I , 2Ji tcatno uakitiff 1 ;ii All llrmi iHwrfcr J4 cup orlp, diwu bncou Cnvim flmrU'iiing nnd miRivr. Uior-mvlilv. Add t'KK nml Unit well. Stir in Im il.,i!i:'.l(i-mn nnd milk. Ix thoak until must of inoiM lire has been taken Sift flour with suit tiftd baking imwder. Add Ikkdii. Add to first mix KEEP "REGULAR" NATURALLY ' y- FLIPS APE GOING DOWN--L ( XX.1 CAN GET A TWO 7 HCHJSAND S OOULAfTCOATFOK'A. ( THOUSAND DOLLARS JjJ (iPinp Year Of ftlMlLI (lArhimpmont W I V I wi Municipal Chapter in Annual Smion Mnr. Stuart Hmiorttl (Reports of the municipal officers as well as the primary chapter at the annual meeting of Municipal Chanter, Imperial Order, Daughters of Empire, showed that the post-war year hart been a very busy and useful one. Hie meeting was held In the form of a dinner meeting on Monday evening, with the Regent, Mrs. D. C. Stuart, In the chair, and 58 members present. Mrs. Stuart gave a very lntcr- cttins.icncral report on the activities of the year which, she said, had been of unusual Im portance to the Order ai a whole and of no less Importance to Ihft order In Prince Rupert because of the chancres frcm wartime ac tivities to those of a post war nature. As Chairman for Prince Rupert cf the Order's Second War Memorial Fund, Mrs. Stuart thanked the members as well as thff citizens of Prince Rupert r their co-opcratlon and support ! in raising the quota set for the c.ty Mrs. Stuart reported that the Jessie R. Uurke Onncer Fund campaign had been a distinct success and already this fund was proving a blessing even her in this city. It deserved our continued support. During the evening, two delightful solos were rendered by a Junior Galloway Rapids member. Mi.-g Barbara Teng. Mrs. S. V. Cox, one of the v wl'.c't members of the Order In Prince Rupert and Standard Bearer for the Municipal Chapter for her twenty-fifth suc-cpf:-lve year, made and presented a brautiful fruit cake for fie enjoyment of the mcTibers vh::h was sultsfoly Iced and dec- o atcd with the I.O.D.E. name ! A highly Interesting feature of j the nlcetins; was the prcsenta-' lion cf a life membership In lie Order to Mrs. D. C. Stuart. Tlie presentation was made by Mrs. Jens Mu nth?, retiring vhv-rcjieri. on beha'f of th in; ir'jcri In appreciation of her j'.cmlld work for the Order dur-ii". her marc than 30 year3 of ni. vbcrih'.p. Ii is th f r such prTNc-nld't'oh cv; r to bp made in Your Breakfast in a Muffin iiml so easy to vuikc, too! BRAN DAC0N MUFFINS mitk ture and stir only until flour difp-n'ars. Fill Brewed mufliu pans twn-thirdj full mid nko in nwlcraUly hot oven ( 100T.) 23 to 30 minutes. MsvVca J muTiins. Ju.4 wait until you tiwto the fUivout of trfep biwon nil wrapticd m in a light, tender lnuHin made with lunate ed, nut-KwtTt AU-Hraul It's lun-iotu. Get Kcllogg's AU-Hran today 1 Try these tasto-tempting inullins tumor, row. Clip the rccipo now I 31ink Kink! Pi ! r I '-l TV TWO SIZES "GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. COMPLETE STOCK OF . MEN'S ANP BOYS' SHOES O AC.LNTS 1 Oil SI-ATKIl SIH:S 334 TII1UD AVENUE . Next Commodore Cafe. lMXJ'RE ALWAVS TALKING AEOlJrl SaviNG MONcY-HLRLS OUC CHANCE TO SAVE A THOUSAND COLLARS Prince Rupert and Mm. Stuart expressed her gratification of the honor of receiving such a coveted reward of service. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as fol lows: Honorary Regent Mrs. Sidney Elkins. Regent Mrs. D. C. Stuart. First Vice Regent Mrs. 0. R S. Blackaby. Second Vice Regent Mrs. R. S. Donaldson. Secretary una Evie Rivett. Assistant Secretary Mrs. V Grant. Treasurer Mrs. G. Tlmmcr-nwlstcr. Educational Secretary Mrs II. M. Foote. Echoes Secretary Airs. Sidney Flklns. Organizing Secretary Mrs. C. McF. Smith. Standard Bearer Mrs. S. V. Cox. CAPETOWN Vh A special fleet of cars seating eight per sons has been built for the Royal Family's visit to South Africa. A transparent panel In the roof blinds, windows and interior partition are all operated electrically, and smoking and writing aids are concealed In the arm rests. LONDON CfiIn 1047 Briatin anticipates the production of at least 500,000 motor cars. Over-teas customers mainly will benefit frcm this intensive production drive. TOO ITK TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 8 h.p. Heavy duly Epsthape, shaft ad propellor. Apply J. Clausen & Son. (57 FOR SALE Overstuffed occa sional chair. Finlshtd in room curl. As new. Phone Red 140 (tf) : Local News: Meeting of Job's Daughters, March "7, 8 p.m. General business, silver march and birthday movies. (56) REACHES HERE FROM ITALY Father Ltiigi (Amariio ot Turin is iVbflor in .City Willi Uncle And Aunt Caiiadlan-iborn Rev. Father Lulgl Amadio of Turin, Italy, has arrived in the city from the Old Country and isat present the suest of his uncle and aunt. . Mr. and Mrs. Louis AmadTo. Sixth Avenue West. He will apend several months here and may remain In Canada as a missionary of the Roman Catholic Church. Leaving; Tur'n on January 21, Father Amad) j travelled to London and flew from there across the Atlantic to New York on February l, first visiting one uncle in New York and then another uncle In Sault Ste. Ma rie. He reached here on yesterday morning's late train. Sault. te. Marie was Father Amadio's birthplace thirty years ago. Resolved that their son should be a priest, the parents took him back to their native land as an Infant, Both mother and father died but'the lad ber came educated and entered the i pricithocd. Seven years ago he ! became fully graduated and or-! damned and since that time has j been a priest In Turin. I Although having spent all his life In Italy, Father Amadio converses quite well, although mtwhat hesitantly. ln.Enslish FAMILY FINDS BEST WAY TO GET VEGETABLES! "My daughter Dcnise learned in her Home Economics Courso that everyone nccda lots of vegetables for health", nays Mrs- H. C. l'cars."Vc ent them fresh from the uarden ' in Summer. And all during the told mouths I serve Aylmer Vegetable Soup nearly every day for the 9 garden-fresh vegetables in Aylmer add good nutrition to meals." Yen, mothers everywhere find families thrive on the nourishing vegetable goodness of Aylmer Vegetable Sou p. So servo it often nnd your family will say: "Aylmer ii the delicious way to get needed ivtgetablcs every day.'' 5 .-.r Why AYLMER Meant Better Eating Vegetables groii from tcslcd Aylmer twU in " farming areas ;icns Canada where tho soil is nwwt fertile Iiavo higher nutritivo values last better, loo. Anil Aytder suporvision, from seed-fiino to harvestr brings you tho "garden-fresh" flavor of vegetables picked at their peak of perfection- in Aylmer Vegetable Soup. Try this recipe for AYLMER Supper Pot 2 cupl thorl-langlh mocoroni 1 can Aylnitr Vtgtloblt Soup 1 con of wattr 1 cup gratod, nippy chttl Cook mnearont'nr boiling sailed water until tender (allow 1 Up. of salt to each quart of water); drain, rhino and drain. Add Aylmer Vegotablo Soup nnd can of water. HeaC thoroughly in double boiler; then Btir in cheese. lyLMER reqeuune c,fc SOUP i LS BUT I .HAVE TO SPCNDliTII ( A THOUSAND TO GET "1 VJTOJRCCT--- id v V. ! I I I I I 23 t Canadan CanflVI j ( Western) Ltd. 1 Vancouver By Chic Young BUT VOU SAVED A THOUSAND SO THE COAT IS ACTUALLY FREE n I TRAVEL COSTLY GREENVILLE TEAM LEARNS Travel Is expensive, the Greenville Basketball team has learned. Cost of their recent tour, during which a senior and Junior team played games at Prince Rupert and Kltkatla, was $530, little of which came back In gate receipts. The team xoppva briefly In Prince Rup' last night, heading back to ihe fastnesses of'thc Naas, where thy will play a final game with Klncolith before gettlng home. Their latest game was at'Kitkatla carlietthi3 week. Financial reasons prdbably will make it Impossible for the Greenville seniors to take nart in the all-native hoop tournament scheduled to be held In Roosevelt Park gym later this month, Team Manager Henry Aksidan mournfully reports. Their recent barnstorming jaunt set the- team back $530, of which they received $80 back in gate receipts. You saw it m The Ncwsl STRONG 1 OVALTINE CCIENCE hit proved dicre are " certain food clcuicnts cvco'ooc needs for health, if there aren't cnuueh of thcai in child's food. serious things can hippen such as stunted growth, soft bones, poor teeth, faulty nerves, loss of appetite, defective eyesight. Ovaltinc supplements the diet with elements frequently deficient in ordinary foods. Three servings of Ovaltinc furnish a siKnificant portion of a child's daily requirements of Vitamins A, lit, (, Kibonavtn (in). and Niacin and Minerals Calcium, j Phosphorus and Iron. I In addition it provides the basic 1 food substances complete proteins ! to build muscle, nerve and body cells hieh-encrsy foods for vitality and endurance. It thus acts as an insurance against food deficiencies that retard normal growth. So if your child cats poorly, is thin, uadcrpar, perhaps nervous, why not try delicious Ovaltinc for normal growth and better appetite. 40 Preserve those Baby Memories Something Nev in Jewelry Service! Our process in silver and gold will save forever those dear little bootees ... To grace your mantel and be always a fond reminder for you and yours, of happy baby days. THE COST IS SMALL BRING THEM IN TODAY (itKirantecil Watch ami Jewelry Repairs. Special attention given to mail order wotk. MANSON'S JEWELLERS "liic Home of liciter Jewelry" timiii:u sam: xtii(i There will bo olfcred Tor sulo at Public Auction at 11:00 o'clock In Hjo forenoon on Monday the seventeenth day of March. 1047. In tlio office of tbo District Forester, Marine U1UR., Vancouver, B.C.. the License X4116B, to cut 48.500.000 f.bm. ot Cedar, Hemlock. Balsam and Spruce on Burvejed pulp timber solo X92U1 Itimted at l-'alla Creek. Klldala Ann, Range Pour, Coast Land District. Ten (10) years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In iwrami may submit tender to b oM-ncd at the hour of uuctlun and treated us one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from tho Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria. B.C . or tho District Forester, prince jiuperi ji.v i prince Buncrt Dailp Ji3eto$ Thursday, March 0, 1917 Work In Pure Wool Tweeds G.W.G. Orey and Uruwn. l-'alr $8.25 Humphreys Ifcavy. Dark Cfl IT Gay, Pair V.j North-VVcstern lli'avy. Grey Jjf Only. 1'air OiJ Kayes Heavy, Brown Only Pair $6.95 -$1.75 Sizes 32 to 44 Uon'l Forget Kinsmen's Amateur Nite This Friflay A. MacKenzie Furniture Having a . ... LiMiri:o . "A GOOD PLACE TO UUY" SIMMONS BED Complete with felt 3mCc2e , $36.50 l'liunc 775 327 Third Avenue PARTY?. . llirn you cai' ;:''t evrrytliiiic lit-rr for tt includini; a gilt, birtliday card, wrapping paper, birthday candles and holders everything to make the parly a success. THE VARIETY STORE "WIIKKK YOUll DIMES AUE LITTLE DOLLAKS" WAU ASSCTS COAL l't r Ton Scrccnetl Lump, sacked $1- Mine Hun Hulk ... $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 john h.-BULGER ' OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Ormes HA. ZTim Pioneer Druqgiats PKKSCltH'TlON CII1CMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STOKE IIOUUS DAILY from 0 a.m. till D p.m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Irom 12 Noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 0 p.m. Having Fish for Dinner? "RUPERT BRAND 1 1 Will add taste and quality to your input. Fur variety try our Smoked Mack Cod, Salmon and Kippers Sole, Cod and Salmon Fillets Kro.en: Halibut and Salmon Remember! Ash for 'RUPERT BRAND' CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited 111 mm wjiiiiLii!Llj.T'rT1l BRITISH COLUMBIA Sri 4 m tf