9e NORTHERN AND CENTRAL JJIUTISII COLUMBIA'S NEW3PAT2R TAXI V1" tTAXI TAXI: 9K Phone . c -x .11. iM.'nvtPrt t i ; mmm 537 Slaml I t DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 2 ...... Hotel. Third Avc.Y Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Kupcrt, the Key to the Great Northwest" E Bill and Ken Nesbitt VOL XXXVI, No. 55. PRINCE RUPERT. C C, THURSDAY, MARCH C, 1047 PRICE FIVE CENTS Will Never Throw Open Her Frontiers is and Union Convictions Upheld oodie tiring ay Chief Honored jn Vancouver rat. In rc:onnuon hismins retirement, Canadian National m wli :c chief . , W T I U.I 1' " riai : jurnntendent, . ; L. n Mr III r A lullroadcr m ; VSttk. ... j j 2 mavh .ner In Vancou- i i it J. (;.s mail" ! arrivin: In 1938 , 01) the post i0 hts C5th r CI i! Vniipciiivcr ... .. in.ri T1 I r- th: directorates of National Exhibition Coast Terminals. He ' ! M I? I III Canadian clubs here. v ? v 111-. It, V WPlt.Mn rnninn i.U depart m . and a J - it.. nut- -mj, nil Ilt'lll- n r -.-.w.ulUV VI. ps. who . )oke on ir ir-ir.,,,..... ..... , - M1V1.SII111: chief c Incer t.hp 'i,uk u iar wen r or-anlzed labor Mortlwn. retired .-wer cprc inn the f rt . . . - aupirannuaica "link F c:-. v im. f transnnrtnlinn ""wi, rr.na con- leucr. and tel0. arcwp tre'pntatlcn s dclivrrd fcw .f.i v'" -i Oinmf'p.. "l, 'nr of mn- T. ...lit. - u wun r-ir. ncludiir- his re- wanti, ailed upon V 'Ifla of k Laiei rrh..i.v,-.. Cr his e ... . V U"U MIC ""u u'ic,r)alr.,l in 'I'M lt S 'x 'i't u,rcc, i. -miiiwi nwu... ' r m the anG p. . - ium atcrt iii Clas- -ami . ..1 T -?n. fi';n of " h ... r- incers 01 15 III lfl02 ' nicer 'tt I ' fale-' in r v. as cnKlnce r ohout t' ! I p. naed 1 Em- on ia8. Contempt Guilt Stands; Three Million Fine Cut WASHINGTON D.C. (CD The United Stales Supreme Court today uplicld contempt convictions, against John L. Lewis anil his United Mine Workers of America. The court upheld a $10,000 line imposed on Lewis but ordered the 53,500,000 fine assessed agajnst the United Mine Workers reduced to 5700,000. The penalties grew out of Lewis's refusal to obey a court order intended to head off a J7tday mfl coal strike last November. Junior Chamber President During Paul Laframboise Honored at Dinner, Tours City During Seven?Hour Stop Aims and ideals of the huiior Chamber of Commerce of Canada were eloquently assessed Wednesday night by Paul M. Lt framboise, national president, at a special dinner meeting givon in his honor by the Prince Kupert Junior Chamber of Commerce in the dining saloon of the steamship Prince Rupert. The younsr Quebec City bust-:nci man--publicity director f(r u power company and furniture manufacturer whose visit here, Wednesday marked the cast-ward swing In his slx-vcck, contlnrnt-widc tour, spoke bc-(oxv .i HjiUiciUyt of more than CO ioal Junior chamber mcmbcra nnd cucsts shortly before he l).):utlcd the castbound train for Prince Oeorgc where he will make a similar visit before pro- rrrdlng by air to the Peace' River. Ideals of the Junior Chamber, of Commerce, which emphasize self development, civic improvement and fellowship on the part 1 of young men on a community basis, have expanded onto a nation-wide and an International scale, Mr. Laframboise told the gathering. N Nationwide expression Is given through the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada and on ati International basis by the ncw-ly-formcd "J.C. International" witir-h Mr.Lafrnmboisc helped to crer.tc in Dallas, Texas, prior to ivlttrning to Canada last week. 'You can only get out of Junior Chamber work as much as you put. Into it," he declared. "Those wlv) do hot stay In the oranl- aallun full to do so brcau.se they have not gone deeply enough into !t or because their leaders have not. given them enough work to do. "Projects develop the man. In doing Junior Chamber projects . - " I - rtw r T Mia the nccPM. csscn he: acquires many of tial attitudes and skills which needs to go Into business for himself." Civic Improvement offers a wide scope for projects which help the community and benefit tlscyvho take responsibility for them. The Junior Cham-bcr'or Commerce docs not conflict i'n any way with the service clubs, most of which have only one project. "The J.C.C. deals with many, thereby giving n man scope to broaden his outlook." Mr. Inframibnlsp. forecast that I the nqw "J.C. International" by creating mutual understanding t among young men of the 27 na tlom wldch comprise It will a great force for world peace. ".The. world needs men who arc able to use their opportunities. Our city, province and country are 'our opportunities and we must. take advantage of the opportunities to improve them IC we arc to make our world a finer place to live In," he concluded. Mr. Laframboise, who arrived here Wednesday afternoon on the Prince Rupert, was guest speaker at the Gyro Club lunch-con shortly after his arrival. Durlna: the afternoon he was l.hown Industrial plants In the ,cd.y In a sweeping tour under Fetes National i Visit Here 1V1!?' HiHn JAYCLK IIKAI) iit ui: Paul LeFramiboise, of Quebec, National President, sUrs local bedy with rousing address. the guidance of the local Junior Chamber executive. He met the executive Informally prior to the evening dinner. Official welcome at last night's dinner was given' Id Mr. Laframboise by Mayor Nora E. Arnold, who also praised the community activity of the' local group!. Greetings from the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce were expressed by G. A. Hunter, president of that body. Chairman of the meeting was Junior Chamber Vice President A. J. Domi - nato, in the absence of President A. P. Crawley, Ex-Mayor H. M. Daggett, president of the rrlncc' Rupert Public Relations Council,- welcomed Mr. Laframboise on behalf of that group. Guests were Mayor Arnold, O. A. Hunter. A. D. Drown, Arthur Hrooicsbank, George Mitchell. E. T. Applcwhaitc', A. J. Scptt and J. E. noddle of the senior Chamber of Commerce, and Jack WrathaH. Can Lead To Peace WACO, Texas Calling for reduction cf world. .trade parr lnb ,1 VrMcA slAtfS I'onn lead the nations to econo mic peace or we can plunge thepi into, economic war.'r ' M Baylor University, where he, received ap honorary ;d6grec of doctor of laws,, the President reaffirmed Ids f aith . In reeipro-cal trade acts, stt Iking .out , at those who wcuM return to.hlgh tariffs ahd "economic -Isolation." und called for a world trade charter. "Whether we like It or not, the future pattern of cConmuic rc- llaUons depends upon' us," he de- I dared, "ine cnoxe i oiu. SURVIVORS OF LOS ANGELES BLAST M. E. Schaefcr, left, and Fred Boyrr. two victims of e tragic explosion in downtown' Los Angeles, arc shown after they had been given first aid ticatmcnt for their lnjuricsjand prior to removal to hos pital. The explosion, which occurred at inc ouonnor wcciro-platlhg Co chemical plant, rocked a Tour-block area, leaving more than 100 injured and a ttl of 15 dead, Ontario Decides To Go It Aloiie No Agreement WAWAViWAViVAVJ' TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy tf. i). Juhiu.lou Co. LIU.) mmmm " " " VANCOUVKU Bralome 12 25 B. R. Con, "8 B. R. X., : 12','2 Cariboo Gbld 2.70 Dcntonla -27 Grull Wlhksnc ..- .-V .11 Hcdlcy Mascot .., Ml Mlnto .,.p5'2 j Pend OrelUc ... .'2.90 pioneer;, -r...-.'.f:..:--so Premier Border .00 t Premier Qoldv -. -if--r- ;7.8 , Prlvacr-: I-'...:.'; Reeves McDcnard ... .r.lO'J-Reno ' '.4.v..v--.S...ly -lOiSe Salmon Gold i. X-C- 55 Sheep Creel; Taylor Brjdse, ... ..4... ..';65 Whitewater,. .02 Vananda J CongressS .P'i Pacific Eastern :..,,.,.-.'.C5: Iledley Amalgamated'.... .10 Spud Valley .18 Central ZcbaltoS .'.....'...'.' OILS : A. P. Con. .13 Cahnoiit : .33 C nfid'E' v2.15 fcothlllsi a,. .2.35 Home JL,.;... iv3.30 Ill'OKONTO ? Atimiia4;, .30 .Aiimatpic .:. i -25 'Bcalcl' .'.., -90 . Be'viourtv .: -110 Bobjo 4..- ..." 24 Burraloau. . 211 Con. Sinvltcrs EG.00 Comvcttf 1 10 DonaWa! 1 Eldonav, 5 Elder ' . . 1 11 God's Ifikc 1.23 Haidrock i. .51 Harr!crfc 17 ' Hcva Gold 83 nas:p ; -57 Jarjtnlfc, 10 Jollet Quojicc .05 Lake R'CAvan .23 LnpaEka, ;. M little Long Lac 2.05 Iynx .25 Madsen;Rfd LaVe .3.50 McKcinlf ReVt Lake 78 McLeodtCoclcrhutt . 2.00 Mo net a -58 Negus .2.00 Noranda -43.50 Pickle Crow 3.10 Speech From Throne Says Province loJKaise Its Own itcvciuic TORONTO (CV) Ontario disclosed today that J,here 'would be no.ncw tax agreement between the province and the Dominion to replace the wartime tax agreement which expires March 31. The announcement was made In the Speech from the Throne opening the. Legislature. It said: 'llic government of Ontario will be called upon to raise Its own required revenues and there will' be presented proposals for 'meeting the financial rcquirc-I incuts of the coming year."' The speech did not indicate i how' provincial tax. revenue would be raised. TTitr Himalayas ("Temples' of snow") arc 1,600 miles long. with. 20 Deaks more than five miles high. I mt tional erna Not to he ROYAL 'GHOST' TRAIN DERAILS: ENGINEER DIES ON EM:iD THE ROYAL TRAIN IN SOUTH AKIICA. B Workers today ' toiled to c sr v.rcrkrt oi a fottrfar royal "uh35t train" derailed last night a few hours after leaving Untata In Cape Province with baggage and. sprrc equipment of the Kbyal Party. It was running an hour behind the main train bearing the Royal Family vhen it left the tracks. To cars plunged down a 15-ftot embankment. Ens'nccr of the "ghost train" was fatally injured, op being pinned under the locomotive and the firemen suffered rv broken arm and. leg. Stix passengers escaped Injury. THE WEATHER Synopsis A weather .sy;tcm inw over the Queen 'Charlotlts is causing general cloudiness along th-2 coast with intermittent rain' as far Eauth as Estcvan on the west const of Vancouver Island .'The rain will' cxtend nt the r&t of the ccastal.nrea by; vehinsMo 4 cm Inte"Hdtc1iigrAytr(rti6-fit temperature to nar zrro. How ever, incrcasincloudhiess tonight will result-In milder wiv-thcr for all Interior regions Frl-day. f Prlncej Rupert, Quen Charlottes 5nd Tiorth Coast -Overcast with .intermittent rain today. Cloudy with widely scatter ed rain showers overnight. Fret-qucntly clear this afternoon and Friday. Winds fouthcast. (25) decreasing to . southwest U5) late this rjterrioon and sHifMng to west (15) Friday. Little change In; leinperature. Lows to- nlsht. Port Hardy, 35; Massett. 3G: Prinec Riiurt. 34. Hi2h3 Frl- Iday, Port Hardy, ,45; Masitt; 43; t'nnce uupcrt, Vi. CHILLIWACK ' HAS BLAZE CHILLIWACK inre today swept thrcTuStrthe Pickard Block here which housed' the Murray & 'Easton hardware store and the Chilllwack Bakery, both of which suffered heavy damage. For a time, flames threatened the heart of 'the business sec tion Including the pest, offlc building In a next-door block. Inspection Is Allowed American Atomic ontrol Plan Declared By Gromyko to Be Contrary to Interests of Other Countries . V- LAKE SUCCESS (CP) Pessimistic security councjl delegates, groping for a solution of global control of atomic energy, pondered today on the .Russian assertion that Soviet frontiers would never 'be thrown open to unlimited international inspection nor Soviet factories allowed Russia Is Criticised Sharp Note Delivered by United Slates Jlegarding Intervention in Hungary WA5IUKGT0N & United S&tes today charged Soviet Russia with causing a political crisis by "unjustiiicd" inter- Terence In Hungarian internal affairs. A sharp ndj.c, delivered to the Russian, British and Hungarian governments, and to the Soviet military commander at Badapef t. said the Soviet High Command, by direct Intervention, has brought pollU 'Sal d4MicuUle3 hi Hungary to a crisis. The note added: The pat- fjopment ents in Hungary aopoars to threaten the right of the people to live under a government of their own free choosing." MOUNT ETNAIS SPOUTING AGAIN ROME Ol Diipatchcs. from Sicily reported tuday that Mount Etna, which subsided early this week following an eight - day eruption, started bqlchlng lava again last night after three heavy internal explosions. Lava wasjqjortcd moving in the di rection of Randazzo, a town of 14,000, at the rate .of about C00 feet an hour. Spewing forth In a highYy fluid condition. It Is. now threatening a rapid spread.'1 Local Tides Friday, March t, 1947 High 1:42 21.5 feet , 13:48 22.4 feet Low 7:41 4.1 feet 20:04 1.4 feci A nautical mile is equivalent to C.030 feet, or nearly one-sixth more than a land, or statuta. I mile. . : I ' i I - mSBKk ' Bsk WjBJBBKBBBB IfllllliHBBliwlHB' SBKii sSsSti" ' mBSbi BMBBHHflBBfiHHP9BBrTTT-: BlBEglyL ifiSr -mJh lii . jjtBBBBH CZECH "QUISLING'" PASTOR ON TRIAL AS CQLIVBdRATOR A bcshawled witness gives her testimony in the court at Batlslava, Czechoslovakia, where Dr Joseph Tfso, the priest who became a Quisling when the Nazis moved into Czechoslovakia, is on trial as a collaborator The priest is shown' sealed in left foreground, Ignoring tin witness. by Soviet to operate under United Nations control. Anurei A. Gro myko, Soviet deputy foreign minister, made these points clear in a major pplicy speech, devoted principally to an outspoken attack on the American control plan. Gromyko declared that the proposals were contrary to basic economic and, national Interests of other countries and "directed against independence of other states." The Russian Insisted that he favored strict and effective international controlbut, not on the broad lines as laid down by the United States. CIVIC CENTRE PLAN KILLED VANCOUVER flft Vancouver ratepayers, iri a plebiscTle Wednesday, refused to approve plans for a civic centre, voting down 9- $&3C.C0m' byLtwfor. purchase, oi necessary buildings' and lots within a proposed downtown site. By Mini margins, approval was given to a' $50,000,000 bylaw lor il 10-year program of construction of streets, sewers, water mains and other projects. Daylight saving was also approved. 18,417 to 8,508. BARBER SHOPS . CLOSED TODAY Barber shops In Prince Rupert remained closed today as." their operators switched from : their former custom of remaining open for half, a day on Thursday to a full holiday as provided under a bylaw now before city council. Thursday all-day clos ing for barber shops was granted by city council after the ai-dCTmtyi received a pctitlorf sign ed by the majority of the-barbers in the city. One batlbeFTlC- clarcd that the move was a leading one in a trend which would see almost all business places remaining closed for "the tull business period on Thursd-iy ht-stcad of during the afternJonigT. they do at present. RELEASE 'PLOT , EMBARRASSES SOUTH POLIC& VANCOUVER . lu d-i'aced iwlicc last night atrmilt d Vlut "three known uiu'-rworld characters" who were reported to be Involved iirVpIot to fprlng" wxiundcd murder suspect Harry Mcdcos from',hds-pital here, have turned out to be Innocent, patient-visiting citizens. Mcdeos. shot during a police bandit gun battle a week ago. was qulekly moyed to the city jail, but later it was determined that the "three visitors" had come to the hospital to visit a friend. Arts, Crafts AND Hobby Show Thursday and Friday Atari 1 G and 72 to 10 p.m. Upstairs nl CIVIC CENTRE Admission Free All exhibits to be In place by early Wednesday afternoon. MM in 1 -.. 3