IPrG lAliE :t Jitic'e : I utfy i' )tlV . I) '..It- . ' .:iir-j : A ill tt Hi t at : ma-Ailv.'CJtl .,:, a re- -JUili EP.RACE Topics St, :ni and 3;, !:: ir best corporal . . i t.ie lh! . nuanant it sta-D.C., wiil Francois Lalte JV?ms V. E. Funnell has been HI for two weeks but is now fit again. ., Francois Lake members of the Tweedsmuir Park'nod and Gu . Club drove to Burns Lake for minting thore on Tuesday cve-nlnjf. , Mrs. Joe Robert' daughter, Mr.;. June Gutna, iu juu ur-iived from the United Sitattis to join her i thrre.'smntl childicn vflio casjcup'.vrlth Mr. Huberts gOme months ago. . ; v ; ' ... ' a., la,-, i rJtx members of yie Fair Commute attended the meeting at tint-store on Thursday evening. Tiie lists wre again revised Seii'ftary Mrs Reg Partington remi a list of, prizes donated. '" . TTi Htrtle drlVe sponsored by tli:, Vfonnm's Iiutllutc held at thr" hall on Saturday evening went off w'e.'Mrs. Claude Lord superintended, tluvgarnc of beetle which' was amusing and exciting. Winner of the ladies-prize ttas Pat PaithiP.tc-i, and John Keefe Jr, won the gentle-merit prize. A covered glass dish Idled with concyes was raffled and wo woii by. Miss Ru',y Kii'kbriae. ' ' " . AdvitriUr iii Tiic Daily News RIDING CLUB AT FRANCOIS LAKE cot:; utKfc iittjlrt" Cub r,is or ganized on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and M:-.. J? Winnipeg; H. Frances,; Winnipeg; ' 'r. and Mrs. 3. MathU, Everett, Wash.; R. Van Winkle, ' !-'!i;kun. - CITY OF TOMBS' Kerch is called Russia's Pom WED . QUIETLY . AT THE MANSE ' At a quiet ceremony In First United Church mnse Saturday evening. Miss Isla Helen FRANCOI? LAKEU-TrfeJ'fan-)3CrsoJM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Frank K?trlck, Neepawa: Manitcbaj became the bride of George Douglas Hague, son ot Reed. Hugh Neave was elected Plr' Mr. Oecrgc Higue. president and William Titcomb, Ninth Avenue West, Ths rite was by a lace cloth. rooms were decorated with pink nnd white bridal streamers. The guests enjoyed a buffet luncheon a.nd dancing during the evening. . Mr, . and Mrs. Haeue have iaken up residence In Prince 11121 PUPILS AT CITY SCHOOLS Prince Rupert's acnool population during February was 1,121 3mllg, according to the monthly principals' reports presented to to Principal W. W. C. O'Neill's repart. There were 241 in Junior li'nh nnrl 112 In the "cni h!"b Attendance percentage for the Man til was 93, At Borden Street elementary llocfl, enrolment was 195, Principal J. S. Wilson's report revealed. Attendance was 92 per cent. Conradx Street srhool had an enrolment of 195 and an attendance 9erccntaee of 83, aecord- int to the report of Principal T t 0 n tcmr.n. At ICutr 2ivnrd eJ'ntntary. enrolmentwas 265, and the at-f-Hhtrtr? percentage 92, Prln-r 'oni .R o. M-Jore's report scld. Ei?-o:ment In the- district's rurrl schnols as rcycrted by the 'enrh-ss. wrs as follows: DiViv IslaiuV. 2D; Port Ein?ton, 10; Port Erlward, 15; Port Simpson, 11. FOOD INSPECTION SERVICE SOUGHT Fii?f!Mtton of the r?nlther? and DUtrict (Jhnnber of Commerce that machinery ef export food Inspection be set ud at Prince Rupert to facilitate shipment of foodstuffs from Central ?st rifltv met!n cf the .British ColnrnWa to southeastern School Board. February enrol- Alaska U before thi "trade and menfc was greater by 11 pupils cofprrjeree' cpmmitfe of . the! than the enrolment In January. ' Prfnie Rupert Chamei of C6m comparison reveals. secretary treasurer. Earn Shaffer '. Performed by Rev. R. A. Wilson. I .''.'"H ' ""eth mora. ....... . 7 .. i a...... . . ... a T zh ?:nool was All. accordln? will be riding master for the first ride on May 18, Mrs. Recti Hotel. . . arrivals ttoel, with corsage of red roses, served delicious refreshments! in bride wa$ attended by MM. after the meeting. Charles prmiston as matron or W. Prince Rupert Sv Hephei1. Victoria; nanor. Mrs. Ormi.vton wdre f suit of pate yeltjw with white carnation corsage. Orocm.tman Yas Charles-Or-mtetdn, and witnesses were Mn nnd Mrs. Andrew Hardy. FcUewfnst Ins ceremony, 50 guests congratulated tlw newly married entitle at a reception Youhcey. Vancouver; 8. II. Mc- "r , (1 c VEd ,he EUeJt" Wd, ' Vancouver; H. Singleton, reK Vancouver; W. Agasslz. KeU ZM toJ hsd PrP3W:d ibV M' a,ul " wa! owna: n. London, Vancouver; ,04rpl!M:," dipt; A. Esdalle. Vancouver; R. ?d"! io ,,he 7ocm' . 'lrce-tler wedd n? cake centrci Jonnson, Powell River -i). Fo3.( v,,,.. n 'iw'- he bride's table which was merce for attention. There coald be much more subtan-" Hal export of produce to southeastern Alaska, It Is held, If such Inspection service was available here. HUGE DESERT AREA The Sahara Desert Is large enough to blanket the United States. NO CURE FOR BABY'S COLDS But You Can Help Natur ' To Fight Thtm Off Medical Sclenu denies there In any roch thlnr us a cure for colds only Nature her-self can do It. So when baby's sniffles, or atulfr breathing warn you of a cold'a presence cooperate at once with Nature. See that baby la kept warm seta plenty of sleep end take extra care that the bowels are thoroughly cleared of harmful wastes which drac down vitality and resLitanre. To do this without upacttinff buby's whole system and further weakening it, try Iiaby'a Own Tiiblets easily crushed to a powder, if desired. MiM, yet act promptly In cettinu rid of the irritating' material that mnko baby rcstlesa and feverish ... and In this wif thev eticaurftf.0 rpKtful flleen Used with rjTTACi' pt 1 confidence by .thousands of Mothers for over irtiyiri swaih M years, tut. tat terthina- fever, o.nrtirw- India ranks ninth-among the ". 2- ,Jic-' b"1,y, "i'TJl"-!140 , -'-.; ' . ' sleepy ctuit no dullinsr elTect. flet a box pen because oi its many tombs Rupert, where Mr. Hague is em- coal producing countries of the ..f liri' own -rahieM tiny. only 25. if and relics. . ployed by Lindsay Motors. , world. ii.eyrwheip,cau your physicwn at once i-M aaT1B faHasm ai sbW at san ..saTC I II i II Cliff I rr!. : : 1 I m mmW Ml """"r rA ' m m m n i I on - ' tm mpm bjjv ssS ss sh ia7 wr rtnif- r r i l-.i . -Tv isbm mm sbbbw sssai TassB iih bbbv m bh - ajfavariif t . r-;jr--.i ing pac i . Fir J ' s ' " Qh l TrK V riiium m - ..ur7 yvyr .:; ;,v v:t.i: v.. . "" stain" j i i . . .. k. - bv' .l ' fv . I sW bB . - M r-i f -a n i bbbbW v BaaaassBMj at r n 1 1 if a. v , zs:r.r m am. I I S 1.7' I It I - 1 ' 1 1 'j. . a Wa. MT BBBBBBm. f I I I .v, nii.ii . s. - ... . -av -av vr-ak: rk I' rl V.".iim OnnVrH V.' J W wWi. Tin - .ML. T - .w - vm mi - k U: I V M uSlBBBBBBMBaai"- . -' ( MBVlBBBBBBBBBlBm BBBH '11 . . tWkm .:. . ia)aBW 1 II ' T. C. J.Vlr vV JtTtJ OmtL ' nTntiiili HiH ' i ill V. ZibBH . . ' I ' . ilMHrlja I T 4 W VI t IM.VLn lBBWlBBBTBja)WT---- - I 'yBBBBBBBB , . . . . Mm'''' -V. BlBIUiAi. VaVai I I in 10 JW T.JT .Jl t BJBbHbHH BBBm bbM E'.-TbIbIbIbVI BBBB 11. . w . : Jtr -"lam. f .w tp. .ttmm, Air uBf 'A. IBbV W I I - ,--UiaK I asl Mes tl n trasBBBl t .r MM I V-a -" JJTAarWTi.rM - M ?L r am .-asaMV (wsbWH . A?r-T MafJJaB VT' ., 4 . -r?)Bjn.7 i i . ..' i BBBVwrao.ki t. m - tm tm h m. M-'BBB.aiH . .. :. rr. . S afjafjafjka . y . - i " . r 11 . ia it mi'. i i nil ism y .sH&Va vv I l " I EH& WW !T H a M.fJr . . - aaBBBHsWaaVifeaWf V t !. ) t If II oo.-n roaobV ' HaC. .' . 0. J A. W. SSTSIi . .! smiaBBi an i nyv . . bbbbbbv bbbh v . . -sr i-..i.iss.issfc' i i ibje TiinA- Bin ' " --mmm mm mm ii aAKnniaM m 1' i w afaaa?MB.va. H .BaB m BH I MaMaBBBBBBBBBrl 11 ak W ' l l..bie and BaBJK W W Ba MM -W iffiBSBH-BJBm aI -f .h-, I i.J (V, K VJBaavW" 9Bm.aaBai ' a 1 st law . aaar tas.flBBBBBSiBBBn ,u and ail. .4aK: jBaBaTB P I I .1 . I .1 1 P,W""J' US, jSfcL f yHi' Ine ony (eanser TPaT 9ves yu D0Tn" ! ' .... WMTV, aV IHk'JaMaBBlar V 4. VAStBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI ""","t"--4 1 M-"1 t fl.I I ... Wl.nr'AMll .:-.' V 'BaBaBaaaf'' I -L&.VjaBafBl BS7 HBaBU - saBSal , ... .v-flsmjBaWKy -m'aBaMaBLjVaK; t - -."-t i BM CaKSr''S4.r's: i. fS-SSBaBr-aw --OM ; an kanuua I 1TBHBT1I JMI Tan T t i.ttl 1 OTwaaaBlt aaBaBT... VJ -CUTCHEON "AKMACY HEWS WELCOME " ' it, to mmn 11 -n. :rm,,i,i i . .. I 1 y Hi "ijBKkTSJ aaP II aBaaaaaaal' I f ' 7 I 1 Tv. r 'aT. TV aa' li I , MMMY I AT MX -SsT X . J.-.V. V j, f I ttl " X .afJW I II f I .sto M W W Tl-.' V.---WV .ar r ' till XX BT r 1 aW IfJP Ha A. .X V . a - a rVaaS' I BafJ X 1 . ' "a. - .V I tl.MIBl a . MAV kSKBW Kill jr Ja ri r,4fc "jiiat fir aaaBBafaaafTaTraValBaBar W I jafHBVBBaBaBaPnlFBafn mmm iltl 3.1 Met ril 1 1 Z TJ a ril m.tlfWiBAMiillMIMUIII BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBraBlBBBIBBBBfB For extra help on all those cleaning jobs, try the new Swift's Cleanser. It really cleans and makes things shine acts fast and doesn't "scratch. Leaves no gric or sediment in sink or dishcloth. It cuts grease saves soap I It's speedy, safe sires minutes of your cleaning time. Grimy pots and pans come gleaming-clean without energy-consuming rub and scrub; Yet the new Swift' Cleanser is so smooth and gentle it's safe for the finest surface . . extra easy on vour hands. And it Polishes as it cleans f On mi'rmr, windows, just apply witn a tump ciotn ana wipe ojj ubile Hill damp. waiting to dry no powdery dust. Pick the polka dot package in red, ) or blue. Try the new Swift s Cleanser today 1 No green Bonny BIm yovrtelaor tchtm Mirths tonn. Dept. 99 Swift Cansiiiaa Co. limited, Toronto 9, Ont. PltsM send me a re nfy of rour "Martbs losia Notebook on Easier llouicaeerini" ai ao toil or oblifation Erfitre Rupert Daflj? rctotf Thursday, March 'c? 1947 "X IS cft I l9 !nS Be Sure of the Best Buikley Market LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam presslnt, while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street I MEW ROYAL HOTEL ' A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up M Kooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT.. B.C. I'lKinr 281 PO Box 195 REX CAFE RRCOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow iMcin . . . . ('HINTS V, DISIII'.S OUR S V V. C I A L T Y Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. I'll ONE I7:J We arc here to serve you and Guarantee you will be pleased FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS " HOUSE OF FINE FOODS " PHONE .'17 I'.O. 1" ywoo Special For EASTERTIDE! One Large PHOTO or Yourself or the children, mounted and tinted, for only .89 Make Your Appointment Early ' For the Host Call at CHANDLER'S STUDIO 21G 1th St. P.O. Itox fil5 PRINCE IllirERT, IJ.C. COTTAfiB CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE niONES 11G and 117 Courtesy anil Service d Caf I'KINCi; RUI'lCKl'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO C AJU. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to S p.m. IU.NKSH DISHES A SPECIALTY w E Cater to fa it . t i k s CHOI' SUEY CHOW ME1N eoil OUTSIIIF OKDKKS IMIONK I XI 735 THIRD AVENUE WE31 HAPPY WONG Co. ! Wholesale and Retail f FRUITS AND VF.fi CTAM.KS 214 Sixth Street Ulack 28!1 Moving, Paikine, Crating, Shipping and firiirral Cart.iRc and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Plumes CO and 08 Yes, the worst is pver but it is no time to let your coal bin run low You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite knowi ' brands of coal from us. Rut don't leave ordering too, Ion?. r ,u a-m. - Contrlh,,... "s ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. m mind. P. 0. MJrta.. W Persona, FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS - - "viwiue, I Ci" - ; J, 'I f sun