l?r Rupert Dailp JSclus Saturday, January 25, 1947 (Authorized u Second Class Mail, Post Of Hce Department. Ottawa). Published every afternoon except Sunday by . Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. H. O. PERRT. Managing Director. G. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau el Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association Saints, at Low Salaries POOREST PAID, most THE criticized, least appreciated, but mttst useful citizens are the clergy. "The Layman looks at the Minister " by Dr. Murray H. Lelffer, tells what the Methodist laymen want in their ministers in the United States. The best of the .laity, being as imperfect as 'their parsons, would, of course, like perfection. The minister who "seems pessimistic and defeatist concerning the achievement of the goods of the Christian Church" is disapproved by 28 .of the laymen. The required optimism may be sustained better by fixing both eyes on heaven, with only occasional glances at the congregation. An approved, minister must not "follow notes too closely," differ theologically from his congregation, neglect pastoral calls, be corpulent or untidy, suffer from domestic Infelicity, address labor union meetings as often as meetings of service clubs, despite the equally obvious need of the former, or smoke. The minister, should, however, "proclaim equal opportunities and responsibilities for. all racial and nationality 'groups." The reference to corpulence Is gratuitous. Tile unchristian salaries paid to most ministers will prevent them from becoming corpulent, unless they have a natural tendency to obesity. They already have ample reasons for plain living and high thinking. With this worldly wisdom before them, ministers who strive to succeed in their missions will be well advised to keep their heads in the clouds, seeking guidance from a higher and original source. Inspector H. H. Mansell, pro-v'ncial police, returned to the city this week from a brief, trip to Smithers and other interior points on official business. LOWESTOFT. England 0 A recent meeting here rejected a proposal to continue Sunday movies by 193 votes to 106. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP .BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE .MATTER OP THE ESTATE Of NOEL LAVERDIERE, DECEASED TESTATE take NfinrT .ho ,,"t4'ure ol we P"seni,. mere His Honour W. E. Fisher; made on, IWas Cant- Acree. from Califbr- iu!L"th a7,ot iimr. a d. 1947. alia, chaplain at .Acropolis Hill; IvuTann METS XS' a la,ented 5" Canadian. Bob Laverdiere. deceased, and alt parties iFleming, Who put the audience having claim agalnat the said estate- inn ho. oUW ,Hv. hi. imn.. 010 alSles Wltn nl5 are hereby required to furnish same. .lne mP- properiy verified, to me on or before conation of an ooera; but, per-the 15th day of March. A.D. 1047, and haDS "V' on on 01 of the ine most mOSl niitttnnri OUliiand- 811 parties Indebted to the estate or. required to paj the amount of their Indebtedness to me fnrthorith DATED at Prlnc Rupert, B.C, this 23rd day 6f January. A.B. 1947. GEORGE II. HALLBTT. OWlclal Administrator, Atlln. B.C. TIMBER 8U.F. X1I0GS SEALED TENDERS will be received :by the District Forester at Prince Rupert. B.C.. not later than noon on the 5th day of February, 1947, for the purchase of Licence X4 1068. to cut 2.213.-.000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock sawlogs, on an area situated at Louise Narrows, Cumshewa Inlet, QC.I. Two (2) years; will be allowed for Temoval of timber. ' Further particulars of the Chief ,Forester, Victoria. B.C.. or the District Forester, Prince Rupert, or ..Hanger Scott, Q C.I. FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covert Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre LIFE There are1 a few events in I every year to which we look forward with an eagerness born of past associations and whetted by anticipation. Christmas and New Year lead and then, arriving on their heels, U the Burns Banquet. Some years ago when Rev. A. F. MacSween went In search of a "response" to the toast toBon-nie Scotland, he moved unerringly In the Tight direction to a fellow Scotsman who also dearly loved his native land plus the native Instrument. Col. Bapty, who was the commander of the Canadian Scottish sta tioned in Prince Rupert at that time, was only too glad to be of service. "I shall use as my theme, the music of Scotland" he told Mr. MacSween. "I should like to bring along one of my pipers to Illustrate this music at'vdri-ous times." So it was all arranged. Col. Bapty would give the response, one piper would pipe in Illustration and he would come to the church on the followins Friday j to practice. On that day Rev. MacSween was In the church, at orate with himself and the world In gen eral. And. then that beni,zn countenance suddenly changed to register consternation and dismay as a greaUhbise bore down upon him. Being Scotch, full well he knew the source of t that .sound. Even the exact number! In a moment's calculation he knew that 14 pipers and lb drummers had accompanied the "one" Just to snow their "ihildness o' heart " Thev filed 'intd the church, filled the platform and formed a line across the hall in front of the platform. Without delay, they Swung into action, all 25 of them. Speechless. Rev. MacSween 1 listened. Then, fearinar that his hearing might also leave him. he escaped into the church au- ditorium above. It was no bet ter. The air throbbed about him in an agony of sound: it beat upon him like small gremlins. In desperation, he sought the wide open spaces and the .cour age to face the banquet night! The night arrived and one whole table was filled to capacity by a band of hearty pipers. They, seemed to fascinate the master of ceremonies who looked often in their direction and". as often; moistened his lips and ran an expert finger around his collar! Only when the oeonle cheered for more, did the good Reverend relax. He had forgot ten that a hall filled with dco- ple would modify the mighty olast. In the face of such enthusiasm, he smiled broadb and was glad he had thought of so successful a feature. It would be Impossible to think of these receding banquets without remembering various servicemen who contributed to" the . . 0.. ; 1 - j'nS was Capt. W, D. Rowlands, L,in a : .i ,,. u an imerican cnapiain. Capt. Rolands rose to speak at an utter loss. He had never attended a Burns Banquet be- tfore and hadn't been able to VALENTINE Young in this Prince Rupert by BIDDEE JINKS ifind out much about them. Someone said that Scotch pro1 pie attended them and that they trrought Haggis. That didn't help. All he knew about the Scotch was a definition he had heard which said d Scotsman was a person "that kept the Sabbath and everything else he could lay his hands dn! Tlie Haggis had him completely stumped. He had thought it was something worn on the .front or the kilt. But while he iwas pondering the matter, there iwas an unearthly shriek from somewhere and a man appeared. holding something aloft on a platter, marched triumphantly about the room, followed by a piper who minced along, blow- Inn and swinging; for all his might. "What do you know!" he said to himself. "Somebody has found the Holy Grail!" But, lying on the table direct ly in front of Capt. Rolands, it resembled anythins but. he thought. In bewildermen he watched a man approach the (table with a long, sharp knife in hand. Then he reached out and poked the thing and poked it again, all the while shouting something in a foreign language. Finally the great stuffed object lay gaping open. An arcrria unlike anything he had sniffed before toiiched his. nostrils. Pleas ant, too! One by one, he laid all the facts together, and reasoned the whole thirtg out. It was eatable. It was loved by Scotsmen. Why! that thin? must be the Hais And so it was! Lutheran Church Campaign In Citv To conduct a laymen's evan gelical campaign for St. Paul's Lutheran Church doling the coming week, C. E. Overland and T: J. Njaa, ex-servicemen farmers of Hagen, Saskatche- wan have arrived In the city They will conduct services in the IocaL church Sunday. Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and will also assist the pastor. Hev. A. O. Aasen, at the morning .service tomorrow, fol lowing their visit here. Messrs. Overgaard and Njaa will proceed to New Westminster and Mat-squl. Mr Overland 13 a veteran of the Army and Mr Njaa of the Air force. LETTERBOX OUR FINK WEATHER I thought the most suitable place and person to send this to was a newspaper and its editor, so here gees: Why didn't Prince Rupert take advantage of Vancouver's "cold snap?" We had temperatures of 40 and 42 out here so I imagine Prince Rupert had temperatures around 40 tod. It would have been good "advertising" for Prince Rupert. esDectallv when her weather is a much talked of subject In Vancouver, and other southern poinitts. It would have sounded over CBR's news broadcast (since they talked about their cold weather so much). Vancouver's' temperatures at In above zero and Rupert's at 41 Why, oh why, don't people take advantage of orifoarbunl. ties? And why doesn't Prince; Rupert advertise herself more? (Mrs.) JEAN M. ODLUM; Triple Island. for Old Make this a COUTTS Valentine Day For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at iWt Edward, B.C. CHOr SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 am. td 11:00 p.m. SATURDAY SERMON bible: truth . . . Contributed) Fear God. and give glory to Him worship Him that made heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and the fountains . of waters. ( Rev.'-14:?). These days we hear a lot about "education." There is Education Week; The topic of the CHC Citizens' Foruni, recently was '".Education and National Unity." "Do oUr schools bring us together or keep us apart?" We heard a notable speaker with a string of letters after his name give a nationwide address on Education. This speaker acknowledged the present "disintegration of Education," and appealed for a foundation "or centre of knowledge." But first to our question. Colour schools bring us together, fos- ter "racial equality?" DIRECTORY. OF CHURCHES Times of Services Servibra In all churches at 11 a.m and 7:30 pa and, Sunday, School at 12:15 except as' shown. - . : AXGLlCA CATHEDRAL 4th Ave: W. at Dunsihnlr St. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Basil S. Prockter, B.A B D. (Blue 73:1) ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove Sunday School, 11. a.m. Archdeacon E. Hodson (Blue 827) ! FIRST BAPTIST Sth Ave. E. at Younir St . Minister: Rev. Fred AntrobUs ' tOfeett 812 ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN Sth Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: A. O. Aan " (Blact 9221 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenun East Minister: A. F MacSween. B A. Preen 9821 SALVATION ARMY Fraser Street C.O.: Adit P. L. Oorrle- . (Black .: !69) FIRST UNITED 636 6th Ave. West . MlnUter: R. A. WUson. MJL toreen C13) FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 231 6th Ave, WcM Pastor. Rev, J. Linney (ClfMii C20) I St. John Ambulance I A N XUAt M E ET I N G Red Cross Rooms SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 2 p.m. J Members please1 attend Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS rEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULLCOURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO 6 AI. 3pecial Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESfe DISHES A SPECIALTY We cater to parties chop suey chow mein rOR OCTStDF ORDERS PHONE 13S 785 THIRD AVBNU WEST A GREAT CHANCE FOR A FINE COAT A. erne EXCHANC.li BLOCK rtie theory of evolution a la "Origin or Species" is the latest framework of all our "elemental sciences" exceptlnsr, of eourse, mathematics. The basic principle of our progress, In at-, ' tainin& our present status, is j that of "the. survival, of the fit test." Many statements and pos-4 tulations, set forth, as facts lri all our natural sciences, have no relation to the actual facts, but are fashioned to suit the doctrine. "The rear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Prov. I:7h Note" our text at the beginning, and see why our "disintegration of education." All of our present progress a? a western civilization we owe to Christianity through the early Pentecostal churcfii Jesuits, f Father., Luther's Reform, Wes- llan Revival and so on. The greatness of Germany as the Regular Baptist Services l.OJD.E. Flail (5th Ave. and McBride St.j We preach Christ . CRUCIFIED OMINQ R OWN ED "Look unto MB and be ye SAVED." -Is. 45;22. SUNDAY. JANUARY 2G 12:l! p.m. uncay 3chool. 7:30 p.m. Gospel Service. Subject: "HrTllEirrb, HATlI TIIE LORD HELPED US-." (Commchdh'tliird Veah of Services). Speaker: G. It. S. lilackaby. WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. (Phone 369 or Red 701) THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD January SALE OVERCOATS arid TOP COATS 20 OFF Look At These Names!! VEt.TAV BEAVER SMOOTH ISAAC CARR (West of England) BALMORAL HiOllLANl) TiVF.EDS Importers : THIRD At SIXTH centre of learning and culture Was the direct result of those peoples. turning to Christ In the rteform&Uon. Her downfall was her turning away from God to Marx. I'fie first school, and college, In -Upper Canada was founded and largely. supported by Wes-leylan "circuit riders" who didn't own a secdnd pair of boow. Ves our schools can fill the gap under discussion but only when we "turn frdrrt idots to serve the living and the tme God, and to wait for his Son from Heaven" "in whom arc hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" "who of dod Is made into wis dom, and righteousness, and sanctificatiorr, and redemption," "for what shall it profit a man tf he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" Yes, we can offer a "centre of knowledge." All our boasted British Justice Is built on the Ten Commandments and bur freedom upon the teachings of the CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . , 4 NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Cohnectinn LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE SI f IN SILVERPlATE 1 P toil wfd In Ha thm- iom mm u ih eti f VAfflM - for 'ffWnoHy Y N fvn pottr Kot 9r tfi pto4tM4. (. tlry fll( irMikrt of An Vowi" 'joyi thtodlo9 Karocffttlt(i-pouiM4 by 4tfr tifvorploto pattern, m hkAi It Wwty Cnoi'l yowMlf. 1 J ours m 1847 ROGER BROS. CanacJa's Flnetl Sitverpfate 4 n popwUr Km v am 0 1 A4m4 pt tf f fi of by mf. mjM MANSON'S JEWELLERS "the Home of Better Jewelry" Reliable Prescriptions When your prescription is compounded by us you are assured of getting exactly what the Doctor specifies. You are assured of having the prescription compounded properly by an experienced . and fully qualified pharnlacist. We use only the very best grade materials available. ' OrmesLtd. "3he JHontcr Drtu&tsts TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. flmlth) P.O. Box 101 Terrace Bible, alas too often marred by dogmatic churchmen, who fc example long refused to recognize the fact of mutations. If we nra willing lo return to hc ' old paths" of faith and fact, our education will be an unmixed blesiliig. Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Are your joints and mtiirlei Wilt M rot from Rheumatic Pain? Get quiet, tit relief with Trmplrt.r'i T-U-C'i. Used and lerommenilH IT thousands, T-R-C'i are tprt-iully made to rHIeve kheatiiatlCi Aitlnitic and Neurilic lain and ilirtntu, LumliiiKO, Scimiiu. Neuralgia. Utt a hoi today. Sue, Jl it Uruggiit. T.JI We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE I4NE OF GrtOCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast ChicHen Meat Pin and Salads Dallr RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West The tuitk. easi PHIUIPS' I iri Protect nur B(nf FIRE Sec On fn KIDDE-LUl C02 Fire ExtinguiJ a We recharge C02Era.J uiurr use. in our in Prince Euwrl PHILPOTT,E I.U. LTD. Building Supplies - Phone 051 and! JOOOOdOOOOOOOOtiOc:: Bob Parker LimilA SFRVKll FORD AND MONARCH SALES AXI) "Tlie Home of Friendly Service' WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND m COMPLETE STOCK OF GENUINE KORD PARTS AKTD ACCKSS0RIES IN NORTHERN B.C. Out-of-Tivii Ortlers Given Prompt Attfnto PHONE S: PRINCE RUPEKl TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPE Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be Interested to know that there is a til town who ha.1 Had a wide experience in the corru fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that I lleve that painful and tired feeling that only Msnti can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of fan menls, Is at Hill's Shoe Slort. and will be pifuw take an Impression of your feet and let you fciof r can be done In yoiir Individual rase. Mr. Dill Terry Is also hi charge of the Shoe Wl Dppt. where your repairs on: executed neatly andpni Iy. Call around and see hinl for either reason. WW NOW . . . Venetian DM Steel or Wood SM CLOTH WINDOW Bll Made to Measure andtM DELIVERY IN TWO Fr6e Estimates Gladly Cl EDMONDSOM Awning & Sail WJ Phone Blue 126 - t.0 M BRITISH COLUMBIA FINEST Sm Hotel While in ferrate stay at . T errace for Convenience and Comfrl RECENTLY REMODELLKU TIP.Trt.nATP rPMTtlAT llbiTTKIifl '1I0UU",' I - Vbll A unit JlCiTkAmu - HQT ANb COLD WATER