?i t-. ft 13ni.cc Utiucrt Daily tortus Saturday, January 25, 1917 JUNIOR HOOP SCHOOL IS TO START Prospective basketball talent in Prince Rupert is going to get a break which, In effect, will turn out to be a boost for the whole basketball set-up here if plans for a junior basketball "school" announced by Rup Rec director Neil Ross come into effect. Mr. Ross is determined that they will. "One of the unsatisfactory angles of the basketball set-up "in Prince Rupert has been the fact that practically no junior players, who have not proved their ability, have been able to take part in the game. This means that a large number of youngsters who aie eager to play .haven't had a chance to learn the game," Mr. Ross said. . "In order to have good basketball here year after year we must have good, young players coming along all the time. That is the idea behind this school. We want not only to teach the kids to play but we want to give everybody a chance to play who is not already on a toam," he declared. The "school," which will open in the near future under the direction of Mr. Ross and Civic Centre General Secretary Don Forward, will be for boys between the ages of eight and li and will be held for three hours every Saturday morning. ' We are starting from scratch and hope that it will result in the creation of a couple of 'pee-wce' and junior leagues," Mr Ross continued. "If all the boys that so Xar have shown an interest in basketball take this ap-portunlt to learn the game, we should have a couple of thriving leagues." He listed the following qualifications as necessary for boy.-wishing to take part in the "school": s.-- 1. Arrival on time with gym shoes and shorts. 2. The boys must not be members of existing junior teams. 3. Must be Civic Centre "They're Tops with Me" mm SHOES DfiVC UTAn n uu i vv i UK - - - - rj y F It O 31 RUPERT MENS' and BOYS' STORE Mackinaws Parkas Toques Gloves Jackets Pants Suits Sweaters Socks RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE COMMENCING Wil l, KC urkw,c DDCAffv JANUAIIY 17 HOVIS BREAD MAI)!: livery Tuesday and lrirtay RUPERT BAKERY LTD. LING THE TAILOR Wc are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms,. Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O.' Box 198 "I5ULLY BROGUE $11.50 I leather Grained Leather "So Sturdy So Comfortable So wear' everywhere Featuring the "STORM-WELT" BROWN WOODS B 0 B M B H B e a a a a c B B B Bi B H B B n a a a a IB3BBBBBBBBBBB Until You Get a New Car... take Rood care of your prescnt-ar! Kcnicinbcr, care today means a higher resale price tomorrow. SKK US FOR RKCULAR SKKVICK Wc arc staffed and cqujppcd to handle all maintenance and repair work on all makes of vehicles. Drive in today! TERRACK MACHINE SHOP AND OA RACK ceneual motoks deali.u VANCOUVER HAS BOXING PROBE New Chief of rolice Orders Investigation Following Allegations of "IUngers" and Other Complaints VANCOUVER Full dress Investigation into professional boxing in Vancouver has been ordered by Superintendent Waller Mulligan, head of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the city police, who has just been appointed chief of police as part of the plans for a complete reorganization of the police. , The boxing investigation followed reports of "ringers" being used in fights here. Mayor G. G. McGeer said he had been told that gamblers were active in connection with fights and that bookmaklng was prevalent. EDINBURGH Oi An exhibition of Scottish Industries, arts and crafts with Edinburgh's famous thoroughfare, Princess Street, as its main shop win dowIs being organized in con junction with next autumn's International Festival of Music and Drama. FOR SALE FOR SALE One mouton coat, size 16, $95. Room 21 Mclntyre Building. (21i FOR SALE Johnny's Snack Bar. Phone Blue 318 after 6 pan. (21) FOR SALE New 4-tube Philco battery radio. $50.00. Phone Red 318. , (21) FOR SALE One Hot Point electric range and hot water element complete with BX cable. $60. Phone Red 323. (21) FOR SALE Double 'bed with coil springs and mattress. Ail in good condition. Apply 350 Biggar Place, downstairs. (21) FOR SALE Lemoages silverware set, glassware and miscellaneous dishes, etc. 315 4th Ave. East. (21) FOR SALE 1941 Ford deluxe sedan. Serial No. 230541. Five tires; At shape. Phone Black 271, between 6:30 and 7:30 pm. (21) FOR SALE Six room house on 7th Ave. near McBride; 3 bedrooms, dining room and living room; two lots; $2500. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES, Phone 342. (23) FOR SALE New and used furniture and hardware at the lowest possible prices. New drinking glasses 10c, Electric hot plates. Fancy mirrors $2, Billy Boy bicycles, Aluminum pots from 60c. Mattresses all cotton filled $16.50. Used articles: Pails 45c, Kitchen sets $12.50, Steel couches $7, 3 Piece chesterfield, $49.50, wool blankets, Sheets 95c, Single beds and springs like new $12. All kinds of useful articles. Come and look them over. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) WAR SURPLUS VESSELS AND DIESEL' ENGINES WHILE THEY LAST 1 ATTENTION Mining Companies, Fishermen, Resorts, Freighters, Etc. U.S. surplus landing craft 36'xlO'. Ramp in bow, allows loading of . automobile, freight, etc. Weight 8 ton. Powered by 225 H.P. General Motors Gray diesel engine. 2100 R.P.M. Fast, 16 knots, manouvrcablc, exceptionally seaworthy. Automatic gyro compass. Strongly built, sides, plywood and armour plate, bottom double planked and iron bark. Vessels very little used; some brand new. Original cost $41,000, our price complete, $3500.00. ENGINES G.M. GRAY, 225 H.P. high speed diesel engines. These fine engines, tested and sealed by the U.S.N. have l2 to 1 reduction, twin disc clutch,, electric starting. Very economical, selling at a fraction of regular worth. Price $2750.00. Other surplus parts and equipment available, write us your needs wc will send full details. Prices quoted F.O.B. Vancouver, B.C., freight extra. Dealers enquiries Invited. Act now write or phone tills newspaper. Box 199. (25) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) 1 HE Geo. w arerrroni kjh FOR REST Whiff: Herring Season Now In Progress-Seiner Has Depth Sounder Thursday Night's Storm ROOMS FOR RENT 1021 2nd West. (33) FOR RENT Two kitchens and two bedrooms and furniture. 336 9th Ave. W. (21) FOR RENT Heated office space. Apply G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd , Phone 57. (tf) FOR RENT Store on 3rd Ave. Good location, good for any kind of business except restaurant. Apply B.C. Clothiers. (28) HELP WANTi: WANTED Women for filleting shed, work starting immediately, union wages. Apply in person to superintendent. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd., Seal Cove. tf WORK WANTED WOHK WANTED Young woman with 4-month-old daughter desires housekeeping position with couple. Live in. Write Mrs. A. Scriven, Smith crs, B.C. (2! WANTED WANTED Will buy Brunswick records, limited number. Gilt or Purple Label, and cata- logues, 1928 or later. Search your old record cabinet, basement or attic. Phone serial numbers to 3G9 or write "Records," co P.O. Box 519. (tf) ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD Tabic meals. Home away from home. Men preferable. 022 Frascr Street. (32) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg, Winnipeg, Man. WAR ASSETS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Run Hulk . . . $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WK SELL EVEKYTIIINO Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE It UP E It T AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Ccntro Dldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask for George Close of the herring season on the west coast and southeast coast of Vancouver Island today should herald an invasion by the great fleet of seiners of northern waters where the run has just begun. The season in the southern part of the province has been the best in many years and it is expected that many of tlie boats will ccme north! " now that thf arf th.rp n " rrince "P"i smce inurs- closed. The only area still open day in the south is around Alert Bay The herring catch in Prince Rupert district during the last week, has totalled about 2,500 tons About a dozen boats were seining up to Wednesday night when foul weather forced them to shelter. None have been out since that time. The herring has ben caught In the area immediately south of Porcher Island. Due to the weather, several of the seiners have laid up - - Classified Advertising - - and Engagement Announcements: 82. Installation of a Bendix depth sounder on Capt. Peter Haan's beam trawler Seiner was completed at the dry dock Thursday and tests made in the harbor proved the device satisfactory. Although many other vessels operating out of Prince Rupert have depth sounders, the one on the Seiner Is unique in that it is the first to be installed here wholly by local technicians. Previously, when Bendix sounders were Installed here, the work was done by men from Vancouver. The Seiner's supersonic depth sounder was installed by Al Oolclough, of Wllford Electric, who has assisted in the installation of several earlier ones. The Seiner left Friday morning on her first trip of the season. Damage esUmated at between $500 and $600 was suffered by Capt. Alf Ritchie's halibut boat and dragger Finella early Friday in the northwest gale that whipped the waterfront just before daylight. The FineUa, moored between the boats Lois N. and Oldfifld at the F. E. Hunt wharf, was crushed between the two vessels when the float moorings gave way and her bulwarks aft of the pilot house were pushed flat on the deck. The vessel was taken to the McLean boatyard at Seal Cove for repairs. . BURY. ST. EDMUNDS, Eng.. Sports pavilions are to be built on the playing fields of Suffolk to commemorate men cf the Suffolk Regiment who died in the Second World War. Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 pjn. Camo.su n. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays. 12:00 Midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES Fortnightly. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 508 fCnn Kudio Dial t T r K 1210 Kilocycles (Subject to change) SATURDAY PM. :00 Hawaii Calls ;30 Hot Air 00 Playhouse Party 30 Sweet and Low Down :45 Sports College :00 CBC News :05 Recorded interlude 15 Music a la Carter 30 Saturday Night Serenade :00 Dancing Party ;30 Organ Music 45 Burns Night 00-Red River Barn Dance 30 Old Time Rythm 00 Current and Choice 15 This Week 30 Three Suns 45-rLee Sims 55 Solo Spotlight Od-CBC News 10 B.C. News 15 Hollywood Barn Dance 45 Dance Orch. 00 Weather and sign off ann. SUNDAY A M. 8:30 Concert Album 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Songs and Singers 9:30 Vanity Fair 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Way of the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Reports 11:30 Religious Period 12:00 New York Philharmonic Symphony Orch. pju. l:30-Churchof the Air 2:00 CBC News 2:03 John Fisher Reports 2:15 J. B. McGreachy 2:30 T.B.A. 3:00 Music for Sunday v 3:30-CBC News 3:33 Weather Forecast 3:38 Vancouver Symphony Orch. NEW U.S.A. Army Surplus TRUCKS Diamond T--6 Tons F.W.D. 6 Tons K8, K10 International 4-6 Tons, Tandem Axle 6x6. International K-1I Truck-Tractors. 10 TON SEMI TRAILERS WHITE Ilair-Track CARRIERS Suitable for mines, lumber camps, off-the-road construction, etc. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT from limited stock WE SPECIALIZE In new and used Heavy Equipment for" earth moving, construction mining, lumbering, industries . . . such as Tractors, Shovels, Draglines, Diesel Engines, Trucks, etc. Wire for spcclflation bulletins on the equipment you require. S. H. LEVENTHAL & CO. Machinery Dealers WINNIPEG Dealer Inquiries Invited BEAUTY TREATMENT lot M TFFN.AP ClIM y0UN( "difficult" kinj WCIUClliNSING rRirMTI0N1.23 2 Lorn blackheads, coarse and oilv Vin.,?.!" ... ... irtwi'L viiaminu mwm lOUllllHHlS Xiri! I'.'ltllv Lrnt im.l.. I f.H ' 1 vwuuwi. ., , . . SKtN mid ILII- I'lr.i ii... ....I - . j, ...w ... ....... iiuuuui uy ... a Simple, 3.fUp Duilurry Dcauly Treatment uith tlio famoiii Special Cleansing Trcpara? tion that cleanses, boflcua and btimulalcs. McCUTCHEON I'HARMACY LIMITED CT2 MM mm mm NEW CONSTRUCTION KKrAIItS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE KED 501 r.0. UOX 721 Tflh A V 'vck i v i it i i c untie VVoro SUNDAY MIDNITE AND CONTINUOUS SHOWS MONDAY 2 30 . .,. 1 Pi" SEE US mum aaas a new masterpiece toh hall of screen fame ! w w !:! ashed the producer to let us stioW it i - Because IT'S UNLIKE any m0 1 YOU HAVE EVER SEEN BEFO E lit IL VII. rfMITI f n - ' -ViTTVU JBK n.M m" j mum i Produced bv Lazor Verlnler ... , , y Story ond Screen Hi? bf kichard Schwelier ADDED FEATURE "Don't Gamble With Strangers" Kox 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL HUKM l; SALES AND SEItVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. JOHN H. BULGE OPTOMCTRUI 0 John Bulger I Third Atmm CSS ax iv.m CAKDS " vahiitI r.rur OFFICE- SUPPLIES. PKINTIMi, ST.UIOMRT CAKDS IOK EVEKY OCCASION EVEKSIIAKP CA" PEN'S DIBB PRINTING COMPAN1 IJESNER BLOCK TILO AV-I Prince Rupert Bottle Colleclcl ALSO MESSENOLK SEKVICE PIlOIIC lilllC Wcbuy.i. ALL SIZES I'crfcx Uccr Whiskey, Hin s Ilottlcs Bottles Wine lloltki PROMIT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Complete Automobile Repair Sen Fiist ItaKvry CliaiKinjr 9 Specialized Lubrication Collision Repairs and Rofinisliinf : RUPERT MOTORS III Phunc 5CC mnm- Corner Scruml and l'f11 General Contractor Wu (lojiaseinonls, reshiiiliii,', ri"a sidewalks, remodel your kncncii. Demolish or move buil(ings. 100 K ATI K V a fvrin M n II A It CALL HLUK 610 and we will trivc an eslinialc i'.o, uoxcai TitiNt'K'H REX CAFE SECOND AVKM1II.! niHKwriT.' PiUNfiK llUrilT 110 1 Chop Suey CIiow Mcin Chinese DIMir.i our ncclill Open 0 n.m, to 2 n.m. PHONE 173