I- is '4 Prince 'tltipctt Daflg THeXvs Wednesday, February 26, 1947 ESCOE TAKES CANADIAN TITLE Defeating Arnold HayesI( of Montreal, Toronto's Vern Escoe scored a knockout in the 10th round of a slow-moving, unexciting bout to becme heavyweight champion of Canada. Although booed by the spectators for his languid style of fighting, Escoe's daughter, and nephew, Paul, still think he's tops as a musician as he entertains them with his better than average piano playing. OOP talk ? With the sun shining as It . lias been and spring definitely in the air we think of lay-off ;t:me In the basketball world "Trand here at home we are beln-rnlng to pick winners in our own T little chcle. One can't say around Booth tJZ Memorial Hi School that the rsBo-Me-Hi Rainmakers aren't TJoing to end upon tcp of the f2p . in the Smior A circuit. One canH say to anyone around Carl Zarelli's Savoy Hotel that the Savoys will ccmc second to anyone and so it goes. There is little sense :n trying to convince -anyone that they ore mistaken but it looks like a Suvoy victory in the Senior A, Macey's Jnthe Senior B and HI f?hool in th? ladies department and rl course. Gyros In Junior. These predictions are of course si&jcct to confirmation by score keepers and other officials come I play-off time but, outside cf the Senior A division, the champions seem all but crowned. In the Senior A race there are three teams with little difference in strength yet somehow, aftr playing together for two years ami rraviivr a little experience over the III School boys, Savoy do stand out as the choice of the critics, The B. C. Packers have been losing games regularly but by little more than a point here and there and, with the addition of (Houston and Dominato from the extinct 99 club; they should be doing much better. However, they seem to lack the scoring pimch that makes for winning games and, until they began to hit the hoop a little more regu-l larly, they will continue: to get the consolation prize. Rumors have it that Don Fitch may pick up his uniform again and he is one player the Packers could easily use. bonny Beynon, ertswhlle star city basketball in days, Just doesn't seem to be able to get back Into shape TOP TEN SCORERS. GamM SENIOR "A" T. Arney IS)" 5 Hartwig nisi ... ZZ.'."iI! Z 5 E. Ciccone (HS) Z!ZZZ"! 5 ' "' Dominato (P) ZZ. 4 ' Davis (si ; IZZZZZ 5 Tiiompson (HS) Gurvich (P) Forman HS) ... Caldcrone (P) ... ilouston (P) SENIOR "IV Gurney (PE) B. Pierce (M) ... Slatta fC) B. Menzles (M) Clayton (PE) Hauyan M) Vlereck (C) Bheppard (C) ... Barton (PE) Arnston (Ml .... JUNIOR D. Schcrk (Gy) Carlson (L) Boulter (L) Wong (L) Hebb (G) Shier (Gy) vSprlng (WN) Haugan fGy) Sunberg (Gy) Currle (G) after an unfortunate accident early In the season and, with the season nearly over, it looks as though he will have to try again next year. When one looki back on the days of the Standard Oilers and the marksman ship 7of live then youthful Beynon, It will take some tall work to get Sonny back into his stride. Beynon, In those days. was the most remarkable shot In the north and pulled his team through many tough battles when teamed with Mac- Phee and Morgan as a forward Wne. This year, after rating a five-gun salute in the Canadian Aimy paper Khaki for his prowess on the basketball courts across the country Beynon has proven the disappointment of the league and he has been missed badly on all-star teams. Herb Morgan returned Saturday night from a sojourn in Toronto and saw action last night for the first time with ,avcs- Morgan, many times picked on all-star teams in past years, may find trouble working in with the speedy Savoys. On the other hand, Morgan may take some watching while anywhere close to the basket and might well make Savoys Just that much tougher to handle in the pfay-offs.. Saturday night next will see the senior team from Greenville on the Naas River play In one of the double main events and, for the first time this season, it is expected that the lecal reips will have to work to hold their own, Greenville last played here in 1940 against Savoys which then Included MacPhee, Dominato, Houston, Beyncn, 'Morgan and the late Jackie Campbell and lost by but one point.. Last season they proved themselves the class of the native teams in the district by winning the annual Easter Monday tournament at Kttkat-la. If they live up to advance notices it will probably mean a play-off this year for the N.B.C. championship and the Sun life Cup now held by Prince Rupert. 5 4 5 .4 . .4. 8 C 7 C 7 C G 8 7 . G 8 . 0 ,.. 0 ... G - 7 8 ..- 7 0 8 7 Total Average 71 14.20 01 ' 12.20 48 9.80 39 9.75 40 9.20 45 9.00 35 8.75 42 8.40 29 7.25 28 7.00 128 10.00 05 10.83 G8 9.71 55 9.17 CO 8.57 51 8.50 3G GOO 39 4.88 34 4.80 .20 4.33 102 12.75 59 9.83 5G 9.17 52 8.07 55 7.80 . 59 7.38 49 7.00 40 0.67 50 6.25 43 6.14 Today o III High School In Senior Basketball DEFEATED SAVOYS 61 TO 48 CO-OPS DOWN PORT EDWARD Hartwig. and Ciccone led the Bo-Me-Hi Rain makers to the top spot of the Senior "A" Basketball League last night, dropping in 18 and 17 points re spectively to help the students take a 01 to 48 win from Savoys, their former first place rivals. The students went roaring through the hotelmen last night all during the first half. They drove so fast that the Savoy squad had to call four time-outs before the first hah was over in ortfcr to pH their tern defences back into shape again. As the game started the fans were tense with anticipation as to the type cf ball game they were about to wit-ness. EveiytMng pointed to a wide-open game and, in this, the crowd was not disappointed The first half was .the widest-operv match Rupert has seen since last year's play-cff between these same twto clubs. Getting the jump on the Students in the opening minute of the game Savoy had a six to nothing lead when the Students let loose their power. By the end of the first frame the green and gold boys had Jumped in:o a 10-13 lead and throughout the second period they completely smothered their opponents with their fireball playing. Ciccone and Hartwig for the Students dropped in 15 and 14 points each In this part of the match to lead the students' rush. As the teams came panting into the first half breather the Rainmakers were way out in front 38-23. From then on, Savoy's defences knuckled down and held right on to the Students but the Hotelmen's offensive could not get clicking. Joe Davis cut loose with 17 points but he got very little support frcm his forward line which was being held almost to a standstill by the Students, still Savoy crept up a couple of notches on the winners to close out the frame on the short side of a 44-32 score. The pace slowed down considerably in the opening minute? of the last quarter but soon the two teams w'ere banging at each other hammer and tongs- The officials, Ccmadina and Houston, kept the game very clean by handing out 40 per-ronal fouls, the majority of which were for minor violations. But It was a fortunate thing they did because, with the game at such a fart clip and with the leadership of the Senior "A" division hanging in the balance, it could have turned into quite a riotous affair. As It was the Students took top honors in the roul department with 23 be ing handed to them while Savoy were given 17. These two teams will clash once again this week, on Saturday night In place of the regular Senior "A" game. Tills" will be ttlje last game High Schdol iuy.i; uejere mey leave ror their trip to the provincial tournament in New Westminster. Savoy T. Arney 8, R. Holke-stad 2, M. Holkestad 2, J. Davis 17, D. Atney 5, II, Morgan 5,'D. Murray 8, R. Haugan 1. Total 48. Rainmakers Hartwig 18, Thompson 8, Lavlgne 5, For man a, ciccone 17, Flaten 3, intcrmeia, Skog 1, Davidson Total 61. CO-OP iBEATS I'OUT EDWARD In fhe Senior "B" tilt Co-on had to fight hard before they took the win from a short-handed Port Edward squad, 40-35. Gurney of the canneryinen tried hard to carry his team to victory by dropping in 17 points but all he could get out of his efforts was the honor of being the high scorer for the night. Even Ourney. was held down by the hard-checking Co-cp squad as he only managed to net 10 points in field goals, making up the difference in free throws. The cellar-dwelling rivals battled through to a 12-12 tie at the end of the first frame. Even In the second frame they were running neck and neck most of the way until Co-op managed to move out la front by a meagre one point with the half closing 18-17. In the second part of the game Coop had the slight edge. -nosing out Port Edward 26-24 at the three-quarter mark. In the last frame, although Port Edward tried to snatch the win In the dying seconds, Co-op widened the margin to five points. Peter Sports Takes Lead sen of the winners was high tman on his team with 14 points and he was given strong support by Vlereck who netted 10. Pert Edward Clayton 6, Ryan 3, Gurney 17, Barton 17, Stuart, Alexander 2. Total 35. Co-op Petersen 14. Leland, S(atta 2, Shrppard 4, Menzle? 4, Vlereck 10, Johnson. Whlten-brcck, Lewis. Total 40. LADIES' GAME SLOW AFFAIR The ladies' game was slow and close checked with the High :Schcol taking the measure of Peoples 8torc 13-12. Never more than a couple of points apart, the High School took the game on d couple of quick baskets in the last frame after going al! the way in a near tie with their rivals. On the short side 4-3 at tiie first quarter mark, People's Store tied things up by the half at '-7. With only one field basket being netted In the third frame and that by the High .School while the salesgirls made a lone penalty shot count, the quarter ended with the co-eds out, in front 9-8. Jackie Budin-Ich. of the students took top billing in the scoring bracket, racking up 8 of her team'.? 15 points. Sandhals and M. Bill iwerc high for the losers with 4 points apiece. High School B. Hamilton. Thain. Budinich 8, N. Bill 2. MacKcnzie, Thompson, Young-man, Hcwe 3, Kennedy, A. ILmi-llton 2. Total 15. Peoples Store Blaine 2, Sand-ahls 4, Grey 2, Berg, Thornton, Vuckcvltch, M. Bill 4, nalagno. Total 12. ;.NOTIlElt WIN j FOR .GYROS Gyro walked eff with another .win to thrir credit last night in the Junior League by trouncing Grotto 35-23. This loss puts Wie Grotto squad down Into a two-way tie for the basement- spot with Watts and Nickerson. It was Gyro's ball game all the way with the Grotto squad having a hard time getting their shots to count. Sharpshooter Don Schcik cf the Gyro led the scoring paraae again with 11 points to keep a firm hold on his leadership of the scoring bracket. With the score at 6-2 for the Gyro at the first quar ter mark, they Increased this to 13-7 by the half. Again after the half they alt loose and moved r till farther out In the lead with the frame closing 23- 13. Even in the hard fought last period Grotto could net out- score their rivals and they drop- pen still' tat ther bevilnd. Grctto Currle 4, Hebb 7, Graham 1, B. Anderson 8, .R. CIGARETTES frv is MEN'S FIVE-PIN LEAGUE STANDINGS W L Pts. " Co-op 3 0 3 Malkln's 3 0 3 Post Office 3 0 3 Morgan's 2 1 2 Stone's - 2 1 2 peoples Store 2 1 2 Manson's 1 2 1 Burns 1 2 1 Grotto 1 2 1 Fish Dock 0-3 0 Moose 0 3 0 1 North Star 0 3 0 SHORT SPORT Harold Pugh of London Is a plugger If there ever was one. A Londoner, hs went to Hull to study at University College While there he entered for East Hull Harriers' eight-mile race, took the lead and kept It until two miles from home. Then he disappeared. Long after the race there was still no sign cf Pugh. Police were called and cyclists patrolled the roads. Then a puffed Pugh plodded home. A stranger in the district, he had lost his wav and ran 10 miles. Men can be so ornery especially members of the London Water Polo League. Word got around that Mist Norma Mitchell had been ao-pcinted to referee a men's water polo match March 22. Next day the annual meeting of the league was held and members protested. One man said the players would object to being "ordered about" by a woman. Tills was followed by a "fighting speech" from Miss E. Frederick of London Hammersmith Ladles "who reminded the gathcrln? that women players have to put up with men as refs. Eventually, a motion banning women from referees at any match under live league's Jurisdiction was canted. The men had won the first round- but tlicy have a Misplcicn the amazons will hit back. Here's something different In fish stories: Old timers at Newark Golf Club In Nottingham tell of a player who drove hts ball acrefs a trout stream and conked a fish as it leaped frcm the water. It was carried to the bank. Yep, it was t-h-a-a-a-t long. Siliiportera of the Windsor and Eton Football Club have a warm spot In their hearts for the players. Club officials told them that if they didn't bring Anderson, Johnson, Youngman, Owens 3. Total 23. 15 Gyro Sunbeig 11, S. Scherk 2, Moore 2, D. Schcrk 14. Shier 5, Sharpe 1, Mercer, Donaldson. Total 33. The league standings: Snior "A" High School 4 1 .800 Savoy 3 2 .600 B. C. Packers .... 0 4 .000 Snlor "B"' Macey's o 6 1000 Co-op 3 5 .375 PorJ Edward . 6 .250 Junior" ' c"' Gyro 7".. 1 .875 Legion-. .:.-.:r..:..':. 3" '3 .500 Grotto 2 5 .255 W. and N. 2 5 .285 Q W MILLdANK 1 STRAIGHT CUT VIRGINIA it m LADIES "A" BOWL SCORES Highest thtce-game score In the ladies "A" bowling circuit last night was run up by H. Schmidt cf Ideal Cleaners who tallied 660 with single game frorcs of 224, 219 and 187. Mrs MaePh.ce of Savoy bowled the highest sinsle game 300 and came through with a three game total of 593. M. Smith of Tollers rang up a total of 586 on pame scores of 145, 232 and 189. Team scores: Vnrjcty Store 2, Orange 1. Savoy 2, Miller Bay 1. Ideal Cleaners 2, Tollers 1. Moose 2. Lucklcs 1. Big Sisters 2, Annettes 1. VARIETY I: Clough 131 95 115 I. Lykegaard 90 136 151 V. McKec-wn 127 208 1G4 F. Cr-mbella 158 106 181 A. MtLcan 151 138 128 Handicap 05 05 05 Tclals 728 748 808 On AND E O. Newton, 50 101 A. Denton . 141 124 151 E. Anderson 137 106 P. Andrew 121 186 103 I). G'eddes 153 187 158 XI. Wide 145 81 Handicap 79 79 79 Totals 710 857 G39 MU.I.ER BAY U. retcrson 229 213 83 M. Krlly 1C6 192 187 p. IU.hert.s 208 138 82 M. Moi thn 139 121 107 M. Vincent 153 140 212 Handicap 78 78 7C Totals . 973 282 749 a lump of coal there would be no baths for the players after the match. Sacks held by committee men at the entrance to the ground were filled. Does your horse cough? Take him to a frosty climate a sure cure. Lovely Cottage, last year's Grand National winner, was an invalid until a cold spell snapped him out of It. Trainer Ray-son said Lovely Cottage and 25 other horses In his stable were coughing but 'since the frost came the trouble has cleared up andall are well again. I have known this to happen before, ami I believe frosty conditions help the horses to overcome the ailment. GIRLS' HOOP SCHOOL OPENS Success cf the junior boys' basketball school which has been In operation at the Civic Centre .every Saturday for the last month has Inspired the for mation by Rup Rec Director Nell Ross of a similar "school" ior girls ranging In age from 12 to 15 years. The first class was held in the Civic Centre zvm tills afternoon and will be fol lowed by similar clastes every Wednesday afternoon. LONDON W As a tribute to the London housewife, the manager of a women's clothes shop Is giving away 100 pairs of nylon stockings his entire quota to his customers, A pair goes to every 10th shopper If she cares to surrender the required coupons. 3' eons good smoking 8AVOY Ml-rhee 308 131 10 Knutseii 161 161 107 Basso-Bert 130 210 141 Menzles 84 146 127 McCallum 107 223 195 Handicap 28 2a 23 Totals 878 919 797 IDEAL CLEANERS R, Biuien 142 184 15 G, Canvpagnola .... 176 148 180 V. Sudcn 125. 123 114 II. Schmidt . 224 249 187 D. Halllnaer 207 221 103 Handicap 19 19 10 Totals 953 944 825 TOILERS M. Smith 145 252 189 G. nichard - 155 112 140 C McLrod 78 182 J. Menzles 138 239 153 B. Ellison 182 101 J. Hill 112 168 Handicap 123 123 123 Total 821 913 955 MOOSE Taylor 143 189 106 Hilton 165 130 136 Irvine 101 157 213 Erickson 94 211 144 Morrison 125 150 171 Handicap 80 86 86 Totals vr.. 719 929 860 LUCK1ES J. Boulter 166 188 178 M. Scharff 134 144 133 C Harrle 122 203 155 A.- Poslak 163 1 56 152 J. Warren 128 112 105 Handicap 03 63 63 TtftaU 776 830 844 oooooooooooooaaooaoooooo Protect our Boat From FIRE See Us for KIDDE-LUX C02 Fire Extinguishers We recharge C O 2 Extinguisher after use, in our own plant in Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT b CO. LTD. Ituildlne Supplies Coal Phone 051 ami f.r)2 joooensoooooooooooooooooo Till 1 " .11 i- - 1 .. t. r vv nn r f-tn 1 j- itiilii liip iiii.tv arastiii s uii i vj; LiUI 1 11 J ' "" " "" ' nnd pnmmprciaai truck onprnrnrs will lina ArmnA nnn iree service irom their equipment. lir r . . . . W-a Niirrrriei--Tnat vou cnmp in and let HI w V i. ' prevent costly tie-ups later on. "uik .ui.iiiA.-wi.'Ai. ami imnv nrp.iin nri" irthd "v.. t4uijj.-u ana imiy siaiica 10 carry om u jjiuuipiiy ana eiwcieniiy. iiuai.iMirrii i.suniairs iiiauij ' TT 7 7-1 7 T ' . I jjoo ranter Limum VOni AND MONARCH DEALFKS Phone :l .rince Ruprt,I SAILS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL 1 nunc i)i,ui, iu iou i;ast Tinrd Ave. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FHASEIi STIIKKT Prince Rupert r We have just received a shipment of ANNETTES, Montiomtr Smith McMeckin Ostashower Dickens 1 lie- m Total, it E- Alerter 1 E. Bnsid J- Dickens K. Rr'hudi R- Alexander m Handicap 111 Tttah You saw it minora Blorfj, SHAVI minora feat outlash .J . ordinary doubl.e,)o, ......... .van,,, IICIQ. nil Vftir rU.U. 1 V m," I Hit I vv IMC KS 41VJL. Dalmatian Mil, .. I or Salf Phone Black 13 III" WAY SFRVICl Now Open ftr Cai-iilnlnn . f Uki J,, SHQllt and VulcanWnt 404 MrBrldt NEW RO HOTEL a nome Awav tm Rates 75c 115 50 Rooms, Hot tit water nmttnn nmfn Phone 281 P.0 TCDDAf - AU 1 K 111 I I UIIVI w - Storage .... tn? MPCT ALU SERVICE TU A" IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smilh) I'.U. UOX 101 SMOKED EASTERN Haddie Type Fits Ask for them today at your Imlf'"" CANADIAN FISH & COLO ST COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.