r DAY II . ..ilIL' IN PING is i lib . y r v o JJ, ., .i'UIT Ilf'I'l' 1 ' " " K'l B he audi' 1'lan fh: :: j, 01 thC 'i :i mniun- v i i, charge of Tfinui ook up Hit" ni a - 0. . ., Mrs. J H. t 10 ccbek oy Ri bcrt Mi ter qf "' W .m Wcisv .ion, drli- :. .! -r served. rhnrRO c; . w m Terry, " Riaihrord. laii h I ;nT. Ev- m a nur Welsh. FREIGHT ONTROL The announced pai.ji of the federal i'r i " order hold er the ;h.::mcntof P1' ' and domestic finj.'.f tile iii-Hor i- of '--Mr cars to .sc;ni i:, uver the oi Kcovrht cars u, (l C Mlicr jj s, (I (is. ii iho rnll.uj.iiiB lit" orrtrv rrsslripf lu.i lult , V1 W:- thrlr tracks liuipmcm tied up, De- Ia! -re i .jit offiv.t. in si Pedcp: unent has rp. orivur-as to advise B.V: ni, iiii.,m . ot equipment when t AaVpr,,lslnij pays! f HNITUUE rrinC - Slip Cov-r, I " Drapes T"uk Cushions. - "u Kccovcred uT SHOP rne Green 371 fecund .. I i aiiovu i:vi:iivniiN; you'll want one of the new breathtaking spring gals. WHIST, n 1 rT fAKII ULAR i T . n rr A I VWH gh) when :ore3 of nn..; a ive and r;c -:xprei:d the TOO I.ATK i(J CLASSIl'Y (SSTERrTAINMFT EQUIPMENT Movies Fihn Dancln-s Arc you interested in owning your own Nan - Compstitivc business? Exclusive District Franchise available. Capital of from $1,000 up will start you. Good returns to the man who knows the Entertainment Field. Write to B.C. Amuse-r ment Research Co., Ltd. Phone Has. 1750. 1C85 Venables St., Vancouver, DC, (GO) Classified Advertising Pays! Announcements All nuvcrtrsnnt nu 111 this column Mill bo chiirgrcr ror n lull moutb at 25c word. Presbyterian Tea at Mrs. T. W. Brown's. March 13. t Oddfellowa' Siotch Danes, March 14, 9 to 2: Mrs. Black's orchestra. Admission, 75; everybody welcom. OaWowoy Rapids, I.O.D.E.. Tea March 15, I.O.D.E. Hall. C.W.L. St. Patrick's lea and ' sale, afternoon; card party, eve I nlng, Monday, March 17. United Church Tea, Mrs. R. G. Large March 20. Booth P.TJV. Tea Muslcale March 22. Borden Street School Choir j and Rhythm Band present oper etta Civic Centre, March 28. Lutheran Spring Sale, March 20. v St. Andrew's W.A. Easter Sale, April 8. Juvenile Orange Tea and Sale, April 9, Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 10. Orange Ladies' Tea and Sale, Civic Centre, April 18. Baptist Tea, May 8, Mrs. Gll-ker's. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. Legion Auxiliary Sale, May 9. LUMDAGO (Lame Back) When your lack Is utilT nJ tote lo touch unci lt' un rITott (or you lo Uot or bond, take the trinHy thai has brought wilt, relief to thouMiidi Trmi'lftoti's T-K-C'n. Don't suiter from the nagcinit tntwry of l.iimhacoB UavloiiKcr than you have to. tiet T-U-(." luiluy. SUC, t t druggists cwynliuc. T;J SINGER Repairs and adjustments to all makes of sewing machines. Free estimates given. Sewing Machines for silc and rent. Enroll now for Singer Sewing Classes. PHONE 8(11 Sinner Sewing Machine Co. 639 Third Avenuo West BLONDIE . .1-.-. .... wm'- w lvT!C,ir Local News It Robert Parker sailed on the Camosun Saturday night on a tousincss trip to Vancouver. City Fire Department answered an alarm, which turned to be false, to the second Overlook Street, at 0:20 Saturday night. In preparation ror the regular monthly business luncheon to be held on Wednesday, the execu tive of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club was in session today. Carl Glske and II. Hansen sailed on the Camosun Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver on Fhhermen'a Co-operative bus! ncss. F. J. Hamilton and Dan Ryan, Myers photographic studios' representatives, who have been in the city on business for the last two weeks, sailed on the Camosun Saturday night to return, to iVancouvcr. Prince Rupert is a source of interest to 17-ycar-old Brian Harkncss, of Belfast, Northern Ireland, who has written to Gov- I erniment Agent G. F. Forbes, seeking pen-pals in this city. His address is Campbell College; Belfast, Northern Ireland. Mrs. J. C. Gllker and daughter, Diane, sailed Saturday night' on the Camosun on a trip to Vancouver, where Mrs. Gllkei will be local delegate to a convention of the Canadian Cancer Society to be held there this week. . They will be away for about a week. T. H. Sorcnson, general manager of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative, whose appointment as assistant general Inanager cf the B.C. Fisher-Inen's Co-operative Federation was announced recently, sailed (Saturday night on the Camosun Ifor a business trip to Vancouver. He was accompanied by K. .T. Harding, Co-operative liver oil plant manager. Capt. J. E. Fookcs, of the Canadian Army area pay office at Vancouver, w'as a week-end visitor In the city on business in connection with the local battery which is being organized with a view to new activity. Captain Fookcs returned south Saturday night .aboard the steamer Camosun, on which vessel he had arrived from Vancouver the day previous Returning to their homes from a concert tour during which they mads more than two dozen appearances in west coast cities, members of the Mctlakatla, Al aska, native ciioir, passed through Prince Rupert Friday, afternoon on the Camosun. Owing to the fact that the Civic Centre auditorium here was already engaged, they did not present a concert here Friday ni?ht. The choir, consisting of 30 members, was directed by the Rev. R. F. Schmidt. (5001) NEWS 1 OU THE DEAF It's Here . . . "MICHOTONE" World's Smallest all-in-one HEARING All) Free Demonstration by F. G. MEREDITH March 10 - 11 - 12 Prince Rupert Hotel 1'. (J. MLKEDITH COMPANY 1208 Dominion Bank Bldg. Vancouver, B.C. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See K. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 Rchiiul a Smoke Screen Iprincc liitipctt Dalle ii3clotf ems Monday, March 10, 1947 fa Canadian Legion Execu-x5jyj tlve Meeting, tonight, 8 ?(f5p-m. Regular monthly feYmcetins (with Initiation -"v of new members), Legion Hall, Wed., March 12th, at 8 p.m. SHOWER FOR EDITH HINTZ Honoring Miss Edith Hlntz, whose marriage .to Stanley Scherk takes place this week, Miss Evelyn Rougeau and Miss Ruth Ramsay were hostesses at a shower held at the home of Mrs. Russel Scherk, Graham Avenue, Friday evening. The bride-elect was the re cipient of many lovely gifts from the 20 guests. The eve ning was spent in opening the gifts and in games. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. Those present at the function were Miss Inga Kristjansson, Miss Gertrude Stangebye, Miss Evelyn Rougeau, Miss Ruth Ramsay, Miss Kay Reid, Miss Ruby Andreassen, Miss Dorothy Peachey, Mrs. Alice MtMeckin, Mrs. Ingrid Wick, Mrs. Linda Erickscn, Mrs. Claire Parent, Mrs. A. Anderson, Mrs. Chrissie McLcod, Mrs. Vernon Scherk, Mrs. Raymond Scherk, Mrs. Reuben Scherk, Mrs. Russell Scherk, Mrs. Milton Hauser, Miss Mary Lidstonc, Mrs. Pat Neu feldt. FIRST MASEILLAISE The Marseillaise, France's na tional anthem, was first, sung in Marseilles in 1792. 0 0 vou navw Terhaps this liappen'ril to you nm jour doctor, or ome ie friend, told joa it would be i good idea lo cut out tei and coffee PHONKS 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service MOSCOW PAULEY OPENS MOSCOW The foreign ministers' conference to 'deal with the German find Austrian i peace treaties had fts first ses sion (here today. Hopes were i expressed (in all sides f suc cessful agreements being reached. WANT OF CONFIDENCE LONDON Former Prime Minister Churchill will move a want of confidence In government on Wednesday in Parliament which is to debate the current crisis. Liberals are expected to join with Conservatives but the government is expected to be upheld. AD ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT MANILA Attempt to assassinate Philippines President Manuel Roxas was made today when a Jiattd grenade was thrown on;a platform where he had just finished speaking. Roxas was uninjured 'by the grenade which was thrown by an unidentified person. 150 ILV SHIP TOLL NANKING At least 150 persons died today when a Yangt-se Iliver steamship 'burned and sank, the ship's local agent l ie-ported. All ihe victims were Chinese. 7T DEN 'NOIEBO' wo F0STUM BRACKETS CAN BE FITTED AROUND SILL IF DESIRED. Construction of window boxes is simple. The diagram which accompanies' this article shows how to build them. For a standard single window, a box 31'2 feet long, 8 Inches deep and 10 inches wide is a good size. Butmeasure your windows and make boxes to fit. Where larger, or multiple, windows demand greater length, the other dimensions must be larger in proportion, or single boxes may be provided for each window in a group. " . S3 :ri oi .... pRINK P0STUM)lNSTEAy ' But if eomeone ay "Drink Portum instead'', that rcoifj ring belli Yes -IV turn is a grand way to stop drinking tea and coffee if the caflcin in those beverages upsets your nerves, keeps you awake. You can drink Postum any hour of the day or night enjoy as much as you like, as strong as you like -and not miss a wink of sleep. Postum contains no caflcin, nor any other drug caul aticci ncari or utum i digestion. Ulakc Posttim right in the cup, just liy adding lioiling water or hot milk. Dosts less titan lp a serving. .0. Postum 1 1 1 Tift A Product of Cntrol foJ. L ."f J J iMwBBi Yes, the worst is over but it is no time to let your, coal bin run low You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite known brands of coal from us. But don't leave ordering too long. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD, FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS By Chic Young J ONeSv?-P?EN Jb I DIK-r-SENl) V XXJ TO MEJ.P MB ) (TyoO-HOO, IB ( ioowms ros : W ri r-'J n--j -""i vmm 1 '.tr? 1 tils iviib t' vv ia -i . .vh 1 1 . v v r pup i.ww pf.y: .. x.x : jstrm'i'mr . Preserve hose Baby Memories Something New iiv Jewelry Service! Our process in silver and gold will save forever those dear little-bootees . . . To grace your mantel and be always a fond reminder for you and yours of happy baby days. THE COST IS SMALL BRING THEM IN TODAY Guaranteed Watch anil Jewelry Repairs. Special attention given to mail order wotk. MANSON'S JEWELLERS "The Home of Better Jewelry" Work Pants In Pure Wool Tweeds G.W.G. Grey and Brown, Pair $8.25 Humphreys Heavy. Dark CQ IT Grey, Pair JV.I J North-Western Heavy. Grey nr Only, Pair Qi J Kayes Heavy, Brown Only Pair ' $6.95 $7.75 Sizes 32 to 44 ill!iilTHin A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITLD "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" SIMMONS BED Complete with felt mattress, COZ CA 3-foot size JU.JU Phone "75 Having a . . . ' PARTY? 327 Third Avenue Then you 'can 'feet everything hcrc for, it lncludiugi gift, birthday card, wrapping paper, birthday candles and holders everything to make the party a success. THE VARIETY STORE "WHEUE YOUH DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" WAR ASSETS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Run Hulk . . . $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Ormes Lid. Jim Pioneer VruqpJts I'KESCKHTION CHEMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 pjn. Having Fish for Dinner? "RUPERT BRAND r r Will add taste and quality to your meal. For variety try our Smoked Mack Cod, Salmon and Kippers Sole, Cod and Salmon Fillets Frozen: Halibut and Salmon Remember! Ask for 'RUPERT BRAND' CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA 1: m 171) m -1