hassified Advertising - - . ... ir.urt.lnn. minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notices. ! Pff 2r.nrft Death' Notices, Funrral Notices, Marriage W 01 isnYaeemfnt Announcements: 2. fche Phllco radio; founder painuiaj, xI2 carpet Can w k 30 p.m. iJ" l" lt E Bedroom suc articles oil range; Uirh. and misLPt- Apply evenings, 383 Irk. i h i; hp c m t V. J . ... t (59) . chesterfield suite, suite floor lamp, ... 1 rt f fed other sunuiy ui- Lone Red 218. 5 Hotpolnt electric, U combination range (burner heavy duty Ir,- Hr itoress, 2 hand or power, with 1 Forge blower. Phone 15. Hotel and E;-Tourist irt 12 bedrooms and mm cottages; also - Ige electric lights, hut running water, luiku loperiv doing a capa- B .ill- n. ness uear uue. nc- Iselllng. owner wlor price $23,000; $12,000 lalance at $zoo per jWrite (or full particu-brs B. A Smith. Durns Fc 'GO) garden, Pembroke rt hiKcment. aarase: 7th East, near Con- 1 A ten I W IV k iiyru, HOW COTTAGE, recently Reasonable for cash. (62) -Covered bassinette. H, lots, foundation floor 16'x24. sheeting ,d inn Overstuffed occa- new Plume Red 140. Of) -6-room house with L. till A J ' il Ulk ibiUII L nu. vllij . j vy v . IV.IInfl Mr R lAmt (58) -Heavy duty Import- I VP ii -Counter with hand- troiv grille : also good (tf) equipped. At Imperial ennnn wiiav mi iiiiii at the lowest prices. I.U.I - L A. . r1"- iwliucu acv, lit good players, $17.50; $2; bicycles, first 1 www, tins, good shape. 10c; ... u,,..n.iic hlM4JVf, flf Oil Vlln .th.. goods. Come and look 324. at) by the understenod for -- w vol, " ulVC 1 3, coast District, to-"ith an undlvMpH T0ratl- lu ... - ... vi nj uirjuuvu- sluate thereon, up to n Thursday, March 1947, IHeihpst. nr not nesessarllv nn. Terms: Strictly cash. F Pu-. -3 . . vi uci. nnminio. f the Mate of Paul ceased, (rq) MACHINERY -j, use mA mnarn Main IVnC - -hiuis, manufAe. n "V iYlcnmery " ""'iea, Vancouver, n Schedule F.5W. (tf) .- "lursaay, aatnrrt D.m. LnnriAnri.... 1 "V'U,"H nrst nt,. T IIELP WANTED WANTED Man to work on lawn for about two weeks; good wages. Apply 1333 Cth Ave. East, or phone Blue 821, after 5 p.m. (60i WANTED Lady to look after baby girl during the day. Phone Ited 269. (58) CUOTIIINO FIRM ORGANIZING Mall Order House, seeks reliable representative for Prince Rupert and surrounding territory. Must have references. Commission basis. Write to Box 210 Daily News. (61) HELP WANTED Reliable party to operate cafe. Phone Red 441. Box 1001-B. (581 WANTED KJtchen help, evening shift, starting. March 11. Terminal Lunch. (tf) WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT Capable of taking charge of a $et of books or an accounting department. Box 209 Daily News. (58) FOR KENT FOR RENT Single sleepinj room, with kitchen privilege. 22 1' 5th East. Phone Red 807. (62) FOR RENT Three rooms, one kitchen furnished . 330 9th Ave. (57) FOR RENT Flat, Rand Block, Cth and Fulton. Apply Hell-broner's Jewejry Store. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's black change purse, containing $3. Phone Red 767. (58) FOUND Keys in brown leather case. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) FOUND Keys on string. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. (If) I'EKSONAI, MIDDLE AGED WOMAN will look after children afternoons or evenings. Phone Oreen 583. (tf) DRESS MiA K I NG, Altera--tlons and-repairs.- Womeii'j hose repaired. Phone Blue 273. .(721 GUARANTEED RELIEF FROM Eczema, Psoriasis, Impetigo, Heat Rash and kindred skin afflictions. Mail $1 for large Jar to Peacey's Drug Store. Victoria, B.C. (58) HOME Cooked meals at reasonable prices served pleasantly in attractive surroundingsall this you will find ' at the Terminal Lunch, (mt) Steamship Sailings For Vanronvn Tuesday as Coquitlam, 1: p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 10 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 9:15 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss Coquitlam, p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. pm. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 am. Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Friday ss Camosun, 3 p.m. Friday ss Catala, p.m. For Alaska-Friday ss Camosun, midnight Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss Prince Rupert, ", p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 7 p.m. MORECAMBE, En3. W More-camibe's reponse to a 14,000 (56,000) war memorial scheme 409 In 19 weekswas termed "deplorable, lamentable and piffling" at a town meeting. You saw i. in The Newsl IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" nnd IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ROBERT WEBSTER, DECEASED TESTAT3 TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HU Honour W. E. Plsher, made on the 21st day of February, A D. 1947, I wns appointed Administrator with Will annexed of the estate of Robert Webster, deceased, and all parties having clalmti against the said es tate, arc hereby required 10 luruuui same, properly verified, to me on or before the 28th of April, AD. 11)47, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me. DATED at trlnce Rupert. B.C., this 7th day of March. A D. 1947, OEOROE II. HAIXETT. Official Administrator, Atlin, D C, MISS TRUMAN SEEKING CAREER WASHINGTON (AP)-Margar-et Truman, who wants a career of her own, hss taken an apartment In New York. The President's daughter, who was 23, Feb. 17, has found a place where she can continue her vocal lessons, preparatory to a professional contract, and be hostess In her own right. She Is studying with her longtime teacher, Mrs. J. T. Strlck-ler of Kansas City, Mo. PORTSMOUTH, Eng. OPorts mouth Aviation Company, man ufacturers of the popular 'Aero-car" light aircraft, reports that orders from overseas now exceed 1,000,000 ($4,000,000). Chest Colds To Relieve Misery ClfC " Rub on Tested YVapoRUB i - don-t forgetV:; ch of thne tnt TcnJw Age" prtpa lions it f nJ tlrptoJable. Cttutt tpecially bt the ncJ of babief "i children up to "in tge, ibey bring relief from miny common discoinforo uhI til-menu of childhood . . . keep hhy tmk nd happy. CbrM Rub Lt()v Cough $ynf iCilimmt LoiifHl Bahy Ol mwU.rieJ (Why flfl McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Itates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O.Box 184 Garlic, lb. Without fanfare, poised and I Pint Cabbage, lb Calif. Carrots, 3 lbs. .... Brussels Sprouts, lb. .. Parsnips, 2 lb Sugar White, lb Golden yellow, lb Fresh Milk Quart . level-headed, conservative In ac- Cream, i2-Pint tion and appearance, Margaret, has broken precedent for first daughters of the land as did Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt for first ladies when she gave the Associated Press an Interview on the day the late President Roosevelt was first inaugurated In 1933 and Later wrote, lectured, and spoke on the radio. Each felt the need to express herself, to be a personality Jni her own right and not let thej tall Iron gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, close her In. SEEKS ITtlVACk The blonde, blue-eyed Margaret has asked that her apartment address be withheld that she might have privacy. Her personal friends will know It. Unaffected and friendly, .she Is handling her role with dignity. She seems unimpressed by the White House background and determined, her friends say, that no capitalization of It b; made In her career. She wants to win on her own. There was a hint at a recent White House news conference. held by Mrs. James Helm, social secretary, that when Margaret signs a contract In opera, radio or for a recital, it will be, announced thus Indicating perhaps that she Is considering offers. Whatever her decision Is, Mar garet can'count on her parents' blessing, their presence by uw radio or perhaps in the front vow for her debut. Mrs. Truman has said she wants Margaret tq have a career If she wants one, and the form it takes Is to be Margaret's own decision. BELFAST Ri Belfast voters by mcblseite approved a city plan to extend the Belfast boundaries by 9.003. acres ta pro-. vide now housing sites. The Markets Veeetabies Mushrooms, lb .75 Spinach, 2 lbs 29 Beets, lb .06 Cauliflower, each 25 - .45 Lettuce, each 18 celery, lb. .. . 3 .75 .09 .25 .34 .15 J)9 ,.09 . .19 . ilO .15 . Eggs Grade J A; Large, lartonet, doz .47 Fish Halibut, lb .33 Salmon, lb : ; .35 Cod, lb 25 Black Cod, smoked, lb .38 Smoked Kippers, lb. 22 Milk Evaporated Milk. 16-oz. tin, 2 for .23 Butter First Grade, lb. 45 Flour Pastry Flocr. 7 lbs FINE TRIBUTE TO MR. RAYMOND! BY P.R. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Fine tribute is paid by the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association to W. J. Raymond, editor of the Evenine Empire which was recently taken over by the Daily News. A copy of the testimonial to Mr. Raymond has neon sent to the ,Dajly News bv Rev. A. F. MacSween, secretary of the Prince Rupert 1 1 - 1 -- Ulinlctorlnl A ocnMnHnn ! e .19 Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat Vi'i'-jR $1.75 1 monV. doj r "lZ:..Z ...... Si .47 " 1 Oranges, doz 28 , .62 nouT l2 i n. 93 .17 lb .Banana, , - Tea and Coffee J DeLuxe Quality, lb 85; Lard Coffee, lb .46 Pure, lb 23 Canned Fruits (Shortening 43 Plums 17 Soap, up 2c; face 06 to .08 Aprllots 27 Laundry, up 2c cake .11 - 13 Cherries .35 1 suniignt uu - .us Raspberries 35 Powdered Soap, Pears 29 up ec - .o Juices Tomato, 20-oz 2 .25 40 oz .i .33 gallon 59 Apple, 20 oz, 2 tins .33 40 oz. .35 gallon .. .64 Grapefruit, 20 oz 15 ,48-oz 33 Orange, 20-oz. ..; 17 - .24 Blended (orange and grapefruit), 20-oz 21 48-oZ 56 Canned Vegetables Cut Green Beans, each .17 No. 3 Peas 19 Mixed Vegetables 18 Diced Beets ,. 15 Fruit Tomatoes (field) lb. .... Grapes, Malaga, lb. .... .28 .27 .31 Pears, 3 lbs aa . I Fancy Apples, 3 lbs 32 ' Grapefruit, Calll. .09 and .14 follows: "It was the unanimous wish of the members of our Association that an expression of appreciation should be forwarded to you at this time In reognltlon of the courtesies which the churches of the city have received during the many years of your connection with The Eve ning Empire. We are grateful for the many articles and re ports and for the thought-provoking editorials that have been published in support of the common objective of the Church and, above all, for the happy personal relationships which have obtained between yourself and ths representatives of the various local churches. "It Is my pleasure to convey this message to you and to add, on behalf of all our members, the wish that you may enjoy much happiness and satisfaction in the years to come." You saw it in. The Newsl jBflETOB 11 It THE day of the struggling pioneer is not past. Today, in many frontier districts of Canada, families are struggling against great . tJ ddsjp ope.n up rityy, territories antLto make. a living. Isolated by " distance arid meagre transportation, "these families live in loneliness arid in primitive conditions. When accident or sickness strikes, A nearest doctor may he more than 100 miles away In such remote regions, the Canadian Red Cross operates Outpost Hospitals and Nursing Stations. Many dramatic stories could be written of the mercy services rendered by these hospitals and by the valiant Red Cross Outpost Nurses. Space permits only the citing of a few figures. In 54 Red Cress Outpost Hospitals 2,010 babies were bom SSI clinics were held I I I -f" 40,000 (approx.) patients were treated 5,000 operations were performed and some 17,000 children examined To continue and further this great work the Red Cross urgently needs money. Every dollar you can give will represent you and your share in these many "good deeds". LOCAL CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS NORTHERN H.C. POWER CO. STORE- PHONE 210 CANADIAN RED CROSS 7e wm4 oj mezcy stem euA- ?tUm Uttpcrt Spaflj? rectos 5 I' Monday, March 10, 1947 DEALER WANTED . To Represent ' r '. "MICROTONE" "VACOLITE" "DURATRON" HEARING AIDS , FOR PRINCE RUPERT AND DISTRICT Exceptionally fine opportunity as this is "a. complete line and largest in Western Canada. Those interested please see Mr. F. G. Meredith at the Prince Rupert Hotel MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MARCH 10th AND 11th F. G. MEREDITH COMPANY 1208 Dominion Bank Bldg. Vancouver, B.C. COTTACIE CHEESE 'New Creamed Fresh MadeJ I VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Daily I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Moving:, Packing, Crating-, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones CO and C8 HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND. VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 RCA VICTOR Mantel Radio ' MODEL 60 ACDC G Tubes v Attractive Modernly (Brown) .... $13.50 , Designed Cabinets (Ivory) ....... $ 1 1.93 ALSO V16 Record Player $19.95 , NOW ON DISPLAY AT.. Special For EASTERTIDE! One Large PHOTO of Yourself or the children, mounted and tinted, for only $1.89 Make Your Appointment Early For the Best Call at CHANDLER'S STUDIO 21C ltli St. P.O. Box G15 l'KINCF. RUPERT, B.C. Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AJVI. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 pirn, to 8 p.m. CniNESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES cnop SUEY Steamer Service from PRINCE TI 1DPDT J to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT enow MEIN FOR OUTSIDF ORDERS PI10NE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Geo. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING. Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your' Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bids.) phones: Bus. Blue I I." Res. Red 127 Ask for George Good News... To our customers who have been waiting for DONNACONA WF. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD AND CAN NOW FILL YOUR ORDERS 'Phone at onee as it will go List. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 052 MS m. m hi i