r 4 s a !r ; . a is . t 'T. I'M i J., 1 I H 1 i" V-j i: - : . , ' prince Rupert 2?nfii? iScnTg 'tfedhesa'ay, Kfaf 21, 1947 P.irlin Di.il CFPR moKiiocyciei (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY p'.M. 4:00--dmilnd Hockrldge 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Let's Play 4: 45? Maggie Muggins 5:00 String Time 5:30 School Choir 4 '5:45 Allen. Crawley ; G:00 London" by Lamplight " 6:30 Mr. Brett, talk 6:45 Interlude 6:50 Fish Arrivals and" Int. 7:00 CBC News1 1 .-7:15 CBC News Roundup' 7 :30 Lubka Kdlessa. Tor. . 8:00 Political Brbad'cast 8rl5 ahyUmi and' Romance 8:30 Invitation' to Music 9:00 Gwyn' Price' 9:15 Midweek Review 9:30 Mystery Master 10: 00 CBC' News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Music 'by Shrednik 10:30 Provincial Affairs 10:45 Showcase Blue Book NBC 11:00 Weather and Sign Off Ann. THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock ' 8:0-CBC News V 8:15 Morning' Concert 845Milsic for Moderns' 9". 00 BBC News -9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30-Llttle' Concert 9:45-HMorntng Melodies 9:59 Time Signal 10:00--Music" by Goodirriah JO: 15 Organ Encoies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies ll':60 CBR' Presents n': 15 Songs- of Today1 11:30 Weather Forecast li;3i Message Period ,11:33 Recorded Interlude lT:45!-'Easy Listening P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcasters Program Resume l:3d CBC News 12:45 Ethel and Albert liOO-The Concert Hour 1:30 Thursday's Recital v 1 :45 CSommentary and X Life of My Own 2:0$! Feature 6oncert; WmV . 2:36 Sheila Presents ftNlrt' RnOISTKV ACT Ri: Certificate of Title Wp: 91S6-I to Lots Twenty -three (23) and .Twentjr-roUf f24), Btoct Forty three (43), Section Seven: Lota Twenty-one (21) and Twenty-! two (22), Block Eighteen (18) 1 and Lots Twelve (12) and Thir teen (13), Block Nineteen (19). Section Eight (8), City of Prince Rupert, In the Province of Brlt-. lsh Columbia (Map' 923). . . WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued in the name of The B. P. Sturtevant Company of Canada Limited has been filed. In' this' ofnee1. notice Is' hereby given' that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the-jlirst publication hereof, Issue a Provisional "Certificate of Title In lleu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be- made to me in writing. DATED' at the" Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C. this 8th day of May, 1047. A D. - ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles.. , (141) FILMS . SujJerpari Press Films rSeV'eloping, Printing, Enlarg-Ih'g Portraits'; 'Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mall Order Service ;Chandler and Cowgiu ,216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If your bulldins, house or fur-nitii -e were lost through fire', would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions?1 Do you realize that present day costs of material and f ur-.nlture are up fifty percent?' Consult your insurance advisers now! H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216" Sixth Street' CENTRAL HOIEf Weekly and Monthly Rate for your convenience . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Booms v T GARDENERS iu rrrciritvt in jljjiuii Hear interesting -discourse by Charfe's1 Balasmo Activity Planned1 Gardeners who were tempted to remain at heme and garden last night but decided Instead to attend the monthly meeting or the Horticultural Club held in the Civic Centre came away feeling that their decision was well made and" the time well spent. They learned that many of the local' garden experts are' waiting for wanner weather to' set out seedlings and to plant their dahlias. The president. C. P. Balagno, gave a' pertinent telk on "Soil." as pertaining to local conditions and afterwards led a question and answer period on numerous phases otf gardening. Mr. Balagno declared' that gardening lh' Prinze Rupert has great possibilities ai.d satisfying regards referring particularly to flower gardening. Experts from other places", he asserted, usually remark on' the true colors, velvet textures' and the' size of blooms here. There is no bleaching or fading and blossoms last' longer. The drive for more members fill' continue as it is hoped to reach a total cr at leflst 200. Efforts- will be made- to- revive the annual banouet of the society. It Is hoped1 that films on horticulture can be obtained including scrhe' cT icvsl gardens. A collection of dahlia tubers donated by Mr. Balagno as a door prize was won by Mrs. J. A. Rutherford. At the suggestion of .the pre sident, the next meeting, set for the third Tuesday of June, wfll be in charge of the first vice- president", J. J. Payre. - The content of the discussion?; which take place at the meet ings of the club and gardening facts which are applicable locally will appear from time to time under the heading "Garden Club'Notes." '( ( '. ? Seasonable The opening of, trie picnic season is usually May 24', weather permitting, in most parts of Canada. This year as usual the children' have Seen pestering their mothers for several weeks re this grand piCnlfc. Whether mothers enjoy the picnics as much as the children is another question. They will if they have the co-cp'eratibn of the whole family: Preparing a family picnic is quite an undertaking unless everyone shades the work involved. This work is often complicated by the varied food' suggestions given by Johnny, Mary or nig Sister. The younger ones usually think that without sandwiches, of the assorted variety please, it is not a real picnic: The rsale' members 6f the' family may insist ori having hot substantial food such as they would be served if they vcre having the meal at heme. The first thing to do when conlpmplatin? a picnic is to de- j cide where it will take place. tation available- Is of great im- 1 portanee' also, since what one j can bring on a picnic depends ori whether one travels by foot. , by Terns, by bicycle", by boat or toy aiHomcbile'. MeanV must be de- i ' vised to carry and keep the food 1 hat or cold, .as the case may be in cither cne tfrenriss Jugs or bottles are the answer. Home economists say that a salad is very nice for a picnic. It has also the added advantages j of being- easy to' prepare and to LESS LABOR NOW t OTTAWA, CP) The agriculture department estimates- it took about 57 man nours to produce an acre of wheat in 1830. Today it takes 2.5' hours. HONOR PIONF.ER MEDICO MILLET. Alta., T Dr W. J. Simpson, 83, of Millet, cne of Alberta's pioneer cccton will receive a life membership' in the Canadian Medlcil Association at its annual meeting in Winnipeg. June 25". -A PRODUCT OF "Why was' Chevrolet my choice? Because, like most womeri, when I' shop' my one idea is to get trie most value for my money and Chevrolet is the car that gives you just that. As far as lieauty, comfort, and all-round quality are concerned, Chevrolet is way up there with ihe big cars. Yet1 when- it comes to price well, the'' price is' so much lower it's hardly believable.' And another thing I like the . upkeep cost1' won't strain our family budget! ' Yes my1 choice was Chevrolet,' and my husband says f couldn't have chosen belter. Ideas for Housekeepers carry. Sealers with tight fittinT? lids are Just the thing in which lo carry the saltids. H should be remembered however, that the lettuce should be wrapped separately in wax paper so -that it will stay crisp arid fresh. Lima Beitis Sfolad 4 cups cocked lima' heaps 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 4 tablespoons mayonnaise 4 teaspoon curry pqwtJer 'i teaspoon chili, powder Combine lima beanY and parsley. To mayonnaise add the curry and chill powders; b'?nd i cup' chopped green onion '. teaspoon vlnejar Picldes or a smalt amount of grated chees frnlld) niaj'be added or substituted as" wlsftld. This salad givey any nuKber of variations. ac6ordinf tv what ts used or omitted. Mix with m'ayOrp?:se carry the latter in a' .-. -ate rrn-:-T ar.d rrrvc on lf-ttuce Mocfe Chlcftff Spread 1 cup coarsely urJ e. krfl m&txw . CHEVROLET OtNERAl filOTORS- pork or veal 12 cup ch&pped or shredded raw carrots 15 cup chopped celery 2 tablesptofts' sweet pickle relish 3 tablespoons m-ayfcnra',se J'? teaspoon salt b teaspoon pepper Combine all Ingrddier.t and .nix thoroughly. Yield: m cups, veil. Add to bean's and mix' together lightly or carry in separate containers t; be added Just before servln cn lettuce leaves. Hard cooked and radishes may also be served with this salad. Shi strvings. Vegetable-Meat Salad 2 cups chopped cooked meat 2 tomatoes, chopped coarse ly 2 or 3 radishes, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 cup chopped cucumber Classified Aovertismg Pays! j Hig-Car value in tman dMaili, too! Mont Chevrolet mcxlrls have retractive assist straps, ventilating rear-quarter windows, ash receiver set into the top of the instrument panel, and either una or two in the rear passenger compartment. CJ47B Halifax Overhauls Frtifinus OH Gannon HALIFAX, The old cannon from the British frigate Shan non which stand in the grounds Of 130-year old Province House are going to be overhauled me gun, taken from the fanannon after its battle with the Ameri can frigate Chesapeake. In 1813, has been sinking slowly into the lawn for the last 50 years . The Shannon towed the Cht sapeake into Halifax haibor af- ier the engagement and present- (d the cannon to the city, me American rriavvo-war's raster and first officer w. -.'e killed and were burled in St Paul's ceme tery here. Later .their bodies were disinterred and taken to Massachusetts. Suit of the Scason Just a? you've wished it to be your spring sui in Vonderful gabardine Long, soft, peplumed back jacket dnd slim skirt. USB OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST .... NO CARRYING CHARGES HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AMI VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 FASmttCA$m CUANER HEAT in your RANGE ft-V with a Silent Clol , Oil Burner I No more ashej; sool, dirt, fires that dl putj iri1 your kitchen range I Five Ytar Guarantee', by makers. Over 400,000 In use today. ON SALE ATI fc M. "1 VI Prompt, Efficient MAY 22 and 2j STORE CLOSED ALL F?pi Dollvorv . J '' - Pjj FRESH FRUIT AND VfGT GRAPEFUUITWhitp, i APPLES Winesaps OKANGES Size 17C's LETTUCE Dry Locals CARROTS Fresh, Full 7 SPINACH Fresh, Cku, QUALITY GROCERm MALTED MILK TAHLCTS TTnTlplrS l.M hottfp 'irXii i I'KEM Swift's, 12-oz. tins BEEF AND GRAVY Alden's, 16-oz. tins SPINACH Rio Sun, 20-oz. tins . each 11) PEACHES Halve, Malkln's Best, 20 -oz. tin UT F DOG Foonf V n: Dr. Ballard's 19-oz tins each !."( DOG FOOD Pard, Dehydrated, 8-oz pkp I.'f j 1 A. MacKenzie F LIMITED -A GOOD PLACE TO EHf FURNITURE OF EVER DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES H ! Phone IIS Vai I Rogers and Communit) I FLATWARE NOW IS STOCK I Most of the new patterns in chet bn I stock. Prices range from $HUM for I to !n.O() plus tax. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert PHONES 11G and 117 FEA3 cv; hj T0M.vr P :u : 8 C . tX!;- GFFU't urnl Box 1308 PRINCE ESTlf OIL SER' Cor. 2nd It's good h hcep yo"r fall You jret sPfl siblc deliver) favorite bran from us. ? ' fACbrlnectirtn CAFE Cor-'. 7th and Courtesy and Serrice L I C EN SED PR E MISE8 Long Motors Al RFRf it McCAFFERY' (Renovated) 3rd Avenue. if RUILDINO MA ruuNi fi FUEL ANM McBride Street Phone 311