i: v-h r ' M i 1 1111 I nrppsned once at .i) out kept away ::l ir.r.cad, she seni '1 lup i; Mic ?bi.caui' 1 I P Mllil llilU 1U1LLU a zT.j no one had re fcilUc uic laou wao A ria hJlrt Onn Meanwhile, the lainea ui a sweai yci, Si eauiir than ex- ... J' ( J a U1 .i vie nuviuw :;ifJr- cushions, f drawn from all a&ilcely spottATM-f us with dollars. A -. had taken the 7 Ce time his head t 1: .; anxious ana j C "".3 to feel sorry He cfalized he was : and confessed ' Sentence was r.ierai record was .'.:",irauy all the cash T 1 V.I Ihn... tnte serv; a.- an excuse. i.) each a manner ... T I ue ineaire Iff nn T-1 1 1 Wednesdays vH.uiudjrd ui, o y .ui .IV ln,l t.-i 1 -I u oaiuruay 23 and 21 UIK TKACY" o'i runway, Aim -. fluse Mazurra vl t "u ncuncsday 27 and 28 "ONO WILLIAMS" f.u .. u..in vrmnn Mart mx Brcssart, James B Nohn and the, ' 01 the Pioneers. 1 ,ItiHUii .... -sW& AW il. ..'T.... I V lL, JL. Ill fort . Uf'-M n U 9 mm w smikVMM ini. ' ft ... klmrlinp of flavour, richnein unit .(..,. iL Carry Coffee it coffee at its beit-dtliciouj) Enjoy rort Carry Tea, too. Illfffll fff f I f 111(1 ' saw taT ixer err ons ano ts a lot to was too raw. There was no Iln- i less than 24: esse. Being a police magistrate In Prince Rupert can sometimes mean points of perplexity as well as sujgesting a touch of bizarre humor. Once, for example, a subdued looking sort of man, In open court, asked to be sent to Jail. He had not broken any law. All he wanted was to find peace. But he would like, he said, to get away from It all for at least a few months. What he really wanted, as he cautiously explained, wes to get away from his wife. He often felt tired and discouraged. It was with great earnestness that he ad dressed the P.M. He was sure the change would do him good. And what did the P.M. do? Well, there arc some things a fellow can't remember. I Around late breakfast hour oneway -in pioneer times fire broke out In a blacksmith shop 1 it h MAiirj Atari q Km m 4 Lumber T E IUt A 0 E and Piling A8ents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Philco Radios Wlliird Batteries Local News It Delivery as usual on May 24. Please have bottles out early. Valentin Dairy. (121) Last night's train, due from the East at 11:45 p.m. daylight time, arrived on time. CCF Broadcast, Wed. May 21, 3 pm. M. J. Coldwell, MP., on "Needed A People's Budget." (119) Andrew' M. McCulley of Victoria arrived In the city this morning on the Prince Rupert to take a position In the local Government Agent's office. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mlchal-chuk left on Monday night's train for Winnipeg after an extended visit with Mrs. Mlchal- chuk's mother, Mrs. John Dy fo rma NOTICE TO LAWN BOWLERS. The Bowling Green will be open ed for the 1947 season on Satur day, May 24, weather permitting, All members and prospective members are requested to meet at the Club House at 1:30 p.m (119) George Schneider of New York, vice-president of the Celanese Corporation of America, and D. G. Stenstrom, west coast representative, are visiting In Terrace since yesterday. They left by car early yesterday afternoon and are expected back tonight. C. A. Berner, divisional super- ntendent, Canadian National Railways, who has. been on a trip to Smithers on official duties, returned to the city from the Interior on tonight's train. W. I. Munro, general superln-endent of transportation, Cana dian National Railways, arrived In the city on the Prince Ru pert this morning from Vancouver in the course of a west ern Inspection tour and will Droceed by the evening train to her headquarters in Winnipeg. Rt. Rev. W. J. Fitzgerald. Catholic BU'hop of Alaska, ac companied by Father Fletcher, are visitors In the city this afternoon, having arrived on the Prince Rupert on their way to Juneau after a visit to the United ' States. .. Inspector J. E. Davcy of the Just across from the Hotel Ccn-.Department of Indian Affairs tral. The shop contained a lot 01 1 arrived In the city en the Prin- dynamlte and the explosion took cess Adelaide Monday afternoon first prize. The shake-up neglected nothing but with no casu alties. The shock knocked a clock eff a mantel in a residence a block away and the moment It hit the floor ,the clock struck 10, for that was the time. Rupert blasts have been known to be a shade freakish now and then. ERRACE STOCKHOLM GROWS STOCKHOLM, KR-Stockholm's population Increased by 18,507 in 1946 and at the beginning of the year numbered 690,108. The increase was caused by 11,000 persons moving Into the capital and 7,400 now births. for TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace GAI A aiav nn CRD AT1HN I'll Ik. 1 a .4 t 1 1 a -. - - it 11- . mm 1111 tin w w ut n aiir-wi at Terrace Attend Civic Centre Grand Opening rA& I All U fll aiA MM I. I irem vancuuver a::u iiiuccmtu by the cvcnliH train to Hazel-ton to carry out Inspection duties In Babine Agency. Distribution of, the remainhig money In the Mayor's -jund was made this mornin;, with each of the 13 families who lost their effects in the Clapp and Short-ridge block fires receiving $9. The fund total was $817, of which $700 was distributed previously. This morning's distribution totalled $117. The fund Is now closed. Announcements All aavcrtnciiimw tn tnvt cotumn vrlll bo chnrreo for a fun month at S5o a word. Anglican Cathedral Chancel Guild Tea, May 22, Mrs. Nora Arnold. Port Simpson Celebration Committee will be holding their anual day of sports on May 23 and 24. Cash prizes and trophies for field, track and water sports. Tea and Food sale May 28, Salvation Army Home. Catholic card party at School Hall, May 29. 8 p.m. Job's Daughters' Tea, Mrfc, Bcrner's, May 29. Eastern Star Tea, Civic Centre, June 4. Presbyterian Tea, June 5, Mrs. C. G. Ham. United Church Manse Garden Party, June 12. Tea and delicatessen sale at Catholic School Hall, June 14, and card party, 8 p.m. Anglican Tea, June 18, Mrs. Watts. Hill 60 Rose Tea, June 19. BLONDIE ems Mrs. E. Comer sailed on the Coqultlam yesterday afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kellett and son returned this morning on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. Hans Koch, Terrace hotel pro prietor, Is paying a brief business visit to the cit. He arrived from the interior Monday and will be returning home today. The last chance for tickets for Shriner's Ceremonial Ball can be obtained Nelson's Barber Shop, Civic Centre, Commodore Cafe, Ormes Drug Store, contact George Dawes, Red 127. (121) Brigadier Elizabeth Betts of Toronto, Salvation Army terri torial auditor, arrived in the cily this morning on the Prince Ru pert from Vancouver on a visit to the local corps. Dr. A. L. Prltchard, director of the Dominion Fisheries biological station at Nanaimo, arrived in the city this morninsr on the Prince Rupert in connection with the season's work on the Skeena River salmon survey. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert M. Kamaraus, Winnipeg; B, Hanllen, New Westminster; W. Wilson, Burns Lake; H. J. Crawford, Stewart; K. Brown, Sunny-side; B. Restall, New Westminster; W. H. Fleming, Victoria; C. Coughlin, Kamloops; G. W, Parker, Vancouver; L. L. Wardle, Ottawa; H. Baldwin, Ottawa; J. J. O'Donnell, Ottawa; W. H. Williscroft, Terrace; M. Him, city; R. K. Thompson, Vancouver: C. J. Strong. Vancouver; E. Lee, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Aurll, New Westminster; Mrs. R. Perkins, Port Esstngton; W. W. Wilson, Vancouver. Classified Advertising Pays! j Window I Dressing Contest For the best dressed windows ; featuring the Welcome to the Visiting Shriners The Prince Rupert Shrine Club offers: First Prize . . Second Prize Third Prize . . A Sturdy Oak. $25 $10 $ 5 Judging will lake place-Thursday starting at 4 p.m. Prizes will be awarded at Ccrcniomal Ball To ensure judging, phone 855 ; of your entry ! NOTE Shrine colors are red, j green and yellow. I joiv Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Hal's Headless Ann May Haunt Tourists SEVBN'OAKS, Kent, England, tP Knole House, on of the largest private houses In England, where Henry VIII reportedly courted Ann Boleyn, has been given by Lord Sackvllle to the National Trust for permanent preservation fcr the public. Under terms of the transfer lord Sackvllle, whose family received the hoase from King Henry, will lease a section of It. The 365 rooms, 52 staircases and ; great hall are paiked with period furniture, tapestries, old silver and famous pictures. Galleries Include the Venetian Ambassador's rooms; the King's room, in which. are exquisite sil ver furniture and the state bed; the Reynolds room; the ball room, the Cartoon, Brown and Leicester galleries. Lord Sackvllle first, offered the house to the National Trust In 19-43 and Its transfer has been the subject of negotiation ever since. LONDON, aGifts from Bri tish colnles to the Lord Mayor's Flood Distress Fund totalled more than $4,000,000. TELLS ABOUT FAR LIBERIA Discoursing on five years of missionary work In far Liberia, Rev. W. E. Brown of Toronto, travelling evangelist, was heard by a fair-sized and appreciative audience in the Full Gospel Tabernacle Monday night with Rev. John Linney, the local pastor, presiding. Illustrating his address with graphic lantern slides, he told interestingly of the life and customs of the "real" negroes. Mr. Brown arrived In Canada two years ago after having been held up in Britain for eleven months following his arrival there on the eve of V-E Day from Africa. He is on a tour cf Canada and tonight will be proceeding to Terrace and thence to Smlthers, Vancouver, Prince George and on to Dawson by aircraft. NOTICE On and after this date I will not be responsible for any debts Incurred in my name. O. W. WILSON, Stewart, B.C. May 14, 1947, KINSMEN PARADE UOUTE Floats and cars assemble on Second Avenue in front of Civic Centre, facing East. Floats and cars move off at 12:45. Circle Court House Grounds, going west on Third Avenue to Seventh Street to Second Avenue, East on Second Avenue to Second Street where floats and cars join kiddies' section of parade. The whole then proceeds to Roosevelt Park by way of Third Avenue, Fulton Street, Fifth Avenue and Taylor Street. Entire parade will be received on the Hill and prizes given out. While the parade Is circling the city, the children's section of the parade will be judged for prize winners. Do You Buy A ISeiv Fur Goat Every Year? Of course you don't but you want your fur coat to be up-to-date every year. Why not re-style or alter your furs during the summer months? HERE'S OUR PROPOSITION . . . Get in touch with your SWEET SIXTEEN store and arrange to store your furs with us. We will send the furs to our shops in Vancouver (you paying only the express charges down and back). An expert will Inspect every piece of fur and make a report showing any work needed and estimating the cost. You authorize what work you want done and state , when you wish your furs for use again. When we return your coat you may, if you wish, pay on our Budget Payment Plan. Thus our Prince Rupert customers get the same service as Vancouver. Western Canada's OWi FOR A FRESH COMPLEXION Sue Jc-lilc an J fragrant DuBarry Face Powder Is of medium texture ; : : widely lopular because it gently clings to a dry skin . . . will not cake on an oily Lin... by Riduird lludnut.. 2. Accepted for advertising by Canadian Medical Journal Great Fur Service McCUTCHEON PHARMACY By Chic Young wmw r-ys el"SS,S Prince Rupert Dally J3cU)tf Wednesday, May 21, 1947 BUY... STETSON with Confidence! The name "Stetson" represents the finest available in workmanship, fabrics and style in men's hats. See our showing today $8.00 .0 $15.00 Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General 'Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargeis and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. Do Your Guests Whisper Behind Your Back? Keep your home and yourself spic and span this summer by removing spots and soil from wearing apparel and .household articles with good cleansers. Your clothes and furnishings will last longer and look better. SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Caras lor every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street THIRD AVENUE FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine quality Eastern JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Haddie Fillets Place your order today with your local butcher CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA