NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 235 TAXI cj life PHONE Blue! NIGHT SERVICE mm star i Stand: I . noteL Third Ave Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Yvju. aaavi, NO. 119. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. WEDNESDAY. MAY 21. 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS identified Airplane Crash ana chamber of Is Told n .Foreign trade autoes. That was 1 u ma (Inn fi I r Ihfl TI1LI1 liatlVttU cuiv Canadian Chamber jwonrnnver. nre- . .... int the nnra- 'aclnz the govern- .ILIIHWW. " nvnnrt. wv Tnrair i -t- . r.:rma) peace-time the Canadian Pa - said Trade Is one : ... n &i jv - - - Mi. fcr selfishness, to make it quite -ir r.nt trolne to! completely over-' 1 rag "id H would ( la 'feinne our cus- A IahaIuM t'Vi the cnferencc : be a world trader .. j . 1 v A - " 1 rr.Lcrii re uj c rretc t economic '3 and from every ie world," he said, DvnAV John W Thoniason rort Tomorrow r it! ri hoc luAn n ..... AJ JLJ. il Il,ri 111. IJl ' - -tl - i-i ,.. me course 1 -crvr .jnlng cruise ai ive here at rr.jing and tie .. 1 'juvcriuiicitk "i hE P from San r mnd, the -i rmaln until c-i a:- proceeds to '! 0 Carrmill is in - wh- personnel !vt - are cxpect- mT J v. AC1 lllinil . I11IU ,11 n ...11,. , . - sauii. wiui locals "wig and Sunday af 'PHONE " rne tasi hi me unuea wone industry was -.nainng mc -country siriKc J communications ; nation lor scv- -wii. an nour av - Ui:iPnca Inn net v vou' . Jll ninnl.l... tthe Communicatlnm "users' union, on ""W thp Strltoo ,o, 1 - invti) VVWAW In wai 340,000. 1501 1 V I li e m IB Thp Alhi.rtn Paid throughout ar and thp is wif " "Prii i to RPnk sn. En 'm v'Mdn,ntfln '"MSd. lnr Ik- ft.. 11 w banned last i -1 . . - . . Vital SKSiammmM !r,,. . -4- . a-, - I'll I I I II l f:. . t - .-.-a: ' ii i n i iimmt ' -n n i n rmiri it f , 7 n it 1 immrTrniMirrmn i irjv.?,r-r, ' hp im KaLit,fr.iiw.3M sj4i?.iasB - 1 ill f 1 1 1 iifn rtii iTn 11 1 MMtiTin T mr irrm 1 RR r & .49RR v" RRKftl A8I 1 : CAIT. , j. c HinnAun TWO INJURED IN TRAIN-CAR COLLISION CHEMAINUS, tB -Two persons were seriously injured Tuesday when a taxi and a southbound Esquimau and Nanalmo passenger train collided at a crcssim? onc-and-a-half mile norm oi here. Rufus Smith, driver of the taxi, is in hospital unconscious atid suffering from severe shock and Internal injuries. Mrs. Ralph Murray, a passenger, also Is in critical condition, suffering from shock and a fractuicd leg. Eyewitnesses salt! the car was Jilt broadside aud curried on the engine's cowcatcher for 700 feet. Xbe car was still .on the cowcatcher when the occupants were removed. Police described the crossing as partially "blind." CANADA'S ADVERSE TRADE BALANCE WITH U.S. REACHES ALL-TIME HIGH OTTAWA Canada's adverse trade balance with i-Ur TTt-iifn1 Rhitos raiched an all-time high, an of ficial said Tuesday after reviewing the trade figures issued bv the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. In March, Canada exported to the United States (roods valued at more than $83,000,000 while imports were $i65,suu,uuu. me in February $56,000,000, January was $67,500,000, and the total for the quarter $204,100,000, or roughly twice what it was for the corresponding quarter in 1946. The figures do not include the COMINd TO THIS COAST H.M.C.S. Ontario, one of thc most up-to . date ships of. tKeRoyalXianadian Navy-wilV'.retufn- to Operationaloluty.i- late this summer when she is rc-com missioned in hsquimalt. . lne y,uuu-ton cruiser has been completely refitted since her arrival from the Far East in November,, 1945, and will replace H.M.C.S. Uganda as the largest ship on the Pacific Coast. New Commanding Officer of the Ontario is Captain James C. Hibbard, D.S.O. and Bar, R.C.N, of 1527. Shasta Place, Victoria. The 39-year-old native of Hemison, P.Q. saw extensive wartime service with R.C.N, destroyers in the Atlantic and is at present Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel in Ottawa. He assumes his command on June 30.' PART OF INDIA MIGHT REMAIN WITHIN EMPIRE LONDON' (CP) A high government source said today that at least one segment of an eventually partitioned India might stay within the British Commonwealth as an independent Dominion. The informant would not say whether he believed this segment might be Pakistan. 'he separate Moslem slate, or the Hindu union. VETERAN FALLS FROM BUILDING 1 VANCOUVER W) Jospeh A. Cunningham, 21 - year - old Air Force veteran, was killed instantly Monday night in a 14-storcy plunge from old Hotel Vancouver, now a veterans hostel. I LICKS SAFE ABILINE, Texas It) Nineteen United States army fliers parachuted to safety from a burning superfortress . plane here Tuesday night before the plane crashed in flames. gold exports which offset the adverse balance' somewhat. LONDON, ?) Telephone lines damaged by winter snow and flood totalled 200,000. Services now are said to be normal, ' H.M.C.S. Ontario :: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courccsy S. D. Johnston Cov Ltd. Vancouver 1 Bralome 10.00 B.R. Con (ask) .05,2 B.R.X (ask) .10 Cariboo Gold 2.00 Dentonia 17 Grull Wihksnc .... (ask) .09 Hcd'.cy Mascot 90 Minto -03 Tend Oreille (ask) 2.60 Pioneer 3.50. Tremlcr Border 04 Premier Gold (ask) .65 Privateer (ask) .40 Reno 10 Salmon Gold 18 Sheep Creek .:. 100 Taylor Bridge 50 Whitewater 01 Vananda 26 nil Conarcss .ih-m Pacific Eastern .40 Hedley Amalgamated .O8V2 Spud Valley 13 Central Zeballos OIV'2 Oils A.P. Con i .13 Calmont 29 C. & E ii. - 1-90 Foothills- 2.30 Home 3.15 BUSINESS SLUMP HER CHICAGO )A New York professor of finance, Dr. Macus Nadler, said today that the "long advertised business recession is finally here, but it is not. likely to degenerate into a depression." The American economy, he said, is "in the midst of transition from a sellers' to a buyers' market. C.C.F. YOUTH PAULEY VANCOUVER CD Twenty delegates bf the C.C.F. youth movement will meet in Victoria on May 23-25 for their third annual convenUon, Toronto Athona 14 Aumaque 28 Beattie 69 Bevcourt 73 Bobjo 16 Buffalo Canadian 16 Consolidated Smellers .. 79.12 Conwest 83 Donalda 70 Eldona .33 Elder .....j. .70 Giant Yellowknife 5.50 God's Lake .80 Hardrock 352 Harricana 09 Heva Gold- 37 Hosco .35 Jacknlfe 08 Joliet Quebec 35 Lake Rowan .20 Lapaska 23 Little Long Lac 1.55 Lynx 16 Madsen Red Lake 2.95 McKenzie Red Lake .... .51 MacLeod Cockshutt 1.36 Moneta 46 Negus 1.82 Noranda 43.75 Osisko Lake 1.46 Pickle- Crow 2.30 Regcourt '. 38 San Antonio - 3.50 Senator. Rouyn ...u 34 Sherritt Gordon . 2.75 Steep Rock' 1.94 Sturgeon River 17 Local Tides Thursday, May 22, 1947 High 2;04 .22.5 feet 15:04 19.5 feet Low .- 8:44 0.7 feet 20:42 6.6 feet COLCHESTER, Eng., CBCel tic pottery unearthed in Colches ter cemetery establishes that it was a burial ground 2,000 years ago. Near McBride FIGHTER PILOT JUMPS AT SEA MITn-I L FIF.T.D, New York, 0) The story cf a battle for sur-vival In ff-.e Allai.tlc was told here Tuesday by a fighter pilot "ho Parachuted Into tile ocean 'ate Monday and fought to In flate his rubber life raft while nt-nsrkd in the shroud lines of parachute? The pilot, Lieut. Hubert W. Gainer, 31, cf Freeport, N.Y., is !n gcod condition in hospital af ter being washed ashore at Breezy Pojnt. He was enroute from Maxwell Field, Alabama, to Mitchell Field rihen he ran into bad weather end was ordered to fly the plane cut to sea and ball out when the gas supply ran low. HALIBUT SALES American J. 13., 28,000, 18 4 and 15, Royal ' Canadian Reward, 18,000, Co-op. Viking I. n.OOQ, Co-op. Ntiptune II, 11,000, Co-op. Toodle, 10,000, Co-op. Thor II, 26.000, Co-op. Larry H., 18,000, Co-op. Robert B., 27,000, Co-op. Osbjorg, 3,000, 17 and 13, At- 1in. SKEENA GILLNET FISHERMEN BACK Week's Non-Delivery Tic-up Comes to End ' Spring salmon giilrTet fislier-men on the Skevna River return ed to work Tuesday night after a week's non-dehvery tie-up which started when the cannery companies reduced prices ol red rprirlgs to 16'2 cents a pound. Settlement was mude at Port Essington Tuesday afternoon on the basis of 17.6 cents a pound for dressed fish. The fishermen compromised on their original demand that the 21 cent a pound price paid during 1946 be maintained. The tie-up involved 25 native and white fishermen who had actually begun fishing and delayed another 125 who had been preparing to cast nets into the river. The offer of 17.6 cents a pound for dressed fish or cents for "round" fish was made by the cannery otompanies, and accepted by a joint meeting of the U.FJV. W.U. and Native Brotherhood Fishermen, Tills year's run o! springs was reported to be considerably bet ter than last year. THE WEATHER Synopsis Clear skies and above normal temperatures arc in prospect for most of British Columbia today as high pressure system establishes itself over the district. More of the same is looked for on Thursday although Increas ing cloudiness Is .expected along the northern coast by afternoon, Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Variable cloudiness this momlns, clearing this afternoon. 'Cloudlne?s increasing tonight, becoming overcast northern srctlon early on Thursday and ove r remainder of region by mlddiy. Winds light, Little change lh temperature. Lows tonight-Port Hardy 47, Massett 43, Prince Rupert 43. Highs Thursday-fPort Hardy 60, Massett 57, Prince Rupert 58. New Social Order Attracting Slavs MONTREAL A group of Yugoslavians, returning to their homeland in the next few days bluntly, admitted today that "the new social order" in Yugoslavia, 'under Marshal Tito" is the attraction responsible (or the exodus which is expected to reach 1,500 Canadian Yugoslavs; this year. Widespread Search Under Way with Combination of ? Air Force, Army McBRIDE (CP) The brush-covered Raush Valley, 12 miles southeast of here, today vas the centre of a widespread search for an unidentif Jed plane rer ported to have crashed early Monday. Royal Cana dian Air Force and Army ground parties have combined with provincial police and forest rangers to I search the isolated valley, slash- ing theiy through heavy fill I I Tr I DULLCIinO FORD PLANT STRIKE DETROIT It is estimated that 3,800 foremen began a strike at the Ford Motor Co. plant here today. The company said its Rouge and Lincoln plants were first affected and there was no immediate report on the situation at the Highland Park unit. All arc in the Detroit area. PRESIDENTS PLANE LOST MANILA President Roxas tonight announced the loss of the presidential plane, Lily Marlene, in the wilds of Northern Cotabato, in Mindanao. The plane, when last heard from, was carrying from 12 to 15 government officials. This was Sunday; ARAB-JEW CLASH JERUSALEM Two Arabs and a Jew were killed and six Arabs were, wounded when Arabs and Jews c la 9h Vd near- Petah' Tiqvah, six miles, from Tel Aviv last night. This was officially stated here today. CHANGCHUNG SURROUNDED NANKING Besieged Chang- chung, capital city of Manchuria, is completely encircled by Chinese Communist forces, Nationalist dispatches reported today. Government troops, however, were credited with having re-entered Kunchuling, 36 miles to the southwest. Fighting was reported in the streets. ARMY PLANE CRASH CHAMPAIGN, 111. Seven soldiers were killed last night in the crash of a U.S. Army B-29 Mitchell bomber in a farm field during a violent electrical storm. The state police reported this today. YOUNG WOMAN SLAIN NEW YORK A pretty 31-year-old -mother of two chil-dtcn was shot five times and killed in a crowded area of Brooklyn today, by an unidentified woman who escaped, the police said. The dead woman was Identified as Mrs. Margaret Tannazzo. WORRIED OVER TRADE POLICY OTTAWA P) Canada's foreign trade policies were injected lnln Virt iTmieA rf nnfmmrms1 budeet debate Tuesday by John Thacket (PC-Stanstead), who expressed concern over this country's dwindling reserve of United States dollars. He suggested that there be no further Indebtedness through foreign credits until Parliament is given all the facts. II. W. Herridge (Peoples' C.C.F.-Kootenay West), urged the government should' take "immediate" steps to conclude a trade treaty with Russia. HUGE RAT POPULATION VANCOUVER, ) Vancouver's rat population is 800,000 according to the Canadian Institute ol Sanitary Engineers here. It was estimated that each rat in Canada costs citizens $2 yearly and that" the rodents caused $60,000,000 damage last year. and Police underbrush. The crash was re- ported by an Isolated ranger post. UTILITIES BOARD IS COMING HERE VICTORIA, 0) The. Public- Utilities Commission will hold public hearings at Prince Rupert n June 4 and 5 on applications. for a franchise to operate a scheduled freight truck haulage ervice between Burns Lake and Prince Rupert commission chair man Dfi W. A. Carrothers announced Monday. Canadian Na tional Transportation Co. and jbout six others have applied for the franchlsa. ELDERLY MAN DIES IN CABIN William, Berresibrd, 78-year old pensioner, was f aund ded In his cabin at 21 Cow Bay Tuesday afternoon. He is believed to have died in his sleep Sunday nlght- '4tteY4Qund.- by'T 'W Wlif ord who operates" arj electrical ahop nearby and who had become concejned at not seeing the eld erly man about for two days. Deceased was born in Notting ham, England, in 1869, and, had been a resident of British, Col umbia for 29 years. He had been. a transfer man by occupation. He was unmarried. JAPS EAST OF ROCKIES Relocation Being, Finished Tills Year One Ihird in British Columbia OTTAWA, SB The govern ment reported this week there Is every reason to believe that the re-location bf Japanese-Canad ians east of the Rockies should be completed this summer. The Labor Department .report.. said that Jess than one-third of the Japanese in Canada now live hi British Columbia, almost one-third are on the prairies and more than a third dwell la Eastern Canada. "Present reports confirm that the great majority cf those who have moved east ol the Rockies have no desire to ictum to the Pacific Coast" the report said. It showed 20,588 Japanese were In Canada January, first thlsyear, Of this number, nearly foux-fiifths are Canadian citizens, or about two out of three are. Oan-adlan-born. BURGLARS LOOT DRUG STORES VANCOUVER 0) Top priority on the police force "wanted" list was given Tuesday night to three "carpenter - burglars" sought In connection with four drug store robberies in 18 dayi The latest robbery was on Tuesday when they looted a Dunbar district store of $200 and an undisclosed amount of narcotics. Baseball Scores American Cleveland 4, New YlK 2. Detroit 3, Boston 8. St. Louis U, Philadelphia 1, Chicago 7, Washington, 4, National Boston 3, Pittsburgh . New York 9, Cincinnati 1. Philadelphia 2( Chicago 3. St. Loul3-Brooklyn, postponed.