! to a mutual friend. In if, the I Trying For ! Prince Rupert Daily Hews DRESS 1 boys show that they" 8,r profoundly perturbed, by -the vrar in their homeland. Bitterly anti- 1 Communist as they are, they Friday, Ju.'y 7, 1S50 For Summei make it plain that they are, "loval Koreans" and that whati Wh A FEW SPHA their country wants is ''peace and unite." ; t French Gov't. j PARIS (P Guy Mollet, secretary general of the French Socialist party, holds the centre of the political stage as he surveys the chances of forming the next government the fourteenth since liberal! Ai. President Vi;ent Aurloi in I 03 -. . : By ELMORE PHILPOTT An independent dally newspaper demoted to the upbuilding of Prince ' T Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prlftce Rupert Dally News Ltd. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A, HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES OF THE GOOD YAU ho'ce nd ore ..-.'.. Yrw l.n . 1 mru o cinv UKtss Sll The WE ASKED THE BOYS, prior ' to their escape, why they feared j to go back to south Korea i from whpnre t.hev had come as IMITI f x . .. hing'e KOREAN BOYS WRITE ftowaways to Canada. They told By Carrier, Fer Week, 20c; Per Month, 7Sc; rer Tear, $8.00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. tr,n jj7 THE WORLD MOVES OR' Men's (JAUAUmsE fV us quite frankly that Communist agents were everywhere in south Korea. But they made it .AMiiallv nlnin t.h.it t.hfv had is with dizzy speed. It Defence Of Alaska Men's SPOJtT SIUUTS.pr ' vited Mollet to "undertake a mission of information" on the possibilities of forming a cabinet to succeed bat of the Catholic leader George Bldault and radical Socialist Henri Queille. The Socialists precipitated ths' defeat. of the government within the last twelve days. Political leaders say Mollet has no chance of being accepted by the assembly ah premier. - 111 from DRESS nd WOKK Sox Pbonf Only a few weeks Since I no confidence in the governing Was writing in this CO!-j cles in south Korea. : , , , I They were the self same of- umn about the two boys ficials wh0 had acted as the who escaped from North ( Quislings for the Japanese, said Korea. We all remember their j the boy refugees. , psraDe from the Immigration i i a . i. i large selection. From Pr Men' OVTINCJ silinii COMMUNISM Wool. Ke. $10 50 it 1' 7'TVVi7UniV1r Vi .Nuw Boys' PANTS. A "good t-tiyn for dress and i tell ... . . F"$l shed in Vancouver , a few hou.V3 before the ship was to sail with them aboard as deportees. Young Wan Lee and Pong Che Yue are still "hiding out" somewhere maybe near, maybe far from where I write. But if ever human beings were justified by events then the two Korean boys are those human beings. SURELY IN ,-THS TRAGEDY of these two boys we., see the tragedy of an entire nation. We also see the possible remedy. These boys are true democrats. ' They happen to be Christians j in fact are Roman Catholics. j Thp-- do not want to live under ' a Communist dictatorship because they have already done so and know by experience what it Is like. But neither do they w Boys WNUERWF.Alitgj, tril . bottoms Oar. i HE Seattle office of the Associated Press has T . sent Murlin Spencer, its bureau manager, to Alaska for a business trip and he writes from Anchorage that Alaska is on the alert for possible communist attack, from within 'or without, says the Ketchikan Chronicle - But Mr. Spencer is .suffering, as is the Alaska command, from feeling that because Anchorage is the largest city and the Third division is the largest division in Alaska, defense begins and ends there. - Nothing could be farther from the truth. " The truth is that neither the Anchorage nor the Fairbanks area is too important to a potential enemy from Asia, because they are so far from the vital shipping lanes to the northwest Pacific, and because they are far from the avenues of aerial attack on Seattle, Hanford, San Francisco and the Great laes industrial region. They are just far IVI Mercy Flight For Elderly Islander . Peter Keay 8-year-old resident of Masset, was rushed to the city Thursday by Queen Charlotte Airlines charter plane for emergency medical and hoa-r pital treatment. He arrived at 11:50 a.m. From the lar;dUg base he was rushed to the city for rnedical treatment and wua immediately admitted to Prince Rupert Guneral Hospital. Hi condition is reported as satisfactory by the attending ip. Tinra rOdiniv tniri JYip Oana-. want to live "nder tne rule of d o eminent that Korea explosion! very same kind of people . was on the eve of an " .... 1 . ! who rnlprf Tfnrpa nnrler th Inno If- - M wot Hia TRUE COLORS Drawn by Charles Knight in The Windsor Star. - CP Photo) but nobody would listen to ; - declared Japanese tyranny ...... , them. They solemnly weakness of the .OS. that to send them back to Korea Jhe pq-would be equlvant to a sentence. . i that Jt has tie(J up wUh tQ0 As they put it in their letter many crooks corrupt . runng to the Vancouver Sun: classes, or reatclonaries. That "We told so much true t , fact and NOT the Communist here that they think we ; paper appealwas the wrlme cause of critical of Communist and alsothe debac!e in CWna v , Red army. At any rate we can-1 The aN uphokjers ; cannot Don't Strain Yourself Of ! retii ;and industrial equipment- Th.1 tort carrying heavy cans o! Pakistan Is Good Market tro (country was In a good financial j position and the market la be-. , i coming higrvly competitive." r . j requires 3Q0,(M) tons of f inLshet. i steel rail angle sheets and o.the: not lose opportunity to save ouri win thg shooting war n Korea upstairs for your kit range. GET AN OIL Lin e fla me. Eliminates barrel su HALIFAX There Is an en-, couraglng future for business i and they cannot win either the cold war or a real .world war if it comes without a platform of positive democracy.- "Citizens, it is seem to be small problem but it is matter dead or live." , items. This presents a big pos sible market which Canada could So Fewer oil deliveries, Nu fire hazards. GeoTKe A Browne, Canadian! enough north to be by-passed, and the lack of good defense bases to the south is Alaska's real weak spot, as this paper has declared on numerous occasions. Consider, for instance, that the war in Korea has been raging for six days and American infantrymen are not on the scene in quantity as yet. Yet the communists have little air cover, a big airbase was open near Seoul most of the week on which to land them, and MacArthur has well over 100,000 troons in Japan. The air forces have been unable to slow effectively the march to the south and the navy, aided by several allies, is making a token blockade of the Korean peninsula, jutting southward from Manchuria. We are translating this into what would have "From the viewpoint of expojti . Clean Safe (MurM Et-unomiial Call- to Canada Pakistan could provide- this country with limit eu raw material, he said, prUwlna; oi these were womI, cotto, feWw Gov?rnrerit Trade Comrois-sioner for Pakistan, told news mem here yesterday aboard a Caftadlan National Railway train, taking him t Ottawa after GORDON D. RONS; i In other words you can stop AT LESS TENSE TIMES I' Communism with Nehru-type might be inclined to poke a little democracies like those in India iun at our big allied statesmen, and Indonesia. But you can't I might ask them "how come stop it with Chiang Kai-Sheks 1 or Rhee Syngmans. ; '... ' that two mere kids stowaways know more of the real score' about what is going on in their Lady (at party): "Where's the' country than the big diplomats pretty maid who was passing ou; who were caught flat-footed by cocktails a while ago?" 733 5th Ave. West. Black 503. and skins, tea, chrome ore, sports three years In that counUy VANCOUVERVICTORIA . Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART ANI PORT SIMPSON Sunday) Coqultiam, 11 p.m.. -FOK NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ( ss. Camosun, July 7 and 21 no p.m. '? FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTF ISLANDS ss. Camosun, July 14 and 28 10 p.m. FRAtfK i. SKINNKK Prince Rupert Agent the outbreak of real war? i Hostess: "Oh, are you looking ; But I am writing this piece to ior a drink?" . ' - ., ; " h, report another letter written byj ' Lady: "No, I'm looking for r my the two boys. It wii! addressed husband. '.'ft' ' strumeRts-' " " " i ! Trade between Canada and ' , , . , , frJii s Among other passengers wh.! Pakistan was increasing steadily, ... , , arrived from overseas and left v i " said Mr. Browne, who arrived - , .. .. . . ; here yesterday in the Canadian here In the ss. Vulcania accom-, m . ' I National train for Ottawa were panled by Mrs. Browne. With ? O. Rfed 1 wife of tht-to th6 bh-th of Pakistan, firms hadS- Austrian Consul General to Can-feet learn to stand on their own ; da- wh is enroute to join he: and they were developing . . husband who took up his new , a keen and 4 aggressive .rt.u, Interest , i in , the promotion of business. - ,Pst In Canada nine months ago I "Pakistan is not highly Indus- ! With her are her three children. w HrinH.Prt" Mr. Browne stated, i Fretirty. 10. Florlan. 8, and 03- Third Avenue Phone 56 fggjn ALL nAR J ! and lb provided a big potential wald, 5, and their maid, Ann-? i,market for Canadian machinery Lore Presting. li happened if paratroopers and bombers had moved onto Annette airfield, or Terrace, B.C., field, or Gustavus, Yakutat and Cordova airfields, all of vhich are far from any American bases that could senr4 troops to their assistance. A dozen big enemy bombers would have had all this week to launch "their attacks from Annette onto American stateside points and might well have done damage to Boeing's, tfFatomic plants in the tri-cities area, the airplane plants at Los Angeles and the steel mills of Gary or Pittsburgh. i To succeed, such an enemy attack would probably have had to be made at all these air bases t oj-ice, to scatter American counter-attackers so nhuch that the one field the enemy wanted probably Annette would be easy to hold. It is farthest COAL or WOOD and,.- FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL &CURRIE LIMITED ELECTRIC RANGE Beautiful dcsienjeasy-to-cletn, glist ening porcelain finiih. Enjoy the 1 Ji advamanes ot cooKing wicn electricity in hot weather b comfortable with a cosy coal or wood fire in cold weather. Dependable. Builders & Contractor! THE OLD WAY WITH CERTO electric oven with automatic control. . Four Speetlmaster element! that' lift rlraninv. t (Mil nr wood from Anchorage, whence would come the .first counter-attack, and almost equi-distant from any Help that might come from Fort Lewis or Whidby island. ? ', ' firebox with two cooking holes keepa the kitchen warm in winter and ' burns kitchen garbage at any time. 1. Mrs. B. makes jam the old-fashioned long-boil way. She, too, is ready to start her jam making at 9 o'clock. 1. Mrs. A. makes jam the short-boil way with CERTO. She has 2 pounds of fruit , prepared, ready to start at SEE IT COMPARE IT AND YOU'LL CttUUJU STEAMER r We do not expect such attack but we do think- t L f... ' 9 o'clock. PRINCE RUPERT : ' ' RAILS FOE Vancouver that the concentration of troops in the Fairbanks-' Anchorage area should.be broken up and the old and trusted system of dispersions and defense in ! depth be followed. If we have too few troops in ! Alaska, at least we can, have a little something at ; several points where they-might be needed rather I tjian a lot at a few points which would logically be by-passed. and Intermediate Ft, 2. The dotted line shows level of the prepared fruit in Mrs. A's saucepan. '. 3. Mrs. A. adds 3 pounds of sugar. A pound of jam made with CERTO contains no more sugar than a pound made the old long-boil way. MUSEUM HOURS Thursday at 11:15 p.m. rUK KtH.nirv"l WEDNESDAY MIDNI 11:805:00 P.M. 11:00-15:00 P.M. 1:009:00 P.M. 11:005:00 P.M. 1:005:00 P.M. MONDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SUNDAY KAIEM COTFSf SEE US FIRST FOR PRICES For Reservation Write or Cf, CITY OR Vtm OFIICE 1 rt Basketry Demonstration by Mrs. E. Abraham, Pert. Edward, B.C. every Monday and Friday ' , ' ; . OPEN FOR ALL T JURIST BOATS -I f 2. Mrs. B. starts off with the same amount of prepared fruit in her saucepan.; 3. Mrs. B. uses the old "pound of sugar per pound of fruit" standard recipe. So she adds 2 pounds of sugar. 4. Mrs. B. boils the mixture about 30 minutes before the jam thickens to the desired consistency. This evaporates about Yi the weight of the fruit, darkens the color and carries off much of the natural fresh-fruit flavor in steam. 5. Mrs. B. pours and paraffins about 3 pounds (6 glasses) of jam from the ' same amount of fruit. Until it is finished she can-not tell for sure how well her jam will turn Cut ' 6. Mrs. B. took 45 minutes to make her 6 glasses of jam. PRINCE nvrw; Per hundred No 'a Flat Tins $5.25 B lid rs ! I pfTl L, t . J 1 - I No. 1 Tall $5.50 HIJ 4. Mrs. A. brings the mixture to a full rolling boil; boils hard ONE MINUTE nly; removes from stove . and adds lt bottle (4 ozs.) Certo. CERTO is the natural jellying substance in fruit in concentrated form. ( 5. Mrs. A. is able to pour and paraffin about 5 pounds (10 glasses) of jam from her 2 pounds of fruit. She gets sure results because spe follows the CERTO recipe EXACTLY. it Mrs. A's 10 glasses of jam 2-jno. i rial o.ou PHONE 79 PHONE 79 fcPlain $7.50 Jf namelled : SH.UU lTiKs-7' Kn !- Plain H Rfl 91i rnamDllaH 4Q RO :. ' ENGINES & EQVlPMKtf IHaUarja? We stork on d have for wiM CummlnN illrwln. DROp'lN AT 51 3RD AVENUE V Phone 179 ;. J Write Box 1127 warn r.MKiii"- . In!i Flexihle rtle-wl rxhuust P'P'i were made in just IS minutes. (0m Flexible fncl line. Trolling Pole fiwlvela. tiltrhrtit Jack! end PHrt Bru end Iron Bnw Boiler Plnton KliigH. Pipe and 1'lpe FlttlnRS. Uul.hlt..l 11 11 1,. . IV . Jnw ( Inti lira mirhor f""1 Certo pe M H . VS. Mr. A. sm result.., mueh more jam saved lime, work and monetj. lieuK feel and Bram Shafting. V Bnlt. Nnt, 8tHi " H 1 tblllhut Hide Boilers & B!,f"1 W JX Anchor tiurdy NlggertifW CREDIT is CONFIDENCE IN THE INTEGRITY OF AN INDIVIDUAL TO CARRY THROUGH HIS AGREEMENTS , Your willingness to pay promptly is the basis on which the retailer extends credit to you. i ' PAY TOUR OBLIGATIONS PROMPTLY! CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT ; , . HOURS .! -WMkdays'.....lv. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. r Sundays 12 Nw to 2 .m, : . ' 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. ( SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENU5 GOT run nua uteei, jj Vurl..... .ti..l.. ... murine ' Under the labt of every bottle of CERTO U a book of 78 teated reclpet for jams and jellies. Different fruite need different handling, to CERTO ware and eniilnment. too I"1" RAN Mm- FRUIT PECTIN our to mention. BYtOWN givei you a ieparate recipe for each fruit. Be sure to follow the simple "CiRTO" li a Trademark awiMd kv Cnttol fowl., lid. MACHINE WORKS direction EXACTLY. A Product o( Oenwal feed.