rmrrn It T i 'Ii WiYTi V iji'ii ini :rince Rupert 67Ty rsewT fourths of a million to finance j Friday, July 7, 1950 Chest Survey On - July 8, 1925 Ray Reflects and Reminisces CM. LINE-UP Stotehood Repoii Excites Boy Scouti There as a flurry of ment the other day al 1 Forge in Pennsylvania Maimus Evnifir... - ' Jr. 5oflb3ir: Honors Even Last night Boy Scouts and Annunciation School played two Eighteen members of Gyro clubs on the prairies arrived in the National Health and. Welfare Department. Much of It is expended for travel and similar costs. It cannot be said that health officials are Marines but they do see the world. The team to represent General Queen Charlottes First chest X-ray survey to be heid on the Queen Charlotte the city on the afternoon train' and were met bv memhpr nf tho I Motors against Canadian Legion , local club. in tonight's North Star football ' pen- is inciuaea in the SUMMER BOWLING Horns 2 P.M. to 12 P.M. Now Is the Time to Practice A nephew of the King is selling part of his ancestral estate of ol the most evenly matched games of the current Junior Softball season. league fixture will be chosen from the following: Boulter. J. (Islands by. the British Columbia Mr. Claxton met the Dress Tuberculosis Society will start, nt. v.uutti wy scout Ja Rumor spread that the a Hawaii statehood had passed and now only aa. president's signature rv'" Wilson, Wellens, Lien, Olson, Currie, White, Pat Wilson, Price, There were, eight cases of illegal fishing dealt with at Port Essington over the week-end, all being of a minor nature and bringing fines of from $10 to $25. Ford, Owens, Magee, Letomneau. ! 22,000 acres in order to help pay j inheritance taxes. Many of the I buyers were former tenants. The j family of one tenant had worked I on or around the estate for three j hundred years. The place will feel real homelike. ing showed tne report to" j Lee and Large. uieiy premature. early this week and made it clear Cumshewa August 4. SundspH, that Canada would be well ad- Queen Charlotte City. Port Clem-vised to have more air defence. . , , . ents' Juskata!a and Masse, will He said nothing suggesting an emergency. Notwithstanding, als0 be visited. It Ls estimated when a Minister of the Crown that minimum of three weeks speaks for publication, it is just will be required to complete the i as well to try and weight every , program. The provincial dlvl-j word especially when world in- ( slon of tuberculosis control and terest is largely concentrated on ! the logging companies are co-i ., The boys slugged It out for a win apiece. The Scouts took the first game with a score of 7-3. Annunciation won tne second game 5-3. This ties the boys up in the best of three series for play-off championship. The final game will be played next Tuesday night and promises to be one of the best junior Softball games of the season. In senior Softball Saturday C. H. Klotz,' protert ,.. for Columbia Cellule. ", The salmon .rollers at a recent meeting at Dundas Island to discuss the price they should receive for cohoes decided to ask an increase from 25 cents to 30 cents." Canners agreed to the advanced price. Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys Port Edward, left on thu noon's plane for a busing to Vancouver. I i The oil pipeline to run from j Edmonton to Superior, Wisconsin, 1,150' miles, will cost $90,-,000,000 with construction payroll j $27:000,000. It will about double 'the market and this is regarded Korea. operating. I ii h!IIs! j as but the beginning. Plainly, there's more than wheat and below zero in Alberta. July 7, 1910 J The Gyro playgrounds have k I uuuu successfully completed the first week of supervised activity with a cumulative attendance at the four parks of approximately 1,300. , Weather in Kamloops Tuesday was hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewa'k. There has been negligence somewnere. Nowhere, was there even a hint concerning bacon. night Rupert Radio meets the Co-ops. Better English 1. What is wrong with this sentence "He is fche man whom you thought was the foreman. 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "honorable"? 3. Which one of these words Is misspelled? Dispurse, disbursement, discernible. 4. What Woes the word "man Classified Advertising ls Davabl In art In the Dominion Day Softball 1 Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE Leave Cow Roy floats - Daily 12 noon 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m, 7:00 p.m. , 7:35 p.m. Sunday Continuous , Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Last Boai Leaves Salt Lakes 10:00 p.m. Phon: Green 391 Black 926 jxord per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks DeaT Sufi. . ounces, ? : eral Nnflppc MrtHorrn v prince Kupert children are piay-off last night between Three Sisters and Grotto, the tobacconists won a very one SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE BIRTH NOTICE FOB a. MX FOR SALE learning how to swim. They could not put spare time to better use. Once, longer ago than one cares to admit, a ten sided affair by a score of 17-7. Both teams were minus several of their regular players. , MoRAE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Puncan McRae. a daughter, I Marilyn Lucille. In the Prince Ruwrt General Hospital on ' Julv 5. 1950. (it) FOR SALE Singer treadle sew- FOR SALE-V, tn 45 lnsr machine, practical! new.1 t't'kuu truck, easv $80.00 cash. 143; Gth East.. I Phone Black 152 or c, 158p( 1089 Ambrose Ave. , 'year old found himself stripping FOR SALE Babv buagy andFS,ALE1rNew 3 plav pen. Rorie. Green 944. J.00!? sulte comuk-t - mattress and uiilows. f pnn rtp nffin ,., i Red 323. . H. E. (Ted) Kergln, who has been In the south for some time, was a passenger aboard "the Catala last night going through from Vancouver to Premier. Ikil tJuwUMfttM H Ml U.ikd Of diqlly4 b In mot ChM t4 m y Um GovcmmN Classified AdVrrtlslng Pays datory" mean? 5. Wliat Is a word beginning. wllh."av" that means "mental opposition"? . Answers 1. Say, "He. is the man who you .thought was the foreman." 2. Pronounce on-er-a-b'l, four syllables, and not on-ra-b'l. 3. Disperse. 4. Containing an authoritative command; hence, obligatory. "The instructions were mandatory, and they were compelled to go." 5. Aversion. . hoganv. 00" x 34". Rorie. -3H7. ... nf, Fno 'OK SALE 14 clinker rot " - and 3.6 h p outboard ti FOR QUICK SALE - MeClary i1""? A2' can b. juptn miMij.1 n r.mnn i : at oil 8th Ave. E. FUNERAL NOTICE GIBB w. At East KwlnTtsa' fcundav. June 4. 1950. William Bovd. ase ;o vears 9 months, beloved husband of Mrs. Agnes S. Glbb. 711 5lh Ave. West Rev. L. G. Seiber will conduct services at Grenville Court Chapel at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Julv 8. Interment to follow at Falrvlew Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in cnarae of arrangements. FUNERAL NOTICE on Uie sunshiny peach of the Bay of Fundy. "Come on," said an elderly relative stepping into 'ice-cold surf. "Don't scare. I'm right here. Strike out, and kick. You know." Did I? Not oh your tintype. One eye was full of salt. All the other could behold was the rolling swell of blue sea with no land in sight. Frankly, the first attempt was a failure. But the second,, later that day, was not It was staged at a shallow, peaceful old mill pond, where you Mr. and Mrs. William Geddes and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Redpath and daughter Gail, have left for a motor holiday trip to Pentic- lletl,L.contUUon- 75- Phone Vor tiAJv' 7 SALE Light Blue 991. it(,fYR troller . I boat. Dannv ivy FOR SALE k Uoricht Grand - Power ....... 5 v h.D. n.u. Viviaii. vivtaii fxc txr1 condition, new paint, c Owner leaving. Aoolv k Mc lnnes. DKlge Cove. Cs seen at Dlabv Island fi riano. Dea-cnesttrlield and chair. 9 x 12 caroet. new aot. size. Washins machine, elec- trie rangette. bed. dressers, etv Prk'B rnuintihlA Atm.1i, PETERSON In the city Thursday. Julv 6. 1950. Edwin, age 68 vears one month, beloved husband of Mrs. Mvrtle H. Ppt-prsnn fif 1fi7 IrA dm Vnet 215 4Ih A R .iff,.- T n T ri Dhone 239 'for aDDointmehiji.iFRnf AT0". motoDh (lfilnil 1JU1P l I't 4.. 47. 46 ;; Ant)lv Rniwrt Roiin a, 'd .. w . u.u n,c I Services will be conducted- at Grenville Court ChaDel at 2:30' g.m. Sunday. Julv 9. with Rev. FOR RAT. IT Worn,- a v,..- iric. i Captain Morqarts r. Aiiiroous oiuciating. inter 158o),F9R.'SA.IE.-r Tourist rnj could not help discovering the knack of how to avoid drowning Seemed so simple and easy once you knew how, and once enlightened, never forgotten. iiv"v. w " . v rau vipw , - .:: i uw ivainivn. near Smr Cemetery B.C. Undertakers in FOR SALE Cheap one McClarv B-C. fullv bH)ked for thf 4 charge of arrangements il(ptrl. nm.n. rn oi... oil hlpr rmr Kf wnn !l 111 AHrtrf.ua tn. 1 m foirnf to R. W. Caldertrood. Box Sinithers. or 740 Fulton St." (160p) FOR ortue, SALEl-8 o piece niece Oak oak dining dining FISHERMEN TAKE NOTIC E FOR SALE High-powered field suite, good condition. 5 leave FOR SALE New and used nit lire. er Cnmir large size rnmin. ' s glasses, very low urices. B.C. Furniture. . tf j FOUND : ".' I new cribs, unoainted r ol drawers, coffee tablw cuos and .aueers. Scor- mm - - - vwM . in oiri - I eld. 2 cliairs, worn, conclit-tton good; washing machine in good order: one cabinet raclto: electric Iron: bedstead and soring and a few mis-e!-laneous articles. Owner must sell In 2 or 3 (lavs as leaving town NO rooviinnhln nff.r refused. Apulv 913 10th Ave. omer items lor Rale at re; able prices. B.C. Furnlti FOUND Man's . watch Owner mav claim same bv identifving and paving for this ad. Apply to the accountant at the' i V-ro-fciJJ'-l i !::: uaiiv news oince.. II ELF WANTED HOl'SES FOR SALE Busi d Prof 1 This is Indeed an Island community. The townsite, Prince Rupert, Is surrounded by water' So is Digby, where the wireless station and the thriving village of Dodge Cove are situated, with miles of surplus space and seashore. One of the group of small islands across the harbor was used as a cemetery during the early days. Tugwell Island will become an airport. An island on the way t6 Metlakatla, was e poultry raising centre for years There is another small islana across the bay from the dry dock yards. It's close to the mainland but an is:ct nevertheless. usiness an essional ' '- WUMM - - - - FOR SALEUsed "carxcenen' ,F9R SALE Four roorwd : condition. 732 6th Ave w i?pu.so in Al eondiuon. Y $1,200.00 See R. E. Mor, 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88. - ' ' ! FOR SALE 8 room hou HELEN'S WANTED Urgent Yount; Scottish couole (one child require furnished rooms, or house to rent. Box 743 Daily News. (160p WORK WANTED Young woman with )ob wants part time litrht housework in exchange for room and board. Write Box 745 Daily News. (158p) "UGOpi FOR SAl- Helntzman" piano like new Anolv Box 742 -llv News:6236th W. (158d COMPLETE builders minnlies fnst service. Island City Building Supplies. Blue 820. (18m) GEORGE RORIE' & CO very ihkxi condition on i Ave. West, has electric ( and coal heater and II floor cloth. Possession ma1 had July l. Phone Blxt BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In ail Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 or u. i Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns . compiled. G. L. RORIE, A.A.E. S. B. LAIRD, B.s Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 WANTED Typist and payroll j HI-POWERED Snorting Rifles' ' Write for latest cataloiT DeaN FOR SAIjE - Eight - nxo ers enouiries Invited ' Scooe house, two cultivated loU M Sales Co.. Ltd.. 320 Queen St Conrad Street. $5.000-$.'l Ottawa. Ottawa. Ont Ont. (tf) tri' ca.sii. balance like rent. P It's costing Canada three So serve something new and delightful drinks made with Captain Morgan Black Label Rum. Your guests will sip and cheer for there's something wonderfully refreshing about this extra smooth an4 flavourful rum. Try it today for a welcome change in cocktails, tall drinks or mixed with plain water or soda Blue 245. FOR SALE Dresser, large plate glass mirror. $40.00: coal range Sw:nBed comDlete. $20.00; 8V Battery radio, $10: law REAL ESTATE CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block , : Houis, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl.; 7:30 Phone Blue 442 : i nt ii. mare or lemaie. immediately. Box 744 Daily News ( 1 58 ) WANTED Taxi driver. Apply 112 Taxi. (til HELP WANTED "bovs or Rirls Reliable bovs or iirls desiring to handle Daily News routes .hould leave their names at the office Dally. News. (tf) WANTKU woe, jo., .uoiv rear H3i ,' FOR SALE Eiaht-roc: ' ' " ' v "C. 113111, . ' " . COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest. In Musical Instruments , . PIANOS TUNED , AND RECONDITIONED "210 4th St. Ph. Black 388 cnb'ai.n nouse. two cultivatea PAllE - Kttchen stove With! "ear Conrad Street, $'j.' g bu''1i'r and copper coll Sfi5. $3,000 cash, balance 11K ' Blue 26T.- (159o) Phone Blue 245. 'Is j Jl 1 trnmi wiHTrn o- i . i I F9,RflALE.- 14-foot rowboat with F(R SALE 4-room housed till 1 (lUruiiil nlk 1 i I Iv )u nolni. painted T..-, .!....!. r.u,f roof A ! fTl.iAllr iU.U, UIUHS. conoer. batteries -.nni radi Durolock lit.!1 ",' I.,aws,i,,, n'board engine ators. Phone 543. Call 629 (ith m uuKu. i-none ureen 851. Dasement. ei 8th Ave. Phone Black 438. ! ...west. (tf) (159p WANTED Young couple, no NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES,FO,R4,SAL,E-'-room house J -Ling-belt SD(-edBr Stiovel.r bath- All remodelled and Crane' nrn.lln... i j ' Old Pft t. knu Plump GM GORDON D. RONSON OIL BURNER SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners' supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced An ' unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service 733 5th West Black 503 5 - ----- ... r,,.Jlilri,, "'"". A U U II H 111 ni t 1 1 .... " - 491. cimurrn; neea lurnisnea accommodations. Mrs. C. . G wenN Rupert Hotel. (158p) WANTED v Adult family of threp urirpnMo -nplo hnnuo 'FOR YOUR ROCK ft CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed . . .ulLWltmlir0" RAIrro7mcIbln:) ' ri,.Li. Buckets Buckets and and -. V,w' Rock Rock " Graonles; v;iamsne S ,' block 6th Ave. West.. P"! (iie-ii 447 hftwppii fi anc p.m. ' (IS " 1 ' 'Jill t . ik apartment, furni.shed or un-1 furnished. Room 24. Runert' Hotels,, (lbbp) j , , Fourth Avenue V front. orpiHTtv close to ooj ill I This advertisement ls not pdTIisi,eo or displayed by the" AWfCW Liquor Control Boad or by the government. -imJLa'-1 1 of Brrtish Columbia -r : : : : . I WWII UI1U 81U 111 KLHJU rirnt in 1 utini im Vrinri n iiaVi '"'" concrete Mixers: u . tHrkifi Snicks: Nelson ?S LoatlTs for Stockpile al!d si?nw Kpmoval: Rice Port- nai DrUii!!le Scraners and Sofits: National All Steel P.tJLne ?01 s.,: National n?,tb1?, Sawmllls: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors full information from National Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. B.C. (tf $7f)0.00 uu. Terms 13 M Dai:ice to suit vou. buv ' MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. later. Call Armstrong Aeen t-uoiie j.z or ureen ivi cv FOR SALE Used material. 8-A-cITr, '.7Tvv FO-f.,SA.LE r, Vj trusses 6xfi timbers 30' ions 8" w ojiii -Exceptional xcruuuimi WANTED Sun Carriers Wanted Phones 640 and Oreen 77 Basement Bus Terminal.' . (tf) WANTED Bv a reliable oouple, furnished or unfurnished rooms or house- Mrs. Hammond. Savov Hotel. (157p) WANTED Room antTbMrd in refined home for man with conservative habits. Phone 841. ,' - .,; (tf) WANTED TO RENT Wanted by .couple, no children, two-roomed semi-furnished suite. Please write 'Casey Gordon. General Delivery, Nanaimo. B.C. , 158p) WORK WANTED Fullv fnrnUhort rndlll ft V't-ch ?t $25. each. 5-A-trusses QUALITY REPAIRS I I S -TT7 h a ii '-r4'' ' with basement, indue-frigldaire. washing macti' oil ranee. Centrallv and with good anoearai The owner is offering ; For Downtroddei Heels - 5 S SZ. 1 B M Jl r it II nnc Lonao'1 urf uln U, uaiu uinoers. u long 5" pitch at $50. each. Wooden eaves trough, 1 piece 3ti'. 3 Dleces 32' T'm5ers fix6. 6x8. 10x10 and 12xl. Doors, windows and sash 24 rnnprptn h(.f.uD f r HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE i GENERAL CONTRACTORS and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave Mutch. Contractor & Builder' Pn w"ns if reauired. York Hotel. Phone Green 502 Wartime 4 opposite bus (tf ,t;i on 6th Ave. East. Well dec. "-asning and Repair ot all tl kinds ' k )r-:K w m 1 1 rTTn 1 1 Foundations on hard pan.1 air furnace in Dart baseflj WORK WANTFtYti'vn.rllno FS CHIMNEYS ' typist-clerk requires work in OIL BURNERS iiLaivi-.i una one oj urc i est houses on the sir"! town, box in uauv News. (157p) FOR RENT PHONIS Black 334 - Red 894 P. O. Box 1870 FOR SALE 25 ft. Cahln Cruiser 1 vears old with new engine lust installed and eouipned with air foam. mattresses oil burning white enamel range toilet and sink Tills boat could be used for living quarters and must be sold. No reasonable Ju.sedPhoejlor clition. Phone Red 735 aft.r JJ1: Jtf ) CAMPS t erms available. fc At the present time we iv a large number of listings suit -almost every need. M among them ls the house ; have been looking for. v"' delay. See Montv todav, Robert E. Montador Luffi' Evenings Phone Oreen ;. ii FOR RENT Room and board for man or woman. 233 7th Ave. West. , 160pi BUILDERS ft" CONTRACTORS ' i fs mVO A VAMKy sJvl idvrt,i"Vnt is not published or fffjfXxtfvP rVI' y Y k displayed by the Liquor Control Board 01 'H yAlf WE PAINT, I "MyrJ) fjT and DECORATE V " '' Jr Exterior or Interior j jmtcf SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m; to 5 p.m. Mezzanine Floor, Geo. Cook's Jeweller Telephone 212 REPAIRS MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ' , Room 10 STONE BUILDINO WATCH Repairs" o'romDt cien. service, ueoree W'J Jeweller. Satisfaction Rat1 OIL BURNER SPECIALIS1, yjf - III SPRAY or BRUSH v9 j 1 . S&t0t0 j) Wallpaper .Hanging ; I - II TKE LATEST FAINT To Insure publication of display of classified advertising, iopy .for same must be In the PLUMBINU and Heating - " Sheet Metal work. Tar and Gravel Roofing.- Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. Letourneau and 8ons. (tf) FOR eUctrlcai contract work large or Small. call Grant & Newton. Black 8''9 18m) FOR building and contracting It s Northwest Construction Limited. Phone 503. (18in) MARINE and general sheet metal work. Thoin Sheet Metal Works. Black 884. , (IBm) oive eervice c Keoan. . Ronson. Blank 503. CA.STfFu,Snlf,:,ei3 cottages for rent at Ferry Landing near store and post office. Ideal for holidays. Enauire of Mrs. H. Neave. Francois Lake, near Burns Lake. ( 1 5 i wfifui yAu.r vacaTiolTaT'Lalte Kathlvn Auto Camu. Comfortable housekeeping cabins, whower baths, electric lights swimming, boating, fishing ami mountain climbing. Box 88. Bmilhers. B.C. (161il) PHONE BLUE 593 I.0, BOX 1184 ACCOUNTANTS V, I BURNING METHODS IFashion Jootwcar slvs office of the Dally News b) 4 p.m. the day previous to advertising. Requirement? o the 5 mechanical . department ' m&ki this rale necessary. I PTTHT Trf. ir'nrMTM'PAMT tllCf' Tax specialist.. S. O. " etone Building. Red ow.