ph:vi:;::al LI22A?.?, ' 113 152 VICT03IA, B. C. EAT 3151 0 A DISPATCHED &e mm Daily onr.iEs Delivery DRUGS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'8 NEW8PAFER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" FilOIIESI VOL. XXXIX, NO. 157 PRINCE RUfERT. B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1350 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS Jnitedl Sates IswokiiniG Dra K War on3 Drawn Ot&gyffitf J mencan Position Is life. - Allowances (C;,-The 1 3s 1 m WASHINGTON, Washington, D.C. ac. (CP)-The Bot government NEW YORK Easaard Jemg hxlended coming Stabilized An announcement of partic ,1 ular importance to Imperial today ordered the use of the draft law to bring military forces to needed strength for the Korean war. The United States Department of Defence directed the drafting of men for service iv the armed forces. The order followed a meeting of government and defence heads (vhich it was stated was to consider "emergency matters in view of new developments." Buikley Valley Village (1 Slates Strength Being Slowly Mustered To ace Intensified Red Drive And Impending Big Battle OKYO (CP)-American tanks are arriving in and Allied ex-service men of World War I with twenty years residence In Canada has, after many ycirs of effort, recently been advised to the Dominion i to give armored support to the hard-pressed ! Charles, world heavyweight boxing champion, recognized by the National Boxing Association Wednesday, was declared fit for further boxing after examination by the medical board of the New York Athletic Commission. SI DOZEN EGGS VANCOUVER Price of egRS may hit SI per. dozen this fall or winter. Three surcesive advances brought the price of grade A up to 52c per dozen today. BCK MacARTHUR LAKE SUCCESS Security council of the United Nations is expected momentarily io rr j 1 ry as a long drawn out struggle looms. A head- n i. 1 ?t IV A ll A - t spoKcsman oaiuruay sam mac me tanh3 Command of the Canadian Legion by the Chairman of the War Veterans' Allowance Board In Ottawa. This information Is being drawn to the attention of those concerned by the local n Forest Fire 1 rack heady arrived and the troops would "be given support." Meantime, South Korean lines were branch of the Canadian Legion, j If the plan now being con- j Homes of families in the Verow district the Canadian National Railways in the Perow d today to have berome , tabillzed and the sltua-' Improving as air support" up the Communist' ad-j which it is estimated; ;ht had taken one-third i .li Krea. Meantime, air! sidered by Parliament is adopted, qualified Imperial and Allied Veterans of World War I will be paid ?war veterans' allowance. lt- i 1 A ( authorize the appointment of j district, 278 miles east of Prince Rupert in the Bulk-fTJVJley Valley, were reported safe today. Last night bs from April 1, 1950, in all cases where applications for war veterans' allowance are filed with the District Offices of the De rs saw evidence of North ' bringing up heavy re-: women and children were being evacuated from tha village on account of the approach of a forest fire, . . g&i( to be one of the most seri the Korean campaign. The United States forces would be .brought under the United Nations flag. mrnts Including tanks! than any so fur seen. j partment of Veterans Affairs prior ! to Au?ust 1, 1950. After July il, 1950, allowances will be was no confirmation of t which said that S uth had last ni:;h. Judge Reserves Appeal Decision OTTAWA '(f) Mr. Justice J. W ous m the whole province. Seven small sawmills are reported to have been destroyed by fire or cut off and loggin? oirators have suffered losi3 ringing into the thousands. ' fcvery available man has been ta'n Irom forest work to fight paid to quilif led Imperial and Aliied Veterans effective as from "the date their application is received at the District Office ired Chunsjju and Pyons- POLIO IN B.C. VANCOUVER Fifth case of polio so far this year in Vancouver is reported. It is a six-year-old child in the Grand-view district. In all there are fourteen cases so far in British Columbia. mpurUnt road Junction.. Coastguard Is Organized OTTAWA Creation of a unified resrue service for dis-tressed ships in watcn off Canada has benN decided tipun by the frdrral government. Th if wax learned Thursday and an announcement of (he plan, which involves co-ordinate existing joverninent ihip services throueh the R.C.A.F., if; expected shortly. Ships to be used In the new service are those of the transport, resources and fisheries departments, Navy and R.C. A. and seagoing branch of the R.C.M.P. I'p to now these craft have operated independently. Czechs Disband area south of Suwon of the Department. Estey of the Supreme Court of a big battle is impending. Imperial and Allied Veterans ; Canada today reserved decision i -on from the Prince ! Reports an application for leave to district that plane. C-ww are appeal, the myder conviction, of . HANDCUFFED SUSPECT Thomas Rossler, 45-year-old former convict suspected of murdering R.C.M.P. Constable Alexandre Gamman in Montreal May 25. is shown being brought back to Montreal. lie was caotured at Whltetail, Mont,, June 17. Gamman was fatally injured by a gunman who ribbed a Bank of Toronto branch in Montreal. ' 'CP Thotoi are being advised to submit their applications immediately to tr nearest District Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Those who neglect to do so stand to lose four months these towns had been iy the Communists Thjn- .mronfirmed report saiu Red column, headed by .nks and armored cars Frederick Ducharme, under sen battlers in the Punchow Lake payment of allowances. tence to be hanged July 14 for a sex killing in Vancouver. Ducharme was found guilty of killing Feme Blanche Fisher, 45, a spinster, whose nude body was found last November 9 In False Creek near downtown Vancouver. M'ea where the flames "had mlier raced over 600 acres of forest lands. ' Cooler weather today wai slowing up forest fires in British Columbia. It helped mors than four hundred fire fighters to bring the most of 53 fires in the province under' control Prairies Have Alaska Bases Being Readied For Attack calmed the southeaster ! area. si coast for;e Is reported - miles north of an lm- port and supply base first Ainerli an seaborne landed in Korea. Trail colonel said "It '-oik fight" to wrest ChunijJ )ool Weather MENZIES COMING CANBERRA ' Prime Minister R. G. Menzies will leave soon to visit London, Washington and Ottawa to discuss Joint Pacific defence and fiscal aid to Australia. . BASEBALL SCOitES American League Chicago 2, Cleveland 5 Philadelphia 4,' New York 5 National League New York 6, Philadelphia 9 Cincinnati 1, St. Louis 13 Boston 3, Brooklyn 8 Pittsburgh 2, Chicago 4 Western International Tacoma 7, Victoria 3 Trt-Clty 11-3. Yakima 9-7 Vancouver 7, Wenatchee 3 Salem 9, Spokane 6 (Pacific Coast San Francisco 6, Hollywood 5 (12 innings) Mr. Justice Estey promised a ; decision "as soon as possiDle" j on whether Ducharme's counsel, ' Dugald McAlpine of Vancouver, j would be permitted to carry an appeal to the full court. McAlpine today completed ! presentation of the argument for he Reds. Bobby Locke Hearing Win d States troops have 1,5 Mim,N,i- S1 Salvation Army ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) Steel helmeted KZu7m?ZT been ms-l troops, carrying rifles, pistols and gas masks, are on banded m Czechoslovakia sinse the alert at Alaska's air and military bases. They lZoZm SS12I are taking no chances of a possible surprise attack 'Shun? alon? South Kor-tround both towns. while both sides have WINNIPEG With the exception of the Peaci River area and certain outlying districts . in southeastern Alberta, weather during the past week in the three prairie provinces has been relatively cool, according to the weekly crop report of the Department, of Agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. Numerous scattered showers occurred in many districts. Central Alberta, snd especially the territory southeast of leave to appeal, contending a TROON, Scotland 0 Bobby point of law had been raised : Locke of South Africa, shooting the failure of the trial Judge t ', as Dreciselv and coldlv as a ashing men and supplier tie niuddy red clay area &nnounced recently. Col. Herbert Climpson, elderly British Tanks and additional comDat iroops are expecieu to augment air force and infantry soldiers at the big jury on certain ; machine, turned In a 68 today instruct the evidence. . me winding Kum River for his fourth round of the Brit- hat appeared to be an" of tne Salvation Army here Elmendorf air force base here. nt battle Involving up-! for many years. wa wpeiiea of 90,000 Korean Re'dsl st short notice in May. Given even a Utile warning away, inactavation 01 tne air we could put up a hell of a force's Marks field is cbntlnu-fifht right now," Said Lt. Gen.jing. fmall American form i ish open golf championship for AIR PASSENGERS ja 279 four strokes less than the From , Vancouver (yesterday) record of 283 set in 1932 by Gene M. Schnept, F. Lucan, W. G. j sarazen of the United States. Miller, R. McDonald, M. Gun- 0niy Davies of Great Britain, derson, Mr. Cholowsky. Mr. Mc, wh0 started the fourth roundt Donald, Miss J. Scheidel, O. Cu.j ,ith ti, T,u,t h rilPDorl Him I...t I Sport Flashes oi Taejon is likely to 1 battlep.round "Ihere, where Russians tooK delivery of American planes In World War II and flew them to Siberia, I drove past long lln?s of nearly deserted barracks and mmunique from General i AMERICAN WINS hur's headquarters said, WIMBLEDON Patty of the ds are pressing their en-! United States won the Wim Vincenzo of Argentina at 211 has a chance to keep Locke from his second successive open crown. Oakland 3, Los Angeles 2 (10 innings) Sacramento 4, San Diego 2 Seattle 5, Portland 3 Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Jacobsen of Seattle are visitors in the city. Mr. Jacobsen is a pioneer .local boy, having left here some 25 years ago. He is renewing boyhood acquaintances. ig movement with two MS nnssihlv nm tVia.i Hoffman. H. Mayers, Mr. Faught, Mrs. P. Olney, Mrs. M. Olney. Grartt Stewart, manager of the local branch of " the Royal Bank of Canada, and Mrs. Stewart and family are spending holiday at Lakelse Lake. final this afternoon by defeat-Sedgewlek of Australia in four straight sets in the final. thousand men in the Nathan Twining, commanorr-in-chief of the Alaskan command. This wartime preparedness extends on a long line running (jenerally southwestward from Ladd air force base at Fairbanks in the norlhern interior to Kodiak at the western en-I'-ncc to the Gulf of Alaska. Tins will be Alaska's line of defense in the event of an attack. Since Americans started shooting in Korea, all troops i.i the Alaska area, even service Calgary and north of Edmonton, requires additional rain to Improve late sown crops and assist early sown crops that are now heading out at eight to ten inches in some areas. Voisture conditions are excellent in Manitoba and in the major part of Saskatchewan with the exception of the southwestern portion and the area west of Saskatoon, where additional rain would benefit crops greatly. Hot, dry weather continued in. the Okanagan Valley during the past week. Vegetables are now moving freelv and the taok area. The Red rachol the capture of Anson?, village ten miles cast nf there were no defenses of any kind. AREA INDEFENSIBLE It i." apparent that tne American command considers this area indefensible and its airfield, too small for heavy bombers, of little more than nuisance value to any enemy that might !cke it. It's different, however, at taek. The communlnie d that, Guerrilla activity 'ding the Reds. ; TODAY'S STOCKS : American commander In (Cnnrtwy 8. D. Jnlinston Co. Ltd.) estimates that the in- troops, are being trained in the Ladd flol(1 aL Fairbanks and have thrown some fifteen K!nu ndorf here. i wr m,,mf "IS, some nt I j . - u and 15(1 tanks lntr Vancouver Bayonne 02V'j Bralorne 7.00 use of ground weapons, ah have been assigned positions to ,Dke in case of an emergency. Ail precautions are being At both, men stand beside j mence within the next few days, anti-aircraft guns. Passes are i although some movement has .43 Yi .' .lOVi .671', Beattle Bevcourt Bobjo Buffalo Canadian Korea In a powerful bid required just to get tnrougn already occurred from the rP over all the country B R. Con B R. X .022 .06 ihm-u i" the gates. the Americans can hnin territory 'south of Penticton. TIE BALL GAME CHICAGO Chicago Cubs and Cincinnati Reds were tied four all today at the end of ten innings In the National baseball league. It was the only afternoon game scheduled in either league, all the others for the day being night games. Canada North Richest Part EDMONTON 'W Resources Minister R. H. Winters said hera Canada's northern territory is potentially one of the richest sections of the continent in terms of natural assetsv In a speech to the "Alberta and Northwest Chamber of 'ficient strength to check Cariboo Quartz 1.05 Consol. Smelters 94.?$ Donalda 3 Eldona .Ti East Sullivan 6.41 THE WEATHLR Synopsis The cool air which entered the coastal areas of British "Columbia yesterday spread . eastward over the entire province during the night. Considerable cloudiness will extend over much of the interior during the next 24 hours. Scattered showers are expected in the mountains this afternoon. Another minor disturbance in the Gulf of Alaska will bring light rain to the Queen Charlottes this afternoon. Increasing cloudiness and the likeiihood of forne shower activity will spre.W to the south coast regions by tomorrow afternoon or evenlr.p Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy today and Saturday. Occasional light rain beginning about mid afternoon' and ending early Saturday morning. Little change In temperature. Winds light increasing to southerly (15) tnu afternoon and decreasing to light again early Saturday morning. Lows tonight ana highs Saturday At Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert 50 and 60. - - - .20 V2 .26 Congress ... Hedley Mascot fiShters and Hirht. Amrr. bombers knifed thrnmm Crushed By Logs, Badly Injured Pend Oreille 6.30 sabotage or nun cuiumu tlvlty from within, II is obvious that primary precautions are being taken against the chance of attack by paratroops. It . is for this that Twining awaits tanks, which arc higljy effective against troops dropped from f'ouds to knock out nos- At Elmeiuloif, where on a previous trip to the Territory 1 saw lets lined up alinonst wing to wing along the landing strips, it is nuljcu:t noiV to lind them. They have been dispersed and concealed so cleveny it's difficult to spot them irom, the air unless you know where they are. s'xteen Communist tanks ... 2.65 .03 .14 Pioneef Premier Border Privateer front south of Seoul. sme quarters lack of avail dipping is blamed for the Giant Yellowknife God's Lake : Hardrock Harricana Heva Hosco Jacknife ..... Jollet Quebec .., Lake Rowan Lapaska Little Long Lac ..... the air. 1 6.60 .WA .32 .08 .06 06 Vi 4.75 41 '10ft .04 36 .27 tsf of American bulld-un rea. sn'ngton officials ara be ig resigned to a long and Reeves McDonald :.. 2.80 Reno .03 Va Sheep Creek 1.10 Silbak Premier 30 Taku River 08 Silver Standard 1.59 Western Uranium 60 Oils-Anglo Canadian .7... 4.75 A.P. Con .38 Atlantic 2.30 1 L' UKSIle in K nrpa success wlch will rfonpnrl i.mi TERRACE Karl Klausen, working for Carl Pohle at Ross-wood, was- severely injured on Wednesday evening just as he was about to finish the day-work at 9 p.m. Several of the poles he was loading on to a skldway rolled off pinning him underneath. Word of the accident did not reach town until Thursday and John Slkler proceeded Immediately by taxi with Mrs. Si&er. R.N., to Kalum Lake where they had to go by boat to the north end to attend Lynx y bulld-uo of 'With even a brief , warning, Twining believes a real, fight Senior Baseball could be put up against such ResumjnQ Sunday 3 ' an attack. Jet fighters would slash at troop-carrying planes j Last night's baseball game be-in the air Rnti ground troops J tween Watson Island and Abel would tattle the invaders who j & Odowes was postponed to reached the ground. j Sunday when the city league But it also Is obvious that to vill be resumed alter the holl-be sure of holding, the over-a'l j clay disruption and the Ketchl-commander of all Alaska forces kan-Princc Rupert scries, could use more troops and more ( . fBth In the battle area. Mines, he said the basic long term development of the North will depend on the continued discovery and use of mineral wealth. Besides the search- for minerals,, efforts are now being made to locate petroleum and natural gas. Madsen Red Lake 3.19 McKenzie Red Lake .'9 . McLeod Cockshutt 2.20 Negus 1 03 Noranda C3.75 .45 1.40 Calmont Central Leduc Constable C. P. Crouch, Stew- .13Vs ' art, 'left here on the Prince Home Oil 13.00 Louvicourt Pickle Crow 2 00 ! to the injured man. He was brought back to Terrace and ad- s HALIBUT SALES (Canadian) Twinkle, 35,000, 28.10c, 28c, 23c, and heavier equipment. To the north and west of the Falrbanks-Kodiak line, the defenses are another story. At Nome near the Bering Regcourt .' Senator Rouyn Union steamer Camosun, Capt. William McCombe, Is due In port at 6 o'clock this evening from Vancouver' and waypolnts. She sails later in the evening for .06 .22 1.82 Saturday, July 8, 1950 i Rupert with. Mrs. Crouch last ; night. He is on sick leave and ' will have his annual leave after-I ward before returning to his duties ai Stewart. They arrivec i from the north on the Coquitlam 1 on Tuesday. .14 1.55 5.35 .55 .17 Sherrlt Gordon Mercury . Okalta Pacific Pete Princess Royal Canadian .. Toronto Aumaque mitted to the Outpost Hospital about 5 p.m. where he was found to have hip and pelvic Injuries. 8:20. 14.6 feet Steep Rock v. 3.00 strait where Alaskans can look j Storage. across the water toward Rus-j Western Fisher .81 Silver Miller 13,000, 20;33 17.8 feetlMasset Inlet points whence she 2:11 7 5 feet ds due back here Sunday to sail i - 27.9c, j His condition is reported to be fair. 112 Upper Canada nenrlv inn rnilP" ' ?7.R- ?31f Atllll lltfVV.