Doukhobors ; been met at Prince Rupert by the j ! doctor, who drove them home. ' I Prior to Joining Columbia Cel-l lulqse Company Ltd. Mr. Johnson TV I T1 ' Prince Rupert Daily Nevs Friday, July 7, 1050 i imciy i optcs from I mace Sentenced. Woods Manager For Cellulose Rae L. Johnson Of Ipngview Coming T Prince Rupert Mrs. C. R. Nebouser, Terrace Reporter Nick ftchmejing spent a day in hospital on Sunday lor treatment of a badly scalded foot sustained Ilona Brooks, mother and niece j hen he accidentally upset a pan was with the Longview Branch of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. since 1938. For the last seven years he had been chief engineer of the woods division. Mr. Johnson in his long ser- vice with the Weyerhaeuser interests, participated tn he development of the Longview Branch's 500,000 - acre timber ui irs. uiggey, who are coming ; or Douing water over It. Nineiy-Miiee muic 0j Fntdom Doukhobors sentenced yesterday for ,nd ether offences. The ! jiiitence was 14 years oil , against whom convictions irom Vancouver to spend the Rae Hudson Bay Blankets has been the Woods L. Johnson manager of summer holidays here. Men we a; -work part o4 last ek and thla, laying a cement sidewalk in front of the Hume rtisterea- Other wiiwiceg i eijiiieei: month to f even j Collision on Kalum KoaJ Michiels on U.S. Trip Farewell Party Driving Into town on Wednesday afternoon from the 17-mile mill of Little, HauUnd and Kerr, Dudley O. UUle collided with a company trck, driven by Wilfred Haugland, which was stalled on the narrow road near 15 -mile, on Its way to 17-mile for a load of logs. Mr. Little was unhurt though the car was rather badly damaged. The many friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sparkes are welcoming them back to Terrace on a month's holiday after an absence of 7 years. Last week, Mr. and Mrs. W Sparked drov to rill and trw telephone- tife, Uidiary oi Ceise Cwpwation an imprave-ment which Is needed! America Whjch is now cornel avrtowri. pleting the eunstructiofl of its - " ' ' Uarge dissolving pvUp mill near Jimmy Knndy arrived feom Prince Runert from school n the south at u . .. . area and its conversion to sustained yield management of the St. Helens Tree Farm. At other times he was In charge of various phases of the engineering program, including mapping, railroad and Vuck road location and construction, logging layouts -and development of new World Famous for. Appearance Durability. In Plain and Pastel Shades. Stocked by r prince Rupert to meet their wn, and ! i i REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX hU wife and three chUd.en whos, e4 ol fcs week ad m h7 the the vuratlrin vacation, luitli with his kin parent nonntg . ' home is now la Varvcouvr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy. ' j operation oi the company's Port I Idward Forest Management Mr. and Mia. William Clarke of Winnipeg arrived on Tuesday's equipment. RETURNS PREPARED R. E. Mortimer 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Relief iron, tl coolant W.JT J" IJ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith returned last week from Quebec Frascr f i . . . 1. ... ... f .1,. I, I i. . 1 - T L- and W ItlJUJ Will Ut) provided. The area is located on ty where they have the spent j relaUw, lR ft Mrs.c' Avenue. Calcium chloride Mr. Johnson, a member of the Society of American Foresters, attended the College pf Engin month on holiday. . j has Wn .nravaH nn rA K uperv roreST, U1SIHCI a sister of Mrs. W. Melvln Pay lie j y C(w ta I7.i. r l comprises approximately the departmnt of Public Works eering of the University of Wash-1 st. Matthew W. A. hn? had the and the dust has. been practic Mrs. E. Proctor, was here recently she hud ta evacuate her home because of th Red River floods." church rectory completely re v ally settled. 400,000 acres of mature and 200 000 acres of Immature timber. The harvest of this timber will be adjusted t the sustained Wihun Memorial Libro HOW CAN I ? ? yieia capacity of the area, with i decorated in rfadiness for Archdeacon and Mrs. Hudson who are leaving St. Peter's Church at Seal Cove, prince Runert on Julv 12 to take charge of this parish which has been without a minister for over two years. moaern forest management Mrs. P. Mclnnes and daughter, Marjorie, were visitors here from Prince Rupert over the week-end. i methods utilized to insure re forestation. V Mr and M". O. Jackson and I children and Mr. and Mrs. C. Houlden and children, accompanied by Pat TumiLson, drove as far as Burns Lake over the holiday week-end visiting with friends on the way and returning on Sunday. bbb ' Mark Tetreault, who is now with the Canadian Army, is visiting his parents here while on furlough. I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Arseneau spent the holiday in Terrace at the home of Mrs. Arseneau's par-! ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. G. i! . ''.Via Mr. and Mrs. C. L. M. Olggey rov to Prince Rupert this H'eek to meet M.. R. Christy and I Florin and Miss Keller and Mrs. Reid, also of the hospital staff, and Mrs. F. McGilvcry all of whom are leaving Terrace in the near future. Hot dogs were servec! and also strawberry siiorlcike. Miss Spence and Mrs. McOilvery were the recipients of a corsage i Q. How can I disinfect a room ; properly? ! A. Paste strips of paper over the cracks of the doors and windows. Loosen the bedding and the carpets. Then burn two or three formaldehyde candles, according to directions on the box, which can be secured from any pugglst. Leave the room closed for about eight hours, then open and air. I Q. How can I clean a sour i sponge? ' Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mclnnes are IT HAS BECOME GOSPEL returning this week by ear to Seattle, after a month's visit here at the home of the latter's sister Mrs. Fred Hall. of lovely roses. Mr. and Mri. Gordon Little left 7- j : : I nVEfiT 1 PRINCE RUPERT - this week for Kwinitsa where they hope to have the mill opened up very shortly. Miss E. Spencer is leaving next week for Saskatchewan. A. Try rubbing a fresh lemon 'Mr. and Mr.". J. B. McKay left by car on Tuesday for a holiday in the south. J . Mrs. J. H. Stevenson entertained on Wednesday afternoon In thoroughly into, the sponge and then rinsing It severai times In lukewarm water. It wili become as sweet ,as when new. Q. How can I waterproof shoes? Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Michiei left on Tuesday by car for the United States where they will visit relatives for the next few weeks. Accompanying them was Mrs. S. JT. honor of Mrs. F. McGil- j . : it','' - v 1 - 4 'I ,', I ' r :.: t ' r The Woodrow Wiison Foundation formally traasfcrred to the I'niieJ retui ncd from Vicr where he Dr. K. MacPherson last-Saturday by car. torla and Vancouver very who will be leaving Terrace Rhortly. On Thursday THAT THE FINEST DINNERS ARE SERVED AT THE CIVIC CENTRE Katiniu its Wnodrow Wilson Memorial Library of some lb.SUU vol J umes, including what is considered by experts the most complete has spent the past few weeks on.U- K-incaioy wno wm visit reia-holidav with Mrs. MacPherson . tlves in Trail and "Nelson and collection of League of Nations documents In the world. Here, V. 1 A. Apply castor oil to the shoes about twice a week, and they will be waterproof. Secretary-General Tryrve Lie (riiht) looks at some of yie noeni and small daughter who returned then go. on to Vancouver where ,ih r..- ii'ii-fv r:itn President of the kouMuatiss. enson entertained at her home in honor of Mrs. Sharpe, a newcomer to the town who recentlv arrived to join her husband who is in charce cf the work at the primary school. , having to Terrace on Wednesday Harriet Van Wicfc, Librarian of the Woodrow Wilson Library! she will meet the Michiels and return to Terrace with them. Advertise through Classified? DINING ROOM The members of the Outpost Hospital Auxiliary held a social afternoon at the home of Mr. I. Chicken In the Rough" To Take Out ' Thu 4verttscmen n no! publishtd Of displayed by th Uquot Control Bord x by th Government of British Columb. Frank on Thursday afternoon to bid goodbye to Miss E. Spence, matron of the hospital, Miss tone RGS tor reservations -By CHIC YOUNG j -Why Doesn't Somebody Turn On The Lights? LONDIE ll'lilll'.ill,,.! "'I '" '! 1 i.nriiMil.ihi'lHI'lliii iiHiiilililH'" i.iiiii-m.'iM t (COCXI KM GOJO mJ f BACK n IT AMD H dCCVTf?Y TO FINP HIS ji SAC i Snake Skin Sandals Red and Green youU ee able TO KNOCK H!i WHAT'S J That BLOCK Cf AFT(? , wrLi START or, Tr-, WITH DEFENSE-.) JAW? I COME ON V OKAV J NOW--TRV Li L- to hit we v j) -r 1 tivt H r-T . r ' ,r- ecxiNS gloves l that e 3,TouaH kio V CNT gong to . ( Sully vou anv ? LONGER .lessons w f iu -ViS i KIDDIES' VESTS Good quality Rayog and Cotton Vest. Built-up shoulder, &es KiD!?S' PYJAMAS , Ski - style, Summer - weight Pyjamas. Colors, Pink and Blue. Si?es 4 and 6 only Pair 10Q 4 for f Ml 2 and 3 only KIDDIES' TRAIKIIIG PAIITIES Finely knit. Elastic waistband- Sizes 2-4-6 4.95 4 ' $1.00 That Means Seven Licenses, Blondic! .".jijhlliltl 1!i!!.!)"jlv U MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS - KNITTING WOOL Odd sizes ITS PlTCMEO S. OH- v SO HIGH, PEOPLE ) f TH0 KIM3 CAN'T HEARiT rC? a r ONLY ThE WHEN VOU p'-Vvl SENSITIVE 1 BLOW IT ) T,L EAf?3 &F One ounce balls made by a good manufacturer and sold to us as substandard. All colors. 2-3-4 ply g BALLS FOR J()Q 1 LOOK MAMA - p SUS'E GAVE M V A THISTLE i ESPECIALLY FOR ,! AT $6.05 To Clear CALLING DOGS i it sni mi BOYS' CREPE SOLES LADIES' NYLON HOSE (Sub-standard). Evening Sheer quality. Sizes 9-11. LADIES' NIGHTGOWNS Good quality Rayon knit. Lace trim. Colors, Blue and Maize: Sizes M U Each $1,29 Pair $1.29 Qlth Fibberf -f f' inr MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS vmm 11.50 r" tweyw WAVING Manufacturer's clearance of good. or vr-i c -t. i4i6 ciru ci fyC . 3.95 HE FuPniShES I Vf VJiTk WONDEPFUL ) I i wt; t E'Pivel'S- 1 KOf CAUGHT wearing worsteds. All sizes in a good choice of materials .) V iN ThE (?U5H AS WHAT VQUR l 'Ag&ep , EVCU&P FT)Kf J V .w y -j- VC? f In ' P2 FABRIC PLAY SHOES For Women MEN'S NYLON ANKLE SOX Assorted Plain Shades." Ail sizes.. 1.00 p "RUM To Clear 1.95 . 1.00 p' MEN'S PURE WOOL HALF HOSE Assorted English Ribs. All sizes 77v Women's Nary Blue STRAP. PUMP Mfimn -JpniliiiHiiii" ' ' !, ' i'LL HAVE fcftMBLJB6t STEAKy CEALLV CFFCfTCMT V I F3 GET SO MUCH MOPe i VVVJLL' XAJF WEEK IN ANU J K. FOP A CHANGE J I J-i-l t VAKlEiy J Y AS("MT THtfT I 8.45 . vm' I V V-EE.K OUT r- LETS GOTO A -"-151 THAH . AT- GESTAuPANT TOKICUT K WtVES . I ; . r" "Si . s 41 Mki mmi -AT ME , Family Shoe Store . 3RD AVENUE AT 6TH STREET BOX 638 PHONE 357