Job's Daughters Head Is Coming Ptfiue t&tiprrt Daflp rectos Monday, October 4,1948 NEW PASTOR HEARD HERE INVESTORS PAY VISIT An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the Upbuilding of Prince Rupert mua mi communities comprising nortnern ana central jtritun ixHuraout (Authorized at Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa, Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert DaHy News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER Of CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION First Presbyterian Church yesterday welcomed its new pastor, Rev. George E. Sendall, with good-sized congregations at morning and evening ser- flees and a reception following the evening services. The young ov-spmir-eman minister made a SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, Per Week, Sue: Per Month. 75c: Per Year, $8 00. By Mall, Per Month, 50c; Per Year, 5 00 The New Leader good impression and was receiv- Porterville, California, a past ed warmly. supreme guardian, and Mrs. Elaborating in his morning Claire Davies of. Spokane, whs sermon on the Biblical story of Is also prominent in the order. Esau's sale of his birthright to Mr. Leyda is also coming. " his twin brother, Jacob, for a mess of pottage, Mr. Sendall dwelt on the Importance of the provincial Police Inspector spiritual and permanent values p. b. Woods-Johns i and Pro-over the material and temporal, vineial Game Inspector W. A. H. Without these spiritual values, oill, of Prince George left this civilization must surely perish, morning in a chartered Skeena In the evening Mr. Sendall's Alr service plane on an inspec-subjeet was "The Historical tion trlp t0 Telegraph Creek and Christian Faith," in the discus- AtUT, Th. nr-, tn return Directors of British Columbia Properties Ltd. See Vancouver Holdings VANCOUVER Following a week's visit to the Pacific Coast where they were particularly interested in the British Pacific Properties Limited development, comprising 5000 acres on the slopes of the North Shore mountains across from Vancouver, a party of seven persons, including two directors of the Company, left here for Montreal Sunday evening at 7:45 over Canadian National Railways lines. , In the Important party were L. P. Chandler of Montreal, and Lt.-Col. M. C. Butterworth of England, Company directors, and Mrs. Chandler. Others were Alan Lennox-Boyd, M.P. for Mid-Bedford, Mrs. Lennox-Boyd, B. A. Norfolk and O. S. Baker, all of England. While Tn Vancouver meetings were held with local officers of the Company and building developments on the properties were inspected, also the Lion's Gate Bridge which links Vancouver and the North Shore and Capilano Golf and Country Club which are owned by the Company. California Couple On Interior Hunt A California couple arrived here Saturday on the fish packer Sydney from Ketchikan to enjoy hunting in the interior. They were Mr. and Mrs. Marino Crinella, of Petaliuna, Califor nia, who are 'bound for the Smithers district for deer and moose. Mr., Crinella is the pro- prietor of a number of auto courts and has an automobile1 agency as well. 4 Mrs. Robert Leyda of Spokane, supreme guardian of the international order of Job's Daughters, will arrive in the city on the Prince George this: weanesaay io pay an uun'w visit to the local bethel that evening before proceeding to Ketchikan. She will be arcom-; panied by Mrs. Enola Henry of' about' Wednesday. Inspector Giil arrived from thelnterior last night by car. readily discernible to the stranger is that the townsite of Prince Rupert Is on an island and not on the mainland. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) It hrlpt nalurm (yoa know what we mean!). This great medicine also has what Doctors caU a stomachic tonic effect. i ) Mllti Or TM mar mrrtrt RYDIt F. sion of which he appealed for an acceptance of God's word over man's In these times of world crisis. HOW VISITORS GET TWISTED The look-ont on the Canadian National Reserve provides a 'splendid" view of city and har- bor but there Is something about It that seems at first to deceive many strangers, viewing the vtata for the first time. Many cannot get away from the Idea that the harbor entrance is by way of Seal Cove, instead of exactly opposite away off by Digby Island. Another point not r.Y0U WOMEN WHO SUFFER M PLmSC3L1Sthen 1 L7UL1LL (3K10LW-1 RECORD BLACK BEAR IS KILLED IN Here's Good News! Ajjt you between the age of 38 and 62 and going through that trying functional 'middle-aga' period peculiar to women? Does this make you suffer from hot flashes, (eel clammy, o nerontm, irritable, weak"? Then DO try Lydia H. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symutomst It's famous for iis! Many wise 'middle-age' women take Pink ham's Compound regularly to help build 'up resistance against true distress. S) Pinkhara's Compound contains no opiate no naoir-torrmng drugs, TWEEDSMUIR PARK BURNS LAKE Charles W. Summers and Tom A STORMY and colorful political career George IN Alexander Drew, the new Progressive-Conservative leader, (before entering politics a Toronto lawyer) has often found himself at odda with the federal Liberal government and even at times with leaders of his own party. Mr. Drew's major break with his own party came in 1936 when he split with it over the question of whether the Committee for Industrial Organization should be tolerated in Ontario. Hon. Earl Kowe, then leader of the party in the Ontario field, declared the party's atand was for the right of labor to organize into unions of its own choice. In the election that followed Mr. Drew ran as an independent Conservative in Wellington South, unopposed by an official Conservative, but was defeated by a Liberal. Two years later he was chosen leader to suceed Mr, Rowe. ' He was first elected to the Ontario legislature in 193$ and he led the Progressive-Conservative party to power in 1943, 1945, and 1948. But in the 1948 election he suffered personal defeat in his own riding of High Park, a Toronto constituency. He was still without a Legislature seat at the time of the national party convention. Now, of course, he will seek a federal seat. His arguments with the federal government touched mainly on three matters; 1. ; The pre-war granting of defence contracts. 2. The fitness of Canadian expeditionary force to Hong Kong, 3. Dominion-provincial relations. ' In 1938 Mr, Drew's article 'Canada Armament Mystery" attacked the contract under which the department of national defence agreed to buy 7,000 Bren guns from the John Inglis Company, Limited, Toronto. After hearings spread out over months, Commissioner H. H, Davis recommended that a defence purchasing board be set up, a recommenda-later implemented by legislation. The commissioner said it was beyond his jurisdiction' to comment on the conduct of individuals but he found that no defence department official was guilty of corruption pr anything in the nature of corruption. Mr. Drew started the long drawn out Hong Kong controversy with a speech on January 12, 1942, in which he charged that untrained men had been attached to the force. A Royal Commission report found that the expedition was well-trained and well-equipped but Mr. Drew took issue with almost every point in the report. Because the British gov-emment'would not release five secret British dispatches touching on the expedition, the controversy was left vaguely unsettled. rtThe -.Ontario premier attracted increased nation f-3tietftfon in 1946 when the Dominion-pro-vi'neial -conference to revise wartime tax agreements foundered on the refusal of Quebec and Ontario tynagree to federal proposals, Mr. Drew claim.jtlje Dominion was solely responsible for the corifeiehce failure because it adopted a "rigid" 1 1 position.1" ; Relate called for the reconvening of the conference but the Dominion administration set about negotiating individual agreements with the provinces and signed up all but the two central provinces. , Outside the political field, Mr. Drew attracted atention with his books and articles. A veteran of the First World War, the premier wrote three book on the conflict "The Truth About the War," "Canada's Part in The Great War," and "Canada's Fighting Airmen His article "Salesmen of Death," an expose of the profits made in munitions during the First World War was translated into 30 languages. In 1936, Mr, Drew married Fiorenza d'Arneiro Johnson, daughter of Edward Johnson, manager of the Metropolitan Opera Company, and the late Viscountesa d'Arneiro of Lisbon. They have a son and a daughter. Lydia E. PinkhanYs VEGETABLE COMPOUND ' van le tar ot Hutchinson, Kansas, have just returned from a fall hunt during which they were guided by Buster W. R. Harrison of Wistaria. Among the hides they brought in was an exceptionally large black bear skin which it is believed would crowd the American record both in length I ; Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) MOM3AX -1-.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Inl 4:30 Magic Adventure 4:45 Easy listening 5:00 Recordings S: 30 Pops on Parade" 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:35 Recorded Interlude 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Pacific Recital 8:00 Concert Oreh. 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show. 9:00 Sumer Fallow 9:30 Music and Mr. Blaine ?:45 Ralph Marren fw-Oir CBC New 10:10 B.C. News. 10:15 Political Talk 10:30 Let's Dance 11:00 Weather and Sign-Off TUESDAY AM 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CEC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News . f 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:59 Time Sin j 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time rf'45- 8cndinaviaff Melodies 11:00 T.B.A. 11:15 gongs of Today 11:30 Weather rorecast 11:31 Message Period Story (CBC) ff:33 RerortferJ Inlertude 11:45 Let's Walt2 KM 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Tomorrow's Artists 1:45 Commentary and Talk -700 POUNDS chance to arrange their next ,fa11 hunt. Well known writer of hunting stories and commentator on Wild life, Mr. VanDe Car is an authority on trophies of all species and can give dimensions on all record game animals of North America. TONIGHT HEAR Hon. 0. C. MacDonald Minister of Mines and Municipal Affairs DISCUSS 'Democracy at Work In LOur Mining Industry.' CFPR 10:15 p.m. 1 for (ill occasions Birthdays Showers Wedd ings Anniversaries we have many others. 0 HlF it: i. ii i inii in v. " ft ' 4 are a few Why 518 3rd Ave . w. rrrvJnTfmmjA Phone Red 400 A HEAVY OVERHEAD That's what you'll have too, If you don't get the heat you should from the coal you shovel this winter. Don't let a faulty furnace bog your budget, let vm check It and repair it now. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Avenue FAWCETT DEALER Black 881 and width. It dressed out over 700 pounds. The highly valued bear grease will be talten bacK tee Hutchinson, Kansas. The party brougnt in the hides of three mountain goats and two black bear. They passed up three bull moose as not, having ex-, ceptional heads.N Interviewing the President of the Tweedsmuir Park Rod and Gun Club, members of the party voiced their disappointment on learning that there is a closed season on cariboo, a head of which they particularly desired. They requested that the Ri and Gun Club endeavor to have the regulations made public a year ahead or at least In the spring of each year In order to give both guides and hunters a Even for double the price you can't buy anything better than Consult us lor your needs in all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for every occasion MUM Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE ' 1 l i it 1 The New GOODYEAR 'Super - Cushion TIRES r that ive you the new kind of ride on the rmtffl.est roads ARE HERE. Replace conventional tire sfees 600-15, 5e-15, fOO-16 and 650-16. Your regular Tire Dealer can supply you. ONLY GOODYEAR MAKES THE SLPER-CL'SHION GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY . LIMITED j Phone 632 Prinee Rupert, B.C. 712 Second Avenue It s tb IT MIGHT HAPPEN THE WORLD is familiar with what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It may be remembered that war eeased not so long after human beings had been introduced to the atomic bomb. Thousand of those who survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still suffering, and will to the end of life. The- bombi that sent thrills of terror through Japan were regarded as the ultimate in horror. They are worse today. Rusgia last week gave a broad hint that she, like United States, has a 'supply. The nations have a clear picture. There is no peace or earth. There may be goodwill perhaos calcnfated. There is no excuse today, for anyone not being able to visualize what might occur. ... for Tasty Meals Chop Suey O Chow Mein Chinese fttahes a Specialty Scond Avennw oppoaiu Prfaic Rupert Hotel " 7:00 a.ra. to 30 a m. " 1 1 i"T. ' n i A CLASSIFIED AS IN THE DAILY NJCWS WILL BRING RESULTS