Prfnce Rupert Daflp 3etosf Monday, October 4, 1948 Sport-ShotsJ lr fTs SCORING IN -LADIES' BOWLS Individual scoring In the Ladies' 'B" Bowling League last week was as follows: ' Handicap ., ilu Totals ....;;;;;;;;;; H BIG SISTERS- E. ' Bond i M. Smith ii E. Rothwcll hi m. Bond l?i I. Muncev .. H Handicap 7 r Totals NOBLE Ar U7T1-1U- Most cricketers hold the bat Deadlock In with Its "handle running- across SEATTLE WINS, OAKLAND LEADS the Dalm of the right hand and resting against the ball of the A. Holkestari m STARS G. Mr.Int.vri 04 Ml M. Baxfpr iVi j.1 V ' iV, L. Keavs 7777 161 205 SUUled: ae per wort per Insertion, minimum eharg. 60c Birth Notlcw: 50o; Cards of Thanks, Deaih Notices Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcement: 2. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE jiMamea i -. Advertising Is payable la advance. Please refrain from telephoning right thumb. But the great Don Bradman is different. He turns the hand over so that the handle SEATTLE, m Seattle won its M. Nesbitt Ill 130 Al. Oiilciernnt IflH llfl 143 143 111 187 114 62 760 round In the semi-final olav- Pennant Race Sudden Death Game Between Indians and Red Sox For Right to Enter World Series BOSTON For the first time 3 Dickens .. "'"7"' 196 199 P. Black . ...I iff B. MeChesney ffi L. Morrwon .. 14a Handicap g? RFl.MflNT BIRTH NOTICE FOR RENT presses- against the thumb; as the erio tiehtens to Dlav a shot. offs in the Pacific Coast Base ball League yesterday by takin? a double-header from San Handicap H2 62 Totals 813 855 TOILERS pressure becomes more intense. M Wirlp 190 FOR RENT Flat In Rand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweler. (tf) 171 189 J. Menzies .7."'..." 174 185 B. Windle 225 liejB. Matson ' la'i 70,r- ?'ubb .. 15$ WICKSBorn to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wicks, 1116 8th Ave. East, in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, on Sunday, October 3, a daughter, Karen Elaine, Francisco 8 to 4 and 7 to 4. Oakland took the lead three games to two by winnins a first K. McLeod 81 The left wrist Is turned behind the handle. This means that whether attackine or defendina 66 98 play-off is calfed for to decide 1 t. Richards" '77777 ltfi 109 i lv- ocnaru 140 Anaerson . mi 81 33 FOR RENT Fully furnished front room for lady. Close in. against a rising ball, danger to 111 ............. f'-''M nanaieap in game from Los Angeles 6 to 3 and the second 23 to 15. . 111 672 and the right to enter the World lotais 788 790 the fingers and back of the Handicap " ta Totals ;.; 85q BUSY BEES M. Hoban 01 ' 8 lb 2 oz, A sister for Wayne. .-V, (It) Series. Cleveland Indians and RORA T."VS Home privileges and use of kitchen. AddIv . to Box 403 hands Is reduced to a minimum. It also leaves the bat sloping at J. Rnulter 1R1 Boston Red Sox are meeting in T. Stewart itj 'OK SALE such a Kiirtrtcn-rir-nth aumm v,ara'h- Basso-Bert 153 Daily News. (tf) K. Davidson ' ,,, 7,7 , ' Vuckovich 220 this afternoon following final M. Postuk 2i)5 an angle of about 45 degrees to the ground, and so keeps the J. Guthrie 77 114 J. Heitterson ..... 131 137 190 131 238 199 130 111 183 129 171 39 . 39 748 951 HELP WANTED J. Warren .. 185 ball down, ensuring in both HELP WANTED Woman tb do FOR- SALE Large 4-room house, good condition. Close to store and bus stop, good ; view. 1070 Hays Cove Ave. (237) Totals 7 768 Handicap 39 Totals : 963 RRnwironnns- games of league schedule yesterday which resulted in the two clubs becoming deadlocked. The Cleveland Indians, who hook and cut that the blade is turned over the ball. RrrRTirna . housework by hour. Phone Blue 699. (235) !L. Donaldson 91 118 1S1 O. Newton 132 M. Kressee 51 Lindsay . "114 ', Play In a recent Division II went into yesterday's game on MAIDS WANTED for Kitchen . . . .. . M. EOV 151 lai nu 1, inartrana . . 131 88 99 IN. Kennedy 134 158 JrtO'J. Cole 144 1091 13 'A. Denton " 134 mil game aneaa or the Boston r nrA soccer match between Nottingham Forest and Barnsley was Baseball Score . SATURDAY ' National League Philadelphia !4, Brooklyn 5. Boseton 2-2, New York 8-1. Chicago 0, St.; Louis 9. 1 American League Detroit 0, Cleveland 8. New York 1, Boston 5. ' Washington 7, Philadelphia 1. SUNDAY National League Chicago 4, St. Louis 3. Boston 11, New York 1. Philadelphia 4, Brooklyn 2. Pittsburgh 0, Cincinnati 1. American League Washington 7, Philadelpha 3. Detroit 7, Cleveland 1. and ward work. Salary to start $81.00 per month less $30,000 per month mainten f'OR SALE 6 room house, solid foundation, just painted, In excellent condition. Best lo- cation at 216 4th East. Price $3700 cash. Phone Red 154. (234) Kea box ana needing only a victory for themselves or a de twice halted by the referee be ance. Uniforms provided. Ap-f cause a jackdaw persisted in flntf.princ nhnnt tVm nlauoro' feat for Boston to clinch the flag, missed on both counts. They lost 7 to 1 to the Detroit ply to Medical Superintenden Miller Bay Indian Hospital, legs. Finally the bird perched Tigers while the Red Sox wal Prince Rupert, B.C. me xjaiusiey goal. inai me FOR ,. SALE Circulating heater "- for oil or coal. Perfect con-- dltlon. Call 808 Borden Street. ' . (234) safest place for you," jeered one loped the New York Yankees 10 AGENTS WANTED 'hu MmJ of the fans. Nottingham, who lost the match 1-0. had scared to 5. The winners of today's game will go against Boston Braves only one goal in their last five; appearances. FOR SALE 1948 Ford sedan. Newly conditioned throughout. Price $2300. Apply Al l . Murray, 99 Taxi. (tf) St. Louis'5, Chicago 10. Boston 10, New York 5. PATENTED Tool enables one man to pull auto out of ditch, move 3-ton .objects. Thousands around you i waiting for convincing 2 minute demonstration. Amazing possibili " I in the World Series starting ia j Boston Wednesday with the National League pennant winners ST. PAUL TO the Boston Braves as horn LITTLE SERIES ties. Palcoseal Ltd., Cornwall CITATION IS' WINNER AGAIN TTW VHP T m . nutu FOR SALE 1940 Ford 1-ton Truck with 1946 100 h.p. motor. Al shape. 2 bikes, 3 mos. team. Bob Feller was belted out o! Ont. . WANTED COLUMBUS, Ohio, W St. Paul yesterday won the rieht to the box after - the v , third - VI -11111 inning III, old. No. 25, Royal Hotel (234) . . . wa..a., T I ' VibO UUI1 I took Jockey Eddie Arcaro for yesterday by a barrane of He represen tthe American Assocl- W 1 i-i : uu. IT. i . . .. . , . .. : ..: . . , anoiner joy-nae Saturday as ' 4 FOR SALE Double bed with cable spring and lovely spring WANTED Puppy for little boy. ation against Montreal, winners ft nnr nti L ii a a . . - Green 296. (234) of the International Leaaue. in filled mattress. a new. $35.00, Phone Green 800. (233) ws. na newnouser ol tho Tigers hand-cuffed the tribe on five hits. Cleveland looked like they had the flag sewed up last week but now they are having to fight it out today in the precedent- the Little World Series by defeating Columbus 5 to 3 in the seventh and deciding game of the play-offs. The series starts the great Calumet Farm three-year old champion ambled home in the $108,800 Jockey Club Gold Cup race. Phalanx was second and Beau Chef third. Citation, paying $2.60, won by eight lengths. WANTED Car Datteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paying good prices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 Tuesday night at St Paul. FOR SALE 1940 2-ton Chev. van, good condition. Apply Bob Parker's Garage. (238) FOR SALE Dominion circulator heater, complete. Phone Black 828. (238) WANTED TO RENT 3 room Prevaricator In shattering play-off with the Red Sox. THREE-WAY TIF. unfurnished modern suite or 3 or 4 room modern house. Phone 300. (233) GENERAL ELECTRIC Civic Centre . Dates . I WANTED TO RENT Desirable Golden Mike Win ALBANY, Calif. Prevaricator, equalling Equipoise's world record of 1 minute, 34 2-3 sec-j onds for the mile on Saturday I PORTLAND GOLF PORTLAND, W The triDle -FOR SALE Monarch range, V coal and wood, in good con- ditlon. Can be seen at Thompson's Hardware. What offers? " - - : (23C) FLUORESCENT LAMPS champion, Ben Hogan, and two tenants require small furnished house, apartment, or furnished roems. Give phone number if possible. Box 405 Daily News. (234) won the $15,000 Added Golden Gate Mile. Hemet So uaw was (second and Shannon II, third. younger rivals, Fred Haas jr. and Johnny Palmer, finished in a tie for t he $15,000 Portland Open golf title yesterday with t72-hole totals of 270. They are playing off today. LOST Mafosta, Vancouver . - owned gelding, took an early lead but FOR SALE 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmaster sedan, two-tone finish; good rubber, In good condition. White Box 69, 2 Smithers, B.C. ,(236) LOST Between Broadway and The cool, diffused, brighter light of General Electric Fluorescent Lamp hcl'pj workers do more and better work. Many factories have found ?h this more efficient lighting quickly pays for itself in increased production. Stay Brighter Longer unisned fifth. Equipoise's re cord was set in 1932. TUESDAY Sports a.m. a 9:00 Bo-Me-Hl Gym Class. Pm. i -.1 2:30 K n g Edward; Gym Class. 3:30 Rup-Rec Jr.' Boys. 8:00 Rup-Rec Men. Special p.m. 8:00 Electrical Workers' Union. 8:00 Symphony Orchestra. 8:00 Teachers' Association. Jones News Stand, black wallet. Finder please leave at Daily News. (233) FOR SALE Pullets, ready to , lay. New Hamps., from gov Dynamiters Win Over Stampeders ernment - inspected stock LOST Long brown envelope containing ir.iDortant Daners. MOUNT'S BAY, Cornwall, Eng., w Use of echo-soundinj apparatus to locate and plot shoals has resulted in the heaviest catch of pilchards for many years. Fishermen had thought the bay "fished out." n.u.r.3. sz,uu each. Leroy's ,, Ranch, Kitwanga, B.C. (23G) land deed with name Irene f KLMBERLEY, Kimberley Harris. Please return to pol- Dynamiters whipped Calgary ice station. (233) Stampeders 6 to 2 Saturday MACHINERY fOK SALE mmw mm aosrat? t s night in a pre-season exhibition PERSiXAL nockey tilt berore ;ooo fans. The Dynamiters took a 2 to 1 first PERSONAL Why Cook Sup TO" SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery , Company Limited, Vancouver, canto lead ans never looked back. .... oy till-Got-: G PHOTO Denim QUIC Am Proftssil Movim, Shippiaf Caw For Com;. Ei'flcie Lindsay Cor. 2nJi!j fbeta BOWt XM ' perfect f'W Youll enjo I fl ' e rcisf Rex Bo Open W urday anc noons and 'I and Tuesdil 9 o'clock. SMITH1 phnne 17 per? Take home Fish and Chips from the Terminal Lunch for 40c and save money. (tf) Billiard Tourney .D. v r (tf Opens This Week PERSONAL Lewis's fresh- METf WORK killed boiling chicken. Phone Black 949. (238) The first of the monthly Eng lish billiards tournaments which Terrace Machine Shop & Garage Spencer's Garage We wish to announce that, starting immediately all gas and oil sales and service Jobs will be on a cash basis unless satisfactory arrangements are made in advance for credit. This is the same. regulation that has been in effect In' nearly all Interior points for the past year. The fact that all wholesale houses as well as the oil companies are tightening up on their credit has made it necessary that we follow the above regulations If we are to re main in business. TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE, W. Osborne SPENCER'S GARAGE, W. H Spencer .L V. - - (234) was scheduled to start at the Legion Hall last week-end had ; PLUMBINO Inptallations and repairs.: 8HBET METAL V WORK. Tr Jjmd Gravel. RooU - ing. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Bixth West, jtiane 543. (tf ) 1 TIMBER. a.I.E X4-.-..-5 There will be offered for sale at to be postponed as the entrv LADIES' BOWLS "A" SCHEDULE list was incomplete. There are still a few entries required be fore the list can be closed and October 4 Variety vs. Man- the handicaps arranged but it public auction, at 10:30 o'clock In Vt On SDH 'ft , nraniTfl tp O ai,,u., a is expected that Jthe contest will ,, tne forenoon of Tuesday November. November, 1B48. 1848. In ltv the the nt office of the nettes vs. Wesr.vlo n.tnn. be under way by the middle of! 'For the gifts you'll give with pride Let your Jeweller be your guide.' For more than a quarter of a century the people or Prince Rupert have shopped at Bulger's. There have been many changes- but in all that time people have been able to depend on the quality of Bulger's merchandise. Bulger's have always- been very anxious to have tneir customers well satisfied. This year,Bulger'3 have been fortunate in having had a large stock on hand in many lines before prices advanced. People will find prices reasonable. the week. -- t licence x&&55, to cut 3.745.000 f.b. 1 Ya osuaowes, oavoy SWlng- m. of spruce, Lodgepoie Pine, and ers vs. Gordon & Anderson n"uclMn-mUes Balsam, on an area situated six (6), rT rntr,h Boutheast of Knockholt, Range1 Oct0Der 11 Orange VS. Man-8, Coast Land District. son's, T,aft & Odowes vs ' An- Four yean will be allowed for re- nettpa nn,H i . neues. Gordon & . movi of timber. j Anderson vs. "Provided anyone unable to De Jongs, Savoy Swingers vs. attend the auction In nornnn I Voi-lntir nr..)..! ... ' i: it- iiiiii may submit tender tn h, "ram vs' orange. V uctober 18 Gordon & Anderson vs.' Annettes, Variety vs. De Jongs, Savoy Swingers vs. ed at the hour of auction and , . , treated as one bid." . Further particulars of the De. puty. Minister of Forests, Victoria, BCV, or the District Forester, Prince Rupert. ouuuys, iau si Odowes v Manson's, Westview vs. Orange. fo r n Trulv ucxoDer 25 Savoy Swingers ) t vs. uejongs, Gordon & Ander i j TIMBER S.4I.E X4S646 . Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Forests at Victoria B.C., not later than 11 a.m.. Mnndn". son vs. Scuby's, Taft & Odowes vs. urange, Westview vs. Man . iui aay 01 uctober, 1948, for th purchase of Licence X46646 to son s. Variety VS Annettes. IN 1HE S0Piii;i! COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE - ADMINISTRATION ACT KT1 -."-w,vw i.u.m. 01 upruce, Mem-locK and Cedar, on an area comprising of Vacant Crown Land, situated at the North end of Mathers Lake,. Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Island Land District. One (1) year will be allowed for .removal ol timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, fcc smoke IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE MIK.E KACHMAR, OTHERWISE !.jvvn as MIKE CACZMAR, DECEASED. INTTSTATH TAKE NOTICE that by Order of xioiiovj judge w. O. Fulton Local Judge of the Supreme Court wmii oi British Columbia, I was on the Ho Friction Please! Has the Oil Filter on voiir car hn MionrA,i i NOTICE OF API-UCATroX FOB CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BKKR LICENSE NOTICE 18 HEREBY'glven that on the 18th day of October A.D. 1948. the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer License No. 7979 Issued In respect of premises, belnj part of the premises known as tne Commercial Hotel situate at t.i nor. i win aay or September. 1948. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Mike Kachmar, or Mike Caczmar late of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, who died on the 29th day ff AUKUSt. 1948. at Prlnfo Buna. TJ.-. facturers recommended mileage? And while on the subject ner or First Avenue and lsh Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said 'estate are required to piy the amolint of their Indebtedness to VIRGINIA CIGAR ET T E S in me vity or Prince Ruperi. province of British Columbia, upon . me forthwith and all persons hsvii.i-, the lands descried as Lots Thirteen claims against the saw Estate are LjTht 1V ,n l0Ck reqUlred "le them wTth me prop! Nine (9) Section One (1), Map 923, erly vertfied on or before the 30tn - Prince Rupert Land Registration day of October, 1948, failln which district, from Panko Michalcztik of distribution will be made havinir re-, Prince Rupert. Harold Wlllard gard only to such claims of which . Helgerson of Prince Rupert, the I shall have been notified Tr"8il8-. I DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. thf, ""7; luc ULer Pom" requiring periodical attention such as: ; . , . Wheel Bearing Repack Chance of Tr.m.mlsioi Lubricants Cleaning and Re-Oiling of Air Cleaner, etc. been taken care of according to the instruction book? Many of these details are overlooked even by the owner who conscientiously has his car lubricated regularly We remind our "Regulars" as these services become due. fUKflllJjj LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. v uui t vuia gui aay oi September. AD 1Q4B 1 lath dav "of SeDtember An laaR "JAMES TEETKEI. HABllrv HAROLD WILLARD HELOERSON. (241) Barrister and Solicitor. 7 Prince Rupert, B.C. (242) O rMlUNE 866 O