VICTORIA, B. C. LIBRARY I VICTORIA. B-c In PHONE onr.iEs DRUGS nion M it Daily Delivery i n NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER inttrna""' PH0IIE81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." STAlPWCABS It H the of VOL. XXXVIT Na m PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. MONDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1948 PRICE PTVE CENTS ffoodworkers anther crisis ',t British e .jsh Cnion international an Columbia indepen- dccwcu Colum- uniou- Qugsfcin) of Beirlih Crisis Sfci U SO (a ji .un-.bia ... that H ' 1 , : : I ,to retain w iatlon in view rjnited States PERU REVOLT PARACHUTE WAS Wities luw Southeastern Is Ashore BALLOON BOMB ,aW trom uie IS PUT DOWN Russia Would Re-open Four-Power Negotiations Meanwhile United Nations Security Council Opens Debate On Question PARTS rr.PWRritish. United "States and French the country of the New LIMA. Peru, ((f) Government Mysterious Object in Trees Near Lytton Accounted For troojs held full control over the trooDs held full control over the reoresentinij LYTTON, f The mysterious till V ,-r , 1 Led the break bloody revolution by sailors and white "Darachute" which wan ily walked out civilians. tfssion of tne sighted in tree tops on a nearby mountain bv a civilian nilot last Insurcents had seized and ancU at which week was reached Saturday by made. foreign ministers met today to discuss Russia's call for a resumption of Big Four talks over Berlin and Germany. They met while the security council of the United Nations was opening debate on the Berlin crisis. There was no announcement following the a Royal Canadian Air Force ground search crew and was dis used full fire power of warships and heavily-armed installations to launch the revolt Sunday. There is no official estimate of casualties but the number is al president of Portland said covered to be a wartime Jap ied the oppor- at the meeting anese balloon bomb. An Army demolition crew will dispose of It. Fourteen such bombs had would be Briggs Steamship Co. Vessel Stranded Down Coast SEATTLE, (CP) The United States Coastguard reported today that the Seattle motorship Southeastern Is aground near Kiltik Creek on Hunter Island above Queen Charlotte Sound and 295 miles northwest of Vancouver. The vessel does not appear to be in any great danger. The Southeastern, which belongs to the Briggs Steamship Co. and is under charter to carry emergency supplies to Alaska, was on her way from Seattle to Ketchikan. Suspend Sentence In Scalding Case to protect the large. President Jose Liuis Busta-mente Rlvero said the opposition party 'inspired and directed" the revolt. previously been accounted for In British Columbia jie union here, at he had long meeting of the foreign ministers although a French official said that it had been decided not to take the matter back to Big Four conference as long as the blockade of Berlin continued, i Russia proposed that the Four Power council of foreign ministers meet again to consider the Berlin crisis and the whole Ger WM9TO0OHMCHJW the polices of ,nbia leaders. 1 I t "I 1 J BULLETINS TODAY'S STOCKS Courtw a. O Ji hnatrn ( rw Vancouver Bralorne 7.00 1UG DONS MRS. KASENKINA SIGNS FOR STORY Recovering from injuries received when she jumped from a window of the Soviet consulate building In New York City, Mrs. Oksana Kasenkina is pictured in the Roosevelt Hospital, New York, with Ward Greene, editor and general manager of King Features Syndicate. Mrs. Kasenkina will write her story for newspaper publication. a. it. con uzya man situation. The proposal was contained in a note in reply to . western power notes of September 26, breaking off the : Four Power negotiations and an J A year's suspended sentence was handed out by Judge W. O. American Army B. R. X. 08 Cariboo Quartz 117 Dentonla , 01 '2 Oruli Wihksne .03 V Hedley Mascot .32 placed on th? Fulton in County Court this morning to Harry Robert Wright Prince Rupert nouncing that the question would be taken to the United Nations security council. The Russian note said that the BRITONS NOT EVACUATING LONDON A government spokesman today jeered at the suggestion that war plans had reached a stage where evacuation of some of the government departments .' to Canada had been discussed. "We didn't do it in the last war and' there is little likelihood that we would do it if another came," he said. ;;ay (or cleaning Lrj repairs after Cleveland Beats Boston To Go Into World Series Uoited States government's from' Herbert after he had been found guilty of a charge of negligence in connection with the scalding of a 17-year-old girl aboard the fish packer Pine Leaf In harbor statement, that a situation nth, where she Mlnto 01 Vz Pend Oreille 4.30 Pioneer 2.35 Premier Border 024 Privateer 11 Reeves McDonald : 1-80 Reno -. .062 Salmon Gold 10 week ago. threatening, world peace had arisen did not correspond with the real state of affairs. It said of the repairs here on September 25. . Manager Lou Boudreau Hits Two Homers and Two Singles to Lead Tribe to Victory is $2,000. The Wright was acquitted of a LADY SPY Elizabeth" T. Bentley, New York, 36-year-ld secretary, and a 1930 graduate of Vassar College, whose testimony, according to the U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee, was responsible for unveiling a far- that this charge constituted continue on tc charge of assault occasioning, nothing more than means of 8heep Creek 118 as Its original PLANE DOWN AT SEA MIAMI A twin- engined t charter air liner with 21 persons on board is "presumed down at sea" today after it 13 6 Tavlor Brldee .30 pressure and an attempt to U3e the United Nations tor the Cleveland 8 lloston $ before going ., tug has sev- actual bodily Injury to Ruth Leavitt, a visitor aboard the Pine Leaf, who was burned about the face, and legs by scalding water. achievement of aggressive alms. flung Red espionage ring in 1 1 9 1 D Taku River 32 Vananda 30 Congress 03 Pacific Eastern ........ .07 : to'.tom where k reef. She U the U.S. which had many The Russians claim that trre United Nations security council sounded distress calls somewhere between Chariest own. 2 0 L connections, in, high . govern 8 1 0" i o 0 6 1 -'i' 4 4 Ijisult of hav- Score by innings: Cleveland . '-nostori" .!Z Wricht was released on hia 1 South"" Carolinaf and 'Nassau' Hedley. Amalg AJ)Vj has no right to deal with the Berlin dispute. i Kiiplf'tcly sub- t nllnn. tii.VI time to arrange for the pay Spud vauey r mo Central Zeballos ... . .. .01" ' Sllbak Premier .25 L brought hercmPnt 0f "reparations' to Miss Armour! Salvage. Lenvttt. suggested by Crown Oils s i it. Diver Ray- ry patched the Counsel T. W. Brown. He will Inform the court of the term of payment agreed between him BOSTON Manager Lou Doudreau's 100 percent batting two home runs and two singles in-four trips to the plate and Gene Bearden's safe pitching led the Cleveland Indians to an 8 to 3 victory today in a sensational American League pennant deciding postseason plav-off- game. The victory also sends the to make the SALMON SEASON HEARING CLOSE Only Two Areas Still Open-Trolling Activity Falling Off Closure of salmon seining in in the Bahamas. - ' YUKON POWER SURVEYS . EDMONTON The Edmonton Bulletin said today that the Dominion - government was making surveys of possible power sites in the Yukno Territory to furnish electric energy to silver and lead mines near Mayo. It said the engineers were exploring the Stewart and Pelly Rivers for hydro sites. A. P. Con 20 Calmont .. C. & E. - 5.50 Foothills 3 00 Home 9.00 Toronto ble. self and the girl when he appears before the court Wednes ment circles. She has aireaay testified before the special federal grand Jury which indicted 12 top-flight Communists in that country. She is described as a member of an old American family who found herself head, of a Red spy ring of 50 persons during the war and later, suffering from pangs of conscience, went to the F.B.I, and told her story. When questioned again, , she calmly admitted she had collected wartime information from government employees in Washington and passed it along regularly to Russia. day morning. TriDe into tne wonu ocuco vm..i Athona -06' ItATHER Mr. Brown told the court that the payment of hospital and the southern area of Queen Aumaque 16 Beattie -58 Charlotte Islands brought more npsis YUGOSLAVS doctor's bitls by Wright might not be adequate. Inconvenience the first game against Boston Braves at the Brave's field on Wednesday. The Indians set their big guns into action to outslug the Red Sox and collect thirteen hits in than a dozen seiners to port here Saturday. The vessels had w hich had bee si 'i across British and anguish caused by the been fishing In Hecate Strait f the last twenty- scalding also should be a con passing into Al- NORTH COAST ARE PUZZLING Resignations and Disappearances From Legation at Ottawa cluding the two homers by off Skldegate Inlet and Moresby Island where .they did fairly well during the late summer. prning, havlna sideration. Miss Leavitt was burned when Wricht sollled a Dall of hot water Bevcourt 35 Buffalo Canadian 08 Con. Smelters 112.50 Conwest I-13 Donalda 61 Eldona 104 East Sullivan 2.70 Giant Yellowknlfe 4.95 God's Lake 52 Hardrock -30 Harrlcana 06V4 "able amounts TUNA FISHERY BUILDING TO veral sections of Boudreau and one circuit clout by Ken Keltner. Bobby Doerr's home run was one of Boston's six hits. Each team erred once. in the galley of the Pine Leaf on Serjtember 25 when six people The greatest in the twenty- START SOON OTTAWA 0) The rift between Russia and Yugoslavia has started a strange puzzle of were in the galley. Wright was Batteries were Bearden and At times ,as many as 75 seiners were In . operation during the season, and catches of dog salmon were fairly good. Closure of. the southern Queen Charlotte Jslands area leaves only two areas in Fisheries District Two open to seine F 212 inches at cook aboard the boat. Hegan for Cleveland and Gale- i 1.19 Inches at NOW ENDED The fisheries protection vessel Kitimaat, Capt. C. W. Earn-shaw, arrived here at the weekend after concluding her sea In passing sentence, Judge Ful house, Kinder and Tebbetts rer Excavating for Paramount Theatre Only Awaiting Arrival of Plans r near Nelson. Boston. 1 diplomatic resignations and disappearances in the Yugoslav legation in Ottawa. Seven Yugo-ci. nmrini are renorted to ton said that, if the incident had been purely accidental, "Jed weather ia lie province to- As soon as the footing plans, nets. These are at Rivers Inlet nrhixh oro pxnpftod anv day I and the northern area of the son's tuna fishery investigation i( of the storm proving con'- of the Queen Charlotte and LONDON, m Part of the meeting of Commonwealth prime ministers, starting October U will be televised. work, Queen Charlottes. tij ,.,utnK ,oC 'now. arrive, excavation there would have been no reason to call the police but, apparently, the attitude of everyone present was that the police should be called. "Even the accused apparent Vancouver xaianua wiiiui vo t - o.t for the new Paramount Theatre have resigned. Yugoslav Minister Mato A. Jakslc says they "are gone back to Yugoslavia. The strange activities began m coast by to-'stay skies will along the will remain st of the interior. Heva iVa Hosco 31 Jacknlfe , -03 Vi Jollet Quebec 42 Lake Rowan 06 Vi Lapaska 5y2 Little Long Lac 75' Lynx 06 'a Madsen Red Lake 2.50 - McKenzle Red Lake -31 McLeod Cockshutt 97 Moneta -33 Negus - 212 . Noranda 51.75 Louvicourt - -52 Pickle Crow 2.14 prospects for a north coast tuna of Famous Plays-Canvapd'a Corporation on Third Avenue fish industrv U tLgh wV in the open at First Street will get under water'off he'west coast of the 1 way - 1 is jjUW by J m . ry ly expected to be taken to the police court," the Judge said when a signed statement was received Sunday by the Ottawa citizen and Journal. In It Pavle They charged the Yugoslav government with betrayal of "fundamental Interests" of the country and that they had steered away from the "great Soviet Union."- At Rivers Inlet, a few dog salmon are reported. Nine seiners in that region averaged 1,500 chums each last week. The fish were unusually large, weighing about 15 pounds each. The whole of District Two U now open to trolling but there is not much activity reported off the mainland. On the Queen Charlotees, however, the 'catches are reported to be good. recast Queen Charlottes has caused '"r: 7 .T,T,n. Lukln, legation counsellor, sam ;Us and North BRUSH FIRE fishermen to head for port, thus b- t- j v, firct ! tion of the building at a cost of he and six others had resigned. widely scat- - ' I CAUSES ALARM 586,000 has been let to Mitchell season in which albacore have wy and ton cht. p morning, clear- A householder's land clearing to have 'the theatre completed 'W. Winrla Uaht operations were responsible for and open by May 15 next. U5 The fisheries protection vessel , Laurier, Capt. Llewelyn Sheppard, also took part In the m.p.h.) Tues- a false alarm, which sent the ranBe in temnera- city fire department to the 1500 investigation, cruising, In co Rcgcourt m San Antonio 3.95 Senator Rouyn M Sherrlt Oordon 2.30 Steep Rock I 80 Sturgeon River 15 Silver Miller 30 'S loniht. nnH operation with the Kitimaat, Block on Sixth Avenue East at 1:30 Sunday afternoon. A near At Pnrt Hnrri.l waters from the Oregon coast Nsett 40 and 53, by resident turned in an alarm ,u and 57. north to Langara Island at the northern Hip of the Queen Charlottes. when he mistook a fire which had been started to burn stumps and brush for. a house fire. Huge clouds of smoke billowed up. K TIDES As a result of the activities of the two vessels, a northern 07 PORT REVENUE UP THIS YEAR fr.a Time) tuna industry was established Pct(-bcr 5, 1948 Saturday afternoon at 5:30 the firemen responded to a call to the home of H. Trudeau, 1443 which may result in a perman 21.3 feet cnt secondary fishery, although '.f:50 14:50 riistnms'and excise revenue at 22.6 feet Piggott Place, where a metal further Investigation is. requir the port of Prince Rupert for 8:45 ed to confirm this. 21:18 1.9 feet I was no damage. The Queen Charlotte Islands the first nine montns 01 i ti, highest since the war- tuna fishery this summer was stlmulatea yea of 1944, records concentrated off Tassu Harbor reveal. Collections so lar ui where times during the late ruits Wanted QIHB summer, the fish came as close year XoUl $392,099.15, more um $100,000 greater man ior as three miles inshore. same period of mi. 1 OR THE RESERVE ARMY WHITACRE. Eng.. Char This is only sjz.iwu ir to the collections in 1944 when end of September totalled $424,- lie Tonks, 69, who as caretaker of a stretch of line between ,eavy Anti-Aircraft Battery R.C.A. 848.69. Peak year r- o 1343. when collec- THE "NIGHT IN VIENNA" SINGERS IN A NEW SPECTACULAR SHOW tlons for the first nine months PIERRE DE GAULLE IN NEW YORK FOR JUBILEE Pierre de Gaulle president of the Paris municipal council, an office equivalent to mayor, arrived In New York from Paris with his daughter Chantal, to participate in New York's Golden Jubilee celebration He was greeted by Grover Whalen, chairman of the mayor's committee on t he Golden Jubilee, and Ludovic Chancel, French consul-general In New York. Mr. De Gaulle, who Is a brother of General Charles de Gaulle, will spend 10 days In New York as guest of the city. In picture, left to right are: De Gaulle, his daughter, Chancel and Whalen. . , - n - - ! 7'"'-"i-it-ww CIVIC CENTRE Tuesday, October 5, 8:30 p.m. were $561,664. Collections in September were Whitacre and Hampton in Arden, has been waiting lfi. years for a train that never came, retires In six weeks. Traffic was diverted to a new main line in 1932, but Tonks stayed on the job. Reserved Seats, $1.50 and $1.25 ...nntn as COmDareQ inter TrtLrJj Cir 4, 1948 fVSIai W-v r :- i Meltride AUDITORIUM Rush $1.00 Students 50o o.uw., - . . $27,980 in the same -", Tickets at Ormes Drug Store and Civic Centre . Revenue in nu' year' was $28,092.