There were 1.693 motion i pie-Can- fyf ture theatres operating in Prince Rupert Daily News acta in 1947, average adm Tuesday, February 21. lyftu Victoria Report mm Ra.y '-Reflects . . . ; . . . and Reminisce price was 35. ti cents, box office receipts averaged $0 30 per capita. An iiHl-p-nd'Tit daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia . Nesbitt' by J. K : if95 O Published every afternoon except Sunday by , "" Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, As long ago us thirty six years Same say "pan cakes" and some British Columbia as many as a thousand ballots, pi efer "hot cukes".. But there is G A miNTFR Man.ioin RHitni- h r. pfrry Ma nnpinB nirpptrtr i were ca3t in a Prince -Runert"really on diiierence.-This ti the Hospital Insurance Plans Still Obst-ure Bickering, Fighting and Entertainment 11 there day an affinity is recognised be- : -MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULAT i municiPaJ election. That , , , ...Jlt , I was live lve interest interest in in the the oi outcome tween it and a certain blameless breakfast disti, God Bless it! i VICTORIA Everyone was left up in the air on T t $4.25 Mfn,, . Unmans, Nui ; $7.00 M,.n,, ,, ft. had certainly been foreseen. The chief factor was private owner- ui vuiiauian tress iiuuii nureuu oi uiuuiuuuiis Canadian Daily Newspaper Association v SUBSCRIPTION RATES Warm and brown, melting but- i uAOnit.' il inem-anr. utter PrpmW Rvrnn Jnhnsnn's ship of utilities. This was de- ter enriching: its' charm, .:nd 1 J , !feated and fur about fifteen splashed with . m a p i e honev ; policy speech to the Legislature. He left lots 01 By Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year $8 00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. years tne city was served on tne small wonaer mis morning me ; questjons unanswered. ' His Speech Was Carefully pri- r.iihlm nwnpr tin hasis Snip to i nrp.sprver rum a nav nil its mvn' 1 I J i pared. in. advance, every word weighed, well. -After Is , the Power Corporation of pan- : . ada followed. Vancouver, according (o jhe it.was ovpr observers CQyld read .all sorts of interpre- ,j $12.50 M,.M,tJt) Important Services Bureauof Statists hasihe high-, ;nt it Tr ,,ftlll.i V. , TUt 0laf.twi i,t InmPifV 1011 cv.. ... .." .'.--. ( est hourly waee rate in the Do. J l MHlH, saw me commencement oi an, . . ;,,,; ' .. ;., , t u Uflt AnaA $3.95 hr: the protound significance """ , w..i f ui ic ui inc mcucuvs-.cuuwu ! age. :!1r i 'i 1 Work P... ., ' The i-fieraier ..said .rs: jAii I of which no one suspected. The 99.9 cents lor the , average tor Canada. Hamilton, Ont. comes ; 'msm CANADIAN Maritime Commission, at, a hearing to he held in Ottawa on March 1, will consider, end of 1913 saw also the end of I a ,,'av nf lifo tViat tine IfiniT cinpn kSTi toi the,ervice mu.sti)e Sx- ;:H-a thrre.gns T ' next wit S 1 1 a -The MOB ',To?J p! IW'"18(1 l-older to bring. U ut ir.. Premier" l4,kd ir. ,WUh. :midiiicaUons that,iiay Je pe--vFin." fepOied Uae -.Premier. Fi- i VICKERS IS OISTIIIID IN CANADA pessary to improve the jalan nance ,-Minisier AUtoCymb Just ywued. ' Columbia, bemg 37.7 hours, two wars of terrifying s-ope and . wmeone now ...kindly ,dis-ten appalling destruction or picture I years of unheard of dppres-1 cov" " wl?"e .lowest ae cost ol liv1 an be I luud. sion and destitution. And these were but a few of the chances ! $5 00 Kys' h,h wool, all tuti, $4.25 Boys' C breakers, sh,,,, proof. Now AND H DllllllUtlt IY,aiVftl This jilvertKement i nut putilislird or tliv pljvc-J by the Liquor Control iitrtl oi ' Of thr Ciiivcimiicnl 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 C'ulurnb.A, 1 That could .mean Uiat evich i services as itiigs, sX-rays 4eep i therapy and such J,ike might e j ?ut out. I -.Mr. Juhiuwn . mimi piid. ".We . And there, was fcnud, eniertain- destined to come, as Duff Patt-: The year 1645, in . all rvba i ml l.hp inllununahlp lnaroailiip bility, sa.v the last war. ,Any fu-;,must keen in .-nind thejact t)jat uesUprvVsairi.H apulogked tor ullo and Sam Newton campaigned for the mayoralty. among other things, a subsidy contract to Union Steamships Limited, for passengers and freight 'service to .northern British Columbia coast ports ;tnd the Queen Charlotte Islands- A. little over two years ago Union Steamships Limited, operating to these northern ports and the Queen Charlottes, precipitated some consternation here in Prince Rupert when it intimated that financial considerations made it necessary to impose a drastic cutting off in services. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce immediately went into action ture trouble won t iea 'ar. It to -roam.t I1C LiiiKtMl Mil, II1U !! uniajn uiepe exciuMire .per- ?4oiUgpO, U.(J1L1 Xtl Uin jid,; 35c ( hildren'j V There were parked meetings 1 . would be. over in a day ,or;iess. ,lces .requires . v.n unders,tajadlne agaJijst .jniargarine Mt sema With . atmosphere poisoned,, and , on the jiart .ol the citizens tliat jjjat , his" (rit-wos.jat -hume-cailvd chief cities ghastly wasie places. the revwuie nnist be sufficient to j him "Qleo -Jk? ."' there ..woyldn'.be. anything .Jeft ,,meet the cpsts." 1 1 .He ,.said insarine is ruinhn to fight lor. or. people to fWht j -hat could aieap (hat. it drugs ! the dairy indu6t-Thellialu",u(' each ohter. Once a climax like tX -jays. etc. are to he continued, , then went like, this:- 2 lire and plain t-peakins- On the j whole, however, good nature prevailed. There was no lack of soortsmanship. Nevton polled 532 votes and Pat ullo 445. The nMprmpn u-prp Thnmns Maittond 15 tnis is visuair.ea tana, many are tne Dremjums miuht have-to ko convinced i all nations, including . Dr. Giliis, "4h, no." ..Mr. lioue, "vh. .yes." ,Dr. Giliis. " Oh, no." lr. Hope, "oh yes, ,oh yes, yes." i up. : -The Premie.-, kiplng lightlv aver, difficultier in internal ad- Russia, will get away from the idea of cohqusst. oh and appealed vigorously to the company against George Kerr, Thomas Mcciy-such a move. As a result, the services were retained aw; SSd and. later certain changes were made in the interests victor Basso-Bert, others ac- ; i rr ..... ... .ministration, told of the great Prenjier.AttctP rn.1ncjnt.,an hlAsa,- . hOKni,9i iRranrP ha incc Kupert J Always Prompt and Courteous'. Flowers lot n tive throuhotit and who appear- ; emDloved. noom-tion , nr. n 4;wpJe ff Ulc pro. When Premier, Johnson goes, to I '300 3ra Ave. fa f We're Here to Serve YOU It ea on ine piiiiiuim imiuueu uic ;uy uuiuicn, jiu quuiin wiui,(c vincp In this, of course, he is Lqnd,on next pwnth: he'll be the caies.. expantiine. exupns, ana a ,, ,.ii,t t, ,. w o kw. .... .u- i ...a f tn lore&uing nun m. r . ivijaiiei.v. A. H.. Allison, W. P. Lynch. J. E. rr u . 1 . workable deniwracv. I Commodore Cafe' me lonuii , ine,jj0 onP wnc hps been ti hos- don. e told the House, he (Will ? to be pitai grumbles about hospital in- leave . ,Iarch J8..and, he back .in Dyer, Douglas Sutherland.Thom- ' on Thursday is goin as McClyrnont, O. H. Nelson and ! close it will hurt. sutance. The-Premier spid and Victoria lor the sitting ,of MaKh 1 of more efficiency and economy on certain runs. Notable among these was the elimination of the former long run direct from Vancouver to the Queen Charlotte Islands and the attaching of that service to the, end of a direct service between' Vancouver and Prince Rupert, this making a, direct run to and .'.from Prince Rupert to the naturally tributary Islands. For Friend A 1 A I A. H. Allison. .everyone .agreed with him: "I 27.. He will address a meet in! nf "Hospitality and Good Food"' venture to sav that nouheve lse the Timber Trade Federation of 'Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders' Mrs. Bussinqerr 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Prince Rupert was young. He: people had the confidence and spirit of enterprise that go with Building, Inn Decoration on mis cuiuuieiii. is j nc u i;ip uit;ien,ivitiutMi'Ti.. hospital service eiven for so He said: "It .seemed to me I reasonable a nremium. nr thp could neither ignore the oppnr-, first time, hosnitals In 'his tunity afforded me of pre.sentin'! ', vlnce have been freed from the British Columbia's . case to the Jelkwa, Passes youth. Of course, . dreams were; -s.r meant to be ;n .the future. But Continuation of the service to the Islands as.jvell jeverythirig would be ajl right. If TFIKWA H:eh Mass wp cel- lanyone had the. faintest doubt ebrated bv'-r . S"n--chi"r'n as to such ports to the north as Alice Arm,, Stewart, trade. nor the honor thH had ..been corlerred upon this province.." EBY&50NS Contractors islanl builders' Oeneral Bai.' Ml i JlcBriilr SI , worry and onxieh' .of .whe'bor thev -nan kepw td. ''n-w pnd. for t,hp first time in the history of thh province those "M-i Wens strickpn 1th illness rP free from financifl wrrv T,nviotv "'Tii"h lnevilihle Im-! nairs recovery." jail he had to do was call on Ar- at the Roman Catholic Church thur, Little, munching peanuts in here vesterdrw for the latp M". jhis newsstand down , near the Hannih BiHiraer. 27 wife of jdock. He held the post of super- pavmond R!i'-"ir ..'hn. o.wrt I optimist. ..And would you believe awav at the Bulklev Valley Dis- Port Simpson depends upon the favorable consideration by the Canadian Maritime Commission to the applications for subsidy contracts. In the new The Premie- .tald. the, I.p"lh-1 ture the civil service will be streamlined ti save monev and create mTP pf"pprpv Vrprt" i "i motor vhlcle branch hasj been surveyed by business ex Kf'.PAIKS - Kt.M01ltl.I IN4. Hl M TIOS Lei us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A Phone C;rr-n KH't Hot era ot development which is opening: un for this 11 "mce KUPen naQ inree Qa1' trict HosoitaMast Friday Htter a . 1 ly newspapers. lin-eriiv U'it'-- n r, i i u- i n i part of British Columbia and Canada, the im- . i ,Mrs. BuSsinser .armed m.Tei- portance of preservation of such services is apparent speaking of gram elevators, kwa as a wa:. b'ride in August . .. .. . . . rr . . . the quantity of wheat beinn laii; f,, ni.r s,,ntianri h mill: perts and it has been found 0. i '! The Hotie '.vns in se'sinn but a few -days beiore the nublic pl-lpri." u-erp puprtained wi'h the 000 a year can be saved., When the whole government servl"e U SNACK v Bigger 4 political bickeiine and fiahti thev love.. The nubli-. dopsn't like Pt on its new bnsis more than I portance.Ot the preservation Ot SUCh services WhlCil handled at Vancouver this win- mothPr ,.,Vfd from .sojiand i these subsidy contracts make possible is apparent ,er is about double what n was sopie m0ntbs nn t-, hp with" her j - . , 1 . . 11 (last year. The situation at Prince c.p'iper '-ell itnn-n i anrl no place more than right here in Prince Rupert Rupert may be .said to be un- hotel man and merchant of Tei- '. Industries are now expanding in all directions from ??anE,ed-xt; as als? way 1,1 Kwa was her father-in-law., she ,948' ,M7' 190 8"d ,945' lves two. P.; p- u .U.u. one son. Barry, Mill i .at. " cuu vef.r, iiL. rift saved The Torngat mountains in Labrador rise to about 5,500 feet. Canada's most Important single industry is agriculture About one out of four Canadians Is engaged In farming. " HAMB 4 I" M. t A.'s to be ton sprious. The public gets bired with Ion" t speeches, given i" droninr fash-Ion. The public likes a good legis- a.htt o' nTiTie-zal- lingas much as the Sneaker .will let members ?et awav with Thus it- was the Oi'lpvios Vipa it the d'lv Ooposllion Leader Wioh m'le h K Rncp"11. He scoffed once more at Coalition, which he asain called a marrlcse of convenience. Better ok - Avjll soon be of such volume that they will sustain - such services as these without necessity of subsidy. ,;,The situation today, however, seems to be that the "services still require nurturing not .only in -the " local but the national interest Interment took piaoe at the TeJkwa cemtierv. "oil .hei-"- beins . Issac Nicholson, Christopher PPter.sor,.j.R. J. Phillins, D C. McEwen, D.vld Mahood tnri L. T.. Buchanan. It's business wise io advertise Classified ads, onng results. 1 Ever since before the first war, ' there has been a. tiresome drab-ness in the p.tire oi important dignl,tarles on affairs of stat. But now there, are Uns of a . change and th,e public should i welcome it. The Windsor uniform ; (may soon be back, in all its ef-i I fulgent splendor. The Supreme .Movins, Packing, ( ratine Shipping and (icnrral Cartage and .Murage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welaing supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and I'ark Avenues Est. 1910 Phones GO and GX AT Full Cu!ir :. OPEN " Just off Tu" ; HYDROGEN IiOMIi HHBIhSt. nM NATIONS mwmmzw? YDROGEN ROJMR will not be.a usable weapon Court judges, have already taken to their loftv.sents on the hen"h. wearing robes of, soft crimson with white neckpieces Well, the taxpayers .see little in the way of .a .show. They should receive iomeihing for their money. 1 H ' ittj - , 'inTfiwmT art in the U.S arsenal for cfuite a while, if. ever, 4 JOHN H. BULGER PRODI1 In the next three years between $150,000,000 avid $200,090,-000 will be spent to develop the ir.on ore deposits in Labrador and-TJnava. OKIOMK I If l.S'l Wolls, WwJ' ond Fn'! WolrerE. Harris M P. Minister of Citizenship ar.d immigration will make an . important Broadcast on the subject of "Canada's Future-Progress" Thompson John Bulger Ltd. Co. I" Third Avenue MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Whiilesale Warehouse Tarrying a rcprrsfnUI1" prompt service to inie GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. - Tires, t I V li says Christian Science Monitor. Right now, even 7;jf an H-bomb existed it would be like having, an 'arrow before anyone invented a bow. "Task of con-. verting the known-theory 'of the H-bomb into a - usable weapon begins with making the bomb. But just, as important is devising ways for using it. Thus H-bomb project involves probably , more money in J devising and perfecting possible carriers than in building bomb itself. ' One example of magnitude and , complexity -of ; projeet is the fact that the plane which drops such ; a bomb must be at least 100 miles away, preferably ; 200 to 300, at the time of explosion if it is to escape ;. safely. Alternative is a drone rplane or guided . missile:... Bu't with modern radar development it's - questionable whether it would be possible to maintain control over either a drone or guided missile ; under combat conditions. . . -. ..Thus the load of the H-bbmb project on Ameri-- can economy, will be far greater than the actual cost of developing the bomb. Technical . experts, resources and money must be concentrated at all . phases of project. One concern is that the project will require so much, progress will have to be halted . in many other fields. Best opinion available in Washington is that it would be disastrous for public opinion to see inH- bomb a cheap substitute for friends and allies or for conventional arms. If U.S. got the bomb first and I alone, it still could be just a useless white elephant I due to developments in defensive technique. hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO.- Lamps or!; 8:15 P.M. TUESDAY, 21st and incandescent, 6 to 230 volts. GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA-"1" flashlights. Ignition batteries. G. H. WOOD & CO.- Industrial sanital lon.paP'' deodorizers.' DUSTBANE CO. of B. C Dust bane, Sisal, J3' hotel and restaurant supplies. ' T"t ' WfiS "Boy, that was close I didn't see that guy." , Is I p . 1 imfhrt!in.nn iiimiii ill!Ulllllliiilllill!liil!ll!UMIWI IMPERIAL WIPING RAG CO. and n,n" Iy- ; , FINEST f PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY' J712rdAve. 1w LUURI.St'EAMlTR PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermedial Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. O R Ml ' ' f.J j For dependable, enjoyable ! 1 O day-to-day radio entertain- ;'i iM M ment . . . let us check your I V radio regularly , for needed k DRUGS For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGII1 For Reservationi E PAID C 1 (lilt repans, wci-csMujr icpiauc- f it !R 5 ment of parts etc. I I J ' ) I WE PICKUP AND .DELIVER From 1939 to 1949 Canada's industrial capacity ,-yas almost trebled. l SUFFERED AGONIZING RUSSIAN SHIP PASSES THROUGH PANAMA The Russian fishing schooner Chl-aka is shown going through thfc Galllard cut of the Panama Canal on her way from the Baltic to the northern Pacific at Vladivostok. The Chiaka Is one of three Russian ships that passed through the Caribbean area where the U.S. will stage intensive rjntlitary manoeuvres In the next few weeks. One report was that the Russian ships may take over -Pacific fishing grounds formerly used by the Japanese All the Red craft were said to be equipped with -powerful radios. The hill In-background here is historic Gold hill through which the "big ditch" was cut. PHONE 6 NOW ; j Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE j RUPERT, B.C. PRESCRIPTION CHEM. W 8'OHE HOURS WEEK DAYS, SUNDAYS AND. HOLIDAYS- '2 Nl)N 7 P.M. TOj 9 ally car delivery service ' jrp'f from 9 am. till p.m nt''i Hwritii Oyswht. EECllnf ffo for pun nh$ t SciJtk, Ntnttlfi, tttmfctff n4 hwwa I Was Nearly Crazy With; Fiery jtch- Until I d1-ovvd Dr. D. D Lionii mine-l Just, jfjir H. D, D. PrtKription V rtrM popuir. ihii purr, cooling, liquid nidLLioD , Sjjeedit and conii'drl frym cruel iU tiijig (uubtd by -zema, p.mpiei, rablivi. sthlele fwit and olitir Ittd tiuublr Trial AxHUe JI)t firat pp!i, at. on thetl.a ven Uf mutt in.ejite Ki-h or money Ijatk Ask diutfgial lor DVD. PrcavriLiwti ot j.Ua (rt:ili. Vah nB(3M!l!