Ill ;- SREENA MEMBER f T r, to- ..iim.ti. rntwliiinns FriHce Rupert Daily Hews T' u-i i two sail economical route being continued irom Trage u i,i..h k th forests rreen Tuesday. February 21, 1550 ' 1 I I ing days closer to the Orient -.-i0.,f ttian southern seaports. Value of .-Fish Earlier 1 mentioned the fact that, the Prince Rupert area has been dependent on the fishins industry since its early days -Fl-w people realise that 44 "J! of the total raw fish production for BriUvh Colombia is taken OVER FOUR YEARS OLD and tend to reduce fir hazard to a minimum. In 1948. the Coast section of the Prince Rupert Forest District produced 174,39oJ)l)u feet, board measure of sawlogs and 71,423 lineal feet of pyles, pilings and mine Umbers. The combined value from this district 'amounted to $5,950,000 in ins industry during these years grew in importance, providinpr the main source of industrial pavroll which is still the case today. With the comins of World War II.. Prince Rupert played an im-poiiant role in tlie defence of r "-"!V S3 ' ! Alaska. Our neighbors, the roil i the w j tors of District 2 A .ne-icans, .appreciated their i , . . . M,.,h(.r ii, I the unfinished state. Further, i OF TMt 1MES- supply lines could be shortened ColmlUlia ccml iT1is percent-lit is estimated that 55 of the j by directing supplies through , . . , R , I sawlog production was shipped this city. Exixtu. facilities w' 'lout of the northern coastal dis-i 0. - J .:- improved and the .highway yas r ,, , f . , ., ,..,., I trkt for nuimuacuic where.) ilEM completed connoctinji . totaled .$14,302,254. belns Filty seven and a half percent Kupert to me in-tenor mgnway ,, ,lilif, , . Mw- i of thf total sawloe production OI tne COaSl section 111 Uie runtr Rupi-rt forest District was scaled system. During the war years, a total of twelve and otuvhalf million tons of American war mm. Xije prjvaciti total Jor the same period was $32,013,000. In 1940. Prince Rupert handled on the Queen Charlotte Islands lEGDSSQi supplies passed through the sea-,, Inlu 1 I L , I I I . n ! Tl ... T!:mri.i .vcnled 100.219.000 port of Prince Rupert; naval . , -.,.:., .,.,,,,,... . 1 r n m -:i.h nn osUmahvl value i .uiUliun pjuvids ct American ol $3,420,000 oi wincn l.bui.uuu , hiUibul. Priiue dlujait is the F.B.M. was manufactured on in its shipyard, and the fishiiv; r ; " l"-:!f I wwroant im not pnblt.h.rt or rtlniilayea by tho Liquor Control O " , suara or by th Uuverniuant of Brluau Coliunblk. industry Kept up i s pronueuon. ; . , - . .. i . . f.B.M !arft sin ;l petit in the halibut , the IslanJ, j ,()85, m The poptilauan ,.. n("Urt ;infl,( hl lh;. world .nul there Uelivertd to the Ocean Falls was ?T " . 11 1!U" UM"V "I is more of a eonc.otrati.m of Full) and tor mill and 67 ' 'STARUT ADVGRTTRTNO COI-f WTI.I, RR PPRECIATK. riAiiv MITWK r-T Asiir,iT.'n irwirrjTren'viirvTa urnvn ppcin -"c i freezer space U handle the pro- 7W.0OO F.B.M. was snipped out ducts of the sla than in any io the district for manufacture. ether city The Skeena' River,; 1 he balance of 328,000 JB.M. 20 miles from Prince Rupert, is; was abiuidonwl in the woods. j I envision that, when world conditions allow trade to flow between North America and the Orient, the strategic neofiraph-, ical location uf Prinne Rupert I will once more be appreciated through providing the most a heavy producer of fish pro-1 jt jS qUite natural to expect ducts mainly in the form ol 1 that Iokhjok operations f re-canned salmon, and fillets. For- j queiiUv precede uianufacturinji PHONE 79 PHONE 79 WCW raOUTflM TKnt innlsrlnn rnnnh rknrlla m. n I. . -, , h.nnHcf! tn nptrnlt. Writer Wnltpr Kppms in have utnrf,s4 . " -4 I Mier waste is iiiaiiuiactuiitl iUj ciM-raliuns in an area. However, I meal, on and iertiuzer. I at the same time, it is quite evi- Minins in the north has dent that the industries of the greatly Increased in Importance,! south are having to depend more 1 """".wuiig m jjg,, quette. Here Baz O'Meara of Montreal Stardespit a little surplus poundage a showed up in Montreal Canadiens' dressing room well prepared. Coach Dick I handed, starts a lethal swing from an unorthodox left-handed stance, in the 'hi' Gravelle of Les Canadiens can be seen taking things far more seriously than the ,M l .. V I ' . t n . u. . . o a 111 HUtUarr particularly in the past lew and mure on tne .ores- piomu is years. The SUbak-Premier Gold j ol the north. Mine, which shut clown in July,! This is evidenced by the fact ls48, commenced reopening in ! that sawloe production in the r 1 1 -, late Auiuist, 1949, and ship-1 ni)rtn is increasing. Ye t In rivers and streams very attrac-. United States with Alaska using for thp j ; menus ccuuiiciiceu in janu;iiy iuik hft'?. ot uip aiijn Broouctuin uctlon ; j tive w to vj the imp n sportsman. juruiuun. Whether wneiner the ine Cariboo uariDOO Highway nmnwav to ui Prince iTince amj ,,,,,1 .v, lhp , , tarnutri 123 ! i NIGHT & DAY 123 UNITED CABS 123 men are employed. The sum of that district for manufacture or boat the natural beauty can to Prince Rupert with a ferry employs about i $2,000,000 was spent on the Tor- elsowlit-re. I feel that, under thej be eouai.y appreca.eci. The service operating between Prince ; B.C.-therfW .v Kjn.ri n..iL. ..i. pJCMilt Ullillluc; u tictrtni u- A.i.w.tiio v'M,,a nuucn d(iu iioooAti it, mm tills SOW' to bring it into production. A .Uon. forest product industries in fish would i ana pame wnicn, to- Haines, Alaska, contact w urge uiwn the it Btanci :uowsay i j j juu- wn mni is in operauon unu . should be encouraged to estao- nevncr wun me nines oi sanoy De made wnn tne expanciini' nicnt the imnr- yw imc ciipjvvu Dsn 111 tne areas wnicn jrouune mhhvo, umi p.t,w,uic nun it-juiunwujf byawm ui nia.iiva. i'r.Ushing a Ctft aiiipment .was niade in iFebru-jthe raw product and which laxation to the traveller. SUice i Commissioner for Roads for AJ-lat an early date V; HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. "r,V Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. .' - 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. ary, iy. It is expected pro-; WOuld encourage industry to tne,our government is keenly inter- aska, to co-ordinate his plan.'ijvcs and tiv. . i .,n n n, , ... ....i ..... 1 ii. I lul l.l ha Iii.iI'IlI n iiL.Irt, ' ... .1 .....I...-. r " - duction will be two jiiniiuii yueen unarioiie lsianos ana n, ,,' -'c kwunov inuu.hi,, net-us uie vu-upriuuuu ui . Uidiutries im- ounces ol silver per annum, northern coast. f u"u oiiiv-c win tviiii at uiiu l ivh f uuvci lllliciiv ill ramuiiauiiij; liiia WatCraVS Ai The Silver Standard Mine neari uit-iu ineas nave so uiucii to terry service ana lurtner. inei i-.tdp The Pulp Mill perter.; Uazelton started production in Umvirt fur vrart Imrl i 1 u, lo-onriauuii ui uui iji uviuuiui i vesse s anil TTSIXTK ;STREET AND THIRD AVENUE icariy lU'jis. ,ane possi.'jmiics u j h,pocl that a pulp mill wouldi""v" "ulrllu s" iniounn government is required in put-. cquippcr wiai . uiuiuuui an lius Auuie ttit-a mib esl3blished in the vicinity ofl "u,""i,"B 1 " nr c"ul1 """! ting nignway iu in uioi cta.v., Which -..uld t u-iiik (jhi.-jijc.i.i.-u. .nit; kjuvv"4 tii it city I can assure you that " wirai-! coikuhuu, incii-uy uiuijn.-i.iu:;; (ji sucn a aeni imparlance oi mining in ""; it, was with "reat pleasure that a,rui- the Alaska to .united state. uve. norm is aio niuicavea oy uie thp Nortn receiVed the news that expansion oi inausiry route wnicn, apan irom inous-, Klntion Act a loie.-l inuliurv a pulp null. " "'"r " ""'V iry, wouiu uraw inousHiuia m i would m ia 1,1 n'e Amercian tourists Into the north would be established by the Col- ..lal ?ar ; the Election Ar. Prof B fact that scouts .and eninters irom all the major mining com-1 panics throughout Canada and United States are kecpiiv' close Cismess essiona umbia Cellulose on Watson Is-' 'i1'"" country. wards the c! -kin ot this L . .-i rxrvm ' IHlLiiri DJVUU1I91UII 111 UU1 Ili' In the ,ast, possibly the traffic dul not warrant any contact wt..i projects and de- ' JR tural fesourcM' als0 8wlnS n-j . 1 , minl say that UUl , rrillte itlipei t. IIU,,Ul say ! in tl,i,. tllorol Inn in a nrntvrmrt nnll-o. velopmeuts this area. ALo, const ruction 'mmMi : during the past ' " J -' - ; of decentralisation, our Gov year has advanced favorably just recently, the Consolkla.eJ Mining and Smelting opened an ernment Khould in every way ind in about one year the plant j Government, ; wise and pr I took the lead a. Canada by ex. tion Act to ir. j of this prova ment, excrcisi:. prudent ju& t)tl. GARNET F, H. MONTGOMERY '- ''.DENTIST V Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 PO. Box J216 MARGARET McLEOl) OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIIJINO Exploration Oifice in Prince shoulo be in operation This;'.;; . ',...,. ," , Rupert whiel, wUl assin still development reprints a twenty ! TtM S&?xn:' further Ue mas activities it five million dollar invest ment hed wealth of The Northern ! Northern; is encoar. Ke the re- nd. when completed, will pro-, Jln fcirta ci atcxit aciras in live- viae a steadly payroll Ijr about ,, 01 our, Provmce ! At nrnco,t HI m no nf V, IO. thing different but the time has now come that the Government would be warranted in'mukinR appropriation for the strengthening, re-liK-at-,ing. " necessary, and lilack-topping of the highway east of Prince Kupert. Furthermore, industry will require an open road summer and winter. .British Columbia Is a maritime province with a rugged 7,000 RATtin itciusvi"! (rm-3ssTara of or.p tnousand men in tne nun '- " " "' mile road to Watson Island is rfwijii fcjkf 2jc pc-gbpeciietl. i -,nd woods. lead of all p; by extendiirc , to include t. province. Ot I fie time ha., natives of BC uiioer reconstruction. The Col- ' !. I It is fitting at Oils time to Umbia c , , mdicated l!.l0'"l'.that its permanent staff will - pause PHONS fiLUE rm PO BOX 1IH4 bute to the efforts ot one gen- mile coast line, most of which ! reside in Prince Rupert. Since : share of the water, " PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair fc. MIKE COLUSSI -; Phons BLACK 758 "C ' 972 10th East is accessible only by i iinuurn mpnt it is anticipated the mill will be i tie man who, I feel, contributed very substantially to the final it p i i l mint rw al I tr iticrfws f all l d -.( Tie- im Bmnjk Ciau is Mr fur-Ttt ptmtmtt. d I mht say llut Ike rUMrra rat con-tnbate rrrr Mibstaiitially. I here are lar?r ktaixis of ac-eyubie timtMY which im guot me and ualitr, due to the in operation in about one year, ; ales unu lo""s "') -tt)e in Watson Island. Fur- . '3 ,asn at our coast. With incr, creilS- 1 rruriai tJ'' thermore, his Department's an(, .rtarmi h. "' i,,, trafnc uiere nas been lion w con 1 ,11..,. ,,f U,., niIl r U.iim.iinilnt " " "" ........ - i. faced, two-U.K lV"-jr '"""'J ......&...v... that ti.iio nnj . oenniie oi inuini 1.1. reuses has given a iceiing oi n. .,,. . i and loss of life at sea In view Canada is ax' r HANDYMAN HOMh SKKVJCE CIENKUA I. CON J RAtTORS I security to the invested capital.! tn7,. "h ',"' q " of the fact that our B.C. coast lo $150,000.6)0. way's cat. i ieei uns L.cisiuiure is tu, i is the highway oi trade to uiei acquainted with other achieve-; The highway cast of Trince north and south the carrier ' nients of this same gentleman ' Rupert, pushed Uu'ough as a SALE STOCK REDUCING' Building arid Kepalrf of all kinds ROOFS - CH1MNKY8 Oil. BUHNERS and I refer to the Honorable . w-i'' emergency, is fast becom-I Minuter. of Lauds and .Forests. I iH an industrial artery, partlc-I "'"'"'V in view of the pending This province needs industry, and I feel certain that everyone! 'f"mR operations along the I in this province appreciate.. . . Ske'111 R'ver required to supply SIPNEY GONICK " OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HDIJKS 9 to 5 p in, , 23 & 24 Besncr Block ' .Telcpnone 212 Evenings by Appiilntineni NOW ON AT TJle Sports Shop PHONES muck :iri4 n,.( im J. O. Box 1070 tlforts and negotiations wh. . . ' ,ul le new puip mill, have been carried on by the the Coinmiss.ooer oi Roads Honorable Minister in connec-! Alaska has outlined to our U.n with the consideration ol Governments, his loivr ranee ilie Aluminum .Company ol ; plans for a road connecting the Canada to establish a plant fori .. . . i-Jie .pi'oilit. i..n oi aluminum oij our Coast, 'liie success ol these f MV V. J. CHENEY '. DENTIST A.P. GARDNER & CO. Oli:u'ti-rct Aci (iiinlaiits A. I.. TiV.U,. C A , I'rihce lliipci t Ilul.i l i Here's Prompt Relief Beyond j Belief From The Pain Of r ARTHRITIS I RHEUMm1 -iJUl'lh.. SMITH BLOCK - )iHir Ob P.b. Box M0l Feb. -622 West 3rd Ave. WMBHMMHIMWiMMWaMMMMMMHMHHMMIHMMWiMMMHMlHHW i 1 i ! - ' i G6)D" ! i i ...... I Approx. l-lf Or. Ii l.VApril Itinerary an Fail:;, Bella 11a :',0 Prince I!u- negotiations to date is shown by the fact that the survey parties and engineers were in Jie NctiitiKO area during the past year and further work will oe done during 1!);0. Should the Aluminum Company of Canada uecule lo e.i.aoiisn in British Columbia, everyone can appreciate the effect it will have on our industrial outlook. Furthermore, should .the test holes being drilled on Queen Charlotte Islands by Koyalite prove that oil in quantity is available it would lie a bonanza to this province oil available at tide-water. .Besides being rich in material natural resources, Northern Bri Fell. .VJUALITY REPAIRS ,rpr .Powntrodden Heels r- ,and Worn Boles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 714 8econd Ave Try prnmpt-ftctinr tmny-tn-uk DOI.CIN TftMcts . . . now ftvniUM in tkrrf convenient itx? bolUi-t, t rranaiuibie cot, t Mil iriK nUtfn. Atdiiimttl by rriitvnl uf-ftrer evfi-yuherc, y)ii can rey on thit effrrtive TmKlurt to r-licv the aronr ff Arthritin, KhiirnUtm mrui Sritir. 1)01.01. ! iiinmpt and has no unplf&iant aflr-r-fffcru, Ct bntlie nf Rnuin IfOl.CIN 'latihtrT anH Irt iht-vn bt'lp ou finil nw. romforlina rt-liff , . . today )U Ublrta for S2..H9-200 labMn for :i.l-alo avail-nl,lr in imtUr-s of 600 IaMcU. Iolcin Umlud. 'I n ron to 10, Onutrio. $CQnram$ 'Caorams pi'ft, Terrnre District Kings Plat B & W TRANSFER Dry Kiiidlinc Wood !0r pir Hack Kiiiidom I,( iii'l.h Fir PHONE RED 1K2 i !i . i'Cullierinc Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ; 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Really Co.) rhones: CIreen !07 Days New Residence Phone ? ! ;' Number Red 0(14 t Rupert Bakery Ltd. tish Columbia possesses another natural resource, and I refer to the natural beauty attractive to the tourists. Tourists arrive from all parts oi inorth America to partake of the scenery of Northern British Columbia with its snow-capped mountains, For . Thii ad vertinjn u nni nnhlkhed or FOR YOUR HOCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BI Uk. 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed ,,the liquor Control Board or by the Government w' green timbered slopes, lakes Cakes Pies Bread, etc THE HOME OF FINE BAKERY PRODUCTS Mow Here! HEW 1950 CHRYSLER jlf) 3rd Ave. Phone (543 -Bytown Machine Works Rales Service ami Parts ., , Simplex Oas Engines 3,i h p. -- in.r) h p. tfuuimlns Dependable Dlesclf G! h p. -i .r)50 h p! Inquire about our long term Warranty and Service . L You act tk Knnrl Thinas firs H GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public. Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Return compiled O. L, RORIE, A A E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 ciiiiiiMiaiiij) ' Chrysler Corporation j , High Compression Engines ' Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power All Steel Bodies VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE iSunday, 9 p.m., ChUcotln Tuesday. 1:30 p.m., Corjultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. TOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilootin March 3 and 17 10 p.m. FOR SOUTn QUEEN CHARLOTTE; ISLANDS ss Chilcolln Feb. 24, Mar. 10 and 24, 10 p.m. ' FRANK J. SKINNER " Prince Rupert Agent j Third Avenue Phone 568 MARCH AND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN . STOKERS lMumblng & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKINS LID. - Automatic Over Drive Tran1 F. HELEN'S HEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving: - Beauty Culture In all lis branches 204 4th StxePt Phone 855 MATTSON'S UPIIOLPTKRING Phone Blue 81 P.O. Box 2C 3:t0 Second Avenue Pr'.ne Rupert, BC. TtlU dvrtlHmn1i in nut publlahftd or aUuuytd by til l.liuor Control Fluid Drive And Many Other Firsts See your local Chrysler Plymof RUPERT MOTORS 0 tA sr by uia uovaruiuaut ox rltll OoUmlila. PHONE 174 BOX 271