fnnce Rupeif Doily Newt Tuesday, February 21, 1030 Aquascutum 22, 8 p.m. Civic Centre. (43, Tom McKonwn f,. Autobiographical talks by new niembers-Dr. L. M. Greene and Emil Blainewiil comprise tho program tomorrow at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Throe Act Comedy "Professors Preferred." at Catholic Hall. Mon. and Tues., Feb. 20 and 21 at 7:30 p.m. Admission 50c. (42) City ambulance responded to two calls Sunday. At 2 p.m Mrs.- Maria Wesley was taken from the General Hospital to Miller Bay Hospital. Kam Joe, at midnight, was taken to General Hospital from his residence at the ,Star Rooms. "Professors Preferred"' Three-Act Farce Catholic Hall, 7.30 tonight. Admission 50c, children 25c. n Pure Wool Navy Blue Gabardine with Raglan Sleeves and full belt . . . Pure Wool Fawn Gabardine with Raglan .Sleeves ancICalmacan Collar . . . Pure Wool Gobcd.rr ' Trench Coat, jtv'-r Shade with set i,5 ' ' Square ShouldeioK. Belt.... I" 1 1 Fine Mcrceriz;'pi,r ... '., with BalmacaiV ''CgIJc; and Raglan Slaewes $26.50 to $49.53 All by Aquascurura r PRESIDENT RIDE? In special stalls aboard the ohaimned Ali El Keblr, two of the four magnlfl- Iiscs arc shown with fez-wearlng Sultan Moham- ival at New York. The steeds were shipped from HOW SMALL CAN THEY GET? Bill Starr, of Mason Mich., stands in the cockpit of the "world's smallest airplane" and spreads his arms to give some idea of the little craft's wingspread. It has a nine-foot wing span and weighs only 398 pounds. It is known as the Slits, Jr., and is one of the attractions at the air manoeuvres in Miami. i outside Cairo, to Egypt's Queen Mother Zazll, who piled States. H was reported that one horse is to jTiumun as a gift. Makers of Fine Raincoats . ,. rvoose nomcmakinq Committee Meets - A1ter a business session, the jhome making commilUe of the Women of the Mi tliree tables of cards al the home of Mrs. R. E. "Johnson. Mrs. J. Hoskins won the first prize. Con- solauon was won by C Cas" " A1R lJA3iENGERS mm In advance. Please refrain IrUii word per Insertion, minimum Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices Engagement AunouncempnLa- to' DOUBLE PRICE Westvlew near Powi p.' a visitor In the eity on insurance business. He will be leavln- at the end of the week for Falls enroute back to Westvicw. '! daughters' Telephone Rrirw wWge during the week of Feb. 22 to March 1. Anyone desirous of having a table or more contact Mr. Dawes or L. Mitchell. tf Announcements Women of the Mwsc Novelty Spring Tea. April 19, in the new Moose Temple. United Church W.A. Home COOKlnir Snlo t-,....' T..t Saturthi v svh 5 1 , . 4.00 p.m. Canadian Legion Card Party, March 1. Card tournament. Catholic Hall, March 2. Shrine Band Concert. Civic Centre Auditorium, Friday March 3rd at 8:10 p.m. Tickets from members. St. Patrick's Tea Sale of home cookiiiR and card party, Catholic Hall March 10. Kin Edward School P-T.A. Tea, Home Cooking and White Elephant Sale, Friday, March 17 Canadian Legion Easter Sale April 5th. yuecn Mary I.O.D.E. Tea, nni m Cathedral Sale April 13. St Pftrrs Slirliwr c,l April o ;20 Presbyterian Spring Sale April 27. Sonja Tea May 13. t..v..... . '11 1. 11 11. 11 r (Hrrttan m rtu ,.f Ai.Mii.iiii,m i.,r rrrtkfi - ruto ..1 improtrmi-ntn. Mnntrpni tjo i Kn i ' M.intronl No S Mnntrral Nn . Montreal No 5. Montreal No. 6. Montrt-Bl No. 7. Montreal No. 8. nU Mineral ciHimK Won Accord No. iu. situate lii the Portiund Canal Mining; Division. . Where Located : Harklev Creck on mi. utter. Lawful holdem: L. Dcromo and J. O. Lc Francois. Number of the holder's free niin- rrB ,lriOB,.. 9tnn? nH 9iiunv 01 tne n Dove tcnnms. . fAhd funiri4uoiiM tiiat ac- t,on, wider, eCTtir, thci' Mm- erai Act." fuv b homuicnei be- f.re the iHsumWff fiwii . . t,n v. u niin t.iiui ; ia ., entes of IniDrovemcnta. if ,.. f 194D f W. H. Forrest, A(;ent. (H) sidy. D.'licioiis li'ln served by I lie i. !(is. Tlnwr present. wei Mr.- () Sl t;. u;;. Mrs. R. Cii.sk.' Mr "$ J Hnsk..lH, ivirs. u. rii.sii-r. .virs. r W WMrlil 'i.-!i Mis. C. Collins. Mi. S. Ifaimaii, Mrs, G. Robinvin Mis. F 1--Blass, Mrs! II Mtieey. Mrs M Johnson, -Mi s. C. C,i.;i(lv. Mr. : v. Terry' Mrs- R- 13 ikmncr. Cfo'itCou J'U'i' ,'!' Racquets and ShUtrW LOoT LOST Rolex wrist watch be- 25 Tavlor St. and United Church. Reward. Phone Green 448. (48) PKKSONAL UNWANTED HAIR Permanently rrilflli'atnri uilh K ..... ni.. "llic most remarkable cilscov-l crv or the aire. Sacu-Peiu is Biiaranteed to kill the roots' of any liair and contains no Ml UK Ul tllt-lim-UIN. 'lxir-ESOcr Lab. 679 Uranvllle, Vancu - ver, B C. 1 11 J.tTTnNER SPECIALIST 1'APITXJL.S-Stove Service & Reoairs. O. D. Ronson. Black !06. (48) PI-UMBINn and Ifeatinir -Sheet Metal work. Phone 543 or call 29. Sixth Ave West. II Letourneau and Sons. (tf) S1TI ATION WANTED I ' SITUATION WANTED Woman wishes work as housekeeper or similar nosition. Box No. C54. Daily News. 41 IICIP WANTED i tUAMTrn WANTED Yolinir v, mail ,., ..f of hlh AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver today I-Beckett. -J. T. ' J. .1. McKenna, A. P. : Chapman. Mrs. L. Smith. To Sandspit (today) B. .Tim-i mcrmcister i From Vancouver (Monday) O. . McKenzic. K. Zenger, A .Dixon, J D. McKay, R. McKay, C. Fitz - er - 1 aid, It.- Ridcock, S. B. Laird, M Gondo&il , From Sandspit Monday )-Miss , J. Burncll ! Canadians smoke aooroxi mately sixteen billion cigarettes . a year, and pay $170,000,000 in I federal taxes on these cigarettes PILES Every day we receive letters from former sufferers, who had given up hope, grateful for the new Pyltone Treatment, many after years of misery. You know how modern science has advanced. Pyltone is a result of that advancement. Pyltone Pile Treatment eoes direct to' the trouble source (internal). The taste of Pvletone may be dis-aereeable but results are what vou want. You eet results with the first bottle or vour money refunded. At all modem drug-eists. (H) NOW AVAILABLE 1p LOOK 1'Oit lliE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEl he had a sizable amount of money In his pockets. That was November 1. By December 1. he was broke flatter than a pancake. On Skid Road in Vancouver, he begged for nickels and dimes to purchase bottles of "rubbic." In three months he had only been in bed for two days. His body consumed so much alcohol that the drunk fecline disaiiDcared and only a numb sensation remained. "That is when the snakes ar-1 rived," he said. i "Nothing could be done about ;it," he explained. "The snakes would twirl around your body ; followed by more staring you in the face." "I knew a fellow who saw goats and another who pat- ted a large snake next to his bed ; -guarding it from other advanc- reptUCS ' I.nlrr ho Vi r i .. i " ,"v , . . . .. "'"ce ana CX- n fiincn t ti f k...i i.. . i. T. j . 1 ""."- . . vne t. V'LT. ,lng lne wlnter months in Ld had verv ,"y 1,tlle IIH. clotnlne , ln his possession "One day I wrote to Alcoholics Anonymous and soon found a J uuul' T u.'fli in .... .... - - " iVUPn In ar t- ouai uiii'iil. tverv. T PY lhCre was m sitting like 1 a tramp n dungarees and . " an 1 old "lu blue ulut- JJC iac- ket. ' added that, if he had coniinuea as he did, he would have walked off he dock in a week. j "I kept attending their meetings, but didn't stay sober." This went on for four months. But now, after 22 years of constant drinking and being Inside countless jails and hospitals, he hasn't 'touched a drop in 3 years. Now he is out to help other alcoholics who believe nothing remains in the .world for.Hhem. t r Yes' this man, now respectable ana successful, has seen Jia; Ci i times and confessed he Is "scared d . .,, . . , 1.' lo-lnlnK ,hl anount. i,lf to far in mce Kiiport he has Bided Ol'.e young man back on Ihe sober d nd eXTCcu to hrin a few . , . n w niduer hi lact a po- customer came up to the the booth, hastily damned the service ,hi the cafe, and walked out "We'll be seeing him," he smiled "NAME YOUR STORE" Headquarters for ' WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis and Ski Equipment CCM. Matched Ice Skate Outf its Sleighs , 1 L.ampbell Badminton 0E Housewives Delight scnooi education to become TakP Ilollcc that , w H Porrest "in noahern lSoV IS tZJ i T S itown. Steady uosltlon and rXo.s Free mC" c-eninc,,"' No , Kood waes to a good mtui:.' abovr. intends at the end of six- , Should have some knowledijtv t cuv from , ine dto hereof, to ap- Of .mechanics. AOOlV in OW ll , piy 1 Xhe Mluln;; Recorder for Cor- hahdwrltinii. civinu aunlifi- t.riortics of . Iwvcn.iu for. the caUons and references. Reply-. purKw of ,9ftaij.u.'g Crown , Krants ins is payaoie silieds, 2c per h Notices 50c, Marriage and l.C'IAL DISPLAY. iOTICK I Mr and Mrs. 1 of Port Bd- Prince Rupert nl. February 19. Mvnc. 7 pounds, u. IA1.E Hike. Mrs. Green 487. t (tf) i0N NAM Eh . der Siuvels jflii.e.-i: Anam ;jl.Uileor(i Bros. t MUnlenancB Clamshel lijck Grannies; Jiifrete Mixers; O'nii'k.s; Nelson ! lor Stockpile it" al: Hice Porl-9! Piimos; Na- JSoraners niial All Sieel and (!.s. National lis. National nd Cniivevors. 11 from Na- iv Co. I.t't. (II) j ,iv oil range a. Plume 422. (22 31H47 Chevrolet door Sedan. ' if 10 and heater. 1 sua res. . Iow 1 owned. "Don ;:ar Store 58' tv Ciarv-Clurm i Niic.lieii r;tiTr;e sj. iiilion. I'liom' 1 4.6 I Green witli II 7 ft x 9 ft.; half price, j .fcreen 270 alter 1 I 43 tl'RE CO."" 'SfMl Used Fur-; iarc at low-, Hi'cs: SIlEhtlv' ma machines,1 liu-atcrs. press1 Its. unualnted, ts. sleepini; f' Us. floor cov- useful house-8 e B.C. Fuml- math Sea Pup grille eiiKlnes, ft'li speed. Re-. tdiicUun ccars. Jeu. Cow Davi 50 I 2-Um Truck.1 (43) I Melcnr 4-ilimr new vorrt recUonal and I licensed and "i 1,'ash nr 'Hiree,, 2 or One Ants. (43) I AT K " Ninlli Ave. 'fwnis and utility A1"heallv Co 1) If ;vell-l,uit 5-,; Welerably with ' fed near Me-Section Two. ", 2M.V",4'fi- I'hone ." "'1 Warllinc. Mediate occu-f down and loavmcnLs. " 8lll E. Full Claraiie. J " to be uu- fin very cen- illOWIIlir U(H)tl 'v len il. and easllv M) llrr,.,,.. J B other uro-r ""a A:;cn-I'tves. Green (40) I'm liillei Client locii1 I. : DlJ(' to lal-e connections at Jas " U1- n irom the east will ! be one and one-half hours in in I arrlvlrB here tonight. Scheduled at 10:15, It will arive at 11:45. Mx.se Legion Dinner 5p meeting, Broadway Cafe. Thursday, Feb. 23, 7 p.m. 44 1 1 JOHNNY'S Jottings The man sitting opposite me had been an alcoholic He was i JIOl USJUUllCU IAJ iwanuk lb UliU v US sincere in nis willingness 10 aia ouier pcopei pcopei who wno have nave been oeen irvnutMifl hv 1 hp flfpnrlcH . sickness. n- j - III., told mp of a nalicnt. in ah a a hoiuital. nurse, who is nearly at , the end of the line and who des- perately needed care and friendly assistance from members of Alcoholics 1 Anonymous. Most oeo- hut. niir. nn nn v v an an ... a Alrr.tmlip r inn n r run in knnw rnnw 1 j " l the r powerful liquid can produce. Hls ..n.hhlp., e riv, f,r . ru,b,b .days bn,Tr .he Dassed his sixteenth birthday rlrlnlf incr .rnmrt. nf mm nor fi.lv aaV' Before H"ore hp reacnca reached thit inai , tne ot,re he had been drowning his I body in alcohol. The cravinc for ! Ilnnnr hecamp u.nrs no t lmp passed. His father sent him to Chicago for a cure. But on his return to his home in New York, he was drunk before he arrived at Buffalo. "V?? 8,1 bpa" aeail1;' h? sal"e ,all:d- ,old Tof ialls- bar.s sleepless niRhts." In 1940 he Invested $15,000 lira business He had hpen mni riiM ufulJl'. by this time and aequned a fam- ui mice uniuirn, iiiie w the bottle aBaln. his business . " k ! " dj H salvaced , I, $3,000 k but , lost his wife and j child- . i i.i,, vii uiu i i 6 ii i ' i ,ii- tuuiu ik 'cashed in two life insurance nol- icies. Coming to the : JELLY BUNS Mrnsnrr intn nn!1 ho, c. lukewarm v:itfr; 2 1 ep'g. prami-l;itf! ntar: fr tint it ti;tr is tlisvolvrd. Sprinklr viili 2 cn-vt1 Inpt's l;K'irhtvnnti's Koynl l;tst U I rv Vrast. l.rt st:nul 1" min.. "Ill -. lir wril. ("if.-itti c. stmrtrnitiR ; radii.Tlly Ijlt iul in 1 c. KiHimlnird Miliar, 2 tsp. Sltt, I lst. Krntrt! tiUtmrR. ( It nilna'ly 1p;it in 2 weH-heat'-n rt:un. Stir in (sp. kmnn r.Nttact. 12 c. null wliicli lias lrfii iralilcd ami ctHilnl to tiik-wnim, a"'l vr;ist initutf. Stir tti .l p, onr Mftnt hrrad Ik-ui J twat until Mnrt"t(li. NN'nrl ia ,1 c. tnntf onr-MilnJ hiril llirtir. Kiral tmlit sfni)ti ntnl fl.ibhri tilave in Kf tril bowl mni IirtKh iip with turltcil litittrr or irtriitiK', Cuvcr ami ri in wanil 1IT, firr fium rlt;itl!it. It ris. tmlit diiiililrtl in bulk, i'mich lvn ami cut intu to rjii:il ixTtiotf;; Vtit-int into smooth lialU. Miiish with tnrlinl lutttpr or tiNii Kai'inr, roll in fine ri tmUtril sntfitr iui armnur V?" apart on ira--r(t naMna: ttani. uvrr ainl let ri$e until tlutitilpit in luilk- Twist the handle of a knifr in Ihe lop of rat-h roll to Conn an indentation; till with jrlU-. Vnvtr and lei riw 15 inin. Kmgor. liak in tntHlpr ately hot men, .7.:n, a Unit 18 mm. jVo more ilisijipointincnis liecause the yeast has spwiled! l lcisiliinann's Fast DKY Yeast replaces old-fashioned perisliahlc yeast because it keeps fresh and full strength rijjht in your cupboard! For fast-rising dough and grand oven results get l'lcischmann's Fast DRY Yeast to-day! Y. ' It's The -NEW MsR6ME SPREAD IT on hot toast SERVE IT .with hot vegetables I . BAKE with if You will like the NEW MARGENE Product of Canada Packers Limited m . to m u.j J uuuy nca. etui -- . i HELP.' WANTED First class . salesman wanted ln Ititrh crade inch's clothins stoic. Must have exoerience in tak- ina measurements for to-nicasure clothine. Phone 339. tfi i HELP WANTED Female. Ad- Dlications will bo accented ui), to Monday. February 27. 1950, for nosition as clerk - steno- cranher in Citv Teleuhone De- 1 nartmcnt.KnowledBC of short-j hand and tvolna Dreferred but not essential. . Aonlv in ! owtt handwritlnct statlnit ace,' marital status. Qualifications and urcvious exiierlenee, J. F. EDWARDS. It Superintendent. WANTED Part time Janltmr. Aonlv Prince Runert IieaHh Unit. (h) There amazing good Made with Amazing New Fast DRY Yeast! CONTEST ' ..Co BRAND NEW STOCK al SALE PRICES ; SPECIALS! For One Week Only JACKETS - i L. 1 $7.'J3, lor .. Si.V ... . .im kels. rv $r.!.;i5 $!Mi:j. lor l 4 !:. Im- Who's the boss YOUR . CAR? WANTKH WANTED TO RENT - Furnished ENTER TODAY at "Johnson's Grocery," 1048 Hays Cove Avenue. $30.00 in Prizes. SWIFT'S JEWEL SHORTENING 3 lbs. ... 79c QUANTITY LIMITED JOHNSON'S GROCERY IMS Hays Cove Avenue KulU" or not. for voum; married couule. Box 658 Daily News ,,J' Fishermen's Kersey Shirts, rei;. Tartiui Shirts, up to $8 T(, tor Humphrey Red & lihick Cruiser Mulll-Coloied JnekPls, re);. Green unci Bhirk Jiickel.s. rei;. Merry lerry uioui Ulolh T T Wlin iiirs,Unn ls Kiii .slet sleeves, - ves. re;; re;; $2.: $2.2:. for ' !. 3 f ' j - Acme Clothing Store - For the Best in- Watch SEE GEORGE COOK, JEWELLER You'll be Satisfied Itux 1188 WANTED Ueoulrc rental 2-Um IuniD trucks. Annlv to C. f5. Foreman. Columbia Cellulose Co.. Watson Island. 43 WANTED - lteliable nart time ianilor and general lalmr man. IVrnianent for rlulit man. Daily News. tf WANTED Hou.sekeeninii room for two. Box 05ti. News. (47i WANTED ScraD east, brass, lialteries. radiators, l'lmne t43. cull 013 Hlxth Wcs. (b5) K)R KKNT FOR RENT Board and rmmi i or room only. Bx No. 1292, C ity. (4o) FOR RENT- Suite of five offices. Modern in every res-nect. Available March 1. Phono 57. O. P. Tinker and Co. Ltd. (tf) t FOR RENT Electric portable sewlna machines. $5.00 a monUi. Call 804 Sinner bw- ins Centre. ROOM ANI KOAltD WIIX BOARD "and room one child, a cirl. between tne am- of six rikI ten years. Phone Red 997 after 6 cm. 45 Classified ad. bring results. ' i ' "C' Repairs CAFE IN THE CITY 3:30 A.M. Dlshei HOLLYWOOD cafe MOST UP-TO-DATE OrEN FROM 3:30 P.M to We Specialize Id Chinese Do you drive your e;ir or does your eiir drivu you? Let us lake Uie "winter buus" out. yud give you complete control behind the wheel. Rapid service low cost. Drive up today! mop sttey mow mf.in For Outside Order PHONE US r:,'c' island i F'e. Bux Rh-7 (53) "f llTlfli uiwf it ur TiT 3 A ' Iron - W.JHl mm- 10 W J khSSJ c&iJ i&i