Prince Huptti E)afl? JSftof Wednesday, June 8, 1943 6 T TArtAV Akin nmnr I 5:30 -Don Mcsser and His j Inlanders i 5:45 Supper Varieties ! 6:00 Supper Serenade ! 6:15 B.C. Coalition Talk Word-of-Mouth AcclaimD M nZ Rave Reviews! CANON PROCKTER DRAMAPRESIDENT Rev. Basil S. Procktcr was elected by acclamation to the office of president of the Prince Rupert Music and Drama Association at the annual meeting held in the Civic Centre la;.t night. Past president is R. D. Cic-land; first vice-president, Mrs. Earl Becker; second vice-president, Armine Boas and treasurer, Mrs. George Hill. Miss Jean Urquhart will act as secretary of the Association until the position is permanently filled at a later date. New chairman uf the program committee is Mrs. F. E. Anficld. ! Long Box Office Lines! ) ijrfef K3' 5 IV 4 .IS" tor tt turn .r muium Accused" 4 Buy Hooks of THEATRE TICKETS for - - FATHER'S DAY CARTIER'S SKELETON ? These are the bones and skull, believed to be almost 400 years old, discovered in a grave of lime and charcoal In the St. Malo cathedral, France. Cursory examination showed they may be the skeleton of Jacques Carticr. A final medical check is now 1 m or on the contribution of friends AHanllnn LI or relatives." LOCAL SERVICE j With installation of a proper: refrigeration unit in the Prince iC. P. Photo) at last night's meeting were i asked to carry Mr. Robertsons! message back to their groups ar.d influence as many as pos- before the travelling clinic ar- rives. I Treat the. Family to a Delicious Dish, REAL FRESH FISH Rupert General Hospital, sbJp- t,ib'M tu tcniilfc.-tc. The drive ments of blood will be madcwill begin .ibou. three weeks ... . ... ...Al.i.. e ir. ! TERRACE MEAT MARKET George E. Peters. Prop 1 MEATS -: HITTER -: YAA.S : rn vuai.i i j m',kv ii i: SAILBOATS jA A These boats are well-built .41 v -A and arc fully rigged with Tilf il u sails anil rudder . . models ?Mr iV. ft up to 20 inches in length. 7 I I """l (( "Make the Young Sailor's I i dream come true." iL'm rY I """1" ' Regular Price SG.73 jrt J EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT 'XSlv 2-W IB. If WilWf llEI if 1 1 U H THE MORE .YOU KNOW ABOUT WATCHES . . . .... the more likely you will be pleased by what we have to show you. .... Our showing represents u,e highest skill in watch construction. . . . . We sell watches that stand for year-in and year-out service. Should last fur 20 years or longer. . . '. . And yet in spite of all this our prices are no more than other places in Canada. . . . . We handle the famous Walthum, Hamilton anl Elgin as well as the other well known makes. .... The prices run from around $i!000 to $00.00, and the tax is off. I " " mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmammmttmmmmmmmmm i 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 - ". w -. . M - nl 1 I I CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) WEDNESDAY PJA. 4:00-Edmund Hockridge 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30-Footlight Favorites 4:45 Maggie Muggins 5:00 Pops On Parade m m fit h f IV Cf .1 4- For The Smart Set 5 SLACK SUITS AND SLACKS Tailored in the Western J Style. TRiCFD RIGHT QUALITY RIGHT. I WALLACE'S 5 Department Store IIIIBIIIIIIIIIIII H Commodore Cafe "Better Th-n Ever" I'Bcst Food and Service In Cltyl; ?Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders!; J Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.; WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT lOLK DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE r A Y CASH PHONE 950 OTliPRAClOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besncr Block Fbone BLL'E 412 for Appointment HOURS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm and 3 to S p.m. EVKNINCS Monday and Frlrtny. 7:80 pm. for those unable to come durinR ine dRj. RECEPTIONIST in atuod-ance afternoon. COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made i VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ! NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold ' water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. , Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:40 C.C.F. Talk 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Reginald Stewart, Pianist 8:00 Chausson Concerto 8:30 Growth of the Soil 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 John M. Ewing 10:30 London Studio Concert 11:00 Weather and Fish Arrivals THLTtSDAl A.M. 7:00-MusicaI Clock 8.00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Conceit 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty 9:15 Morning Devotions I 9:30 Sunrise Serenade i 9:45 Coffee Time 9:59 Time Signal 10:00-Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time !0:45 Scandinavian MlodlPS 11:00 Bcrnie Biaden Tells a Story 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period i 11:33 Recorded Interlude j 11:45 Mediodia F.M. j 12:00 Mid-Day Merodies ! 12:15 CBC News J2:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Intermezzo 1:30 Afternoon Concert 2:00 In a Lighter Mood 2:30 Musical Program 2 :45 Commentary Books 3:00 Musical Program 3:15 Serenade 3:30 Musical Varieties PRIMITIVE IN WOMAN i Drama Probes Reaction In "The Accused" The debatable question of how ' : much of the primitive remains hidden beneath the highly polished exterior of an ultra-civilized woman is explored in the suspense of "The Accused," showing this Wednesday and Thursday at the Capitol Theatre Co-starred in the thriller are Loretta Young with Robert Cum-imings, supported by Wendell Corey, Sam Jaffe and Douglas Dick. In "The Accused" Miss Young portrays a university teacher of I psychology. Although obviously inhibited, she is to ail outward I appearances the perfectly poiser" and self-controlled product of study and culture. And yet, when she is trapped in an intolerable situation, she reacts j to it with the most primitive emotions of blind fury and un j reasoning tear, both of which! impel her to murder. j The story of "The Accused" revolves around the eventual breakdown of her self-control under the influence of an evergrowing fear as she finds herself the quarry in a relemle:;.--, woman-hunt. To elude detection she glamorizes her looks and personality and two men fall in love with her Cummings, a lawyer and guardian of the stu- utiiu siic lunea; ana Corey, a police lieutenant assicened to the case. Eventually one causes her capitulation and the other achieves her freedom in a sus-pensef ul climax. Mrs. Arthur Brooksbar.k returned to the city today on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver, Yakima and Spokane. NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR TOE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL being made. DONATION RED CROSS (Continued rroin Page 1) teer donors at the time a lians-1 j fusion is required 's often rnip-j I heated by delay. j Doctors here say that, if ade , quate supplies of properly grouped and typed blood were available at all times, greater use would be made of it with beneficial effects on patients. Installation of refrigerator equipment, plus participation in the Red Cross blood donor scr-j vice will make this possible, But Prince Rupert people must do their part to see that an ade-1 quate supply of such blood exists in the province. That is the reason for the anticipated dri.e Mr. Robertson Unci the meeting that the idea for Kr.1 Cross blood donor service aios? out of war experiencts when the people or Canada contributed enough blood to make 2.2C0.000 pints of plasma for the armed forces. This plasma, which is a concentration of basic blood ingredients, was of inestimable value in saving the lives of fighting men. "We reasoned that if such r. voluntary service worked so well in wartime, why should it not be just as effective in time of peace. There is a terrific de mand for blood therapy in our civilian hospitals. The Red Cross commissioned Dr. Stewart Stanbury, outstand ing ojooct specialist, to make a survey of Canadian hospitals to determine what part bl.xid! therapy could play In saving lives and speeding recovery of-the injured. He found: Of every 100 people killed in industrial accidents, 78 die from loss of blood. Of every 100 killed in car accidents, 53 die from loss of blood. Of every 100 women dying hi childbirth, 21 die from loss of blood. "He also found that the blood auyyiy sysiuill was Cliner Oil a .direct voluntary donor system or supplied by professional do-i nors," Mr. Robertson said, "People either relied on the con- VUv'-riiu v. piUlLvMlUHai UU1ILMS VANCOUVFR VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chilcotin Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH Ol'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, June 3 and 17. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, June 10 and 24. FRANK j. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 wuuuuy pointing 4 R. G. Moore will direct publicity and Armine Boas will again head the ticket committee. The membership committee which lc nnur thic vn;r will hn ill plinrar or w. u. ummns. u. oisen was fleeted chairman of the awards committee and Mrs. Charles And- erson was unanimously elected chairman of the syllabus committee. Canon Prockler and Peter Lien will again serve as drama and music advisors to the executive. executive. OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Res: Cade Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CIIOW MEIN CAI HE) 3 Ilea jjflTrw net Re: r " In nt'tf TIiii .. (li'J "trlci WH OSS o ssiied koult lotlce it t) Vom ion .1 llcat rUt aim vrltin . DM F5 G j jubU ncoi I: iBe; I V1 f 6; h(jr I rb ) i Tu ; i t i fc pi o f ! I i L iC iTMjr iium Vancouver. Amount will depend on the requiremert of the hospital. Blood not used here within a specuicd period! will be sent back to Vancouver to be made into plaiina. ihus assuring a continuous supply 'of! fresh blood for hospital need.i. The same process is carried on in hospitals all over the province. ; Despite the continuous supply of blood made available to the: hospital here. Prince Rupert people will be asked to cor.- tribute a pint of blood only once a year. Donations will be taken from healthy people between the ages of of 18 18 and and 65. 65. Effects Effects of of such such ;have been proven cmr.v m m in donations on healthy people hao been been proven proven negligible. negligible. Organizational Organizational representatives representatives - '.?;.- COOL . . . range here kitchen's tern LAI10K pots ami pans stove itself DEPENDABLE... excellent SAKE . . . there's no ECONOMICAL cook electrically. All Types SUPPLIES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY FOR HOME . GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS PHONE 234 lOallarr iHjarmanj Weekdays Sundays . . .... . . IIOUKS !) a.m. to f p."). 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 1) p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENL'I: to becauBR proper insulation l(Ppi ih hmt In tbt il belongs. Hours of cooking won't Rend the pi' rut u re soaring. . SAVING ... and time Ravine too! No blnrk-tmttonied to' scrub. Tho beautiful enamel finish of the is easy to keep clean. electric heat gives a steady, even temperature, cooking;' results. even if switches do get turned on accidentally, real danger. costs only lt per ryeal per person to PHONE 79 l,a JUST ARRIVED . . . NEW SCANDINAVIAN RECORDS with the Harmony Ilassclgr-"JleJ 1. "Jan Johnson's Wedding" -Sung by Kaiuir o Ho" 2. "Janta a Ja" Hambo "Gokvalsen" WalU Tane Ekvall's Orchestra On l""' r i. "Sol oeh sommar" Hambo -Tae Ekvall's Till dans mcd karlstatlsflickorna" Schitti:n i. "Chicago Schodhehe" Aecorcllun Duets t' "Anna i Ualen"-Waltz ind AltlC Eric cyllil, . 5. "Majblommor Vals"Accnrclion Duets by Almc Alfred "Klarinett Polka" and 6. ' "Mil hjerte or mln lyre" , K. "Du Dcjliec Tronrtjcnis Fjord" Sung oy i Hillslroii. III ASK vnn r.ATAiriOUES SHOWING COMPLETE isTI ON HARMONY SCANDINAVIAN FSCOH DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK Second Avenuo opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 lor Outside Orden