TST Prfnrt nnpiftf Dan? Rrtus Weunt-jUay; June 3, 104!) NEWS Scholarship For Drama VvVJW "1. tLW -Jf MOVING Mm- WOMEN OF MOOSE Would Use allotted to this district for road i work, none had so fat been re-j celved. As for releasing funds' YOU BET IT'S IMPORTANT If you order your winter coal supply NOW, you're absolutely sure of comfortable warmth and good Prince Rupert and District Music and Drama Association moved closer to one of its am- NAME OFFICERS' Beauty Spots 8TEWART The Women of muon last nlnl wnen mem" ttie Moose Chapter elected their bers attending the annual meet-nffu-pr. fnr enc.irx, T,r at ing gave unanimous support to . w,,..B ... . . , the regular semi monthly meet Terrace Chamber of Commerce Considers Many Matters before April 1, a letter had been received from the deputy minister of public works, N. Mcpherson who stated that It wai not according to policy to do this. The board, therefore decided to refer this matter to the Premier and ask that, due to the peculiar circumstances in this district, a change ln policy is needed so that money Is made available for the necessary work at the time the roads a motion calling for a start being made on a scholarship fund. In his presidential report to the meeting, R. D. Cleland recommended and moved that this year money in excess of $100, after all accounts are paid, be used to form a nucleus for the fund. The $100 will be set health for your family from the first cold nip and . on through i,iU-r. ORDER NOW! . CALL 651 lng held in the Moose Home. Regent .Mrs. Ann Oeddes. Junior Regnt Mrs. Muriel McKay Chaplain Mrs. Sybil Rozare Treasurer Mrs. H. C. Bennett. Recorder Mrs. Hazel Tooth. Graduate Regent Mrs. Jean TERRACE Certain beauty spots on the highway between Prince Rupert and Hazelton will be set aside for the enjoyment of the travelling public as picnic finH pnmninor ornnnHa if g break ln March- A ot reauest of Terrace Board nf UP CPV aside for operating expenses of PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. Stewart will act as Installing next year's Association. The Regent assisted by co-worker j access is not expected to exceed Miss Juanita Hawkinson. j$25- Mr. Cleland also recommended Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mansell, ! that the 1949 festival be held Li.riiir.iJ Lumber Huilding Supplies- this letter will be sent to the Associated Boards of Trade. There had been no word regarding the estimate of the cost of work on Deep Creek hill and this matter will be attended to. The pipe for the drainage of Trade to the government by a letter written to the Hon. E. T. Kenney, is granted. There are nine such areas. Twenty-mile point on the Hazelton-Smithers highway. who have been on a buying trip m March but it was left for an-which took them as far east a3 other meeting to decide the ex- Lakelse Avenue is due around Toronto, returned to the city by act date. July 1 and George Martin hascar iast week-end. " Six weeks Arisina out or furtner recom- TV- Onric Mtttkcw Ad.BH Service, OTEL ARRIVALS Trince Rupert "For a minute there I thought there was going to be trouble." Old Timer Returns To Stewart Camp STEWART Oharlls Knipple, old timer of this district, arrived on the Ketchikan boot from Juneau, Alaska. Mr. Knipple, his son Schubert and Tony Retvedt plan on leaving shortly amended and adopted, the need I committee, concluded the busier mn, ..) mwtmu ,; ness of lat night's meeting. 1 : s W. R. Tooth, Stewart; C. ago they shipped their car to mendations by the president, Vancouver and travelled south the meeting authorized that a by steamer and then took the membership fee of $1 be collected Ameriran route east. On their frnm individual members of the return trip they re-entered association and that organiza-Canada at Osoyoos, stopped for tions wno appoint representa-two days fishing in Okanagan tjves the executive be asked Lake and then continued on by to pay a fee of $2.50. The meet- m.rr. Vancouver; J. S. Porphery Creek. Whiskey Creek Coyote Crqek Bis Oliver Creek Oold Creek Canyon Edgar Creek Flats Excharnsiko River A site approximately 3 miles west of Kitselas tunnel at a point where a fill has been made in the riverside and a waterfall comes down at a point immediately opposite. If the minister of lands and Advertire in tne raiiy Wews! , irons, Terrace; u. z.. uum- been given the contract to lay it. In regard to the highway signs, Mr. McAdams said that the one near the Franks Farm has been cleaned but it Is very weatherbeaten. Time and help will be needed to have it relocated and re-lettered. The sidewalk to the Civic Centre has not yet been made and, asked why, C, Adams said that there was no money for It at present but, by the end of discussed with the result that the meeting recommended that the Association meet in the fall r kin. Alto n n Vancouver; T. A. V. ' ing also favored the recommend the Interior to Prince Rupert. prospecting tour . ... of . that dist J1..4 May, Victoria; R. J. Russell, ation that all members of the Sound, Ontario;' E. Wilks, rict. Mr. Knipple has done extensive prospecting In the area in pre-war years and has the as well as immediately after the- festival. I As well as the presidential re- j port, Carlo Hansen presented a Westminster; A. R. Brown, the member. (association be permitted w ai- An Inventory of the goods and tend executive meetings, their roles being limited to that of ob-u.111 chattels of the board of trade hB mart servers unless specific authori- Oliver, n. 11. i.w.v, ouu v,nnnr ,,f havlncr n mmmtsin fnrpsts spts aside these areas named after him, "Ml. Knipple." , for picnic grounds It is expected 'that they will be cleared and June, when the taxes come in, E. P. Ciarke, Vancouver; Miller, Vancouver; Mrs. Stanbridge, city; Miss F. I cleaned up Dy the forestry de- Olof Hanson arrived in the nartment. pson, my, iwr. ana Mrs. urnes, Telkwa A letter wishing long life and zation is made. The meeting happiness to C. H. Sawle on his also adopted a recommendation retirement from the newspaper by Mr. Cleland that the secret-business will be sent by the ary be paid an honorarium in board . I the future. The monthly meetings are Membership will now be open to continue to be held on Wed- to any one and the executive the commissioners expect to have enough. The gravel shovel is needed and as this Is out of town, Mr. Kennedy will be contacted when It Is brought in again.A point city today from Vancouver on , Highways were the main topic a business trip to his local and of discussion .at last Wednes- Salt Lake Ferry. I Dail Service Except Monday . SCHEDULES Tuesday,.. Wednesday ..a n d Thursday Leave Cow Bay floats, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. (Extra trip Thursday afternoon, 2:30) Saturday Every hour startling at 11 a,.m. Sundays Continuous serylc commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lakj at 10 p.m. ; , Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 unities, Topley; O. Manson, financial report and Harry Seaman reported on publicity. The balance of committee reports were tabled and will be deaa with by the new executive. In order to ensure greater regularity of attendance at executive meetings, the fourth Wednesday of each month was set as the date for regular meetings with the first one being called June 22. Election of officers under the Smithers interests. Oliver. i was rnispri t.hnh t.Hp rnnri ma day night's meeting of the Board of Trade held in the dining room of the Silver Tip cafe. As chairman of the highways committee Mr. McAdams re- chinery was not kept working! nesday evenings during the will be increased Dy me summer months and the next ment of representatives from meeting will be held on July 5 , city organizations and by the to capacity. There were idle periods which com- at the Oddfellows' hall and will election ol several mure PACIFIC Stevedoring & Contracting be the fourth annual Straw-. mittee cnairmen. Dunne the reading of a set of direction of Miss Jean Urquhart. pu.u .. - it Is said, were due to the lack taking place on the Lakeise, manpower an T this is a aitua-Publlc Road- where the Department of n which should be remedied Works is doing a good Up to date 1 rock crusher, 1 Job. However the road from u .tin in erar, teht delivery berry Social. A film of Northern Highways will be shown. suggested bylaws, which were j chairman of the nominating COMPANY LIMITED . . h. truck have been delivered to poor shape The winding Mgh- 2 three General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways trucks and one heavy power , Is proving i to u be very r v,nrd hard tn to ' .. , 1 a hnrtr Bnd grader allotted to the district HEAD OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. CABLE ADDRESS "PACIFICO" has have not arrived and a letter of straighter route to the lake b . : tnnn r to hpincr Rpnt. hv the EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED KffE5 at heYo 7f arjto the Mmister of Public of Works to find out where they Cut-off Hill to the base have been delivered. Thornhill Mountain to a June- A report was given of the tion with the present road at approximately fi iu the 6 Ri' . , mi mile e Safrty Council meetings and. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 'if, i seem to be doing their part and ' adhering to the traffic regula- tions but the adults are. now send a letter asking for an in-j vestigation and reconnalsance i tr. hp mnrle of this route and FOR COHTIHUED PROGRESS RI1D PROSPERITY ELECT John D. ;eorge l. rorie ic Accountant, Auditor, etc. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches m Tax Returns Compiled sner Block Phone 887 the offenders. A resolution was, therefore, passed that the traffic by-law of 1943 be brought to Constable Brue's attention for, him to act upon In all cases of traffic infractions. POST OFFICE BUILDING A letter from the office of the Minister of Transport had also of the continuation of the road from the airport to the head of Lakeise Lake. In the highways report the Kalum Road was stated to be still in poor condtion but improving and the Skeena Highway Is fairly good. Mr. Kennedy said that although large sums of money had been 204 4th Street Phone 655 N"S RADIO CLINIC fur Katlsiactory Service HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS CALL 53 18 Second Avenue West been received in which it was stated that a federal building at Terrace had been under consid- j eratlon. However, a wartime ( I ' ' ' i -' , I. V ' ' " ' ! ' i J i r-'- " , ' fJ " 1 I 1 hi hlw ' f 'v '.'.' . ' " '.V: ''','., ' ' " . ' , rutins, whereby the postal revenue must be $10,000 per annum at least, before a new build A. HUNDEIDE WATKIN'8 DEALER .1 Seventh Avenue West Building and lepalrs of all kind Roof, Chimney Oil Burners e BLACK 890 Box 290 ! GREER & ; BR1DDEN J CONTRACTORS AND J 'l BUILDERS $ PHONES PIANO TECHNICIAN Black 887 Red 894 evening jning, Voicing and Repairs P.O. Box 1 870 COALITION CANDIDATE for PRINCE RUPERT MIKE COLUSSI Plume BLACK 758 972 10th East DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7C5 P.O. Box 1401 ing could be considered, was still ' In force. Knowing however, of, the present unsatisfactory conditions at the Terrace post-office, they were endeavouring to seek new quarters for it. The secretary was asked to ascertain the annual revenue of the Terrace postoffice before answering the letter. I A letter from the Juneau Chamber of Commerce was read and, concerning this, president t D. Little said that Colonel J. T. ! Danaher had been in Terrace and was met by himself, Jim Stevenson and Duncan Kerr.' Col. Danaher expressed the opinion that 100 cars a day would use the ferry between Prince Rupert and Juneau which, If It went Into service, .would mean improved roads for this district ' and would provide a second road to Alaska. Using the present CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Y KINDLING WOOD 50c Sack Delivered ap Wood, Random Lengths $10 per load PHONE B tt W TRANSFER Green 185 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINO Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue Prince RuDert. B.C. ELECTION DAY WEDNESDAY, J'JiiE 15 FLOOR SANDINO A SPECIALTY WGA11ET McLEOl) OPTOMETRIST P.O. BOX 721 RED SSI POLLS OPEN 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. t DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME) GET OUT AND VOTE AND VOTE EARLY pOM.lO, 8TONE BTJILDINQ A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Alaskan Highway, a triangle. route for the tourist trade could be developed. Harry King announced the arrival of 150 elm trees, 50 of 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. I REMODELyour cooking j I for better eating J PHONB BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 which he had already planted. Name of Government Candidate (Coalition) ii at th top of each Ballot (as required by law) Thy were rather small though FOR YOTJR and should be planted immed PCK AND CONCRETE WORK iately, so he was asked to hire someone to do the work, William H. Martin was admit WALL BLUB U3U M. J. SAUNDERS Ne. Modern Equipment AH Work Ouaianteed ted to the boards membership. Z 'Z--- J""' The date of the annual con Only in MORRIS VVAIE con yaw btain th advantages of flavor toving VAPOR SEAL, aiitr cleaning S1AINUSS STEEL and van footing THERMIC HAT COPPER tOTlOMS BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines ara invited to aur showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. vention of the Associated Boards of Trade was announced to be K.A1N SCHEDULE"" Monday, wh,!.. liviinw held at Smlthers on August 18, 19. 20. Delegates will be ap 0 B.m. ! the Kan- pointed when the membership has been canvassed although several of the members present rnn ,'uesday. Thursday, Saturda? p.m. rJ n .with Mil - 1 i i WW, at the meeting stated their intention of attending the convention. The secretary was instructed to contact local printers for the Board of Trade constitution, printing in booklet form of the QUALITY REPAIRS ' Downtrodden Heela NOIIII Will' t Wells Cartage Ltd. Complete Movlnr Service u Woni 8o,ea Si in K SHOE HOSPITAL Cratinf - racking Carta THE BEST GOVERNMENT B. C. EVER HAD PUeLISHEB.I)' THE8..C. COALITION -ORG ANIZA1IOIU- BLUB Mi copies of which will be sold to