prsvissial Li-?..: onr.iES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHOilE 8! Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL, XXXVIII, No. 133. PRINCE RUPERT. B, C, WEDNESDAY JUNE 8. 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS U HON TO RED CROSS BLOOD E Nova ection Tomorrow, INVESTMENT IN WELL-BEING People Urged to Give a Pint of Blood I Mobile Clinic Comes Here in August pint of blood from the body of a healthy ' an(l it moans nine 10 mm it can be replaced iiut that same pint of blood mav mean ference between life and death to someone 'jmr in one of a score of British Columbia Maritime Province At Polls In General Vote HALIFAX (CP) Nova Scotia's 400, 000-odd voters will elect their twenty-first legistlature tomorrow. Premier Angus L. MacDonald seeks his fourth mandate on Liberal record since 1933. Proo-ressive Conservative Leader Robert L. Stan- ' ,l,y Prince Rupert I be asked this suni-ririb'utc a pint of the Now That Area NEWCASTLE WINS AGAIN VANCOUVER N ewcaitlc United took off the wraps last niftht in the second game with British Columbia Ali-Stars, rapping them 8 to 1. They had won the first game Sat I 111(1 I'1' vn. .v,..., ir The person saved - Two Is Closed In a Prinre Rupc field, making his- first bid for a provincial seat, leads He might even a a lull slate 01 uuriy-seven can- Smaller Local Halibut Boats to Turn to Other Pursuits With the season closed hv the the siiver. ,r the Prince Rupert r clinic, which will be on August 1, 2 and 3, international Fisheries Commis- BSi iukuk a sion in the ncarcr-ln Area No." Ciric Centre at which;,, smallor local halibut vessels i didates with the slogan "the tide has turned.',' The C.C.F., which formed a two-man opposition In yie twentieth legislature, has campaigned on a program of increased social benefits. Its Hovise leader is Russell Cunningham. The result of the Nova Scotia election will be watched as a possible signal of federal trend. Ttson. JJIVlMOndl JJir- ,.,. i .,.riW l.hnlr ntlentln-il WEARY HUNTERS WITHDRAWN IN SEARCH AREA Weary searchers who, for the last five days Iwtve sought Martin Ulmer, Vancouver fisherman, who has been missing two weeks on the west coast of "Graham Island, were withdrawn from 4 doner panels of the j to oth(.r pursulu including sal-' Rod CP)S8 Society, OUt- mon lrniinII an. napkin,, crnrl .-91 m, - .. .... ' , , tf' r"s ' i, ' : - ' ','- - , '"' ,- j.: , J "J ' ; i ' - 7 X , : : ( . . - v i . a little later on, the seining. Meantime, many vessels, after a brief but profitable halibut season, will be receiving repairs to hulls and equipment. Indeed, local waterfront servicing establishments report no let-up in ncrd for such service ifthods by which the lilrcted. titiK, attended by 40 uvrs of city organ!-drd chairman T. Nor-. climate that, on the .illation, it Is hoped urday 5 to 2. ALBERNI "DISGRACE" VANCOUVER The "disgrace" of fish boats having to rescue the government lighthouse tender A 1 b e r n i was raised again today among maritime interests demanding a coastguard service. , "The job is one for proper coastguard," Homer Stevens, secretary of the United Fishermen's Union, said in writing to Transport authorities in Ottawa to urge three coastguard vessels on this coast. AIR LIFT TAKES MAIL BERLIN American and British air lift pla.TVs today began carrying German mail to Berlin to avoid what a West Berlin postal official described as "wholesale pilfering" by Russian -zone authorities. BRITONS WARNED BLACKPOOL, Eng. II one Secretary Herbert Morrison, at the Labor Party conference the" rugged area today while I leaders in the hunt ponder the next course of action. i a demand which has been ln- TT-day clinic in Aiz-!raw between 701) and if blood from ihe ar-rincc Rupert for iaer- tensive for several weeks now. In fact, there Is often difficulty In getting work done. Owing to a rather weak market, not much interest Is being PREMIER MINE BEING READIED STEWART The work of rehabilitation is proceeding apace at the Sllbak Premier Mine. J. C. McCutcheon, mine superintendent, arrived here last week, accompanied by S. F. Macdon-ald, mill superintendent. ' Asked as to when the mine would be reopened, Mr. McCutcheon said he was not in a position to say but that negotiations were still The ground parties were withdrawn In order to obtain rest after almost a week of scouring the rough coastline and wooded areas between Athlow Bay and Tartoo Inlet where Ulmer disappeared while attempting to reach a fishing camp after his gillnet boat broke down. iilr blom'. donor clinic ! a team of doclois, muvr aides and tech-n visit various centres mice to receive dor.a-sarc immediately sent Meanwhile, a brother of the missing man has arrived a' displayed in flat-fishing at the moment. Some of the boats will be watching with interest the hunt for the tuna fishery which has Just been started by the fisheries department's cruiser Laur-ior. Once these fish begin showing up, a rush to the area of location may be expected. The Sandspit and It is believed that he will continue the hunt. Staff I """"" '"c - .vcr fur final tests and . . . . t raiiKeinciib wiui tiie viiiuu. been directing the operation, re DREW RILED BY ported from the Islands today Kle distribution. All in any area Is a plate and the donors to give ct (if taking part In that Ulmer's brother arrived tuna price will be lower this there Tuesday. year than last when such a . Fishing bwatsrtt - R.G.A.F. domir -service- urtTr iMfltieafWUp was" mUder" " ' .1 In Prince Rupert, of course, not all the local ? considering tin tact! halibut boats are finished hall- GRIT ATTACKS-,. WINNIPEG W Speaking In Manitoba Tuesday night, Progressive - Conservative Leader George Drew flayed the Liberal government with the charge that It has nothing to offer except "suspicion, distrust and malice In the years ahead.". , Nothing could show its "complete bankruptcy" more clearly "than the personal attacks on me", declared Drew. here, warned Britons that they could expert continued hard times, ahead. Britons were notified that, if Labor is returned to power in the ii(;xt general elretion, permanent controls would be imposed on private industry In the country. MARGARET COMING LONDON It is reported that Princess Margaret Rose will pay a private visit lo the United States this fall. MOVING TO CHUNGKING . CANTON With the Chinese Communists now entering IIu-nam Province as they inarch from Hankow to this provisional capital, the nationalist FIRST IN FIELD Ted Applcwhaite, Liberal candidate for Skecna in federal election, wnose papers have been accepted by Returning Officer. ' Encouraging reception being received on tour of riding. Speaks in Smithers tonight. v butting by any means. The larger vessels will now start operating in Area No. 3. DOUKS ASSUME oration facilllits for) mill be installed In ii Hospital in the near vjili storage facilities, :t in the past have re-'jlunteer donors who their names at Uio Finding these volun-nucd on Page 6 THE WEATHER plane and more than a dozen ground searchers have taken part in the hunt since word of Martin Ulmer's disappearance was brought to a Canadian Fishing Co. camp at Tatoo Inlet last Wednesday. Thousands of pamphlets were dropped over the area wheie the man Is missing In the hope that he might find one and know that he was being sought. Word of Ulmer's disappearance was brought to Tatoo Bay on May 30 by Bob Trasher, his partner, who, walked 30 miles from Athlow Bay, where their boat Atomic was disabled, in eight days. lAPPLEWHAITE'S PAPERS FILED J Nomination papers of Edward iT. Applcwhaite as Liberal can Synopsis SAYS PULP WOOD PLUCKS TOO LOW GUELPH (P The Swedish delegate to the International Federation of Agriculture says that Canadian and United States prices for wood pulp arc tofj low E. von Heland said he ARSON BLAME VICTORIA f A declaration signed by 391 Doukhobors accepting blame for two fires which caused $385,000 damage In the Kootenays has been delivered to the Attorney General's A storm centre which was moving toward the Queen Charlottes this morning will cause generally overcast skies over the coast and western Interior BACKERS didate in the federal election of June 27 were' filed with Returning Officer Rod MacLeod Tuesday, six days ahead of the June 13 filing deadline. would seek stabilization of wood pulp prices through an arrangement Mmilar to the recent International wheat agreement. ICUSED The signers, said the declar today. Rain will fall over the north coast while showers will spread southward to Vancouver island and Into the northern interior this afternoon and tonight. Strong southeasterly ation, assumed blame for the1 $35,000 Tarry's school fire April j He said prices here were lower Sponsors for Mr. Applcwhaite were 18 electors. The Dominion government is now being moved to remote Chungking which was the capital during the Japanese wartime occupation. FIRE IN BIG STORE VANCOUVER Considerable damage was done by fire which originated in a refuse chute to the fourth floor of the Hudson Bay store. The search parties wcio withdrawn from Seal Inlet where Trasher separated from Ulmer (-External Affairs B. Pearson said that dlni! the Progressive- because "you are not as concerned as Sweden with protection of the natural resources of your forests." on May 22. winds will develop over most vc campaign In Que- Elections Act requires (that at least 10 electors obtain the nomination of a candidate. Usual practice Is to obtain the signatures of more than the re-nuired number so that, If the coastal regions this afternoon ixrsons who were bit- Generally unsettled weather to our participa will persist In all but the ex te war against Nazi SCAN DAMAGE Halibut Sales trenie southeastern portion of 24 and the $300,000 fire in me Brilliant jam factory three years ago. It said: "We finally and unanimously agreed that the school must be burned for the safety of our children for generations to come." Three men, including Peter Swetlishoff, radical Sons of Freedom sect member, are in jail on charges of arson. "We only hurt ourselves," said one member In making protest. "We don't hurt anybody else." the province tomorrow. TO ALBERNI qualifications of one of the sponsors is questioned, the nomination does not become invalid. Those sponsoring Mr. Apple- Forecast CAL TIDES Canadian Clipper, 50,000, Bacon, Queen Charlottes and North BASEBALL SCORES TUESDAY ' American New York 2, Detroit 5 Boston 2, St. Louis 6 Washington 11, Cleveland 13 Philadelphia 7, Chicago 4 National Chicago 1, Brooklyn 7 St. Louis 3, New York 0 Cincinnati 5, Boston 6 ' Pittsburgh 5, Philadelphia 6 Portland 8 San Francisco 4 Pacific Coast Seattle 7, Los Angeles 4 Hollywood 4, San Diego 3 Oakland 2, Sacramento 1 Western International Yakima 9-11, Victoria 4-12 Wenatchee 4-12, Bremerton 3-5. Tacoma 6, Spokane 5 Vancouver 5, Salem 2. MAY GET BIDS TO NEWCASTLE VANCOUVER Wi Two members of the British Columbia all stars soccer club which played Newcastle United here on Saturday may get offers from the touring club, it was indicated yesterday. The club has evinced Interest In John Hal-ley, aged 18, and Jack Cowan, 22. B.C. ATLIN ROAD IS BEING STARTED Construction of a highway be tween Whitehorse.Y.T. and At lin, British Columbia Is expect 'lay, June 1), 1049 Coast Intermittent rain today 12:32 18.9 feet Cloudy with showers Thursday. Atlin, Survey of damage of the government lighthouse tender Al-bernl was begun today following arrival at Safety Cove, 225 miles south of Prince Rupert, of 19.8c, 17.0c and 16c. Kaarc No. 2, 53,000 19.7c, 17.0c and lGc. whaite were Nora Ethel Arnold, William M. Walls, Earl Gordon, William S. Kerein, Mrs. Cath 6:13 1.0 feet Winds light, becoming south 18:13 7.0 feet easterly (15 mph) by noon and increasing to southeasterly (30 arine Frascr, George Douglas ed to start "within the next the tug Salvage King which was week," according to word re Linzey, Oskar mphi this afternoon. Shifting Bessie Parker,' and decreasing to southerly (20) Fri.zell, P. H. Havroy, Mrs. sent to her aid after she sprang j a leak and was beached In ceived by II. G. Archibald, rep Charles Balagno, Mrs. Louise after midnight tonight. Winds resentative of Skecna in the Fltzhugh Sound on Monday. last Federal house, from T. J southerly (15) tomorrow. Little change in temperature. Lows ' y 1 Kulwood. secretary of the Ayin Balagno, John A. McRae, Dorothy M. Kcllback, Victor Men-! i'ies, Charles Bartie, Herbert F. . Glnssey .George B. Casey, T. Nor-, tonight and highs Thursday- j Dislrlct Board Qf I No report of the extent of the I damage was available this morn-'ing, pending the transfer of her j cargo to other vessels which are fori naray 16 ana an, mass 40 and 55, Prince Rupert 42 and 55. heading to Safety Cove. These ton Youngs. Mr. Applewhaile Is. expected to have only one opponent, the C.C.F. member of last Parliament, IT. G. Archibald, whose papers have yet to be filed. COLDWELL JtEMlNDS DREW OF "INIQUITY" REGINA ? M. J. Coldwell, rpeaking In Saskatchewan, said Progressive-Conservative Leader George Drew once had termed family allowances' as are the tenders Bercns of Victoria and the Birnle of Prince Rupert. The Albernl was beached on Clark Point, a few miles southward, whn her leakir.g hull began to take on wuter so quickly that her master, Capt. Joe Petersen, found that he would not make It to Safety Cove. Tuesday, however, she was moved to Safety Cove where salvage operations were started. The Board of Trade has been Informed by Canadian Army headquarters, WhJ,tehorse, that funds fo1' the construction have been deposited and that a camp Is to be built and construction started within a week. The army expects to have right-of-way over the MO-mile stretch cleared by September and a passable, road built this year. Half the money for the project is being provided by the federal government and half by the" British Columbia government. "It is interesting to know that Atlin has already felt the benefit of the road although it has scarcely begun," Mr. Kulwood BRIGHTLINGSEA, Essex, Eng. "Crochet King" of Essex Is 80-year-old ex-gunner Bill Barnard, who can crochet anything from a bedspread to a baby's bonnet. He started crocheting when serving In the army in India 58 years ago. mm v fc'-Jt'-t.s i- v , - i rrr- Job'sDaughters JAMBOREE IN THK AKMOKIES ' (Sixth Avenue Wcsti THURS., FRI., SAT. June 9, 10, 11 1 UN FOR ALL DANCING DOOR PRIZE Each Evening MAGNIFICENT IS NOW AT HALIFAX HEAR HALIFAX ' H.M.C.S. Mag- nlficent. Canada's aircraft car- stated. "Transcontinental Met- rier, which ran aground on submerged rocks some 70 miles from here along thp Nova Scotia coast, limped into port. There ' J. D. McRAE Coalition Candidate for Prince Rupert Riding over CFPR 6:15 TONIGHT al Resources have closed a deal on the Noland ground on Spruce Creek and Intend having the property in production by summer. This will probably mean Cpn t, ,. Pacific pn-ifip vessels vessels for British ColumDia coast, ;PR. BOAT-Second of two new Canadian from ADMISSION TICKET $100 Admits Holder Each Evening SINGLE ADMISSION 59c CHILDREN 25c CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE 7:30 P.M. "ie Prinnpc T.Qf,.io DrHvpH at Victoria a lew aays Bu ,4vi were no casualties. Damage to Scotland. . Sistership, Md - shii-a,..ii',.... ... i nninv's vards at Govan, the 14,000-ton vessel has yet to a year-round payroll of about be ascertained. 1 50 men".. v ompomiding and Engineering vomvui Trp -ore than a month a nMe little ..ore n coast service a Marguerite preceded the Patricia In B. C. 8l'th new vessels will operate in the Triangle run.