JUDGE GRANTS TWO DIVORCES FORMER POLICE CHIEF HONORED Sgt. 0. L. Hall of the British 13r(wc Uuprrt DaHj? rectus Thursday, September 30, 1948 Two divnrrps nto Columbia Police, who spent six Assize Court WtdneadB';"7 ' n, and one-hair years m rnc" Justice N. A. Whinai, chief of the city dc-'CMe8 Rupert as the petitioner ... ... An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and, all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia (Authorized aa Second Class Mall. Post Of (tee Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by ' Prince Rupert Dally New Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, , , . a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION OPTO' Of w11 be, fa Visit ,, tachment, was recently award'M reSented by T, W. Brown Dil a a silver silver medal medal in in recogniti recognition of i 22 years meritorious service Alice Rosa be 11 Alexander from James Georee Alenn,i,. Presentation was made at Pow- SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c; Per Year. 8 00. By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Year, $500 ell' River by Inspector C. Clark whom she married at Kincolun of E. Division delusive to. Examinatior. adjustment needed, T. W. S. Parsons, of Victoria, in iNovemDer, Emlle Edward Desautels fi0m TlllaO Tdni, nnnn..l.1. who retired as B.C. police corn- A Fast One missioner last year, recalled married at Smlthers in Septem. meeting agt. Han ai rnnce.Der, ia. uarry Anderson was " netel t- RITISH COLUMBIA named co-respondent. coastal steamship com George in 1920 when the latter ib asking. panies were able this week to pull off with al- Advertise in th Daily News! --13 was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. After serving for 10 years with the R.C.M.P., Including three years overseas duties, Sgt. Hall joined the Provincial Police at Smithers in 1925. Sgt. Hall was transferred from Prince Rupert to the Powell River detachment two years ago.. WHEN YOU AHF, Party Minded SHIPS SURVIVORS Weary but happy to be in port, 17 crewman of the British freighter Le!-zhtsster, trapped in a hurricane on a storm-tossed Atlantic off Newfoundland, gather about their captain, H. N. Lawson, centre, after they docked in Montreal aboard the Argentine freight-ter' Tropero which rescued them last week. Six other members of the crew perished. lace-lavlshfd blaclt i, . this black Here r-pC combines with ,Uxn lOUS lace for that (ascinatin, phili. EXTENDED "CAVALCADE OF SOKG" TUESDAY Return EnsaEcment of Basil Horsfali Siners Here Js Keenly Anticipated c.ted - yet .meet ook. side draped skirt. See this and othtr beautiful alyles at Sweet Sixteen. 'MARGIE BRAIN TRAVELS AGAIN Margaret Brain, Prince Rupert's "Miss P.N.E.." is ' to travel again soon as an honored guest. About the middle of October she will go to Nanalmo at the invitation of the Lions' Club to take part in a monster two-day fashion show to be staged there for charitable purposes. "Margie" has been granted leave from her duties at the local telephone exchange to make the trip. Local Hospital Insurance Registration Office Runs Out of Forms KILLARNEY COSTS ARE HIGHER NOW OTTAWA Rev. C. P. Herli-hy has returned to Ottawa after a couple of months spent at Killarney, Ireland, his native land. "Killarney," he said ''has not changed, but the people and the cost of living have. TU Irish are migrating in droves to England, attracted by good jobs at higher pay. The English are also coming in droves to in- Prince Rupert's response the new provincial hospital surance scheme has been Wintry weather and woolen dresses go together on any occasion. You will ue delighted with their stvle and shades. Prince Rupert people who have been whistling and singing son1; hits of popular operas and operettas since the presentation here a couple of weeks ago of "A Night in Vienna" by Basil Horsfall's operatic party are great that the special offic? which was opened to receive registrations has completely run out of forms and it has become necessary to extend the dead to Ireland, not to work, butj for holidays and to buy the i proving the greatest enthusi Remember No Interest No Carrying you use Sweet Sixteen' PERSON AHZED asts for the return engagement they cannot find at I 'on Tuesday ' next at the Civic, ; ;. rrjost indecently short notice a five percent in- crease in their passenger fares. Quite possibly the I increase was justified owing to higher costs of op- eration which have made it necessary for almost all purveyors of goods and services to up their charges during recent months. It is not the in-""Tendon here to argue the justification or otherwise of the advance. The shortness of the warning is the thing about which complaint can be justifiably made. The public has a right to feel that it might have been given a little more time by official means of notification through some recognized medium. . Such lack of notice as this is one of the irritating reasons why Chambers of Commerce and other such organizations are demanding that coastal .steamship rates be brought under some sort of '.control such as governs the forms of surface transit like the railways. It is bad enough to have to L. pay higher transportation charges but it is downright aggravating to have them suddenly foisted on us yithout notice or explanation of any kind even if the explanation may be obvious. OVER FORTY-FIVE TO MAKE A STAKE before one's 45th birthday is performed by few, although it is done, of course. But there are millions of middle-aged who live up to every copper they earn or make, as living costs soar. Then, who wants to hire a forty-fiver? There is a pension, if you have no objection to waiting 20 years. To have hardly a dollar ahead, to be unwanted as a worker and to be too old when you're in your prime makes a sorry combination. How to span the long bridge between 45 and 7-0? . Aye ! There's the rub. NOT A RIPPLE WHEN THE LINER AORANGI, ong a link between B.C. and Sydney docked at Vancouver a few days ago, for the first time since before the war looking as smart and trim as reconversion could make her and resuming the bally ' missed transpacific service, there was not even a "howdy do." No committee of welcome, no band, - no nothing! The weather was distinctly cool. Some day a deepsea ship will start running between Prince Rupert and the Orient. When it does, "the night will be filled with music, and the cares that jnfest the day, will all be quickly forgotten and a wiew deal comes, we'll say." Costs, generally, are BABINE MINE INCORPORATED line, which was to have been things today, until October 4. A hurry-! home, up call for more forms was sent! high.'' to Victoria yesterday and they ' Centre when "Cavalcade of Sona." an entirely new but equally melodious and colorful Of twenty-two companies program and repertoire, will ba registered at Victoria last week offered. Such a hit was made one was the Cronln Bablne are expected nere by air tn:s afternoon. Approximately 1500 completed registrations by individuals have now ben returned with 2500 still out, reports Don Nixon, in charge of the office, who is now Mines Ltd., non-personal liability with $3,000,000 authorized capital. !S SOLD OK PRINCE RUPERT C.P.A. Official Finds This Place Much Different Than He "Had Pictured Dally Kews Cla-aHled Ads get Quick Results by "A Night in Vienna" that a complete sell-out is anticipated for "Cavalcade of Song." "Cavalcade of Song" will feature the third act of Offer bach's "Tales of Hoffman" In costume; fourth act, also in costume, of Verdi's 'II Trovn-tore," including the immortal "Miserere," as well as many in the throes of a "last-minute rush. The returns are coming in in surprisingly good order, Nixon reports. ' W. V. Riley, regional traffic "BUILD B. Q. PAYROLLS" supervisor, Canadian Pacific Air Lines, Vancouver, paying his songs and duets in rapid-lire order from other well known operas. A HEAVY OVERHEAD That's what you'll have too, if you don't get the heat you should lr the coai you shovel this winter. ' ' Don't let a faulty, furnace bog jest budget, let us check it and repair now. Pacific ENGINE DAMAGE LAYS UP SNAG BOAT ESSINGTON first visit to Prince Rupert yesterday,' had pictured this as a weatherbeaten community attached, t-0 5 A BTUU- md rock-bound .coastline but has been FOR HEALTH AND TASTE gcow completely re-illusioned about The government snag MANY ILLITERATE IN UNITED STATES this city since he came and saw THOM SHEET Mill after- Tuesday Arriving on noon's flight , 253 East First Avenue FAlVfETT DEAIB Essington . has terminated its season's operations inore than a month earlier than usual as a result of an engine breakdown on the Skeena River recently. The stern-wheeler is at the dry dock here awaiting repairs which Vancouver, WASHINGTON The Census Bureau announces that there are 2.800,000 persons over 14 years of age living l.i the United States who are unable to read or write. Mr Riley says he was immediately impressed from the air with the verdant and pic- en- , turesque beauty of the place a i include the casting of an girm cylinder. SEE THE it basked in the bright sunshine and clear air. And since he ha.s The Essington was on th Pacific Milk Is good for children and grown-ups. Try a can of rich, satisfying Pacific Milk today. You'll agree with thousands that this favorite B.C. product is a must for any kitchen. PACIFIC MILK USED IN 12TH CENTURY Wax came into use for candles in the 12th century. In China, KEYS! tf . . with FINGER FORM Skeena River between Port Es- en more of it after alighting, sington and Tyee when a metal he has become even more awai-; rod broke, smashing one cylin- 1 0f us attractive, up-to-date and der, Capt. W. F. Robertson re- busy appearance. candles of vegetable wax have been in use for centuries. I i I ported. He hopes to get tlw boat in action before the season GROWS DOUBLE ORCHID EDMONTON ((Pi Edmonton's rugged climate doesn't seem to be the best place for orchids to thrive, but Mrs. D. Wilders of the city's east-end Highlands district has produced two full- Irradiated and Vacuum Packed CANADA HAS 600 CHIROPRACTORS , .TORONTO Canada, which jnow has about 600 chlroprac-,',!tors, will probably have more ' than a thousand by 1950, it was declared at a convention " here. . closes on November 15. In the meantime, part of th; crew is receiving holidays while In short, ha has been sold on Prince Rupert and has become a spontaneous booster. Mr. Riley, who recently arrived from Montreal to assum? his- present position, is accom-'panied by J. A. Barber, region i .1 E "NIGHT II New! The mml jcnvitiotul typcwriler improvemf nl ill years PINCiFR KORM KEYS -ite-signed to cradle your finger tip! And only the New ROY At. POR TABLE the worki'i lirst truly modern typewriter bt thi revolutionary feature! And more, besides! New Beauty! Speed Spueer! Kitpld Rihbon Ctixm"! "MaKk'Mrinl And many other important ' the other part remains on stand-i by duty. i Yesterday Capt. Robertson and grown plants in her sun parlor, one , with a rare double blossom. ' TRY A CLASbtflED ADl several crew members, accom in ' V!EK!AN SIR&E8S IMA HEW MELOKC TBiOMPH improvement' Come in a11 Poruihle! DUKli'l, al trainc manager, who is no stranger to Prince Rupert. On a periodical inspection trip of northern operations, they left this afternoon on their return to Vancpuver. ' Fitness panied by C. F. P. Faulkner, assistant federal Public Works engineer, of New Westminster, left for Port Essington to take up the water pipes which provids a water source for the Essington while on the river. The pipes are taken up every fall to pro- of Royjl T "MaRic" is a registered trade-mark CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Tuesday, Oct. 5, 8:30 p.m. Reserved Seats $1.50 and $1 25 t W Wins.. EXOTIC CATCHES The flounder, snapper and with tarawihi accounts for 75 per Consult u ior your needs in all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for every occasion DIRK Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE Rush $1.00 Students 50o vent them from bursting frost during the winter, are re-laid in the. spring. They cent of New Zealand's fishing Tickets -Ormes and Civic Centre industry. He". km ' '.:ss X TheN good; Sup 1 i TIRE . . . j ,.f ride " 233 that .five you the new " - J r m roads ARE HtKt. ii-600-15, and M'1' 650-15, C00-W Your Vt- " Your regular Tire Deatet SI THE MAKES ONLY GOODYEAR GOODYEAR TIRK & RU" 4t4 f mHXtY Vi ft f f ''i ' m&miw a Hi ) ( ' . t Jtef -wa x t, , i Home r9fel Needs $jjKif PRINCE RUPERT J prirt phone 632 712 Second Avenue -CM RUPERT MARINE REALTY It's lit e Eleis Cate (J. CLAUSEN ft SON We Take Listings of ... BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS JS BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT - TRY l RUPERT MARINE REALTY for Tasty PLUMBING r From roof to cellar, be sure you've the best in pipes, boilers and plumbing fixtures. PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AND HEATING i Bud Solium an (Old Post Office Building) Chow Mein Chop Suey ,ci8lt Diwhes Chinese prince ' j FOE QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS " I ' (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) iBox SitxtJim.-:- v Fhone Green 915 Second Avenue- u,-k-- fl MINISTERS MEET Sir Stafford Cripps, chancellor of the British Exchequer, shakes hands wita Hon. Douglas Abbott, Canada's minister of finance, upon Sir Stafford's arrival at Ottawa. The two ministers will "review the whole field of financial and economic relations between Canada and the United Kingdom." With Sir Staford is Lady Cripps CP Photo) - a i u