Prince ttupctt Dailg JScUisf Thursday, September 30, 1948 ' Local News Items... MISSIONARY RALLY HERE ment and privilege to send them' the Light of the World. The program included a solo sung by little Miss Jean Golds. Missionary Rallies will be held Thursday evening In the Regu- IP CIVIC CENTRE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE First Baptist Church Venue For Noted Visitors ATTENTION LEGION AND WA. MEMBERS ONLY. "Foot . . . , . t, ii uuptisi unurcn on eixtn av S.O.N. meeting, Friday, 8:00. (231) Hugo Kraupncr left today by The Civic Centre's annual enue "ue and ana on on Friday rriaay evening evening In i ball B-nefit Social Eve-nine " Tcion Hall. Fri- mtt A mlMinno,.,, 7 .n "J was . held in the Pentecostal Church th membership drive this year will tre staff plan3 to rely on a good deal of volunteer help, which will give the enterprises a true community spirit, he said. air on a business trip to ikKiktotr rv.t 1 nm "RrlnT take the form of an appeal Youth for Christ meeting will SIDING be held uiii inurcn evening with Eldon of the China Inland and Rev. V. E. Brace nf th jjWTjj your wnssus in 1011115 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beattie vour Husband." (231; beautiful exterior wall siding that re- l 1 ,,! aavinoa Tlllo nlnr- through the mails, rather than a house-to-house canvass, Don Forward, Civic Centre managing secretary, told a meeting of the Junior Chamber of Com Orinoco River Mission. Venezn, Capt. O. J. Williams, mana auu " ""& vw. j ost on pain V .mutant, durable and Inexpensive. returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Meeting of Job's Daughters, Reader ana classified advertisers are requested to submit their copy to the office. Telephoned advertisements - often lead to mistakes against which the Daily News cannot guarantee ger of the British Columbia Coast Steamships services of " Canadian Pacific Railway, was ela, South America, as guest speakers. Both are secretaries for their respective missions in this area. These two missions are inter J"' ' 'nplete itiier stock of BP products. I phone us today merce last night. In a brief address, Mr. Forward outlined plans for the EA5Emmc in the city today aboard the Princess Louise making the Friday, Oct. 1, at 8 p.m. General business, Silver March and social. (231) drive, explained the facilities 0eutjqie PJlifJ denominational and so was the I & McCAFFERY LTD. round trip to Alaska. While here he was met by a committee of audience but the warm spirit of available to members and appealed for whole-hearted support for the community centre. Mrs. James Hopkins returned oneness in Christ throughout CFPR Rad)t Dia 1240 KJocycle the Prince Rupert Chamber of to the city on the Prince George ill JiBEK - BUILDING SUPPLIES Commerce and the matter of "We are mailing out 2,500 bro yesterday afternoon from Van Subject to change I the service was evident in the1 singing of the much loved hymns. Mr. Whipple who is a the withdrawal of the steamer PHONE 116 chures describing the Civic Cen couver to which city she accom QENUINt ASFItlN It tre and the things it has to of Princess Adelaide from service was discussed. Local waterfront panied the remains of her hus business man, is also an accom MARKED THIS '- tier," Mr. Forward said. "That band who died here recently. plished musician.- He dellehted automobile handling facilities the audience with a piano ar- were also unde rdiscussion. Ivors at Wreck Scene langement of his own a medley Fur Coats of distinction for discriminating women see yji ouca ueauuiui stra ns as them at Fowlie & Ruttle, 3rd. Moose Make Plans "Flnlandia," "Jesus Lover of My makes everyone a canvasser in his own home and that's the way we want It. We need your support." Each . brochure has an application form attached, whicii only need be filled out and returned to the Civic Centre, ho ,lu id a crew pany's derrick scow to the ,. i. Avenue. Muskrat $295.00, Squir Soul" and "What a Friend we THUKSDAY-KM. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude . 4:30 Wally Wicken, Tor. 4:45 Stories ot Adventure 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Hawaiin Echoes. 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00-People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch, 6:30 Musical Varieties , 6:45 Smoke Rings Co. worn- icti, For Bazaar-Dance rel $350.00, Persian Lamb $295.00 Have in Jesus'." Lrhert Reef. Major J. M. Sprake of tho (tf) iprince Ru- American Army iransponation A joint meeting of the wo Mr. Whipple told in a few words the story of how God The Hat t P to the corps, f ori iticnarason, Alaska, men onH mon nf th Mnnsft was Evan Harris, superintendent explained. Payment of member .m m rh MnnSP Tpmnl Mon-1 moved In the man, Hudson Tav is in the city acting as "go- LT822. lor, to found the China Inland between" from the ship to the of the Morris Summit mine at Stewart, arrived In .the city on amp ices i;u.n ue arraugeu uu a time basis which will have only fee damage army's Seattle headquarters. Mission and how, through one hundred years, the power of ;he salvage the Cardena Tuesday afternoon from the north and proceeded a slight effect on any budget. Roland Miles, new recreation at noon, Forecast of a storm warning today is causing apprehension that rough seas might lift the God moved through the prayers by plane yesterday afternoon to it had time day'- night to discuss progress reports of committees in charge of various activities planned for the coming Moose bazaar and dance. The responsibility of conducting the tea room in the Temple during the afternoon and or His people. Part of Is Vancouver. al director, outlined the recreational programs that have been Ration, me Mr. Brace told vividly of the vessel, which Is apparently on 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Back to the Thirties 8:30 Tdie Nation's Business.. 8:45 Sports Review ' 9:00 Ernie Adams Show 9:30 Vancouver Theatre founding of the Orinoco River planned, assuring the Junior the edge of the reef In Arthur light on the , Capt. John MAN Chamber members that "we In Mr. Justice N. W. Whittaker, who has been in the city since the beginning of the week con Passage, and cause It to slip into deep water. Mission through prayer and the mighty hand of God. The tend to have handicrafts for the com the operating - booths during the ducting the fall session of Assize everyone from the cradle to evenine was assumed by the Court, left, on last night's train 10:00 CBC Mew women. Evening activities are me grave. 10:10 B.C. News for Prince George where he will preside at further Assize ses tiMrc by to be supervised by the men In its widely varied recrea-assisted by the ladies. tional program, the Civic Cen- 10: la Points of View sions. 10:30 Nocturne 11:00 Weather & Sign Off m trJ inlorfUoa wmict for todif I worn Joy of living In the will and guidance of God permeated the whole story. Beautiful colored slides of the work In Venezuela showed the eagerness and seriousness of the crowds of people who are seeking God. "All too evident as well was spiritual darkness. Would you care to bring your family up in such darkness?" Mr. Brace ask Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Ander INTRODUCING A FEW NEW FALL STYLES ; by STETSON MONTREAL, Sept 30th Few colour are more i.timni more feminine tlian piuk. And son of Hyder, Alaska, are visit ing in the city, having arrived i'EGOV SAGE'S FASHION PIXK is the loveliest no mm ma IN AMVCflM !- from the north on the Cardena Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Ander i pinks! You 11 lind it hi your lavounte cosmetic auutcr in fror-geous "Shimmer" Lipstick with Show" or " itcgulur " Nail Polish to match. All :ie skill aud beauty knowledee of Pety Sane mrts have ono into their making. Small wonder son for years was United States commissioner and later customs ed, as he appealed to us who t it vou d el at vour iilamoroufi best when Fnshion officer at Hyder. Mrs. Anderson live in t he rmast ol enlighten- B'ink foi'tly tmts your lips glows at your finder is in business there. Douglas Frizzell, who was in nt And if you re budget-wire . ,.nere extra good .it Kj.-hioa Pink bet with Lipstick (1-5) and TURF CLCB A smart hat in full weight felt, snap brim with narrow binding. SHORE CLUB Light weight casual hat with a narrow, oUrred at thp very special price of 1.3S! .Banff recently attending the e Woman Who Stnn This f fcaani Caktl Thankt Announcements All ad vert laem i tnia column wUl be charged (or a full month at 3t cent a word .sinly line, exceptionally even. convention of the Automobile Dealers' Association of Canada, is now in the United States. He is to be married while he is away and will not be returning to the city until the middle of i Irani eoii-imuca wneai, ana .j uatil 27 times as fine as Presbyterian Tea September fury woman a better cuke FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clue 8:00 CBC News 3:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies" 9:45 Modern Musicians" 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit, 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 11:15 Hit Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period. 11:33 Rec, Int. 11:45 Famous Voices. P.M. -12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Symphony Hour 2:00 Feature Concert 30th, Mrs. J. Mod eod, 833 Borden two-tone band, snap brim with binding. CASUAL Over welt snap brim hat, full weight, practical, and correct for any TCH Pi:CAN CAKE Street. klmmCakt ' lcuptugar 3KSS. Bridge Party, Civic Centre, Your grocer has a "fresh supply rig hi now! k.UBf aten unbea 1 cup mi lie October 1, 8 p.m. I teastMHia Msmnir.jt vanilla Catholic Bazaar, October 6 and 1 r add baklne Dndr and salt: lft threa limes. 7., . ' - (2301 tVAPORATEj) 1 Eradiate o i Your iea or coffee will taste belter United Church Tea, October horn eof Mrs. Withers, 715 5th $7-50 to $16.50 Ave. West. with Borden's Evaporated Milk. And your cereals, and your fruits and desserts. Yes, and any cooked dish that calls for milk! Lutheran Ladies' Tea and .ar riluii. creim vnlil hht. Add cms, one at fy after rarti Add Hour, alternated W'lh milk, a nr. bent itnootn afti-r each addition Add vanilla, fn. layer puns m mod. oven (375 F ) SJ to 30 min- with buttcrscoich trotting. Decorata with pecans. ihw Vl.NVUTE Plastic by the yard, then maka pint 9 kidhen or bathroom curtains shower curtains I kitdies table rovers... just as you like them I fliirr'saofad to the practical, (tood-looking things n can mtli Vinylito Plastio by-tlio-yard ... f i found that it more than adequately fills bo many fc.s''lioid and arlrobe needs (appliance covers l cr t::p apronsl). You'll find it clear or in Sale of-Home Cooking, October 9. 1 Wear a Stetson Anglican Cathedral annual C o n g r e gational Thanksgiving Dinner, Monday, October 11. TWO CASH PRIZE WINNERS in PRINCE RUPERT Area Will be announced in this column every Thursday Every week there are two cash prize winners in the Prince Rupert area on Malkin's Melody Moneys Time " LISTEN IN CFPR 7:30 p.m.. Every Friday TRY YOUR SKILL FOR CASH PRIZES Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Eve 'im in ixtier tlores everywhere ...arid remember t ir that important Vinylite l'iastics trad i o( quality. It mcaiis that you're buving fins roiad by " 7Vie Better Fabric Tenting liurcau"! ning entertainment. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Comty. and Needle Pointers 2:45 Don Mcsser and Islandei 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30 Divertimento 3;45 BBC News . V Iktt'i wtif October 20. PS DRAIN' Sons of Norway and Sonla Fall Bazaar Oct. 22. Htrs'i A Dlth to warm '.lie cockles of your heart! Creamy-rich H KIN it CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP will 19 vour favourite ENJOY BORDEN'S. QUALITY EVERY DAY! Borden's Evaporated Milk is concentrated from only fine quality, fresh, whole milk. Borden's is irradiated for extra sunshine vitamin D. Borden's is homogenized to make every drop equally rich and nourishing. Borden's is sterilized to make it completely safe. Borden's is especially easy to digest, even for infants. Borden's pours like cream. YOUR GROCER HAS A FRESH SUPPLY TODAY J3cfti4t6 EVAPORATED MILK If it's Borden's, it's GOT to be good 1 Rebekah Bazaar, November 3. Piano Concert by Mr. Joseph Franky, Presbyterian cnurcn, November 3. U.N L R sink, ami rifuiin; to .ample that and w st'irklmn 'h ' with I what you i)it of rlmn-omlert'ully r. Ju-t two jour drams "o'-free and Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM November 10. ISow Available! r flavour-bright beginning to many an Autumn meal.. .ami a delicious, economical "wonder-worker'' when you cook it into stews, meat loaves, left-overs of all kinds. Ask your grocer for Heini Tomato Soup now . . . he has the A'cui Facli ...fresh-packed tins of tomato soup from the Autumn-picked, fkilfully cooked crop of pedigreed "Aristocrat" tomatoes. Discover for yourself how the nmgie touch " of the famous Heini Chef can giv you tomato soup flavoured exactly 1 you'll be f' tt'ier it is I ins til try t'' for Gil-W (lien fol-the tin for ; 'I" A. MaifvENZIE . FURNITURE Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. Dance every Saturday night Oddfellows' Hall 233) Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I.O.DJE. Sale November 25th. St. Andrew's Cathedral bazaa;-, November 27. Orange Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. United Church Bazaar, Dec as you like it I . Creom Smoothn,,, in nnlv S t4l LTD. Ormes Drugs why 5 Jfcftace to Buy DRUGS a , an. inure, us SO BOOll f !,IT yOU. It's l,ri,nfl f . v, UIUIHI- Ilnia f I iw I'iuviiili I." "J"! deficient m thee nefm n . , ".'is crram'. delicious cereal are ft imri., "V 3 to ran'lpi. Ko why not treat your nui . Cream it Uk....i i . SEE TUE:1ePER MOP at our store L . It washes, drys and wrings, withqut need of placing' your hands In water and, novneed for bending. Phone iii 327 Third Ave. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON 0 2 P.M., 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. LOOK FOR TUB NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL " "ueai, leenng tomorrow at ember 2. CCF Bazaar, Sons of Norway Hall, December 4. St, Peter's Fan flazaar, December 9. lhT,hJ'iNtr. ?ay To C.a.f Yes, these PI n, I . llcc'r are headline news for i,.t", , :-"-fl'j1y ftikes. I've never seen. And, me l" i lt' ,,t's era"-ely urpri?inK that this ton i JT 811 ',ld a ,l,al n,atca fried food, tasto , "ut .adds just the riuht. flavourful taneh in Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 pjn. till 9"p.m. and Sunday . Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. NEW ROYAL GET READY rko-t Tf-ould be bo very excellent in Kr,i',. ofMiiR are orana new, news- PHONE 81 otttreal i(i i " lu nle uaroara urcne, - asuug lor your copy of Mazola GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repair Construction Alteration Floor Sanding a Specialty HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone Ml P.O. Box 195 LTT VENETIAN BLINDS Strongly made with steel or P.O. Ro 721 Phone RED 561 W aluminum slats, In a variety oi smart colors with harmonizing tapes. Ask to have t our estimator call. Wo FOR WINTER PREPARE FOR WINTER NOW BY LETTING US REPAIR AND PROTECT YOUR HOME FROM ICY BLASTS. If you have any electrical problems, Consult us, we can help you. ' WE SPECIALIZE IN: Commercial, Industrial & House Wiring Appliance Repairs Planned Lighting Refrigeration Service The Northern B.C. Power Co. LIMITED 3rd Ave. & 3rd St. . Telephone 209 or 210 Hollywood Cafe Cafe In Prince Rupert Newest and Most Up-To-Date Open from 5:30 p.m. to 3.30 a.m. measure your windows and Instal the blinds. til JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST I John' Bulger Ltd. wi Third Avenue Mitchell & Currie LIMITED Phone 363 Builders and Contractors We specialize In Chinese Dishes FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN SUEY W u'lll CHOP rStreet Phone ill "