PROVINCIAL LIBRARY. VICTORIA , B. C. 165 9mm PHONE STAR XCABS JOGS irprv tORTHTRN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S OTEWSPAPZR 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVII, No. 230. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS servatives Call e d to Cra ade for Common Mam Bracken Challenges His Party Invade U. S. Sector of Berlin ans To Take Up Cause of People I T VANCOUVER MAN Long lerms i INS mm IS COMMITTED ON ASSAULT CHARGE Harry Wright, cook on the fish packer Pine Leaf, appeared JAVA TROOPS FIGHT REDS ADDRESSES CITY Are Imposed BULLETINS : in police court Wednesday af Middle Course Urged By Retiring Leader O'Leary Sees An Arising to Rescue in Crisis OTTAWA (CP) John Bracken today asked the Progressive-Conservative party to follow, a straight path of reasoned progress and become J;he, crusading party for the common man. An outspoken address of farewell by the retiring leader bluntly said that the JUNIOR CHAMBER BATAVIA. (PiThe Java Republic defence ministry said last night that fierce fighting between the Republican army and communist troops Is ln progress Four Years For Indecent Assault Three Years For Fraud Value of Junior Chamber of ternoon for preliminary hearing ) RllS-U,n a charge of assault occaslon-0 made a lng actual bodily harm and was i t -4 committed for trial In a higher C Lllat r k Magistral W n Commerce training ln leader FEARS ANNIHILATION PRIS Canada today launched another round of bitter battle to end the impasse over Sentences totalline seven vears,r-ear wonogin, souin oi aoera ship and organizational work party had never m this century fully succeeded in oe- was stressed to local Jaycees the City. Vance Wright is to appear In ihot ami county Court this afternoon be- in the penitentiary were handed down by Mr. Justice Norman W. Whlttaker upon two men con coming a party oi the people. last night by James Collard karia. The communique said that the road between Wonogiri and Communist-held Ponorogo was cut when Red forces captured The voice that goes out from Jermail fore Judge W. O. Fulton for el- first vice-president of the Van couver Junior Chamber of rrilitarv ection. He is enargea wun nuri- here during these three days will either help us to power and pres Commerce, at the first business the village of Sidonardjo. tige or help us to defeat," Mr. Bracken declared, fie ranged the meeting of the Prince Rupert group last night. author!- lne plne Leaf last Saturday. The S miiitar BirI ls ln hosp1! suffering from victed on different charges ai the conclusion of the fall session of Assize Court here Wednesday afternoon. James Leo Pope, found guilty a short time earlier on a charge of committing an Indecent assault against an 11-year-old boy, was sentenced to four years international control of at-omir energy with the warning that uncontrolled use or atomic weapons might result in "utter destruction of civilization." General A. G. L. McNaughton circulated draft of a resolution calling for acceptance of the Commission's majority proposals for international inspection and control Warren R. Austin of the United States said the Soviet Union had blocked real control of the atom by refusing serious burns to her face, arms throughout the trial it appeared Speaking to a gathering of 40 that he heard everything that city : Junior Chamber members was said." in the Civic Centre common Canadian political field, blasted the government's economic record, warned against the threat of communism at home and and legs. Rod MacLeod ls act- der invest1 j ng ln behalf of Wright while It. W. Brown Is counsel for the Countering a statement by lounge, Mr. uoiiara aeciarea Foster that "the only thing I ,lna me imponam uung . nui Crown. abroad and urged that no step be taken to change the party name. (Prince Rupert District wanted was the truth, and that,how much tne ,unlr tnamoer or even the community benefits was never spoken," Mr. Justice from your work, the vital thing ring Progressive - Conservative Association is recommending that Whlttaker remarked in passing after Mr. Justice Norman Whit-taker had considered his criminal record which contained previous moral offences. James Howard Foster was given three years In penitentiary U2J sacrifice sovereignty to .., is that you are receiving lead-, to sentence that nt in my opinion , , , . . ..... . ... .... ersh n training that will v.. be of pe WOMAN FLIER KILLED . FORT NELSON Mrs. A, F. I.intnrr of Anchorage was killed when the plane she was piloting crashed during permit of international inspec the "Progressive" be dropped in favor of straight "Conserva"-... you nave receiveu a very lau - tion and control. trial and have had every op- ' iday tlve"). Mr. isouara, a a junior cacuu- YANKS-SOX CREEP VP on his conviction oi ootamms money under false pretences "We can turn to the left" Mr. CALLS FOR CRUSADE John Bracken, retiring leader of Progressive-Conservatives. tive of B.C. Packers, was in the city for the last few days on business. He left today by air Bracken continued "and find from an elderlv Japanese at Uniu-d Na- portunity to present your defence." In his plea for leniency, Foster presented a number of letters to the court, which, he sa'.d, all side roads overflowing with Smlthers a year ago. ft.. KKuy ii-, to return to Vancouver. Foster, who, in a plea lor ,it( lot the Arabs Charged With "By seriously taking advan heavy snowstorm in the bush near here. Her son whom she intended to fly to school in the t'nited States was seriously injured and, after 36 hours of exposure, is in critical condition in hospital tiere. The plane was found upside down by the Royal Canadian Air Force. NEW YORK While Cleveland Indians had an idle day, the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox, tied for second place, crept up half a game apiece today in the hectic American League pennant race. The Yankees defeated FhiladelDhia Athletics 9 to 1 wishful thinkers and hopeful planners or "turn to the right and be Interpreted as a class party devoted ln the public mlml leniency ' told the court tnat were from former employers s on we Jewish Killings tage of what the Junior Chamber has to offer," he said, "we I am not ln the habit of goin; attesting to his honesty and .era Powers1 around the country taking, value as an employee. He de can ' train ourselves to take a igerine thr PARIS, 0, The staff of the to business interests almost ex clared that he had been unable and busi. ,ea(U part ln social 3 means of acting United Nations mediator cluslvely. To the left lies the W present, witnesses noiaDiy artivitiea and feel that we D c... . ..e,. l.j... v.i a hldlne sloDe of Communism, to money from people," received hh three-year sentence after the court had been Informed of his criminal record, ln which he Ule nilfA iirVj-v fe "a V-n-ii 1 c Q ft H I . . I miu iuc wv l0 f aicSLine yeateiuay wauicu 7 , .... at formally the right a short and bitter de- - .o - :rT. lumuing our pan m mei,. , Washington Sena- lour Jews In ... Arabs ruaua iui for killing .vu. viro nrr.&URe nr. lar.Ken ' - . . . , . ,. , .v. m miles pi nwnv away" .tons as Seven of . the United Nations : ... community.' . .t i j;nnc' loan wa sppni in ui uuiiviuti. vjii tuc uliicl m,. r,vrw nt. T.atrnn Palpstme. . .. - admitted thefts, forgery and funds. l et armrn- charter which authorizes ine M- r- - it ' . " nana,, ine , pariy can iuuow. reduced .mvn came a. t "v' . . : i : ..--half cn . September 22. The kffilng was !tra reasoned' pr( . Kill ; 1 J - imnef 'most serious porlrtn C I larceny tn . .Canada and .try? ' flfum'ti'.i council to use economic penal Mr, Collard gave a brief description' of "the organizational structure of the Vancouver Junior Chamber of Commerce and described as a I of 'uie con- ties" or armed force against any gress. To this higher purpose United States dating DacK u I92S. " ' i r 1 J. l rirA Hl,m. ,n thr Drefcn 1 OI."n! A. "".r" wtnlA n nn Inft ; the nation is calling some party. Pope was-, cotiyictefl toy - "thr Jury 20 minutes after it had retired to consider the evidence. The two cases were the only ones on the criminal docket at the fall session of Assize court. ; country gumy OI uireateimig M'd Chapter the peace. Foster was lounu nutlty by a assured the Prince Rupert group, """" - a cnarge n.u uC that any assistance that the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber the Arab forces of. Trans-Vancouver body could give to- would be readily forthcoming. (Jordan. Jury Tuesday afternoon ana sen tence was reserved by Mr. Justice Whlttaker until 4:30 Wed DAYS STOCKS : : A void is to be filled. The opportunity is ours for the taking. I trust we shall not fail to grasp it." G RATTAN O'LEARY The Progressive - Conservative party must and will bring Canada a "rebirth of freedom," the national convention was told by HAZELTON-WHITE HORSE ROUTE nesday afternoon until his record was received here. Nrtwy S D. Johnston Co. Ltd. Foster also pleaded for len HHlTHO5 iency on grounds that he had an "incurable" disease or tne ear which had resulted In his M. Grattan OLeary of Ottawa. from the Canadian Addressing the delegates assembled, O'Leary said the party is army. He told the court that preparing to "resume Its historic task of rescuing the country I A o? 1 U 'iJ- T-K-a ( I i' : T.-. 1 from crisis." Lake Rowan 06 Vi Lapaska 05Vi Little Long Lac -75 Lynx -0734 Madsen Red Lake 2 45 McKenzle Red Lake 32 Va McLeod Cockshutt .. 95 Moneta 3J1' Negus 2.15 Noranda 51.25 Ljnuvicourt 50 Pickle Crow 2.12 Rfgcourt - 05 Vi San Antonio 3.90 Senator Rouyn O'Leary charged that the Lib eral government had made a resulting deafness had maae h difficult for him to hear the court proceedings. Prior to Foster's sentencing, Crown Counsel T. W. Brown declared that "in the light of his record, I find It hard to understand accused's remark that he would not take anything from anyone. From hfs conduct mockery of democracy." It had been governing too long by mottoes and banners." Now tha country had government" by a party leader apprenticed to a Prime Minister who ls responsible to on one at all." FAVORED HIGHWAY HLOT'I v' fo V. , V j ' I PLAN This map shows TkMlh 7 AxtX "- ' the route of the propos- ,T VL'i Tl i-WJ - , ) rJ I C K ed Hazeiton Whitehorse HMMt- m$)iriA ... School Harms Ring as Fire Chief Publicizes Fire Prevention Week City Fire Chief H. T. Lock went around ringing school fire alarms Wednesday afternoon, then explained to Prince Rupert's 1,200 school children just ,..v, vn a;a :t Tt ,,.o.h ovnlained to SIX groups 01 THE WEATHER Synopsis The entire province is under the lnfluence-.-of a large area of high pressures. The weather ls clear with tsome fog patches reported in the valleys of the Fated Highway in relation xo v-7r, X. P W u r'. .Vv' i i other highways of the fij " 'l- HT , A- XMIS province, either built or tofwrfTX,, .J' r) J$ projected. The Associat- .ifi.: b$7i. , Jr&k fV W m Interior and bV'er cbastal waters. A storm developing 700 miles CrZ Brlsh Coiuml " J 1 : 4 k . 7 O wiij lie uiu iw. ii. riLif .. ...r youngsters, a curtain-raiser to National nre Pro t re-vention Week which begins on October 4. bia and affiliated 19ZfZ PimkK ' C lA Chambers of Commerce ? (Vli?"-'- ' ?7wI:K' y-I-" of Southeastern Alaska, L S ; A,?l- In convention at Juneau ..''VJL " jVAAhJ.'' tT'S.N- Wwfife But Chief Lock was careful i in each case, me "lu" and qu.c, tions were orderly . iii. that, even at west of the Queen Charlottes will bring rain and strong southerly winds to the northern coast tonight and across all northern B. C. tomorrow. The southern areas will remain clear. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North last week, urged con- 0 - sJLh, py'tiJ.. . V ' " -sCt struction of the road xM- fi Qjp xlt " ' u ' tt '" i- R "'A " northward from Hazel- , f&. Cfc''$ U V "'f A. ' J - ton to connect Central Pl T M . ) VT) t 1 ' itV'V"jJ'''V'::"T' to explain that he was not asking them to be careful about fire for Just one week out of the year. Fire Prevention Week, he stressed to the student bodle3 of the city's six schools. Is observed as a reminder to be careful all the year 'round. oemn this early stage of the school term, the students had been carefully grounded in what to school caught do in case their f"ie'am happy to say that tha children In this city are well t,mrri in what to do in case British CoiuniDias nign- ; To " v JTJfic4 V J f J U way and railway with k the Alaska Highway. T "A? g-i PZXl" 14 A .-. Coast Northern section, clear today, becoming overcast this evening. Intermittent rain tomorrow. Light winds increasing to southeast (30 m.p.h) tonight. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow: Massett 45 and 55, Prince Rupert 45 and 55. With no advance warning, Mr. Lock, accompanied by a Dally News reporter, descended on each of the five public of fire at school," Chief Lock said. "Fire drills are held frequently and their efficiency increases as the term advance would have Certainly, no fire - to max ; k n.t a chance Lite schools staring with Annuncla tion and ending with ConraJ Street, then visited Booth Mem Southern Section Clear today, overcast tomorrow. Light winds, little change in temperature. Low tonight and high tomorrow: Port Hardy 40 and 50. u.,o hefore any of tne of puplte schools were cleared orial mgh School. He entered the buildings and pulled the alarms. The accompanying reporter if yesterday's druis wc indication of the time required to make safety. Annunciation schools 50-odd cnrirnts were clear of the build was designated official timekeeper at the public schools, Regular Baptist Church MISSIONARY RALLY Thursday, Sept. 30, 8 p.m. Mr. E. Whipple will show slides on China. charged wtth marking the length 1 tfyWfr "MW I MO" I ' " ( sefirrte. 1 ing in exactly 25 seconds. At Borden Street, a quiet or-nrncewion filed out, leav- of lime it took to clear each of the buildings. There were visions of wild stampedes from imaginary flames but these llng the building empty in one 21.3 frol, 27 fret (Continued on Page 3' "ever never materialized. materiaiizea. 3-9 3 9 fee f0l,, j 1 - " f ri. I JOIN TOE CIVIC CENTRE : : Your .Investment In Otizenshp