BE SURE TO SEE 'MARGIE IN Tup v prince Rupert Dailp mcXos Thursday, September 30, 1948 ALASKA PLANE ARRIVES HERE 9 ... - . . mmm MllVif AIIVIIUIPH ' IN ALL Inc. MiuniT uuinni... THIS TOWN WAS MOST COLORFUL... First Ellis Airline plane i( fly from Ketchikan to Prince, Rupert in more than a year( MOST DANGEROUS... n nV rw. i 0ST FEARED! s. I II i i I III J Mil I 1l.II lu -Jl lll Q with passengers augutcu Tuesday afternoon bearing three people who will visit the Queen Charlotte Islands. The flight was made following easing of stringent regulations which formerly hampered the movement of aircraft and passengers into Canada from local organizations being ably represented at such important gatherings as national and provincial conventions. They paid off in the new knowledge, enthusiasm and viewpoints brought back to the local organization by the delegate, In the opportunity of the local angles being presented in the larger sphere and in the good publicity and prestige that was obtained for a community through effective representation. "I think one good live delegate at a convention is worth more than thousands of pamphlets," declared Mr. Applewhaite. Mr. Applewhaite held that Gyros Hear of Ottawa Parley t. T. Applewhaite Reminisces . t Service Clubs on 'liberal Convention A non-political description of a.' great , national political convention was given the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at yesterday's weekly luncheon by E. T. Apple-whaite who was one of the local delegates to the recent Liberal national convention in Ot trap J Of r K A : ( 1 Alaska. More sucn ingiua expected. Passengers on the light plane were Mr. and Mrs.! Lloyd M. Yeltatzie and smair daughter of Hydaburg, Alaska,' who will visit Mr. Yeltatzle's tawa. Many interesting facts the national convention of any former home at Massett. The plane was piloted by Bob Ellis, Ketchikan mayor. major political party was something of importance and inter est to the general public. That could also be said for the na about the mechanics of such a gathering were presented and ai occasional human interest incident jecalled. "Mr. Applewhaite closed with an pvnmcciAnnf what. Hp hpHV- The Experts e the value and importance of October 8 and 9-"The Swords- Audrey Totw FILMS IN Say ... rvt,,i,. n iiiuii, Licii i y raiRa aiiu r.ue'1 MITCHUM AND ATTORNEYS IN COURT Actor Robert Mitchum (right), who with two women and another man was arrested by the F.B.I. and charged with violation of the state's narcotic law, is shown as he appeared in court in LOs Angeles, Calif., with his attorneys, Jerry Giesler (seated) and Norman Tyre (left). With his studio backing him up and his wife announcing th at she will stick by him, Mitchum and the three others were indicted and will have to stand trial. Drew. Paulette r..;-... I tional Conservative convention now opening in the same Forum in Ottawa. He told of 'the elaborate preparations mace for the accommodation of public and press at the convention. In fact Conservative observers were among those in attendance, having access to everything but the caucuses and committees. The work of the resolutions committee had been a tremen OCTOBER By Kay Rex i-,r,rfion Press staff Writer vaiiauin" . t i a mi -t f u'antc tn l.rv' . 1 1 n ,w! In October 10 - "The Big Fix," aid Carey Sheila Ryan and James Brown; October 21 ' "Missing Lady," Kane Richmond Widow o w and Barbara Reed. and Co..f u 18 October 11. 12 and 13-"Three October 24--Daring Daughters," Jeanette et," Michael sr a hand at some an-voiiaumn dessert she doesn't have to go "Albuquerque" and "Daring Daughters" and "Sitting Pretty" Among Them Outstanding in the list of picture offerings at the Capital three Liberal conventions; the meeting to be followed by a thrilling reception accorded to stag party at the home of A. J. Messrs. Smallwood and Brad- Dominate. Announcement was Ipv of Newfoundland, and the made of the appointment of R. Mucixinaia ana Jose nurDi. a Sorority Gi ' very far. At her back door right now she may have a tree laden down - with apples. And if not, dous task. Indeed this committee, so time-taking and inten wf-cuuij a, i" ai iu run Htrk v-ii!i Theatre during the month of and Fancy Free" (Walt Disney) , October s'; imr,roccirn tViat harf hppn marie H. Jovce. A. M. Hurst, Allan sive were its deliberations, was hard-pressed to keep up with the town market should be filled with bushels of the crisp, uctoDer wiu oe AiDuquerquc, "The Challenc"." Tom Conway Vardoux" bv British Columbia's own Pre- Sheardown and William Cruick Chir - . . starting toaay ana continuing and junc Vincent the convention. October 27 mier Byron Johnson. snank as a commute ior me rosy fruit, which perhaps grows for tne week.endi and The triple objective of the October 17, 18 and 19 "The 'Sitting pre,,T ' Dnkirt Tnl. j , .. convention Mr. Applewhaite Daring Daughters," "Fun and High irrK Wall Wall,' "uul" ajriui anil UI1Q MailTOn C other quantity than in any Fancy Free" (Disney fantasy gave as improvement of a badly A vote of thanks was propos-, annual Apple Day. w. . atone ed to Mr. Applewhaite by Allan ( will head the annual hoedown M. Hurst. dance committee while Martin Past President C. G. Ham was, Van Cooten, Jack Bulger and in the chair and a luncheon George Rorie have been assign-guest was C. Vincent of Van- ed. to make arrangements for a deteriorated party organization. promulgation of a new plat 1 a nice . . 1 form and election of a leader. and "Sitting Pretty," all booked for later In the month. Here is the October list as announced by Manager J. Harry Black: September 30, October 1 and Elaborate decoration of the country in the world. The Dominion department of agriculture has devoted a booklet exclusively to ways and means of eating apples, In salads, desserts, and even as a relish with the main course of a meal. ' . L. take advantdc couver. C. C. Mills, one of the lortncoming stag party. convention hall featured the veteran members of the club, was warmly -welcomed back motto "Unity, Security, Free dom" in red, white and blue 2 "Albuquerque" with Randolph WEEK END CLAIMED CAPE IN 1620 Two English sailors planted after an absence of several months due to illness. shields. Both interior and ex terior were a blaze of color. To enjoy apples with baked ham the following ingredients the British flag at the Cape of Next week's Gyro gathering Notable was the spontaneous will take the form of a dinner Good Hope in 1620. are needed: one slice of un and genuine applause which Scott and Barbara prltton. October 3, 4 and 5 "Her Husband's Affairs," Franchot Tone and Lucille Ball; "Dual Alibi," Herbert Lorn and Phyllis Dixcy. October 6 and 7 "The Unsuspected." Claude Rains and cooked ham about ll inches THIS AND THAT thick); one teaspoon dry mus greeted the name of Sir Wilfrid Laurier every time it was mentioned. There was some tard; two teaspoons vinegar; two apples; one-half cup brown Joan Caulfield. thing heart-warming about this obvious veneration and esteem. Western delegates may have been in the minority but they An outfit to treasure from Fall through Spring. Coats at - sugar; one teaspoon butter. Trim rind off ham. Mix mustard and vinegar together and spread on ham. Slice apples thinly and spread on layers on ham. Sprinkle with brown sugar and dot with butter. Bake had certainly made themselves and.Suits in the 1948 man- heard, the most notable occa brown sugar; three apples. One quarter cup butter; one-third cup white sugar; one egg; one-quarter cup molasses; one cup ner. ANNETTE MANSfl sion being when British Colum bia and Alberta broke down. eastern opposition to force each WALLACE'S Of Course Friday and Saturday, Octofwr I of the leadership candidates to be heard for 20 minutes before in a mdoerate oven 350 degree? Fahrenheit) until ham is tender about 45 minutes. , , . Apple Cup Salad make3 a choice luncheon dish. Core the apples and scoop ' out pulp to flour; one teaspoon salt; one teaspoon ginger; one-half teaspoon cinnamon; one-third cup boiling water. Melt one-quarter cup butter In baking dish. Add the brown the election. 1 ST. LAURENT ELECTION Outstanding Values on Qualitj Gitnj we are proud to offer you al Greatly Reduced Tries make apple cups. Fill a with cold water and as bowl sugar and cook together. Pare each and core apples. Cut each apple Mr. Applewhaite expressed the opinion that Louis St. Laurent would have been the choice as leader under any circumstances but felt that it was due COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made ' VALENTIN DAIRY Tour Dally ALL-WEATHER 8ERVICB CORDUROY VELVET apple cup is made, put the cup in' half to make two thick rings in the water. Arrange rings of apples in but- Dice enough celery to equal ter and sugar mxiture. Cream one-half apple pulp. Mix eel-1 one-quarter cup butter. Add ery and apple pulp with one cup white sugar and cream well to- to the tense International situ Kcjrular $29.50 .. Week-end Special ation that he had been given the overwhelming first ballot choice. Doubtless, he was the cottage or cream cheese. Blend gether. Add well-beaten eg? J llrintJ with salad dressing. and molasses. Beat thoroughly ;repes, jerses ana 1 i" i most experienced man of all in DRESSES-1 to 4G. lteular international affairs. GUier outstanding incidents Dry apple cups and fill with Sift dry Ingredients and add to mixture. Serve on crisps bends mixture. Lastly add boiling of lettuce. . (water, mixing quickly. Pour And for a dessert you can over apples in baking dish and never go wrong with an apple bake lrf moderate oven 350 de- Week-end Special .... described by the speaker includ ed the presentation by Prime Minister King of a special badge CIIDTC Wool, Crepe and Alpine JlXIIAI J Heir. SH.9.-I. Week-end Sp: to the elderly man from Alberta up-side down cake. Ingredients: one-quarter cup butter; t three-quarter cups of "I'm sorry, Mr. Toddings Thomas bought some gadget to build himself up, and now he's too tired to go" to work!" who had been a delegate at --NvUm Pencil Scams M' grees Fahrenheit) for 40 minutes. Serves six. Housewives have 'found that apples can be useful for other things as well as food. Discolored aluminum pans may be brightened by boiling apple parings in them for a time. , HOSE 51 gauge MS. USSQTOF&t UKemts... I V Week-end Special Your Best bating Place FULL COURSE MEALS V. y a,ra. to 8 p.m. .. J Banquet Hall for 'Luncheons, Dinners T and Parties k REMEMBER, TWO DAYS Of RF. THRIFTY . . . SHOPt NON-HUMAN WEAVERS Weaving or knitting was practised by spiders, caterpillars and birds long before the advent of the human race. v Chinese Dish es rti ri ir rr Stripes and Jr' BROADV DLUUh :..i,,;n,r liliick and Vhi-1 1 : CAFE THEN HIS WIFE HAD AN IDEA (Qr r AND WORK l,KE THS 608 3rd Ave ,W. ,,.-,Phone 200 -w -w w w 1 1 1 V I tl VI I " Regular $895. Week-end Special TWIN SWEATER SETS' 100 Wool. Regular $H.f' Week-end Special F7h r A sm. mveo posrt em fiakcs f And liked them, tool Now vn of 5 p.m., -5 3 ,..;,H Chandler & Cowgill " Photographer Developing, Printing !; Enlarging Box 645 218 4th St l!;un. MI'r"' NIGHT GOWNS Regular tt.l - For Post! Bran Flukes have lliat wonderful flavor thai keeps you coming back for more. And Post's Bran Flukes supply the natural bulk you need to h.!p relieve constipation help keep you fit its a liddlc 1 Other parts of v.lieat, too for more all-round nourishment. Week-end Special Slriiies. Si"s CI 1 1 TO Worsteds, C'rcpcs. JUi I J Regular lo $5!l.5l s Week-end Special BRA FLAKES -h'$ got that "TOP OF THE MORNING FEELING" B 208 Buv With Confidence Young Dressmakers Annette Manse EW LUXURY STEAMER I PRINCE GEORGE ' SAILS FOR - : VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY ' at 11:15 p.m. ' For KETCHIKAN t WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reseryations Write ; j or Call ! I CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE ! i- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 525 THIRD AVENUE WEST I For girls who are being taught ' the art of sewing, SIMPLICITY PATTERNS are Ideal. We have just received a new shipment of these easy-to- 1 Phone 631 for "Foothills" Alberta Coal All sizes In stock. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Order your supply NOW Be comfortable later. Don't be left out in the cold when the first chill blast strikes without warning. We're -ready to serve you promptly ... our prices are right. . . PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. vtfjmbtr, Building Supplies, i - Ik Friction Please! Has the Oil Filter on your car been changed at the manufacturer's recommended mileage? And while on the subject have all the other points requiring periodical attention such as: Wheel Bearing Repack Change of Transmission Lubricants Cleaning and Re-Oiling of Air Cleaner, etc. been taken care of according to the Instruction book? Many of these details are overlooked even by the owner who conscientiously has his car lubricated regularly. We remind our "Regulars'" as these services become due. L 111 DS A Y; tiO TO RS - IT follow patterns and you are invited to inspect the modern dress designs that Simplicity Patterns feature. Besides Patterns we have Thread, Scissors, Tape ures, Pins, Buttons and many other items required by dressmakers. , Yfft-TTI n ? f ! 1 I" T . nSHll2 " .. ft 518 ird Ave. W. Phone Red 400 PHONE 8C30