r Hot Campaigns In ;Litife Hope That and my husband but it may be years before I do because I have j uo return tickets. i Prince Rupert Daily Hews l :r iMojjday, June 19, 1950 DREKl II this letter strves any use Miners Sfill Alive ' fu) purpose, I shall For Summet that my own mistake may pre HALIFAX Political artil- CADOMIN, AHa. it Two lery boombed in the riding of mechanical mm! mfv. vent others from doiiig a similar- ' : 7TY As. Sle By ELMORE PHlLPOTT ly looltsh thing. : ' ' ' Prince Rupert has been called i Annapolis-Kings and at Halifax ', sweating crews of rescue woikers Marjorie F. Minaker. LltB ntimt,. i the Dat forty Lns 125 000 electors n the rwot todrty continued thp hnttu HERE ARE JUSTA OF THE GOOD VA Men's Pure Wool si Reg S 30 00. An Independent daily newspaper fleYoted to the upbuilding of Prince " Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations 4 Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A; HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director i SUBSCRIPTION RATES Babbacombe, years, some were unsinu, a consuiuenciex irien to decide ; against time to open up the coal were well deserved, and others how' to vote in today's Fedeialmine tomb of five trapped min- Torquay, England. I'W A T were rather picturesque. But an by-elections. ers. But little hope is held that Well, cheer up Mrs. Minaker. had one thing in common. This At Kentvllle, Liberal candidate ' tne men. imprisoned for more You tan get back to B.C. and was never termed "just another Angus Elderkin. was flanked by,tnan four days, would be found DEAR WAR BRIDE By Carrier, rer Week, zoc; Per Month, 73c; rer Teai, $8.00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year S5.00. have a happy family re-union town" which means thai aner Resources Minister Winter and alive. the abuse, there must be Agriculture Minister Gardiner, j Discovery yesterday of a brok- i -ves and vou can d0 lnat ior $500. all THIS IS A LETTERj . . . , Men's Brown O.Xroj B good fit. latest style i ' Special Now .. J Men's WlM).Efi;K, Keg. 15 00. Nu '2 Voung Men's oati PANTS-perfect fit an,; something here. 1 John Diefenbaker was alongside ; en miner's lamp and the severed candidate George Nowlan. The lery is silent in the ridings of addressed to Marjorie F.! now about thk isoa f,-l, or. PrrHc, vaVour husband U Set In touch Prince Rupert will be repre- j Annapolis-Kings by-election is e j the diners were eomlnir close Aj City In Difficulty iilii'rtci, an . With me. and let ine know Mart. ,A in ,a hi or n&umhlv d( smnpl tn a rieilrrt k t tk a - . ' .. ; bride Who receiUl WlOie ly how you are fixed, we will Boy scouta in Valley Forge. There Scotia Supreme Court, which ' the Job of mjving tons of debris ' av ii ' 1a. . 4 ... p U'hflt ."an ha rtima Tr . . a - a i ,.nu , . .: : . . ... I F ritivart nnd ....... 1 .. . L iLu I. ii.i!i aim c uui.-cnes uav at urnes , me iouowing leuer tu i wtu oe iaas irom au over nmei- uracu um uuentins election :irom me tunnel Z7U leet telow Im.Au ilahnrp unA o. liio.TaA nit, amlni.t-nf.V ! i JOu do not ant yourhusbaiid if o .here .and know'edge of his-. in last year's general election, surface. Mens Felt HATS, ' Si;k top notch styles. Special from Boys' V INnuitrXk haveno tab,, on mion, dd it When bS'! , . Miuwciprooi, all sizes 4 00. Now ; U-that lovelv countrv which even i Also - see rolon.i un " " "' , , . . u i Jive g-ood and adequate service, when, i - - . ....... - , m am now . t . . i memDer oordon Isnor to th Boys' and Girls' CoJ HATS better quality ors. Sells $2 so. ' "I Saw nnlv 1 streets and sidewalks become dilapidated to a point Senate. Saturday C.C.F. leader Coldwell addressed a rally In England cannot excel. , cnambers, Canada House. Lon- If they are homesick and if ' don. He is head of our Canadian wh'n '" 'as flrst tliey are lonely and If they thii ' Veterans' Affairs Department in heard of' lt WM t0 be whlere they are notorious disgrace not only in the support of Rev. 3. W. A. Nichol- : V?Z be-; Britain. He is about the best the vast fisheries and mineral Boys' PA.TsIto"drpSi school wear rv, 1 shooter and fixer-uppr wealth of the adjacent coast aud he , dues just aoout would be widely discussed. eyes of the people who live here but in the view of : that "Zl CanadUn lite is callow thu thousands of people who visit US, the failure to ' come home. But they should' I know ' , . t . . . , , , , , - have a return ticket In their anythin hill? strong. From under the tun t.r Thnncanitd Harl nMr hpn nenr SIB meet ine situation is DOlinci to oe tne local point 01 ; pockets. . j families of Canadian veterans, there. Someone was describing dissatisfaction and Criticism. Further, the taxpay- j . If they have not money, Portland Canal all of a hundred i who foot the bills and sometimes think thev are & r the return tickets, and shucks, mrs. miNa- mUes Xon noi i , a.x. . tell them to stay. Tell tnem vO y.eT dont eeJ too tra4,jc atout ! "Did you say canal?" in- getting much for their money are entitled to turn eyes to tne and, itaII. , tell Jr VZ a listener in au Umocence. candidates are S. R. Balcom Liberal, and Lloyd Allen, Progressive-Conservative. Although world-famous Enrico Caruso once sang for $70.30 he didn't even get the money. On a street corner ln Cobourg, Ontario, he joined a litUe band of Salvation Army officers who did not know his IdenUty until the tambourine was passed and filled with large contributions. assurance that they are being given the best measure I ic la" allu lIle is11 ge.ang married this month, that "Yes." FOR YOUOoTii jana tne resi.ss rivers, mai "-Cver- bride, is entitled to run j Canada.- home to mama at least three ! Tell ;hem to think of their times. That's just Dart of the "How did Mr. Portland ever dig a canal that size?" husbands, unhappy, perhaps be-: routine of getting to know ho But tom the general roar ex I cause of their wives' resentment : to live with another human P'00. an elderly, quiet appear A Good Place lo Stop 244 Miles to TELKWA HOTEL Telkwa, B.C. Just a Nice Day's Drive to their own beloved country ,lng man called: ' being. Flying U" Guest Ranch, Cflr liding, boating. sir. dancing and a !,: Write, Wire or pho Chas. Wilkinson "fl Mile P.O. B.C. V Prince Rupert Florists r Flowers for All Occasion Tell them to stl:k it at all costs- That makes lt tough for brides "I can tell you, mister. The for when they come back th?yjho marry and move ovei same way old Puget handled his will find io their surprise that i oceans You just can't get your Sound" Canada has many virtues and' proper quota. 1300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 771 J 1 of return. That there has been pome apprehension on iliat score it is hot necessary for the Daily News to say. One has but to listen to the talk that is heard wherever groups of citizens are gathered together. "However, there is also something to be said in fairness to these who have the difficult conducting of jcity affairs in their hands, a duty from which so miny citizens shy away each December when the municipal elections come around. Possibly there is no city in British Columbia whose municipal requirements in the way of public works and services are m3re difficult today, due to the size and extent of thp city, the nature of the terrain, the pressure of ' growing population, new industrial development and increased demand irt recent years and the fact that SHINGOIE England many faults (which' ' . cannot be sten through roseate jn Friday Daily News report In 25 years ag0 colu,nn' glasses 6000 miles awavi. - i0f the graduating ceremonies oi nethniS is said about gold re- I am a Britisn war bride I Booth Memorial High School, the C0TerT ln tne black nds ot tne bave been In England six months name of "Charles Robert Arm- Queen charkrtU! Islands. We'd with my two children while my strong" appeared as one of the almost forgotten about that elus- husband is still In Ehe lovely oraduatina rlns roll Thi thra.w lv stuf- It had attracted and The ideal finish Shingles, Fences c rough lumber. Mq. disappointed people, longer ago mue vuuge oi wresceni. u.t. l nate been "Charles Robert WU long to come back to Canada liamson." EBY & SOUS LTD. CONTRACTORS KKFAIRS KE.MODKLL1NO rOl'NDATIONS Lt us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 883 Box S8S a variety cf ottrac colors. the city for so many years has been falling into an ! than 25 years. No one denies the j gold Is there, but Its quantity Is j such that separating it from Uie i sand seems practically lmpos- '. sible. But by this time, possibly, . someone has a new idea, and would welcome a litUe help, ' 3R0ADWAY CAFE Thompson Hardwrf Co. Ltd. m. a. m r WHAk Best Fo Movinf, Psckint, Crst Shipping tnd Cmrr FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL ; & CURRIE LIMITED Builders tc Contractor Cartage and Storage! Complete Reliable and 4 finest Cock'ng i Extensive surveys have already been made by the Aluminum Company of Canada in Tweeds-muir Park and down the coast. , Before long the Aluminum Company of America will conduct surveys up north, south of Whlte- ; horse, the project covering the -' . Hours 7 a.m. ic 1 a m e For Toke-Home Orders Phone "200 WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING 320 3rd Avt. W Headquarters for the VIEW-MASTER ? Full Library "of Color Reels Developing, Printing v Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone Canadian Liquid Air Co for Oxypen. A.-ctylne r welding supplies. LinrJay Cartagi Storage Limitel Cor. 2nd and Park Avr northwest section of the Province. Wait a while longer and the asking of questions will become what Is known as superfluous. Eliminate Defrosting Est 1310 ' Phonrs 18 i Nuisance if One naturally dislikes discouragement when the competition Is in such a worthwhile cause but T.S.S. STEAMER a PRINCE RUPE "... ' v - '. " nif . .i .n l l -- - 'a : KAIIJ5 FOR increasing state of disrepair. The situation today j is jthat, even with all the ingenuity and efficiency of j planning and financing that might be exercised, ' Prince Rupert, as a city corporation, simply has not the available resources to carry out the accumulation : oAvork and projects that have now become urgently j essential if this is to be a community in which peopl ; can" live even comfortably, much less pridef ulhtw-i With water system inadequate, sewers collapsing, j streets dilapidated and falling to pieces, sidewalks j broken down and dangerous or non-existent to j mention only some of the essentials the program j which must be undertaken right soon, if the plaw ; to' be inhabitable would be staggering to the most talented and efficient city councils and administra- j; tions. Prince Rupert, difficult as things may be owing j; to peculiar local circumstances, is not the only city which finds itself nigh helpless in the grip of forces i : which cannot be 'surmounted or controlled. This is j not the only city that faces demands justifiable j ories too from the people for better and more ade- quate services than they are getting. The fact is that while people are expecting more (and here in Prince j Rupert they are today getting less) in the way ot '. services, the means and resources of the city to meet the needs are hedged by antiquated limitations and j restrictions. The point has been reached whereby j there is not the wherewithal to meet the most pri- j m'ary needs of a modern civilized community. As the ' Daily News has pointed out before, what the city of ; Prince Rupert needs is a ' new deal"' in the way of financing. " : Under these circumstances, the utmost efficiency and good service must be insisted upon in the city government and administration, but, even with all thkt. Prince Rupert, for one municipality at least, just cannot meet the physical requirements of a constantly deteriorating situation. . ; We suggest that, as start which cannot be much logger deferred unless the people are forced to move Vancoim is BAD for Cars In AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE as in anything else, you get exactly what you pay for . . . That's the reason kAlwp;s Prompt and Courteous and Intfrmfiii" Automatic Defroster. Just ptug it in the wall, adjust the Defrosting cycle, and your worries are over. For free demonstration see . the man or woman guessing how j long it will take that Rotary bar- , rel to float down stream from ! Terrace earns the prize. The Skeena for the time being, Is ' not dependable. It's now up dow down, now out, now ln. But. anyway, roll out the barrel and , look pleasant! ! '. Hugh Tennant. port steward tor Canadian National Steam-' ships, Vancouver, was la the city , yesterday going north on the Prince George to make the round trip to Alaska on official duties. We're Here to Eervc YOU Thursdoy at 11:15 p m. rrxo WFTCHIK Commodore Cafe why you're wise to bring Hospitality and Good Food" WIDNKSDAY MIDMj Phone 17 for Send -Out Order? 3rd Ave. . David Chow, Mgr For Kes" Write M tl riTT or nE nEFiri rRINCERl? if PHONE 79 PHONE 79 A Compliment to YOU . your Chrysler built car to o man who knows it best ... Our trained mechanics hove the "Know How" to make repairs quickly saving you time and money. They us? only factory engineered and inspected parts and special factory approved equipment Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones 566 Service Dept. 866 Parts Dept- iflaUarr JHjannanj You are complimented when your purchases are eharged for your merchant shows he has confidence ln you confidence that you will not only pay your accounts, but pay PROMPTLY. . - - ' Credit Bureau of Prince Rupert Take The Kiddies HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. o 9 p.m. v SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUC out because of lack of essential services and ordinary j arheliities of community living, the city, itself, might i mow towards the instituting of a special study of needs on a large scale and long term basis and special manures which will have to be taken to meet them. ' Inihat connection it would be logical to suggest that 1 th co-operation of-the provincial municipal affairs department, which keeps us so closely in check from tha financial standpoint, might be reasonably en-lisd. Something has got .to be done. We simply ' ci-iS't go on this way. 1 "t: The Beach O Come in-and see our complete selection of nec- essary items for the young beach comber Engines & equipment W iloit nnrt have fur Bile f timmlnn dli-wls. KlinMrt in Kurlnr Flrtlhlr illrsel nil it piping. Ilrxllilr fui-l IIiim. Tniltlne Pnf ffr4. (.Ilrlirl-.! 4ak mul Part, lira and Iron Id.w Kullrrk. I'Ulon Rlnr. I'lr anil IMpe nulm. Itiihbllril Rx ItrmtiiK. Jiiw C'lutHiea & anchor Mfftw-hraiK Hlrr and lra Slinfllnr BH. Nuu. 4tiid and Cap . Ilulibul SI. If Holtrni hhnnn. Amlior fiunl.T MMerhraita, Hat Mild tlrrl. Various arllrles of marln hardware and equipment, too la mention. RYTOWN MACIIINK WORKS VANCOLVF.K-VICT01 Sunday, 9 P tn.. Cam Tuesday. 1:30 p m. Coflu ALICE ARM. STEWART PORT SIMPS'" Sunday. Coquitiam. : FOU NORTH l CDARLOTTEISIA 9 an June ss. Camosun, 10 pm. FOR SOITH Qlt ; CHARLOTTE ISLAM 16 a' June ss. Camosun, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINE " Prince Rupert ABj Third Avenue TRAVELLING?" For the very finest in LUGGAGE George Cook, Jeweller SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY ) Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of his, and give thankn at the remembrance of his hollhes. Psalm 80:4. n " ii ii i i. . (i 927 Ird w. Box 1188 Phone 264 ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS.