Prince Rupert DoTIy HeWa T Monday, June 19, 1950 I ineerfromv 'J throiiuh n,.. . "I Ketchikan Ball Series Arranged Terrace Co-op In Session mmm Football " f Aiyansh Defeats General Motors I NTtTrCE OF CANCELLATION or hi utiN(i - ... - - Such As it Was v j Lots Of Ball Seen Sunday .iic my ab Quit-am s,i.. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Linzey TERRACE The annual finan- Failed aboard the Princess Louise MO Saturday for a trip to Victoria, report was read and accep- Fast Native Team Scores Two-Nothing Win v "cu 't Mine at rd G'r0 Canadian P5C 1 rivprt i., .. . tt- Chilliwack and Long Beach ! u lucSQay ni8nt s meeting California. of" the Terra:C Co-operative As laociatioa which was held in the G. A. Turner, principal of thelCredit Union Hali ith . i I Last week sports writers all jovef the country considered the In an exhibition football game on Saturday evening at Acropolis Application by Central Brltush Co!-i .xecutive -.uuve oi 0f th ira Prince rrince umbia Airways Limits for a licence ' to operate a dm 2non-scheduied ; Rupert Baseball Association last commercial air service (ram base ! wpi. rWirled tn eK aeclaea 10 nriwir accept KetChi- Vnjhi at Print George. B.C.. serving the , foiiowing specific points. vnderhoof. kali's proposal for a four-day, Bums Lake Smithers. Hazelton. Ter-! six-game civ. (romp " series sprigs th tile. firof first four fn,,P race and Prince Rupert. B.C. an i (days of July. Application by BC. Air Lines Limited! t'.i- ., . i i tu t L Saturday, July 1, there will be for licence to operate a class a' charter n on -scheduled commercial I a double-header here. Sunday air service from a bate at Jamubell .,, . River, b.c. "'there wiU be one game here. On The Air Transport Board hereby July 3, Prince Rupert Will go to rJMJ: f the fin 29- shellacking the St. Louis Hill before a big crowd the ; Ocean Fails high school, after a! attendance presided over h o aboarri th I, y M brief visit here, returned to the Kofoed. A dividend of $5 94 wa-paper town aboard the Princess ; declare v..DOroU'V Ker, At an earlier meetinu thu o.owua mu us Dig news ana Aiyansh Athletic team defeated wrote it as such, but here Is a ja General Motors elevi by two story for them today. Yester- goais to nil in a game that was day at the Roosevelt Park dia- always fast and exciting. P. morid a erew of construction I Adams and J. Guno were scorers workers Wied their hand at base- ! for Aiyansh, . --..uver Dy piane """ic nurses' trainii &n ouver r,pn, ,. June 29tn. 1950. for taking evidence j game of the return series. On ter vkitin hw Jll ma nearing US represrnuiuous on uie fh- ,f i.iH ... - - Louise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Q. Qenge were passengers aboard the Co-quiUam last evening enroute to Stewart where :ir. Genge will take over duties as manager of the Bai:k of Montreal succeeding A. Anderson who is,trans- Teams- members had decided to purchase a second-hand truck for deliveries but the deal had fallen through. This matter wa deferred in favor of improvements which ri'ust be made inside above applications at a public hearing , bv, w,r jj an, were sadiy. Qut of tnelr I Mrs. L. W. tVliri nUURi, LUUn IWV3 Will U1UY U1C 1 dlttl II 1- Vancouver. BC Ing two games against the element. They finally managed Aiyansh: Nisyok, P. McMillan, to get the last man out shortly S.' Eli,; R. Davis, O. Ouno, R. hefnr0 rtttirr hmif a-nA Pnm- nnnn P Tat?- r If, ...,...'. r I! House AIR TRANSPORT BOARD Gerald Morisset, Secretary (it) the store building ferred to fcnderby. Mr. Gengej Alex Olson and Karl Wold wtre Art Murray, president of the merca, Hote, went with AdamSi j- M p Perc,val , local basebal. association, looks where around thi rt to Davis for some tnn nnth oanwQ ... . . was formerly at White Rock, elected as directors On June 2; - o-" !thf.l (-t-ftrilf -ith lliilm Tolonrl (ipllorn! n,,nltoi.. TK lending up wRh a meagre Uo. i Wilson, RoWnsort; Oben, Wel- Passing througn the city en-route to Stewart alxx rd the Co- , ' jlens, Price; McKay, Pat Wilson. Eleven women employees of the board will meet and elect u president and secretary. Refreshments were served b the committee headed by Alex Olson at thee!ose of th biuines. session. and mm Plumbing. & H ONE YEAR TO PAY on the material and 1 the Canadian Fishing Co. plant Large, Owens, quitlam Sunday was William B. George and old time mining Island outfit tried everything but Letournetii man oi that diairict. He is vislt- Referee: S. P. Woodside. at Carlilse arrived in the city aboard the Coquitlam Sunday from Vancouver. hypnotism on his club but one cant mafce a sow's ear out of a purse or something like that, so This evening s game bi lngsiS his mine at Stewart, George I "Pt and Efficlen'f fcjilwpilses, for tiie summer. Mr. George's home is in Victoria. Classifieds bring quick result. 1 L f e"PntLegkW into competition in the clappln? his h hands to show the North gtar Theugion boyS -her the bench f was. Every- has not lost game tQ dat? thing seemed tc go against In the two encounters betweer Watson Island. Hut the Commer- , the Motors and the ion the clal Hotel club was more to blame ' results have en a scoreless than anything else. Sammy Sin-jdraw and an one-all tie. Bath clair ,who is riiore at home in are out for a win, and with foot boxtnti togs, started off hi3 1 ball Boliin- ahead ns ft U thi. labour for your NEW ROOF -Siding - Insulation or Asphalt Tile pitching career very nicely and, I game should be a thriller, if he never pitches" again, he Motors WI ipld will still thave to ttll something ,team selected from tne f()ilow. his children about. Sammy had ;inR. Boulter, Wilson, Robinson, trouble getthig used ro the rather wellens, Olson, Currie, Letour-awkward pitcher's rubber at the neau, Pat Wilson, Hornell. rrd. beginning of the fracas but ; Cwens. Drice. Lien. Maeee. Ir 1)11 lMt m . ttlM ; Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classified! wuiu per insertion, minimum cnarge 50c. Birth Nonces 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Not eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE BIRTH NOTICE rot sack Players will meet at the Civic Centre prior to the game ui 6.45. FOR SALE ; ib tin euy: r&S I S . Tripft Dittilltd ir'! ifDRrCIN litTropieIBot.nlc4lddt H'Sfef iffit&r , " , (Ulijhrful bouqu. kw? VKJ! uStrenjth, for food liii or pTjg&lj I yOUCANBUYNOBnTERi flfjS 5&ITrJ?,!?'Hr- "9 NATtONALLf KNOWN NAMES FOR 8ALE-14ft Wendell CYaia Nixor ell, i Mrs mee row boat with 3.5 il -Line-belt SDi-eder Shovels w rnvins MacDonaldi at inee Cranes; Draalines; Adams Ruuert Creneral Hosoital. a son,' Road Oraders: Littleford Bros settled, down to give a good account of himself throwing nothing but fast balls. It Was a nice afternoon 'up on the hill and1 it gave people who don't usually see much baseball a chance to crowd' a lot of sturf Into one afternoor v After all, baseball Is made uu of runs, nits and errors and William Duane pound!. 12 tr. Black Tod Road Maintenance Classifieds bring quick results. dtp) Eauloment: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rook Grannies; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Toil dVrtilent is LT0,K?Ur not published 'Shtd WAVftty diled N L'auor Control P V by tht Government of British Colurabi. n Sealed tenders will be received bv ' Of Scran east brsfa I the Minister of Forests at Victoria. 1 WANTED B.C.. not later than 11 a m. on the' CODW-r. batteries and radU. rtiwaieromooard rrx 1 ve r old Can be se 8th Ave. E. or plion, after 6 p.m. FOR SALE -Used" fur eood condition. Gen trie mix Uimo. $20: d comolete. $10; bed ct, S25: kitchen Uihie $8. and two dressw mirrors. $5 each. 1511 Basement. FOR SALE 2MCabl' 2 vears old with nr lust installed and with air foam ma'tr lMh. day of August. 1950. for the) f r-urchane nf 1 irtr v4''lfl"l r. I Clark Furkllft Trucks' Nelson! Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and now Removal: Rice Portable Cer.trifutral Fumos; Na-j tlonal Drasline Scrarjers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National mere we;e encugn yesteruay to j ooo f b m. of Hemlock, Balsam do for some time. l.fipruce. and Cedar on the west shore of Kildala Arm. aouth of Indian Reserve No. 4 Range 4 Coast Land DiFtrict. ' Five years will be allowed for re aims, i-iiuiic mj. ittu oin West. . cm- WANTED Youne workins' coudIp desire furnished room; or rooms Ursent. Box 731 Dailv News. U47d WANTED Yotm? man sinelc.. wants small aot. or fdrnLshedi suite. Will bp permanent. Box 729 Daily News. 148p We are pleased I to announce that i Rotarv Screens and Convevors FuU information from National Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. B.C. itf FOR SALE One Enerlish pram and one convertible buv. Black 284. U4tlp burnlne white enan-.J moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forests. Victoria. B.C. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, BC. (146) GREER & BRIDDEN LTD, your local building contractors toilet and sink. Tills b are now in a position to bring you a superior product for WANTED Baseball Equipment Such as Gloves, Spikes, etc., are badly needed by your youngsters playing Junior Baseball in the city Please Phone Art Murray at "99" Taxi and equipment will be picked up LOST be used for Ilvms uua must be sold. No r offer refused. Phun-Black 248. FOR SALE 1949 Vanta radio, sun shield an Verv reasonable. A; your building requirements. FOR SALE New & used household furniture and hardware blcvcles for bovs and men unoalnted chest oj drawers, end tables and coffee tables, batterv radios, floor covering. with materials from . T1MBFR SU E X-MK71 Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Forests at Victoria. B.C., not later than 11 a.m. on the day of July. 19SO. ff the purchase of Licence X-49871, to cut 1.815 000 f.b.m. of standing and felled fpruce. Hemlock, and Balsam on an area comprising of vacant Crown 730 Daily News. BlILDIXG PRODUCTS LRU- rifles. Musical Instrument! LOST $100 American on 3rd' Ave. Please return. Phone 456. Reward. (142oi LOST Watch on Third Avenue' between Cow Bav and Post, Office. Reward. Joe's Grocery.! (142p; nELf W.4XTED and violins, etc.. Singer sewine machines, office chairs Klppninp bntra lntrvra bnotn land situated south of Lot 2587 on I BASEBALL RCOkES SATIRDAY National Pittsburgh 6, Boston 15 Chcago 9, New Yoik 7 St. Louis 2, Brooklyn 10 : Cincinnati 2, Philadelphia 5 - SUNDAY - ; St Louis fl, Brooklyn 9 Chicago 0-5, NtW York 6-10 Pittsburgh 6-8, Boston 8-8 Cincinnati 3-3, Philadelphia ' 4 4 ,, .v ; American SATURDAY . S ' . Boston 1, Detroit 2 Philadelphia 7, Cleveland 8 New York 3, St. Xouis 7 Washington 6, Chicago 3 SUNDAY Washington-Chicago postpon-ed New York 15-9, St. Louis 5-0 the eart bank of Ecstall Kiwr. Ranre I and scores of other eooo WANTED-Midd aw artlclp Good values at lowest' to care for oartiauv 4 Coast Land District. . I nosslble orlces. BC. Furniture.' ktdv. small house ir TED, the largest manufacturers of asphalt shingles in CANADA. SHINGLES are available in weights from 125 lbs. to 210 lbs. per square, and feature the new 1G5 lb. T1TON, the Phone Black 324. (TF i town. Modern cor. - , -1 Please state salarv Three years will be allowed for! LOST A wallet containing lm-j removal of timber. j Dortant Daoers esoeciallv en-i Further particulars of th Chid , francisement Bauer. If found Forester, Victoria. BC. or District: tlease return to Simon Mor-, Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. rlson. or to the DaiiV NeWS.i 1431 1 Reward. U43 FOR SALE Purebred Collie. Mrs. J. H. Smith. Terri pups. 7 weeks old. Write Box f 88. Smltlicrs. B.C. (142D) 1 HELP WANTED GiW' self-locking shingle in an at Must, have exofriin other need armlv. Pho: write IBox 1224 Statin: Business and Professioria LOST Pud wRh black and I brown markings. Phone Blackj 1 713. (143d)" AITTIOX fI.K I'IMItKK KAI K X-4'J')I9 tractive design. mere will be offered for sale a FOR SALE Black oak dining room suite, ten DieceS. $150. Phone Black 491. U! " FOR SALE Bed chesterfield, rotarv sewing machine, mans overcoat size 42. shoo flv baby rocker and babv stroller. Phone Blue 508 or Black 140. (144pl TOR RKNT Public Auction, at 10 am., on Tuesday. July 18th. 150. in the office f HELP WANTED CarDf: Dawson k Hall, ro: for new tlieatre cow Amilv on tub. Third A First Street tr District Forester. Prince Rupert. , T IT bc, the Licence x-4i9. to ru. FOR RENT Single and double HELEN'S Cleveland 2820 000 f.b.m. of stnndlnn and ft lie f S'M'Blne room for men Willing Philadelphia 0-2, to share. Blue 433. (143u Bpruce, Hemloek. Cedar and Bjikjci FOR SALE - Natural draft xr a nrrfn Tavl driver FOii RENT One laree-roomed BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches SO 4th. 8treet Phone 6o5 wueen not ourner. ena ibdips, " id t-uxI draitine desk comolete with; board, tee and set sauares,' HELP WANTED Bovs double bed. table and chairs. . Hi. liable bovs or girls fullv furnished cabin. New, and previous lnauirers please nhone Blue 825. tl44pi 7-21 Boston 2, Detroit 10 Western International SATURDAY Tri-City 8, Tacoma 1 . Wenatchee 7-4, Vancouver on part of Surveyed Timber Licence 356p and Lota 187, S4'J. and 2347. an-1 adjoining vacant Crown land near t fouth end of Kunv-alou Uke. Or n- ville Channel Range 4 Coast La;;d 1 District. Two years will be allowed for moval of timber. "ProvlrieH anvnna iinahl. ........ Books of Knowledge. Rear 1108 to handle Daliv No Gordon D. Ronson OIL Bl'RNER SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners suppliedAll types of burners and stoves serviced Ah." unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service , ; , , 733 5th West . Black 503 Ambrose after six. (143p) FOR RENT-Furnished ADt. Julv! and August Unfurnished Ant should leave their n the office Dailv Ne on Sent. 1. Phone Black 277 of FOR SALE Trollinsr boat "Elm-call Summit Ants. 4 143 I holm." 14 h o. Renal, ready nEPAIRS ior nsnine. tan be convertea Into Billnetter. Also 7 h ti BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE Boa buildlnand ; CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L; HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block ' ; Hours, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 Vivian. Inoulre at Prince Ru-, WATCH Rennlrs worn pert Fishermen's Credit Union. cient service. Gear the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour ol euctlon and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister- of Forests, Victoria.. B.C.. or the District Foresteir, Prince Rupert, B.C. 143) (145)1 Jeweller. Bansmcuuu l with valuable lot on Cow Bav, ftilnf boat waterfront teed. t shed iAw'Bbi TOR SALE-1931 sedan. Can be -rZ band.saw. JUr Sof'iS W ' at DanVServlce;Stam I OI BOT arid Ronson. Black 33. t GEORGE RORIE & CO. tools, portable skill INSULATED SIDING comes in three shades of brick, with saw. sander. FOR SALE Combination elec Yakima 10, Spokane 3 , Victoria 9-6, Salem 2-5 y .' SUNDAY Tri-City 11-4, Tacoma 5-2 Yakima 7-9, Spokane 3-3 Pacifie Coast SATURDAY ' Portland 1, San Francisco 6 Seattle 8; Los Angeles 4 Oakland 12, San Diego 8 Hollywood 4, Sacramento 3 SUNDAY Los Angeles ll-O, Seattle 8-1 Oakland 8-0. San Diego 5-7 ' Ban Franclsso 9-6t Portland 5-4 Hollywood 3-7. Sacramento 2-4 Public Accountants and Audi white or black mortar lines, tric and oustove.- t fix id condition. Phone Hed 735 -after 6 D.m. ., : ,.; . ' (tfl drills, electric motors, paint snrav. etc.. all in A-1 condition. Full twice 5;5O0.00 R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave. also the popular stone finish A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE8 room J vcrv cod condition 1 a 10 wit nas eicci! or the new INSULTEX shingle r-none tsa. (14ti) FOR SALE One FdiDhone 'Voice tors. Income Tax Returns complied ' O. L. RORIE, A AJ!..' jB. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 type in buff or birch grey. NSULATION of FIBERGLASS and' coal healer n R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer for ELECTROLUX Will be residing permanently 1H Prihce Rupert Contact the above for all Service required and for Parts and Supplies writer ana traiiscriwr. Phone niiereeco nMMrmw BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 64 1 between 9 a. fnt ; and 5. pun. . .- -CharminB country i Li..iJ('J41' npar ,wllh FOR SALE-1 'Wavne Air Com-nvire;nroom ior travellers.) pressor. 6 cubic fet. 1 h p. Over 50 acres on Hiehwav I Vannr.n.ii iLt-i. floor cloth. Ps-ll had Julv 1. Phone i- comes in paper encased rolls, oi eitner 2" or 3" thickness. Fourth Aver .' ,.h"us?..T.i!lunn"i? w?te?' Electric sas duiiid. Phone days. : " : ill int. for sale. Cnoicf 217. eveninus. Green -'.i.iv, iiKni.1115, iirruiiii't, i vtreen central heatine. batement 723 knotty nine panelled livlrtir (1441 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE D39 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed HANDYMAN ' HOME SERVICE GENERAL UONTRACTOrUS' dential section. J"' lr, ... Tarns 1 cm t. V0U. D' Greer & Bridden LTD. Offer you this service at attractive and competitive pri and dlnlntr room. Has creek HI-POWERED Soortiner Rifles on property ideal soot for Write for latest cataloe Deal-tourist ' camp and' country; ers enaulries Invited. Scope sU!r'- erv tow Brlced for aulck1 Sales Co.. Ltd., 320 Queen St.. sale. Terms. Investigate this Ottawa. Ont. (tf) now. Call Armstron? Agencies. - - Phone 342 or Green 297 (eves.i rOR SALE Babv buirsv. will while choice w eood a later, can a ' " Building and Repairs of all klnda Phone 34a or uie'-' PHONE 43T Phone today for a Free Demonstration of the 1950 Model ROOfS - CHIMNHYH n c i a is 'i ces. They fully guarantee the (144) traoe ior sometnins: or equal value. Phone Black 600. ! FOR SALE, - H?J OIL BORrtERS workmanship as well as the li " lH u ; (tf) boat. PlilDuen, BUILDERS & CONTRACTOR . MATTSON'S UPHOLSTER1NO Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box Slit 330 Becond Avenue Prtnce Rupert. B.C 2nd West. .materials. FOR SALE Rlncrla nonal hoH PHONEB w-d cat v. fl room I1 ftJii electrical contract , work! hiattress. laree crib. TWO Venetian hlinds f!na cirhrmik Ave. ri'ul" Black 334' ' Red 894 mrm or small, fall Oram ei Newton. Black 8-9 U8m) SUMMER P. O: Hot 1870 heater. 745 5th W. or Red 892. i C2ti . (142p) I r ht J : For free estimate or further Information phone or call at - - VCM SALKi . 1 u rOR biiildinit and eontractlriB its Northwest Construction LimltedJPhone S63. (18m) house, two ctiltiviH" . a oi-ipr. j FOR SALE Ennis piano, $275 cash. Phone Green 491 (150p) L,oiuau like k rpn re" cash, balance Blue 245. - marine and general sheet! FOR SALE 1949 Hillman sedan. QUALITY ' REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heels and Worn Boles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Becond Ave NEAT H- periect condition. Cash or SEE THIS metal work. Thorn Sheet Metal Works. Black 884. (18m) COMPLETE builders supplies fast service. Island CHv Build-in? Supplies. Blue 820. (18m) em &asi. H-npntf: vcinit. mi ira.iunauie oner refused. Phone Camn office., Watson Island. (143p) FOR SALE Girl's" bike7 $35. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST' Room 10 STONK BTJIDrHCT" i ROBERT E. ! MONTADOR Limited Sales Agent wirine. nw" " j i, dice-rated. Priced ,! 1 n 1 1 n . inspection La "342 iinm-y nni, 2U0 7tn W. (143p) ACCOUNTANTS' BOWLING TOURNAMENT Team Events Singles and Double Entries must be in June J5lh to Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys 297 evenines- . I ntt FOR. -; FOR SALE One Killnety boat. Phone Green 803. (149p) eriv ior --, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8. O. Furk Stone Building. Red 599. (20m) PERSONAL AUTO CAMPS COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE - Agents for the flnert In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED " AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th 8t. Ph. Black 389 Phone 11 3rd Avenue BLUE 69$ P.O. box us ..SpprxJ your vacation at Lake Kathlyn Auto Carno. Comfortable houselteeDlne cabins. imateiv rubberoid roof. ' ti W nev. materials $ . exterior walla, ertv. aood .sabirtl.J Ki'avei road to ci' !" 1 and bed. $2.000. ( PLUMBINO n H Heatlnr Th r unit Sheet Metal Work. 2 Gravel Roofinaf. Gall 629' 6U1 West. Phon 643. Letolirneau ' I rt " ilM mi ILU1. LX I swimming, boating, fishine and; mountain climbing:. Box 88, Struthers. B.C, (161p) and Sons. (tf)