1 Snapping 3 - Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 19, 1950 AICTIOPJ RALE TI.MHIR HALE X-48384 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at it ,m, on Mon. tlay, July 10th, 19W), In the office of the District Forester, Marine Building. Vancouver, B.C., the Licence X-4B284. to cut 7.095,000 f b.m of Fir. Hemlock, Cedar, Balaam and Spruce, on an area adjoining the rorth boundary of Surveyed Timber l.ifMnr QAIlIn C . I . . n, the Booth staff proposed toast to the graduation class with Irene Reekie responding. The concluding toast was by Betty Prince, to which A. M. Hurst, principal, responded. After the banquet, graduates enied mat the Rotary i .-porta kidnapped prov Football Tonight L General Motors vs Canadian Legion-7 ocjock. J- E. Merrvhnirf ift .. . ... .K. niver, noutn Bontlnck Ajm, Range a Coast Land District. ! Two yearn will be allowed for re-1 moval of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend . the auctWin in nrd,.n .... ed when it was dis- Rupert Whiffen, engineer for the Coast Breweries at Victoria, returned south last week after a week's visit here as the guest of Mr. Whiffen's parents, Mr .and Mrs. W. Whiffen, Taylor Street. He was accompanied by his young niece, Miss Ann Wick: who will srvnH ia DmMn. t,iu ,itt some paper in a lot in its winter rest-n was found i"t in - ... ,.. ....... IJlaJr Buumn tender to be opened at the hour of i auction and treated u nm kih " DISTORTION evening's tram for Hazeiton and elsewhere in the interior country He. expect to be back in about two weeks. . I; ! Lit off on last "'Bhf If Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minuter of Forest. Victoria, B.C., or the Dlitrlct Forester at Prince Rupert, or Vancouver, B C. j ..... f,v..u wiv ouiinjici iiunuays Graduates Hear Education Head Banquet and Dance for Bo-Me-Hi 1950 Class Booth Memorial High School graduating class of 1950 celebrated Its graduation by banqueting Friday night at the Broadway Cafe. Out of town guests Included High School principals Norman Creep of Mas-sett, Turner of Ocean ri Us, also Assistant Superintendent of Education Harold L. Cnmpbell. who addressed the graduates. Mr .Campbell years ago was superintendent of schools here. - Among the speakers were Charles Webster, chairman of the gathering, and Lawrence Kristmanson, who offered a toast to the School Board. Dr. Large responded. A toast to the High School utaff was proposed by Ann Pet-roff and answered by vice-principal R. D .Cleland. J. Henry of rf,ce. Had It not Dten j;e to catch the train, jergan had promised Terrace if Hood con- viwung , in victoria with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Allen. Bulger's have a special 26 ple;e set of silver plated tableware In chest for $9.75 complete. . (It) V Radio M it necessary. iibeen a great deal of and their guests attended a formal dance in the auditorium of the Civic Centre which was tastefully decorated with flowers and ' silhouette motifs- On the decorating committee were Lenora Faught, Joyce Tattersall, Carol Brentzen, Donna Richards, Monk Lykegard, Orven Spurn, Beth j Astoria, and Lawrence Kristmanson. Evelyn Smith presided 'at the door. j During the evening, Master of Ceremonies Frank McFaddeii i j called two spot dances which were won by Harold Eldsvick with Elaine Bell and Bill McChes-ney with Ledna Webster. f j The many formal dressed I couples danced to the music of the Three Duke with Mrs. Norah Thompson at the piano, and HOTEL ARRIVALS Mrs. Lester Scou and daughter, Miss Marie Scott, returned last week to her home in Victoria after a week's visit here as the guests of Mrs. and Mrs. Whiffen, Taylor Street. ., ji to how long tnc i I f'om Terrace to East till take because of the .inn flooded river this CALL RADIO CLINIC L hat may, the com- Prince Rupert , James Downie. John Redden, J. I. Sweet, G. J. Johnston, A. F. Thomas, N. Beaumont, B. F. Til-ley, Mr. and Mrs. A Atkinson, F. J. Hardy, Vancouver; E. Mac- KEN'S s, the barrel will be thp bridce at Terrace that It Is kept la the channel. Last year the contest was won by Harry Robblns, manager of Nelson Bros, cannerv. C. N. Brown, regional auditor, Canadian National Railways, Winnipeg, was in the city on the Prince George yesterday, ; going north to make the round trip to Alaska. , Norman Applin alias Gladu, who has been operating a sports club In' Prince Rupert, has been taken Into custody by city police. He is believed wanted at Fort Frances, Ontario, on a truck stealing charge. Mrs. Nigel Sherwood, whn ha- niv 1. Two boats will t,lc barrel to assure 90 Day Guarantee We pick up and deliver Phone Blue 992 Laughlin, Caulflelid; R. F. O'Shaugncssy, Nanaimo; Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones, Powell River; F Stone, F. Duquette, L. D. Public-over, W. A. Belanger, Montreal; i Dyke MacMUlan providing vocals RE-ROOFIHG! Aon vou build or remodel, choose B P. Announcement Well Dressed Men find all, and more than they expect In a Suit by Fashion-Craft. 0 0 m mm - 1 nn A tea and sale of home i I been nursing for the past year at cooking and sewing at home of JUST ARRIVED! . -1 Another Shipment of the Famous HEEL-HUGGER TIES I I ULT S H I N G L E S the overwhelming :e of discriminating home-owners, builders -rrhitpr ts from coast to coast. Campbell River, Vancouver Island, arrived n the citv on Sat- Mrs.. W Faught, 701 ram ave A. W .Bentley, T. A. V. Tremblay, ! L. Hart, A. M. Scrimgeour, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Smith, Edmonton; Mr .and Mrs. Daker, i Flint, Michigan; E. A. Rooke, C. I Lentz, Ottawa; Mrs. E. L. Seel, : Wistaria; A. Dixon, Courtenay, I Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Painter, Bev- ! erly. New Jersev. R. Ostrom. I nue West, June 23. urday afternoon's plane from the Catholic Bazaar, October 4 hey pre made by BUILDING PRODUCTS and 5- ' iTED the largest manufacturer of asphalt south ani Is leaving on this evening's train for her home at Terrace where she will spend a mouth's vacation with, her daughter, Mrs. Vic Giraud. rhoose your roof with care- specify "B.P." S. Calvert, E. A. Rutherford, Mrs. A. Pahlke, Seattle; Colin I . St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26. ' Sonja Bazaar, October 27. Rebekah ' Ba2aar, October 18. Legion ' Auxiliary Fall Bazaar November 8. Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 16. BLACK KID AA to EE FITTINGS " $14.50 Albert & McCaffery Limited GIRLS!!! to 12. years vacation with Mrs. R. Mitchell, Roberts Creek, B. C. Good bathing beaches, good care and food. REASONABLE RATES P.O. Boi 160 It or 117 Prince Rupert, B. C. ; St.: Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, November 18. (152) ! I IO.D.2,. fali oazaar November v Campbell, W. N. Stanley, John Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. S. Geib, John Morley, Vancouver; W. Rogers, Queen Charlotte City: G A. Turner, Ocean Falls; Mrs. E. T. McComb, Lulu Island; H. L. Campbell, Victoria; Mrs. M, Ash-ton, Mrs. N. Harman, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hunter, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. L. Audet, Watson Island. 23. IT. r L1MBERL0ST LODGE FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Are. Distinctive 1 OPENING SPECIAL WEEK-END FARE Leaving Rupert Friday, June 23, 10 p.m. - ; Return to Rupert Sunday, June 25, 5 p.m. meals and berth) $15 00 Return Fare on Boat (including . 6.00 bdfe 2.00 Taxi - - r . ' . i ) f MUSEUM HOURS FURNITURE DESIGNING For just the RIGHT thing for your home. Come to see us . MADE-TO-ORDER HOME ACCESSORIES HOBBY SUPPLIES V , Toys' Novelties, Children's Furniture Plastics, Venetian Blinds.-Sians X A PERFECT WEEK-END - ONLY $23.00 J For information and reservations t UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. t 511 3rd Ave. West, Prince Rupert Phone 568 Nurses' Home Worth More An $80,000 increase in Insured value after construction of the new section of the Nurses' Home was approved by the board of directors of Prince Rupert General Hospital in regular session Friday night. The insurance will continue on tlie same basis as last year. Due to specjal rates for hospitals, the board will carry the insurance during construction. On being advised by the secretary that the bid for hospital MONDAY WEDNESDAY Till RSDAY FRIDAY St NDAY U:00 5:00 P.M. 11:005:00 P.M. 1:00 9 ;00 P.M. 11:005:00 P.M. 1:005.00 P.M. .1 i ' I ; f, i I I1 f i' PENGUIN HOBBY SHOP ry Demonstration by Mrs. E. Abraham, Port Edward, B.C. every Monday and Friday v SPECIAL Sixth Avenue and Fultoi) Street : Phone Blue 448 or Green 232 Box 744 Jrnir 17, school children admitted free 10 a.m. - 12 noon RED - RED - RED A Specfal Purchase Allows Us to Offer The'se Red Calf . , Pumps at TONIGHT I Hear ... HON. LESLIE EYRES MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, TRADE and INDUSTRY $5.95 Only WEST IN A SOUND LOCAL PROJECT REFRIGERATORS G.E. Refrigerators FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. HIGH HAS BIG PROFIT FACTORS laundry of Pjcneer laundry was lower thnn that of Ideal, the ! board decked to continue A'ith Pioneer. j Mrs. Jens Munthe reported for the newly formed Women's Aux- i iliary that one of their prepctsj was.. the. hospital library. They , Box 63 Charlie Roberts Phone 357 Mies. M. Hays Hotel $384.00 92CU.ft. and FISHERIES I naa one cart in operation now i i and hoped to have another soon. Leonard PROSPECTUS AND DETAILS OF SHARES OFFERING Collections of books at the Civic , Centre, the hospital and at Ormes Drug Store were fair, she said." The auxiliary obtained -approval of the board for their tag day in aid of the Nurses' Home j September 9. I 8V2 cu. ft. .. 354.00 Discuss "British Columbia's Visitor Industry" Armstrong Agencies AT W 3rd Avenue Phone 342 NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. CFPR -tentative of There was some preliminan' discussion on changes in hosplta' facilities for more efficient service and working conditions. Chairman of the Board C. C. Ham presided at the meeting. The secretary was instructed to rite Mrs. Frank Dibb a letter of sympathy in the death of her " husband. , PRINCE RUPERT STEWART, B. C. 10:15 P-m. 210 Are You Buying a Hew Car? Taking a Holiday? , Here is How i Can be Done! MONARCH for factory delivery. , Order your new FORD or through your local FORD DEALER . ; . "Bolb Parker" :, The freight cost saved will pay for your entire trip and Northwest Air Lines -direct Fly via Canadian Pacific Air Lines to Detroit, U.S.A., and pick up your car at the factory ;, Average automobile freight charges from (factory to Prince Rupert, B.C.) $2715.00 CUSTOMER'S EXPENSES AJ Travel CP .A.V-single fare one way, Prince Rupert to Seattle, Wash $53.15 Air Travel N.W.A.L. single fare one way, Seattle, Wash., to Detroit (coach) - $77.00 stop over allowed in all principal American cities Approximate cost to drive from factory to Prince Rupert, B.C. Including gas, oil, meals .hotel accommodation (9 to 10 days) $125.00 Total $255 15 " Your Holiday is Free-Saving $19.05 McGiii rriiDiTiF fR r LTD. 12 STOCK EXCHANGE BULDING, VANCOUVER) MAILABLE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY No Minimum Limit 1 Sreasons why tjoSysfo make jams and Jellies tfomod&m, It'l ,y to m.k. j.m, nd jellies with CMTO Cry.t.l.-the prQd uct in cry.t.1, form that M way with CiflO Crystals de Thrifty. Be Smarts Make Jams and Jellies I "'f truiti to perfectly. WEDDING CAKES this Easy, To guarantee the perfct Ing touch to the wedding, ordre your wedding cake from Made to Order Rupert Bakery Ltd. 1, TWi T l-JIIIIH II II II nji rr 1.1 HUUU mem Mfii iq V!L I for ned ' ,nd C0L0R-The boil W3U j Vt LiUym!!kin'i ..nd i. .0 .hort it doe. not ' 1 JT I S J yX M it I ( I color or ipoil. the dt- f ijCjl, si I s . liciout, fresh fruit T Tat T 1 xnwr 'SlJJ ' J YOU AVERAGE 1 ' nSS-?Cfc jjh 50 MORE jm of 1 fm A- 1 iellv from the teme 1 4ss. VSTS. 1 k iTunt of nG .7 L ..ViUx'5 fruit is plentiful make & While fPnnnA .J-- 'i?iC5k1 0 enough jam and jelly to fill your WLi LI V Jt PRUIT MaiN - "."'i, t shelves. Get CERTO Cryttali at gm I y your grocer',. (CrySTSlS A Product ef Gtnerel Feods E-230 J JA ST Ul'-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY j- Ormes U &rugs I ) the Pioneer Druggists I V PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Daily Delivery Service JO f Y PHONE 81 VV ' FRM 3:30 rjtt to S.St A.M. sf'laliM! m ch,M. riluhe r suKY-cnow mein 0,"id OrdeM moNI 111 PIED ADVFRTISTNO IN THR DAUjY NEWS PAYS!