FrtOVJNClAL r PROVINCIAL EX3A3JT I VICIC.1IA, 3.C. li: ! . J i w w w mm. Dfliy Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER Published at Conoda'i Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" pHOHE 81 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 14f PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS )) pj r raser -kivcit Flood Moire U i ... t jted States Inquiry Car Plunges 500 Fed Off Road-Terrace Woman Badly Injured w !o Newsprint Started Tuesday, June 20, 1950 High 3:55 18.9 feet TERRACE severe spinal Injuries were by Mrs. William Williams early Saturday rSHINGTON (CP) A United States House i High Water Expected But At Lessened Rate . ilarrison Lake Overflows And Hotel Flooded , Some Residents Evacuating v VANCOUVER (CP) Dominion water resources officials looked more hopefully at the Fraser River flood picture today with' the announcement, that waters of the Upper Fraser and Thompson Rivers have shown a marked slackening off since yesterday. This may soon be reflected in a levelling off at Hope 1 . and Mission. .. 17:06 17.7 feet '.. 10:36 3.7 feet ! afternoon when the car in which she was riding with ;presontatives committee is beginning a two!LoW , n'Vntion of thp newsnrint indnstrv tnrliv I 8 4 icct,ner husband to Hazelton went over the edge of. the 22:47 Ul'n fjlOUnicu ami a hj ucn-iiiMiic wucmei an ill un- road east of Usk on rounding a sharp curve, and plunged over 500 feet down the hillside. The car, a hortage has been created to limit supply and . DUCIIARME TO HANG VANCOUVER Appeal of Fred Ducharme against conviction and sentence of rkath for the murder of Feme Blanche Fisher, was rejected in a judgment announced today by Chief Justice Gordon Sloan. Ducharme is sentenced to hang June 30. DR. LORD RETIRES VICTORIA Retirement of Dr. A. R. Lord, one of P.ritish Columbia's best known educa Former Student Grant Winner prices. Most newsprint is supplied by Canada; .! been m "wj second rA during the Liquor Store , Canadian suppliers Studebaker, rolled over several times and came to rest against a large spruce log which prevented it from going Into the Skeena River below. On being notified of the accident Constable T. Brue proceeded Immediately to the scene with the ambulance of James Mac-Kay. Mr. Williams, the driver of the Indian Social Service Asked Is Under The gauge at Mission stood at 23.94 feet today, up halfi foot in 24 hours. It ls not expected to rise any more than half a foot in the Way Flood Nov PastCrest -" A former student at Booth Memorial High School In 1943, 22-year-old James Allyn Stewart was recently awarded a $1,500 scholarship for advanced studies in industrial design. A student of the University of Manitoba, Mr. Stewart U the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, 426 fifth 3, covered In the lnvestl- ,j Cranston Williams," . manacer of the Amerl-jspaper Publishers Asso-aidthe U.S. newspapers :j up newsprint faster iej can get it with no ulackenlng of the de- next 24 hours. Construction f New l.?M iMspensary Starts .' Construction of the new $6 1,700 tionists, as principal of Vancouver Normal School at the end of this month is announced. He will be snrre pd"l ' by T. R. Hall, vice-princ:nal. (Dr. Lord was a former school inspector at Prince Rupert and 'car, was badly shaken up but otherwise unhurt. The Kootenay River is up nie Inches since Friday and the Columbia River eight Inches since Wednesday. ' Meantime dikes are holding through the province today against creeks and rivers doing Avenue East of this city, and brother of City Engineer 1. C. Stewart. The scholarships were awarded iH Canadian newsprint ion has risen steadily The Skeena River dropped six inches at Shames since Sunday, the Canadian National Railways announced today and at Usk, the small community 110 miles east of here which was menaced by flood waters for a while, water VANCOUVER Oi Full social services for all Indians was advocated before the Canadian Conference on Social Work convention Saturday. E. L. Coughlin. district supervisor at Prince Rupert for Britten Columbia Social Welfare Branch .said Indians should be given the same services as whites. "We can not justifiably expect a solution of any of the Indian problems unless, they are granted these services. Mrs. Williams was brought into the Red Cross Outpast Hospital where she was attended by Dr. S. G. Mills and later removed by train to the Prince Rupert General Hospital. a demand Ls high, too. He say anything to bear out i by the National Industrial Design their best to cope with snow after pouring down the mountainsides. Harrison Lake, 75 miles east, rose over its banks last night and fflimltlee's charges that at officials and manu has reeded two to three inches. The five-mile stretch of high ICO x 61 ttot reinibrcecT con- crete government liquor store on the north side of Second Avenue between Sixth and ' Seventh Streets began for fair this morning when pile driving operations for the foundation commenced. Fraser Valley Builders, Ltd., contractors for the lob, expect the building win completed by the end of September. ' ' , The front of the building below window level will be faced with tapestry brick. Windows k were working together i down supplies while b prices high. Committee to four graduates of ! Canadian universities. i The scholar.'hip money ls put up by the Federal government to encourage the greater development and use of Canadian talent In the design of manufactured products In Canada. The j National Gallery of Canada and the National Industrial Design Prince George Bridge Menaced PRINCE GEORGE A huge log Jam has been menacing the railway and highway bridge way between Kwinltsa and Sal-vus ls still covered with about 18 Inches of water. Railway officials believe the crest has , been reached and a slow drop ls expected., Thy do .not anticipate furthes alarm'.n? visited that city a few week ago in the course of Education Week observance.) . UNKNOWN BECOMES CHAMP RHEIMS, France Jacques' Royer-Crecy, an almost unknown boxer, last night won the ... Freach middlcweieM championship,, forcing titl-holder Jean Stock to retire in the eighth round. - ' NOOR MAKES HATTFTCK AIAANY. Calif. Irish "hrod Noor made it three in a row over the mighty Citation Saturday with a record shattering mile and one eighth at Oolrtrn Date fields. ' The time was one minute 46 45 seconds, clipping spewed two feet of water Into the leading hotel ln Harrison Springs. Eleven families left town jnd u has been suggested that ethers evacuate. - At Agasslz only a few milM away from Harrison, optimism was. followed by, caution today as' the Fraser moved up again after a minor recession. Hot weather again today should ide an increase. US Defence Heads Visiting Japan Move to U.S.-ii Union themselves will ' be translucent Committee Jointly administer the glass blocks. The entrance will erant.s. The committee is com TOKYO - Senator of Defence DOS,d of 30 manufacturers, re here and blasting has been resorted to. Any mishap to this bridge would completely cut off rise, . (' East Fishermen Gef Protection ISTCRD, Calif. h Extcr- be at the centre of the building 8ivd will lead directly Into the public secUon, a large room 32 t Lewis Johnson and General tailers. research and educational iri Minister L. B. Pear- y Sunday the closeness of Omar Bradley, comma nde.-ln- officials, chief of the United Statea com- j 'm 61 feet. Offices will open off the OTTAWA 'Oi The Canadian Erichson Could in - American relations not be construed to mean public section at the west -side bined forces, arrived here at the government Is. taking measures of the building. (isada Is "moving lncvlt- to protect fishermen of this f t l( t weekend to confer with General Douglas Mac Arthur on Pacific transportation to. Prince George as well as railway movement west to Prince George. However, water in the Fraser River has commenced to drop slightly, in spite of continued , warm weather, arid the flood is believed to have reached its crest. 45 second off the old mark The warehouse runs along the F;; bulUUiuc straight Unman wna ihlrli 'S happily Lo union with :M States. "Thai Is defence problems. MacArthur, It -l.':' other countries triao nn on the thai WW WM vessels of Dewey Retiring As IIY Governor ' ALBANY Thomas Dewey, for the past eight years governor-of New York and twice Republican is jyi4ejUstQd-wiU tell. Johtuotv NEW YORK :m Millionaire J Gambler Frankie Erickson plead and Bradley that the successful defence of Formosa by General j fhrouirh to the north wall and ; Pling the north wall to the west i wall and will provide about 3.200 square feet of floor sptce. There will also be a lunch room, wash room and lavatories issimo Chiang Kai-Shek will be rjosstble If aid is eiven and will THF, WEATHLR j 1 I Synopsis ,j Rain was falling this mornln? ! recommend that there be such candidate for President of the aid so that further Inroads of united states, said yesterday i for delivery at Stan-rjierslty. ''We are wilte rth our present posltlo.i jw.dence within our cont--ilth of nations." Pearson said, Canada : however, to strengthen -Mden her friendly con--!i the United States, as Important to Canada scally, southeast Asia! that he would not be a candi communism In may be stayed. for the employees and a boiler room. . . Flooring-will be terraazo.tUe. Interior of the public section will be finished with lath and plaster. Lighting In the bUblic section and-'dffices will be! by fluorescent fixtures. The ware on the Charlottes and Norm Coast of Vancouver Island as a slow moving storm centre moved toward the B.C. coast. Cloud and rain from the Storm centre will spread to all coastal areas by date for re-elsctlon as governor He indicated that he would return to private law practice. Some time ago Dewey renounced any further presidential North Atlantic banks, Fisheries Minister Mayhew told the Commons today. The minister said the matter was being taken up with European nations whose vessels allegedly have interfered with operations of Canadian vessels on the banks. .' '- Polish Doctor Leaves Hospital After spending one and one half , years at Miller Bay Hospital; Dr. : Myron Lazarczuk left the hospital staff recently to interne ed guilty today to charges or con-spriacy and bookmaking. Erickson, admitted a nation wide bookmaking business, made the plea when he was brought into 1 special sessions court for the opening of his trial. The plea of guilty to all 60 counts against' him was entered by his lawyer . Maximum penalty on each count of the charge, ls one year in and Jail and a $5Q0 fine. The big gambler is subject to a possible sentence of ,60 years in prison and $30,000 In fines. Father Named In Divorce Action LONDON r The son of a former British Member of Parlta- Tuesday morning and Into the -wertern Cariboo by Jonight. In ITALIAN TO FIGHT . NEW YORK The Intrne-tiortal Boxing Club announced yesterday Jake Lamotta will defend his middleweight championship against Italy's undefeated Tiberlo Mitri at Madisnn Square Gardens July 12.' Mitri is sustituting for Rocky Grazi-ano, scheduled to challenge for Lamotta's crown at the. Polo grounds June 28. Graziano broqe his hand in training. TRADE TALKS START LONDON Anglo-Canadian trade talks opened today under the chairmanship of Dana Wilgress, the Dominion's High Commissioner to London. The Canadian delegation is headed by Max MacKenz'e, ' deputy minister of trade. The talks will probably last a week and cover all angles of trade between the two countries, v HELD FOR QUESTIONING REGINA A burly gun-toting vagrant is held here today Career terior sections . of the provincel house will be lighted by Incandescent ' lamps. ; ..v A. H. Ogilvie is provincial government Inspector for the Job. will be little affected by the dis in Toronto Americon Found , Under Girl's Bed MUNICH (CPi Bavaria's biggest German - American man hunt ended ln the meek surrender of Jail breaker Homer Cook, under a bed ln the apartment of his German girl friend. Ho Communism ' Wo -John R. Mac-of the most colorful ment is citing his father as corespondent In a divorce action due for hearing. The father ls 66-year-old Lt.-Col. Sir John Dixon Mayhew. Sir Johns son, John De Parlgault Mayhew, married- the respondent, Frances Phoebe, In 1947, She was his third wife. Civic Employees . Elect Officers H. Moorehouse was elected at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver. The doctor arrived in Canada from Poland and came Is to enter the Canadian turbance and the hot weather is expected to continue in these' areas today and Tuesday. Forecast , North Coast Region Cloudy today and Tuesday. Intermittent rain today with occasional showers Tuesday. Continuing cool. Winds southeast 30 today decreasing to 20 Tuesday. Lows For Ruhr ' rcene In the last 20 directly to Miller Bay. His young W suddenly last night, farmer Progressive - Con-''8 member for Toronto- The 27-year-old ex-serviceman and former boxer told the tap-tors his love for Anna Sporrer, wife, also a doctor, accompanied him and they sailed aboard the Princess Norah Wednesday. Wt. dropped dead at president of the Prince Rupert Civic employees Federal Union No. 5 at a regular meeting last week. Other officers elected were Recording Secretary! E. A. Evans and Financial Secretary J De Wagd. Smuts Definitely F airport, where he is be- tonight and Highs Tuesday at Port Hardy, 50 and 60; Sandsplt, 50 and 60; Prince Rupert, 50 and 65. DUSSELDORF (f Miners and Eteel workers of the Rhur' Valley rejected Russia's policies in Germany and gave communism a crushing defeat at the polls Sunday. ' . . .! But, while they rejected, communism, the same workers voted for a state constitution calling for socialization of the Rhur's 23, led him to make his third break out of Dachau army stockade three nights ago. Nearly 4,000 German police and American M.P.S had sought Homir on a wide ranging three day Quitting PATTERY WILL NOT PROTEST j i Darrow Gomez, captain of the Heavy . Battery football team, states that his team will not proceed with proposed protest o have been waiting for 4 miSh his career, he was it boaster of Canadian : resources and the most 'ravelled member and j : TODAY'S STOCKS : j JOHANNESBURG H There ls no question that Field Marshal Jan Christian Smuts is retiring from Dolltlcs, his son said at the against Canadian Legion football j awaiting questioning by Montreal police In connection with the May 25 slaying of R.C.M.P. constable Alexander Gamma n, 58. The vagrant had 26 cents, worn through shoes and a bullet hole In his thigh. The arrest vHs , made near the Montana border. r Io" western irlgatlon. M aetlely Interested in the (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) . . 1 eleven for playing too many players in their last game. It would be a good move If the Jigsaw Puzzle basic industry. , Ruhr workers elected a legislature In their home state of North Westphalia in the British occupatiqn gone. It is the' most; populous state in West Germany.. wt district and the Pa-outlet possibilities. Football Association gave a clear Royalite 13.00 Toronto weekend. Smuts, leader of the United Party, ls seriously 111. The United party Parliamentary -roup stated Wednesday that Smuts had retired from the narty's Parliamentary leadership iwrause of Illness and that J. O. Becoming Clear WASHINGTON O) With three ruling as to the number of sub-; ftitutes'that may be Used In a. i Be Some game. There seems to become I doubt on the matter. ' I .26 .67 .40 13 Y2 .31 Aumaque Beattle Bevcourt Bobjc- Buffalo Canadian... A. D. Vance, general manager of Albert ii McCaf fery, returnee 1 to the city on Wednesday froth a (motor trip on' business as 'far nges Made Vnn,. ... , Vancouver Bayonne 03 Bralprne 7.75 B.R. Con. .03'4 B R. X 052 Cariboo Quart 1.10 Congress 2D ' Hedley Mascot 29 Pacific Eastern ........ .06 Pend Oreille 6.65 Pioneer , 3.10 Premier Border OSVi Privateer : 15Vs Reeves McDonald . S 05 DAWSON WARMEST SPOT IN CANADA The warmest place in Canada Sunday was far north ln Dawson, Yukon Territory, where the thermometer registered 95 degrees in th shade. Neighboring Mayo hart a similarly high temperature reading. : ' Halibut Sales 1. American Consol. Smelters ... .... 102.50 Conwest 1.55 n,"W SUlTOlinrilniri u tiotir American citizens under arrest, additional pieces are falling Into place ln the Jigsaw pattera of Russian wartime spying ln the United States. Further arrests appear in the offing. Agents of the F.B.I, have spen. months putting together bits of information from all sorts of as Burns Lakt. He was one of the last to net in before the Skeena River highway was closed ' to traffic on account of floods. , ;u new faae when Jake Donaiaa ov N. Strauss had been appointed leader ln his place. AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver (today) Miss D. Kergin, Mrs. G. Strehe, A. E. Jones, Miss F.'WIllan. L. Saxbee, G. G. Henderson, M. J. Milosev- 25.5c, Citv of Seattle, 72.000, wiemls his world hamplonship. Eldona .26 Yi East Sullivau 100 Giant Yellowknife 6.00 25c, 21c, Storage. Llovd, 44,000, 25.5c, 25c, 21c niB Til,. ImnH JJ Tlberlo. Mttri. The .32 .11 Storage. , Sunset, 47,000, 25.1c, 25.1c, 21c. Atlin. sources ln an effort to complete the picture. """e held July 12 at iuare Oarden. .UO "3 :v n . 84 Persons Los! In Two Crashes lch, Miss E. Sailer, C. E. McKen-?Ae. To Sandsplt (today) W. Rog- "'"ZilailO Woo innnnEDrl We IlEht hllf hmb. ViK 1.15 33 .10 1.78 .78 Sheen Creek Sllbak premier Taku River S'lver Standard ... Western Uranium . .07 "2 .09 V4 .65 ln 'training. STRANGULATION DEATH CHARGED MONTREAL 0) Gerard Royer. .17 PARIS Air France, in an .08 official statement today, said 84 Canadian - Margaret No. 1, 46,000, 27.6c, 27c, 22c, Pacltic. Twinkle, 21,009, 27.6c, 27c, 22c, Booth. Betty L, 34,000, 27.6c. 27c. 22c, Storage. Aleutian Queen, 35.000, 27.6c, 27c. 22c. Storage. God's Lake Harrlcana Heva Hosco .... Jarknlfe ..... Joliet Quebec l ake Rowan Lanaska .'. Little Long Lac Lynx Mrtsen Red Lake . McLeod Cockshutt Moneta Pickle Crow Regcourt red Lody Anna .43 persons were lost ln the twn Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE Leave Cow Bay Floats Daily 12 noon Saturday 2:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:35 p.m. 8:30 Sunday Continuous-Service Storting 1 1 a.m. Lost Boat Leaves Solt Lakes 10:00 p.m. .27 crashes of company planes in L?N A secnd cousin Park's Kin ,.n ... - 2.85 I the Persian Gulf last week. Oils-Anglo Canadian 5.85 A.P. Con .51 Atlantic 2.92 Calmont ' .77 C. & E 8.10 Central Leduc - 1.95 To Vancouver (Saturday) -O. Strand, Mrs. A. Coutts, B. Wick, E. Priestley, W. F. Chambers, G. Hinson, D. Ling, J. Olman. To Sandsplt (Saturday) L-Orr, Mr. Green. P. R. Davidson. From Vancouver (Saturday) J. Simpson, Mrs. G. Halverson, J Rasmussen, A .B. Carmichael, T. U Oerrard, V. Oreville, D. Payne. Miss Slack, Mrs. N. Sherwood. From Sandsplt (Saturday) I .B.C. Rover, 54,000, 27.6c, 27cJ 2 96 ' , Sixty-six bodks have been re-. .36 j covered. Eighteen others are 2.20 1 mlssine. -old cook, has been 36 -year charged with the strangulation killing of Helen Bowmer, 37, In down-town hotel room a dingy Tuesday. Royer, cook ln a religious Institution, was ordered for preliminary hearing June 22 after a coroner' sjury found him criminally responsible for the death of Miss Bowmer. called by police "a well known street walker." I Both lived in Montreal 22c, Atlin. . , . B.C. Producer, 40,000, 27.7c. 27c; tMizaDetii, tns embassy announced yey-li" Jaw wag given for "'"a ol blond Danish ueoree ann v... i Home Oil 16.50. .053i one of the foremost weather 26 . exDerts In the United States said , 22c. Bacon. .18 Senator Rouyn .v it - 'uuuui"Htincu f411 ( Wllsnn n,io 2.08 Sherrit Gordon , 2.14 7.15 Steen Hock 3.25 strongup and down air cunents San Juan, 53.000. 27.6c, 27c, 22c. are common in the Persian Gulf Atlin. an ov-r. .onri t.hP ton I Haida Chief. 28,000, 27.7c, 27c. Mercury Okalta Pacific Pete Princess Royal Canariina 9n soeiot,, t .74 ! Silver' Miller Phon: Green 391 Black 925 Mr. Gauthier, Miss F. Hilton, Mr. Hurtlg. Miss S. Hopplwe , Mr. .94 2.85 ny ouid not Le before 22c, Royal. .10', j Upper Canada crashes or September. Hanson, P. Whlttlook, .T. Reer. pMV-.Trr'TiTn vutxrrm .t.Bj