Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 19, 1950 10 1 FLOOD FUND SUBSCRIPTIONS Indians Blamed For Over Hunting OTTAWA r Wildlife experts are critical of Indians wh.i do more hunting than they should. UOU WON'T wiv u, -; SHIPSand WATERFRONT Terrace Bride Given Shower Billy Adams ' 100 V Tit X Pat McMillan 100 t r V TERRACE Gifts for her kit home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Turn l.oo r"i a.. JM i i Len Birtch A conference oi' dominion-pi o-incial wildlife officials decided j if this excessive taking of wild chen and pa:.:ry. including dus- ilson. A joiiy'evening was spent; ters made by the Quests in " playing parlor games and con-: A number of round-trip tour Benny Frank Thomas Hill duster hemming contest, were 1 .tests, and Chen, seated in a . ists were aboard the Union ves- life by Indians continues, it will Sermiko Mizuyaha Tomlho Mizuyaha Alice Rowbotham sels Camosun and Coquitlam . as ummately work to the disadvan- I 5 wmtwbx "Showrred" upon Edythe Dodds pink and white decorated chair, on Wednesday nieht. when Pat the bride-to-be opened the many Tumlinsnn and Flora Melvii, en- u.eful gifts. Later, tempting re- they docked here Sunday. The Howard Cecil visitors enjoyed the fine warm 1.001-. , w - i- - 1.001 ; t . 'S tertaincd in her honor at the , freshmenta were served by the prlnce Rupeft weather ' Bale Enochson The tage of the Indians themselves." The conference decided the way to meet this depletion menace was to teach Indians 4he value of conservation. I I oaay to Wednesday J I 1 Norma Enochson 1.00 I I Camosun, Capt. William Mc- present or sending girts were Laurie Llndgren . 2.00 . -T .... i .r",-w w -a L aA ,'! Comlje, arrived in port from ... r-?s Daid Hudema 2oo . f-.-r ' " 'r?i.-4Sii. . . . " South Queen Charlotte nnlnts at euest oi nonor. Mrs. u. lumnson ' " : r 'i '111 .11 n. 7 n . - - If '"A A .-? iver Lelghton A. Feigel Mrs B R Dodds, Mrs. J., aa'"11s '"r vuueuuver o. amun, Mr. ana Mrs. w. 8 Hun-Mathews, Mrs. Kerby, Mrs. i'! and waypoints at 9. Capt. John ter, Mr .and Mrs. J. D. McKelvie, RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE Reg. V. Skadeen i , Benoit, Mrs. T. Fraser, Peggy ouuc" "'""tsn me coquiuam m ,mt. ana Mrs. T. M. Brown from Vancouver. It Laird Lorna Melvin. Elsie Moli-1 at 3 P m- Amy Starr Fanny Hill Frank Calbreath Joan Atwood. Vera Frank, sailed Ior northern coastal points C P R. steamer Princess Norah, tor, l.oo w-snacS H.F.Robins. I.- 5.00 J. Taylor j'JJ p"l rrar.. ...'.L..;;..;....;:;"5;oc P. Nellson '.Norman Nelson 1.:- Z iZ 5,-Mc!lw ; ?? Rotary Club of Prince W. H. Sliortridge Z : RPrt - 250.00 J-ri Watson Island Xaborers' I J-JJi Union t ; ' iM Try a New, cia.,s , HEADS C.A.H.A. Doug Grim-ston of New Westminster, B.C., has been elected president of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association for the 1950-51 Anne Tumilson. H Omarl at 11 p m. Passengers embark- Captain F. McGraw, docked here Ing here on the southbound : at 10 a.m. this morning ehroute Camosun Included W. Robertson, 1 to Alaskan ports. She sailed at Alter a trip to tne Queen c. Boas, a. Wilton, and R. Green. noon. Disembarking here were: ! season succeeding Al Pickard F. Y. Yoshida Vincent Stewart .. Geo. Celepander .. Esther V. Stewart Alexander Barton Flora Ford L. Austhorpe . cnanotte island on omciai dusi- Passengers disembarking from . p. e. Broughham, M. Rochan, G ness, Miss Freda Hilton of the, the Coquitlam included, B. S. iF. Morrison Mrs'. O Rn-snnHai.' Prince Rupert Health Unit, re- Filley, Miss S. Lipsin Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. L, G. Hunter, Miss Mrs. J. i J. York, Miss H Astoria, Mrs. E. 1 of Regina. The 50-year-old prexy, elected at the association's 37th annual convention at Banff last week is a former president df the British Columbia branch of the C.A.H.A. turned to the city by plane Henderson and infant. Saturday. Murin, R. Compton, Mrs. A. Birss, A. H. Hoy, Mrs. E. Hall. SCUBY FURS Micholuk, J. Downie, T. Garner, E Xandry, Mrs. R. L. Jones, R. Lowerison, G. S. Hicks, Mr .and Mabel Campbell 1.00 Marguerite Nlsyok 1.00 Hannah Words 1.00 1 Josephine Brunella 1.00 ; Call 974 Today FREE rMCK'UP SERVICE Mrs. R. Fields, D. Mclnnes, P. O' Shaughnessy, Miss M. Hamilton. Passengers embarking here for l Stewart included Mrs. J. B. Gib REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED In addition to many passengers passing through from Ketchikan, persons embarkinjr here on the . Prince Rupert Thursday night for Vancouver included Mr. and Mrs. A C. Johnson, P. Cchrei- Martha Wilson Emma Brown ... Gloria Morven Reginald Paulson Thomas Glenn Norman Fisher Teggy Wooas ! R Kameda 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 j 2.00 2.00 1 l.oo! 1.00 1.00 ' son and Mrs. J. P, Cade. Birth Control And Cathloic Doctors LEEDS, England P Roman Catholic doctors may eventd-ally find themselves excluded R. E. Mortimer K On Saturday, C.P.R. Princess Louise, Capt. 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) 1 steamer ; ber, Mrs. A. Fossheim, W. Brom-W. C. j ley, A. Bromley, Mr. and Mrs. A BONDED iHubenet, docked here at 4 :45 p.m. J Worthlngton, Most Rev. A. Jor- Sarah Moore 1.00 1 Our Assurance to You that Your Furs' pre 'Protected From THEFT, FJRE and M0THSv V; , Men'i dnJ LQdies Cloth Coats and Quit's alsb stored tVnm ATaoU's nnlnto craillitrr fni .Han H Vf T M . nnA Urn T3 A I Beatrice Clayton l.CO' STORAGE i Vancouver at 7 p.m.- A total of Morley. Mr. and Mrs. B Riei, N. from Britain's national health :Laura Johnson l.i 00 Thompson, T. S. T.iservcle because oi meir stano. on Evelyn Nelson U8 passengers embarked here for j Harrison, J. i n i- . v n, ., ... klrlh nnnfrn a eiuouor clIIrfTOCT . Elfice Pagsns 1.00 1 i.onj 1.00' Vancouver including one senger for ' Ocean Falls. pas-jooyie, ivuss i. taaier. miss a. i Ullv" " ""v" They Wick, W. Cowin, Mrs. Leslie Scott ' ed at a mating hcre- i i Vicky Morven ... Marjorie Clayton 301 3rd Ave. J ... ...J 1.00 If He Wants " The Complete Works, Bring Him To His Favorite Store 5 RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE " JOHN H.t BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Esther Moors 1.00 Mamie McKay 1.00 IE . . . . 1.00 Learn to Dance were Master John Hajdukoyfch, Miss Mary Hajdukovich, Mrs. H. Vacura and infant, Miss N. Miller, Mrs. H. P. Cahill, O. R. Mc-Comb, Mrs. M. Ashton, Mrs. M. B .McComb, Mrs. G. Nelson, Mrs. D. Olsen, J. H. Shriaberg, Mrs. . N. A. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. J. 50 and daughter. W. Hansen, Mr. Mrs- A- KemDan oi iwancnes-Whiffen, O. Moscrip, R. Traeger. ' ter. Past president of the Cath-Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ormheim, Fr W. hc Women's League, said the Johnson, L. D. Lycett, Mr. and Royal Commission on population Mrs. J. D. McKelvie, Mr. and Mrs. had recommended that national R. Birtch, C. J. Curtin, J. J. health service officials be pre-Williams, D. Hartley, D. Peace, pared to offer birth-control ad-J. Strachan. i vice to any married couple want- . !ing it. C.P.R. steamer Princess Kath- j She contended mat if this were Stanley Dixon Perry Bolton . Robin Bolton . Perry Alexcee K., Hayashl ... Gordorv Dipon . Nellie Dixon .. 2.0(1 2.00 jj 2.00 2.00 ' 1.00 1.00 ; Expert instruction in Fox Trot, Waltz, Jive ; Rhumba, Tango Private Lesson's , -;. Far appointment Oreen 491 PRINCE RUPERT DANCE STUDIO leen, Capt. G. O .Huehe?. arrived put into effect, Roman Catholic ; s . Danlz i nn 1 00, Edwin Sorge .. Leslie Woods J. A. Virfeldt Ha; el Angus 5.00 in pvii, at w.oK a.m. rTiaav irom doctors, nurses, mid wives and Vancouver, sailing at 11.30 a.m. health visitors could not accept for Alaska points. This is the office in N.H.S. vessel's second voyage this year. ; Mrs. Kemball, who is a Man-Of the 230 passengers, 214 were Chester Alderman, said that what round trin to-irists. Passengers the commission should have em-disembarking here included Mrs ; nha.sized was not the need for 1.00 J. C. Benson i nr, R. L. Lelghton 5.00 M. Tanaka 1.00 Herbert White : ..: : birth control but of more and a. iiunson, c. camobell. J. C Bennet and Mrs. Pritchard. 1 00 1.00 Charlie CooDer Hiroshi Omorl J.OO xouruc. jrom aa parw ot the CQuld be b M North American continent were I I shown on the passenger list of j ; I the Canadian National flagship Skagway with a full load of pas-! s.s. Prince George, which arrived senders. Reservations for the j here Sunday morning, following remaining seven voyages indi- CANNERY WORKERS WMENS GUM BOOTS Rerj.: . 1 rv u 'A I i i a special nine-day cruise arrang- cate that the Prince George will ed by the Los Angeles Chamber be as busy this summer as dur-of Commerce. The popular B C. ing 1948 and 1943. Among those built cruise vessel is now starting due on ss. Prlnc? George yester- 1 the company's regular cruise day were Sir John and Lady season of eight round voyages to Molesworth-St. Aubyn, of Corn: jliallalile at Hardware, Paiot Stores and UnUi Dealers j Groduation Photos. Call at ' CHANDLER'S STt'DIO 216 4th St. Ph. Green 380 Open evenings by appointment' wall, England, and B. C. Meder-myer, Portland, Oregon, prominent lumber executive. Weil known Vancouveritcs making $3:45 ' ' ': t ,' " r) '.. . - . '-'- , t; 'n ! . the ten-day voyage are Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Anderson. . $2.95 SPECIAL WE PAINT and DECORATE I I iTf-Trrri77775l 1 ! The Family Shoe Stor txterlor or Interior SPRAY or BRUSH Wallpaper Hanging li ll illC.B'liHimwil,i Jm. I I a K ' " ii. 'imH.lwii.iiiiiiiimiW'iajiri.i- , ; ; . Third Arenue THE HOME OF DEPENDABLE FOOTWEAR II 1 M fl M.S. I THE LATEST PAINT BURNING METHODS PROTECTION ! SPENCE and MATUIK 3 STUNNING SALAD FORKS WORTH $2.00 Only $7.00 and paneh from three cartons of Allsweet! Stnd today, then complete yovr collection of A-1 Plus Quality "j Phone Blue 213 233 11th St Good Looks, Too! owner lf a wise home irn. hla house in perfect con ditlon with high quality pli Rose Partem sffverpTafef TheVre a sure guarantee Bga" J.,1r!ltl(n - 8 sur1 iiiflU J i;Mt&'- I ' ' I ; h M - lip- ' ; im .!4 :-m mtiX iwa YOU'LL be simply delighted with the gleaming beauty of these graceful salad forks! They re Wallace Brothers' famed Rose Pattern. It's hard to believe that you can get all of Increased attract " . InrlnV. . rVifwcp tlt'ltr, Htra't lh woy vou Ret all your piec of Wallace Brothers' Roe Pittern silverware with cirtons from three Swift productsAllsweec, Swift'nina, and Jewel: Print your name and address and send'it with cash and required pinelj f wift Canadiin Co. Limited, Dept. M 'Jo 80S, Toronto, liesu. Finest ,r:::::: l utirio. Send tht tanrls from cmrttm which hmve tht met tveioht nf tUt whisky x tm.i eartim printed n them. Provided the right pMtiels from the right numher of bmttion of panels from these three r jamoiit ,' ! Swill products. f TV nete s wnai you can collect This advertisement il not published ot displayed by the Liquor Control Board M bar the Government British Columbia three far only one dollar and panels from three cartons of Allsweet! , You'l! be proud to own these stunning forks proud to show them to your friends! Hurry and send for yours, then complete your collection of the entire Rose Pattern set! . This amazing offer is made to introduce you to Allsweet Swift's guest quality margarine. Milk makes the flavour of Allsweet. You'll want to use Allsweet as a spread for toast and hot breads, to bring out the goodness of ycur favourite vegetables, and in oli your family baking! Stait enjoying Allsweet now and start your collection of Rose Pattern silverware with these stunning salad forks. Clip and mail this coupon today! 3 tcarpoom 3 dessert spoons 3 rjDssert knives 3 salad forks 3 cesser! forks 3 butter spreaders 9 'fuiii. truwiit 3 c?nels and .60 3 panels and 1 03 3 panels and 1 00 3 panels and I 00 . 3 panels and 1.00 3 panels and 1.00 2 panels and .75 2 panels and .75 t Suiter knife, sugar spoon m. i pc. piace setting ' Iknile, fork, teaspoon) FOR THE JUNE BRIDE SPECIAL $7 WYi;:C PAN FOR $3.49 this a saving of $3.51 on the regular frying par ; for ten tvetk txty r Individual pieces from $2.50 to $11-'0 3 panels and .90 This effer is good in Canada only.lnd subject to cancellation witnout nonce. i ; 4. sv .'.',i Jra rU"M 1U mil iMtirmii IT'HAS BECOME GOSPEL IN PRINCE RUPERT THAT THE FINEST DINNERS ARE SERVED ' AT THE CIVIC CEHTRE DINING ROOM "Chicken in the Rough" To Take Out Phone 868 for reservations r tt. - l: i::t.J THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING - BUD BCHUMAN fOld Post Office Bldg.) Dept. t! Box 808, Toronto, Oniarto Please send me ( ) ten of tWee 9o Fottem salad forks rigltt ewoy. Tar each set I endot $1.00 and poreli wftlc have the t weight of the carton printed on fhem from 3 cartons of Swift's Allsweet. 0" KON'S 511 3rd Are. NAME- , your friendLv jewelled ADDRESS. CITY- PROV. ArrREClAT EARLY ADVERTIS1NU COPY IS CBa mm mm mn i